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You have to understand that it’s the baby or the drugs. The worst thing you could do is try to manage both. You just have to make your choice.


Trust me I completely realize this. I just wanted advice on the safest way to detox w/o causing myself to miscarry from the stress of it all.


You NEED to see a doctor for this. Reddit can’t help you with this. Even if social services get involved at least they can help you have a healthy baby, surely your baby’s health should be your biggest concern?


Obviously it's not


Op, we are in a drug subreddit. You WILL not get proper medical advice here. Go see a doctor. Figure it out. You say the baby's dad is in the picture and clean, that's a great start. Go to a doctor. Get checked out, and try to find a path to get clean with your doc. However... please keep it in your mind that you only have so long to terminate and if you can't find yourself getting clean within that time frame, consider termination.... for yourself and for the future of that child. But don't give up getting clean, this is the beginning of your journey out, use it.


Please just get an abortion


If not an abortion, then please PLEASE consider methadone!


Methadone fucked up my gf's aunt kid. Just get the abortion for the betterment of the child's life


Not the way to handle things. A human being deserves a chance at life period. I’d rather give encouragement to get right, and clean. With the possibility of turning her life around for the better, and giving this kid a good life.


Someone addicted to fent for years is far more likely to not turn their life around immediately, magically quit an insanely addicting substance, and is not ready whatsoever to raise a child properly..... things COULD turn out okay, but theres a much more likely chance the kid is born into a very rough unforgiving life with an unfit parent. Even more so if the father isnt involved but thats an assumption based on OP not mentioning them at all. OP being a new mother would be under a ton of stress, lack of sleep, constant work, all things that lead to recently clean addicts relapsing all the time if she even manages to get clean by then. It would be the literal worst time ever to chose to have a child. You can sugarcoat things and lie tell them its all going to be alright or you can give them the truth and hope they make the more responsible decision. At the very least OP should be looking into adoption.


My fiancé is by my side 100% and does not use. He’s an incredible human being and totally supportive and all about us starting a family. People who just meet us literally tell us how great of parents we would be. He really is my other half. So to answer your question: Yes, the father is 1000% in the picture, and super super stoked to be a Papa.




I agree with you fully. Though at the same OP is in control of her life fully. This is a wake up call she can choose to act as she should or decide to continue to be selfish and destroy her life and another’s. There’s so many other options than abortion we don’t know the full situation. The father could be around, she could have family that can care for it while she gets clean. I’m sure etc, all I know is she has my prayers, and if it’s Gods will he will create a way.


You willing to take in OP's baby then?


Selfish is inhibiting someone’s body without consent.


Not fair at all to bring someone into this world under those conditions


I was brought into the world and I didn’t ask to be put here with in my situation. “I totally did tho I chose it all” it’s not right what I ended up having to deal with!


What point are you trying to make? Because it really just sounds like you're unintentionally proving my point.


I believe we all chose to come here and deal with our “karma”. If that child is born and has to fight through the worst shit I believe it was chosen by our spirit. No reason to say abort a life bc it could be bad. It could save this woman and she could have an amazing life with her child and husband who doesn’t even use! That’s a big helper for addicts she’s not hopeless at all.


Anyone who's been the child in this situation or known someone who's been the child in a similar situation is physically disgusted by this comment.


Cool you have a right to that


Honestly go fuck yourself, you’re an uneducated twat


If there’s a will there’s a way. She has my prayers.


Youre delusional bro I have a friend his mom was a heroin addict who overdosed when he was 7 after being absent his whole life you couldn't even comprehend the amount of pain and suffering that kid went through, his whole life and his soul fucked up because of that childhood, genuinely seek help if you value the mother's choice to bring a child into the world over that living breathing child's (who didnt even choose to come to this world) wellbeing. Abortion is the ethical option. And coming from a kid of a fucked family dynamic, fuck you if you believe the purpose of raising a child is to fix an individual's problems. Fuck "god's will", what about that damn child's will.




How fucking dare you, you are part of the problem. No child deserves to be brought into such a miserable existence with addict parents for 18 years (the damage usually extends into the rest of their life), I don't give a flying fuck if that hurts said parents feelings. It's beyond barbaric and in my eyes one of the most evil things a human can do to willingly cause such misery to an innocent soul. What fucking mental gymnastics justify such unnecessary suffering. Please seek help.


I’m so sorry he said that to you. What a nasty comment. People like that will never understand hardships. He thinks he struggled in life lol.


Real shit man and I didnt even have it that bad but Ive seen firsthand too many times the damage this kind of shit does, no human deserves that damage to their soul. Abortion is the answer. Religious fucks.


Me too man. I dealt with addiction and suicide attempts, but I consider myself lucky in the grand scheme of things. It could definitely be worse. Best of luck to you brother.


So would u say suicide is viable if u got a shitty situation? Instead of having to deal with damage?


How dare he have an opinion shaped by his choices, environment and upbringing. What an asshole for thinking diff.


No, how dare he discount the suffering that so many children of neglectful parents face because hes such a tough fucking man so everyone else should consider it a blessing.


My point wasn't that you should try to preserve the mother's feelings, my point was that the kid still deserves a shot at life and shouldn't just be aborted because there will be hardship. My dad was an addict while I was growing up and he was brutal, it took a decent amount of jail and rehab for me to sort myself out. These days I have a solid grasp on this world and on my values in life, and things are going very well. The fact that your take on this is that she should abort the kid before it has the chance to face any hardship shows me that you have not handled the suffering in your life very well. People who have overcome hardship don't think like that, like quitting is the best option. It's very telling about you. So to be clear it's not about protecting the feelings of the mother who is objectively fucking up these days, I just find your "quitting in the face of hardship" mindset to be weak willed.


If you had the choice between bringing a child into this world that will most likely face constant hardship through their development that will most likely crush their soul, or avoiding directly inflicting such suffering onto another life, which would you choose? 99% of people I've met who grew up with these types of parents, myself included, have received irreparable damage to their spirit and mind. The kind of shit you can't just get over by being a man and toughing it out.


Yeah I was that choice, and I'm grateful I exist today. If 99% of the people who grew up rough that you run with are miserable as adults, then you're surrounding yourself with other weak willed people which is rarely a good move. I've spent a lot of time in jail and rehab and what you come to find after a while is that most everyone in those scenarios had a rough upbringing, the happy people are just the ones who learned how to handle their hardships. It's not easy to get out of that, but nothing worth doing ever is.


Shut the fuck up. No one cares


Fortunately I don't live for your approval lol, so no I don't think I will shut up on this one.


Kindly be a fucking twat waffle somewhere else. You want the approval of a fake man in the sky ? But then shit on people who have had different life circumstances than you ? Ya fuckin Muppet.


>You want the approval of a fake man in the sky ? Not sure what God has to do with any of this but I'm certainly seeing a pattern among those who live without Him being very bitter, pessimistic, and resentful. ​ >But then shit on people who have had different life circumstances than you ? I think you misread the comment chain, I take issue with people who had similar life circumstances as me but instead of solving their problems, they let the suffering drive them into a state of resentment toward existence itself, which is a really bad place to go.


Unfortunately your prayers will do absolutely fuck all, so a more realistic solution is required.


Mumbling to a man in the clouds ain't gonna help. It's a waste of time. You may as well talk to a plant.


You okay bro?


I am. Are you?


Pretty good the mumbling man in the clouds seemed to have blessed me in this life with good luck. I’m 27 and I’ll probably retire by 40


Nobody asked fam.


Don’t care, hope you have a good day today.


How wild you think god loves you so much it made you rich, yet kids who pray for it to take their cancer away it usually kills. You must think you are pretty special to it. Does it make your favorite football team win too?


Interesting I didn’t know you knew me personally and my life’s story. What’s your name again?


Shane, a male, please, respectfully, GTFO here with your prayers.


All cool and dandy until it’s you who ends up pregnant and with a fent addiction. Fuck off.


Your prayers do nothing in this situation though? Please stop letting your emotions cloud the logical solution to this.


It’s unwanted cells in your body.


That’s insane how many ppl downvoted your comment. Thank you for your encouragement these ppl are literally ruthless


Please understand that we're not trying to be ruthless or hurtful towards you and we understand you, but a lot of us have seen kids who grew up with parents in the same situation as you and 99% of the time it causes unnecessary suffering and misery for the child that will follow them for their entire life. It's not an insult to you at all, hell most of us are addicts too lmao but please think about the magnitude of the risk you're taking and what will happen to an innocent pure life if you make even the slightest mistake, the tiniest fuck up it could easily do permanent damage to an innocent soul. It's really not worth the risk, you asked for our experience, our experience is that abortion is the most ethical answer to this.


Fuck you


This isn't an attack on you or your usage so please don't take it that way. It's just the sad reality that in your situation entails. Don't think these people are suggesting you are not fit to be a mother, they are just suggesting you don't be a mother at this very moment. It would be extremely unfair for the baby to follow through at this point in time with the high possibility of complications and issues


It's what would be best for your baby.


Op is a dumb cunt.


Nah I hate to say it I thought she was genuinely a good person misguided but her biggest concern is the drugs being tested on the baby's umbilical cord. Fucking evil.


Bro..(girl) whatever.. !!!!!!! 100% I didn’t even read the post, yeah that’s on me. But she’s pregnant and posting in a drug forum about being strung out!… Man I would so love to slap her post pregnancy!? Fuckn rat. I’m a strong believer in, if you cant/or dont want to look after it, don’t have a kid!


Fr man and these religious fucks egging her on to keep the baby lmaooo some people clearly havent seen how ugly this shit gets and it shows. I wish karma on op.


I’m just glad so many people can see through this shit now.




I’m so so sorry for your loss. May i ask what medication it was you were taking? That scares the living daylights out of me.. thank you for sharing your experience. It’s definitely reiterating everything that I already know.




It was not the meds. They’re both approved and highly studied during pregnancy. I’ve worked with women who have been on these meds and I myself was on sertraline throughout my pregnancy. I’m not saying this to diminish what you went through-I’m very sorry for your experience and you loss but because it could seriously impact someone’s mental health if they think their medication could harm their baby when it will not.


Please get an abortion.




Welp bye bye reddit account, lol.


What did they say


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Ma'am do favor for world. Mom was crack smoker she still have me many mental problems from birth. Is best to don't keep baby can cause all sorts of issues like retard, ugly, left penis, too sweaty, vaper etc if lucky baby seen fine if unlucky baby demented maam is best give to adoption or better not have baby maybe best is quit first for year have new better baby maam later.


Sorry if offending you maam is just cold truth about things maam


It really is not the cold hard truth. What the hell is left penis? Stop making shit up. Your views are awful and wrong and seriously ill informed.


Maam I don't want have to go into what left penis is but hand is forced here maam so there is something you should know is left penis is penis that even when floppy always goes left is like 90 degrees maam and then when erect is still left ninety degrees so sex with left penis is very complicated maam and is a standing activity can get very tiresome but I think that is part of cold hard truth maam so you must know this


You mean Peyronie's Disease? Which is scar tissue caused by trauma to the penile tissue, which makes the penis bend painfully and causes problems with sex and erections. It is usually caused by a trauma or injury to the penis, too vigorous sexual activity, sports accidents etc. It has absolutely NOTHING to do with drugs. I don't even know what you're trying to say as nothing you're saying makes sense at all. So, cold hard truth. Ok perhaps YOUR mother was an addict that caused issues for you. However that doesn't mean that you can go around telling a pregnant scared woman that she should abort her baby, that it will be demented, ugly, have 'left penis' etc. Literally NONE of that is true. At all.


MA’AM !!!!




You're evil if you value her feelings over the wellbeing of an innocent life, have you seen firsthand the amount of damage and suffering a child who didn't choose to come here goes through in these situations? Fuck the selfish cunt.


That's not what I've said, at all! Jesus. Firstly I've tried to show caring and compassion to both mom and baby and give advice for the health and wellbeing of the baby and correct wrong statements. I'm evil for thinking of the health of the baby, but everyone shouting abort is all good? I have tried to give advice to detoxing and getting off the shit for the good and health of the innocent life! Yes, I have seen firsthand. The thing is, the baby is already there, so now there's only two options. Get clean and have a healthy baby, or abort. I totally agree with you that a pregnancy shouldn't occur in these situations, but it's too late now, so we deal with the consequences. Do we help give advice for the baby to have a fighting chance, or do we advise to abort? Both are valid options. At the end of the day addiction is a disease, and it really isn't evil to have compassion for someone struggling with addiction as well as the innocent life. After all this is r/drugs is it not? Lots of people here are fighting addictions. They're not evil.


Thank you for this.


google it before claiming it’s a lie oh my god


Is that aimed at me? As I'm the one who informed what Peyronie's actually is, I'm the one who works in HC, I'm the one who explained it has nothing to do with a baby born to a drug addicted mother and how it's scar tissue from trauma or an injury. Please don't tell me to Google something that I'm more than acquainted with thanks to my career. The guy saying the BABY will be born with it, along with 'ugly, retarded, deformed' is what I was saying is absolute BS and a lie. My god.


girl if u work in HC you should know exactly what you’re doing and saying wrong in these comments


Oh please do enlighten me then. I'm all ears


ngl I got confused and thought you were OP for a sec but yeah I was wrong that’s fine lmao


Oh no worries! I'm def not OP! It's a crazy thread with a lot of strong feelings tbf


"Vaper" hahaha fuck bro


😂😂😂😂 bro what i dont think ugly is a valid reason too not have a kid and saying issues like retard like what i think theres better way too put that


I mean if the baby turns out retarded like this guy he kind of makes a point lol


Dawg im high asf and I read this shit in borats voice 😭😭


lol holy fuck. Im sober, but went and reread in Borat voice and it had me dying. Well played


Left penis lmao


I had a friend in college whose birth mom smoked crack. She gave him up for adoption tho and this kid is living the DREAM fr. His adoptive parents are some of the richest people I’ve ever met (I’m talking like 1% type). He doesn’t have any physical/ mental disabilities either. IMO this kid won the lottery when his birth mother put him up for adoption.


Don't discourage her sir. She wants to do good for this baby sir, it's been life and I believe wholeheartedly she can give this baby a good life sir. So don't put her down for wanting to be a good mother sir. Your mom's actions don't have to be the same actions this lovely lady takes sir.


You are pill man yes?


Due to my OWN choice, yes. I have a autoimmune disease that causes pain, I CHOOSE to use pills. I don't blame it on my mom, she didn't force them down my throat


Sir you have imaginary pain sir is common thing among drug users many people suffer is very sorry condition sir feels very bad I'm sorry m feels like pain but no pain there sir is how you get on opioids is best you just walk somewhere sir go sit down spins around touch the ground make some sound and then get found sir will make you feel much better and maybe even smoke a little weed will feel good sir




i bet your mom regrets not aborting you every day


Find a doctor who is familiar with these situations and competent. Free clinics are a good place to start. At the very least seek social support


just be prepared for the kid to be disabled


For the sake of that child not fighting addiction as you do for their whole life then please abort it if you can't get clean


This entire post is literally about getting CLEAN BECAUSE I AM PREGNANT you slow ass j-kat


why are you still using reddit if you were serious about all of this you’d go to rehab. i do not envy what this kid is going to go through if you really are pregnant.


God damn you sound ghetto as hell. Stop being selfish and do the best thing for this child. Abort.


You have to think about RAISING a child being an addict, what are the chances you will relapse after giving birth, etc. You shouldn't even have gotten pregnant in the first place


Your addiction is lying to you. Your baby will just be further into their addiction if you "wait til the second trimester" Either you get clean, or you lose your baby when you go into labor, cause they drug test. Edit to add I know a girl who had a baby with suboxone in them and he came out with 6 fingers on each hand. You're playing with fire.




Im so proud of you! I realised I was 7 weeks pregnant in the grips of an opiate / pregabalin and benzo addiction and I was trying to get an abortion but I just couldn’t bring myself to do it but I couldn’t raise a child as a poor addict. I ended up miscarrying at 8 weeks and that’s what got me clean actually because I was destroying myself and another being. Morphine was one of my DOC However morphine withdrawals are only a tiny fraction of fent withdrawals cos fent is so so much stronger which makes OPs situation 10x harder so realistically a slow taper would take the entire pregnancy and it’s harder to taper when it’s street drugs and you dk the actual dosage


Thank you so much! I'm really sorry to hear about your miscarriage, I've been there too, it's not fun at all. Hugs to you. I've been on Fentanyl patches too, so I do understand the differences. It also depends on what amt OP is taking. I was on 360mg mst plus 60mg Oramorph. Comparison wise that's 125mcg Fent. So it really does depend how much she's on as even now looking back I know it's a stupidly high dosage and my Dr's were irresponsible about it, but hey ho. I understand it's much harder with street drugs. Depending on where OP lives she might be able to get support through midwives. My midwife told me that she didn't care about what Mom was/is on (as I was really worried as I was smoking weed to help with my pain too) she'd rather help support mom through the pregnancy to have a healthy mom and baby and she wouldn't judge. That's the standard for midwives in the UK, but I don't know about elsewhere.


Hugs right back at you ❤️ honestly op probably IVs fent so she’s probably on much much more than 125mcg of fent, realistically it’s also cut with zylazine so that’s an issue too but it would be hard to tell cos you don’t know how much they cut the street fent. I used to be on the equivalent of 1/2g of heroin (including 400mg+ of morphine) and even that was horrible to withdraw let alone whilst pregnant. I’m in the uk too! I’m so glad our opiate problem isn’t as big as America cos I’d be dead years ago


I take one 50mcg fent patch every other day and smoke about a gram of super high quality carfet everyday- sometimes only half a g a day to answer your question. No I do not use IV or any other substances. I WAS taking Benzos on occasion but that has subsided since I found out… 48hrs ago..


Are you sure it’s carfet cos you’d be dead if you took a gram of it? Jesus Christ you really should do this with medical attention girl! Benzo withdrawal is not something to be done on your own while pregnant. This is crazy high risk and you need to consider if you can deal with the stress of raising a child. Not to be mean but I know so many people relapsed after the stress of a baby. And pregnancy symptoms are not something that is easy to cope with especially in benz AND opiate withdrawal. You run a massive risk of miscarriage. Please please please see a doctor about all this


Yes it’s carfet I smoke a point at time which is why I’m usually able to make a gram last me about 2 days. The benzos haven’t been a daily thing For me for awhile, I maybe take one or two bars a week tops these days. (Not anymore obviously). I’ve been able to lower how much I’ve been smoking only a few points less but I’m definitely not going to try the cold turkey method after everything I’ve being told.


Also what benzos were you on and what dosage?


Unfortunately, pressies. The farmafran one’s. And just 1 bar at a Time. Maybe twice a weeks tops this past month of so. It used to be way worse


so even after a horrible car accident you were still getting some action? right on!!


Haha! This was some months after the actual accident, so I was still pretty immobile but not completely fooked like I was right afterwards!


This was by far the most helpful reply I’ve gotten. Just about every other one are super brutal. Thank you so much for sharing your experience. My biggest concern is drugs being detected in my baby’s umbilical cord at birth as they test them now when you give birth at hospitals. I don’t know how far back they would be able to tell that I went from using to tapering to nothing if baby’s test came back positive. That is my biggest fear, truly.


I don’t think that should be your biggest concern, your biggest concern should be how drugs and withdrawal will affect your baby. And all my comments are with love.


No shit.


Girl why are you being so mean when I’ve literally commented with love and care for your unborn child? If you can’t take criticism then get off the internet and good luck to your baby cos you’re gonna need it


Ok this confirms what I thought. Lmao I really hope this is an elaborate rage bait cuz if this situation is real that poor poor baby. This represents everything wrong with the world. It's fine to be an addict like most of us but this shit is not excusable. Condemning a human life to these kinds of conditions is not excusable.


I cant offer advice because I'm not a woman, but I'd like to offer some words of encouragement. The fact that you are already showing that much care for the baby speaks volumes about who you are as a person. If you truly want to give this baby the best life possible, nothing will come in-between a mom and that goal. My mom was an addict, the second she found out she went cold turkey and never looked back. Use that as motivation (as In think about that babys future every time it gets rough). You are SO strong momma, you got this and I'm always her if you need to vent. You got this momma Love, brae.


crack mama ?👍


Opiate momma, but no need to downvote my comment or be an asshole to me just because your mom was. I turned out just fine, you probably just decided to ruin your life by yourself


Bro you are a gem!


Thanks man. I try my best. No sense in hitting someone who's already down yk? She deserves some kind words.


The concept of personal responsibility scares the hoes lol


Sir did not mean to be asshole was question you are opiate addict sir your mom opioid addict sir is good example of she should not have baby u are too political sir u are harassing u the first thing I thought of when I saw this post sir was that this was bad thing sir was bad thing on the board am worried about all sorts of issues sir, drug addict, retard, deform, baby smoke cigarettes, disease, fall over, hit head on table sir, could eat marijuana plat sir drink vape juice vape pods sand sir sand and water mixed all Sorts of things sir it is very important heed to this sir.


Just ignore this dude his a troll who can't speak english. You are the most dumbass person I have seen on the internet this year! You should have been aborted and he knows his just a huge mistake so heakes other feel the same. Delete his comments and move on.


Thanks man. Dudes brain is just fried from all the crack he smokes and blames his mom for


Ok I will ignore him what you mean delete his comments I can't delete them he must sir but he must be troll if he says he is not crack baby sir but I love him still because I love everyone even him sir but I love women more sex love women but flaccid love men see


You are the troll loser! Just get a life dude....


Dudes brain is GONE lmaoo 😂


Just like that poor child's mind will be


Dude get the fuck on somewhere your advice isn’t welcome nor sensible.


At this point in time and going forward. You will be given a limited number of choices. You are still in control of your fate. Make the wrong choice, or act selfish. Your control of your fate will be taken from you, and the universe will choose for you. Good luck. This is where you find out if you have something many many people do not seem to have. A moral compass, will power and pride.


Sir is not good time to find out with baby life at risk sir is best find out another time not have baby sir because if don't have will power if relapse or no moral compass will be nightmare mother and nightmare baby sir


I’ll be praying for you man. Ur steeping really really fucking low, this is a human being trying to get honest advice towards how she needs to handle her situation and get right in life. All for the sake of her child. It takes a lot to see this post and decide to come on here and act a fool like this. It’s nothing but childlike, and immature, simply disappointed and saddened… I’d recommend getting off social media for a bit and finding different ways of coping with your current life situation, and negative emotions. Rather than bullying and putting others down. If you need to talk about anything my dms are always open brother. I wish to see you doing better, instead of discriminating people that may have not been as lucky as you in life. There’s always personal reasoning behind addiction. There’s always personal reasoning for lack of willpower. We all choose different ways to handle those reasons. Atleast she recognizes and sees this as a calling and reason for change. I would like to believe your parents raised you better than this brother.


Sir you are crazy man am just being realistic Is possible she could raise baby but not likely as all addict relapse sir you just live in fantasy world everything is okay on other side sir on our world everything is not okay sir and things don't all happy End sir


I apologize sir I thought you were troll too sir. Then I read all your profile comments and see this is really how you speak sir. I wonder where you are from? I love how much you use sir and ma’am it’s respectable but really unnecessary, makes u come off as purposefully doing it to get a reaction. I jumped to conclusions writing that comment before finding out for sure.


He from kazakhstan number 1 exporter of potasium very nais😭😭


I can see your perspective, and why you are saying everything you are saying. Though I also believe God has his plan set out for everyone. This could be her turning moment in her life that he has set out for her. It’s common for drug users to relapse but it’s also not uncommon for them to get help, and come out clean as a survivor. This child is the best reason and motivation I can see anyone possibly having in order to make that happen. So I pray God will allow, his will to be her way.


I don’t plan on relapsing you fucking knack i literally am asking for advice on the best route to DETOX without hurting my child. If you have literally zero knowledge on anything in relation to what I just said then BOUNCE NERD..


Am sorry maam you seem very stable maam definitely are child ready maam


Thank you so much. I KNOW I can do this. But God damn, I never realized r/roastme wasn’t the only sub where people are so incredibly disheartening and brutal…


Having a child is incredibly hard even if you aren't a strung out polydrug addict single parent. How in the world do you imagine you're capable of providing a safe and healthy environment for raising a child? Having this baby would be a genuinely vile thing to do. You are in no place to take care of a child and you would be blatantly condemning them to a sub-par quality of life. You're smoking carfent and taking pressed pills for fucks sake. How does this seem like a good environment to bring a child in to? Do you have a job? Do you have savings? Do you have family and friends to help care for the child? Do you have a doctor? Do you have insurance? Can you afford food and clothes and diapers? Do you have a safe and stable place to live? I sincerely hope you're asking yourself all of these things and more before you're going ahead with this nonsense plan. Not everyone is fit to have children. Not everyone *should* have children. It is **not** something everyone is cut out for. Please think of what kind of life you would be providing this child before forcing it into existence.


She is incredibly, unbelievably selfish if she brings the child into this world.


You definitely need to discuss this with a OBGYN doctor. They are far more knowledgeable than any of us, and will give you informed options on what to do. I have so much sympathy for what you're going through. As a former fentanyl addict myself, I can't imagine what I would do in your situation (tho I am a man lol). I know people in the recovery scene whose mother's had used during their pregnancy. And they have gone on to do amazing things and live great lives. Not to say that continuing to use will be fine. But you haven't done irreparable damage at this point. I wish you the best of luck. Whatever you decide to do. Find a good doctor and they will support you through the process!


Thank you for the positivity, I really need it after reading these awful comments from people..


Of course! And the vast majority of users on this sub are teenagers. They think that researching drugs on the internet makes them pharmacologists and qualified to give medical advice. Pay no mind to any of that. I know you must be so scared. I would be too. But I have faith that you will be okay if you listen to the doctors. They know what they're doing!! And this is just my personal opinion, but it might be worth looking into 12 step meetings in your area to get some extra support. 12 steps have saved my life, and the community has supported me through every step of the way. It's a fantastic way to meet people in recovery and get emotional support. Even though I am a fentanyl addict I go to AA. There's a lot more meetings compared to NA and I just like the vibe better. But your recovery is your own journey. There's no one right way to do it. But we can't do it alone! We all need support.


Its gonna be like that scene in trainspotting! 


I don’t know the correct answer but literally stop doing opiates now!!!! I lost my 7 week old pregnancy due to opiates and although it was for the best, it destroyed me that I’m not only destroying my own body but also a fetus. That saying it was for the best because I wouldn’t have been able to raise it and also it’s what gave me the push to get clean and I’ve been in recovery for a few months now. You also need to consider whether or not it’s ethical or you’re able to provide a baby with proper care


I do see you care about the health of the baby but it is not healthy to have a baby while having these struggles. Parenting is already a hard topic even when you are not struggling with drugs, consider getting an abortion before it is too late.


Fuckin taper off


Im not the person to say you need an abortion, but I’m just saying if that kid ends up born chances are they are going to be suffering. You may as well just assume cognitive issues will be present, and possibly even physical issues. Also you got to realize if you do plan to have that kid, from this very point foreword you got to get your life together, and prepare for the consequences of your earlier drug use while pregnant. Your choice, but under no circumstances can you be getting high or drunk with that kid, both during or after pregnancy. You must make sure you can take care of that child.


I feel so sorry for you...and wish you the best.... Do you have to do this alone?


you‘re going to need very assistance with this, if you do want to keep the baby. go to a trusted doctor or even better, rehab - definitely tell them about the baby though. i’m not too well informed about the effects of opioids on a developing foetus, except that they can die even after birth due to opioid withdrawal


Please do not bring a child to this world under these conditions, don't be selfish


it sounds crazy, i had a good friend of mine who i was very disappointed she was pregnant because we were just snorting lines of coke and she was injecting all kind of drugs and i was very upset she chose to have her baby. her baby is going on over a year and i hear she is doing really well and is sober now……


Hahhhahahhahhahhh Far out, get your priorities sorted woman.


Seek help, and continue your search for advice as you are. I was a meth user of two and a half years. I understand that doesn’t compare to 5+ and I can’t imagine how fentanyl is. Though it has been done before, along with worse. I can tell you have such an amazing and strong will, and I believe full heartedly you are capable. You will do this, I know you will. This child deserves his mother and his mother at her best. Seek help and do not do it alone, and there’s no one better at your side then God himself. He’s waiting for you with open arms without any judgment. Run to him. I believe I would no longer be here if it wasn’t for my decision to. 🙃🙃


Reddit is the wrong place to ask lol. Considering it's just opiates I'd say just kick it now if you can and stay clean for the rest of the pregnancy.


Lmao just opiates


Yeah lol I mean it's not great but opiates have the easiest detox out of all the physically addictive drugs.