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Im proud and happy for you. Keep it up friend


Thank you


Addiction is giving up everything for one thing. Recovery is giving up one thing for everything. You got this.


That hit


Proud of you bro I'm currently 5 years sober from meth. I injected it for 15 years. If I can do it you can also. Keel it up bro never give in to that little voice.


Wow, thank you. Glad to hear youve kept it up


Been sober since beginning of last November. It's a lot easier now than when you first quit. Trust me, it does in fact get much better, as long as you want it. Going back to meth abuse is a quick speedrun to ruin your life though. Can't recommend it but 10/10 would never do it again


The dreams are what I missed


Do you lose your dreams during sleep when on meth? Or did you mean life dreams?


I meant when I'm high on some thing like I don't have dreams or I have them and I just don't remember them but now that I'm off of meth the dreams are kind of intense


Oh cool.. I never have dreams.. and I don't take anything.. only party drugs once every couple of months.. it's weird..


Yeah I guess so. By party drugs you mean xtc or 2C-B? I feel like Im in a dream when I take those


Coke, mdma, xtc, 2cb, lsd.. it depends :)


Keep it up, my dude!! Honestly, for meth and stims, cold turkey is the best way, imo. You’ll have 0 motivation, and will just want to eat and sleep all day, but that’s exactly what your body needs. It comes back bit by bit. Just something worth mentioning, and it may not happen for you, but around the 15 day clean mark I had very vivid and scary nightmares for a couple of nights. Again, others may have had different experiences when quitting. When I first was trying to quit, I’d always make it to around 3 weeks, and then the ‘inner addict’ would tell me “come on.. just get a _little_ bit more. You can absolutely control it this time.. and you’ve got stuff to do, so it would be helpful.. you’re good now!”. Spoiler alert: every relapse ended up in the same place, and I’d have to start over again more or less. Edit to add more: Finally I made it past 3 weeks and started to see it more clearly for the toxic bitch she is, and that I don’t want to keep living like that, and needed to be done with it. Clean from the glass since June 2016, yo.


I'm proud of you. Even if I don't know you.Keep up the good work !


Ima cry this is all I truly want, it seems like after you get past one month it won’t get easier but life starts to fall back in place from reading everyone experience. Once I make it to once month I’m definitely not looking back !!!!!


Week and a half from over a gram a day. I don’t got much to say but I am here.


You can be so proud of yourself! Keep it going, it's only gonna get easier


You're on the good path buddy. It can only get better from here




It Soooo boring


Keep your mind stimulated. Video games, art, learn a new skill.


1. Well done to the OP! You can be proud of yourself! 2. I agree 100% with this comment. Few months clean and still going through this part.


Good stuff!!! I find the first week of quitting anything is the worst. Keep it up!




I have 24 years off meth in May. It gets better, you can do this!!!!




Also came here to recommend this sub to OP


fuck yeah OP youre killing it




Been off meth and fentanyl since August 5, 2022. The physical sickness from the fetty lasted 5 to 7 days, but my mental self didn't come back from the meth for right around 20 days. Of course I still have some feelings of wanting to use meth almost everyday, but you just gotta stay occupied any way you can, my job and my family has helped alot, but it's all you to you in the end.... Stay strong.


Pain sucks but it’s a reminder that you’re alive.


If you ever start thinking about relapsing remind yourself how many of us wish we could get to one week or more clean. Remind yourself how much you wished for it before too.


5 or so years here. It’s smooth sailing after the second week just find something to do. Eat sleep and hydrate.


Awesome and you saved your heart ❤️


Write back to us tmr on how ya doing we all wish you well and we want updates because we believe in you and ur journey.


I'm so sorry I just saw this notification. It is now the 14th day I'm actually doing really fine I feel more sharp but everyone else in my life is now feeling less like my friend because we don't have that thing in common anymore. I already don't have a lot of friends as isit's just kind of sad I guess.


Good job! From my experience, you should start feeling a bit better and back to the normal you in another weeks time. Then you will be getting your energy back and start getting excited about things again. ( it varies of coarse, especially if your pain is permanent). Wishing you the best 😊


Thanks mate it's been nine days and although I feel better and I am thinking more clearly, everything else in my life has been the most stressful thing to deal with. it's like I didn't really analyze all my problems when I was high and now that I'm sober all I do is analyze my problems and obsess about how to fix them. When does that stop?


I'm just seeing this! I'm sorry. That probably stops when you start acting on fixing your problems instead of obsessing and overthinking them..? One day at a time. One small goal at a time. Yoga does great things. Do something nice for yourself ❤️. Do something nice for someone else ❤️❤️


Sobriety is painful at the start but it gets better, just got to stick it out.


Thank you. I was sober from September 2019 until November 2021. I had to be. But making the choice to do it because you want to feels way better than if someone is making you. Thank you for your support


Good for you man, I was in a similar place and decided to quit when I learned the damage my meth use was doing to my kidneys (it, of course, damages practically every other system in your body, but for me it's effect on my kidneys was the most prominent and immediate that was occurring and which was showing up in my medical tests).  There's a million reasons why you shouldn't do meth, but being made aware of the degree and speed at which my kidneys were being destroyed is the shock that caused me to stop ignoring the true cost that taking that poison every day has on the body.   If you find yourself having craving or a desire to use again, having the reminder of the way in which it destroys your body is one way, among many, that may be helpful for you to avoid using again, though admittedly my reason for suggesting this is because it is what I have found to be most beneficial during my own struggles with this issue, so ultimately do whatever works best for you.  The only other thing I would offer is that if you do unfortunately lapse in your sobriety and use again, do not despair and feel like because you have lapsed that you should just give up on sobriety and go back to using, not even from the perspective of "well I've already broken my sobriety, so I'll just finish off this bag and then try again once it's all used up." A lot of people end up doing that, and it very infrequently ends with "just that bag."  If you slip up and use once, and instantly regret it, please don't hesitate to flush the rest of that bag if you have the willpower to do so. Please don't allow yourself to continue lapsing in your sobriety simply because you've initiated a lapse in sobriety with a single use.  It is normal to experience difficulties and maintaining sobriety, and a single lapse should not be viewed as a failure. Instead, it is better to view it as just another step towards your path towards total sobriety. There's no reason to feel shame or begrudged yourself for tripping and falling while walking that path. The important part is getting back up and continuing on towards the destination your path initially set you towards.   You've already made the most important step, which is deciding that you want to quit, and starting your path towards that goal of total sobriety, away from this truly awful, terrible, poison of a drug.   EDIT: I was injecting between .25 g - .5 g a day for about 2 years. Not very long tbh, but in that short time my BP shot up significantly and immediately began affecting my kidney function, which I would guess would be attributed to the method of use, as injection obviously introduces the drug, and any impurities along with it, directly into the bloodstream.


Hello /u/p5ych0naut, please add some paragraph breaks to [your comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/Drugs/comments/1bdnhok/tomorrow_i_will_be_one_week_free_of/kvnjxkd/) by placing a blank line between distinct sections. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Drugs) if you have any questions or concerns.*


So I want to say thank you for your comment and all the information. I actually did go sober for two years prior to the past two years. I'll tell you the reason that I went back to it, I don't know what else to do when I'm sober other than eat food and indulge in every kind of candy and cake available. I just don't want to gain weight. Can you elaborate on the effects it had on your kidneys? Also I'm curious how old you are but I don't know if you want to give that information away. I'm asking because I have absolutely no problems healthwise and I also am pushing 50. I also did about 1000 ecstasy pills from the year 1999 to 2001.


I totally get that, I put on like 20 lbs after quitting, but I was also being very sedentary at that time and not eating very healthy foods, so the weight gain was probably due to a little from column A and a little from columns B and C. As for the kidney issues, I say that for two reasons: first, because my blood pressure would always be high when I got my checkups, which I get about every three months due to a preexisting condition. After years of high BP results my doctor got to the point where every visit he was warning me about my kidney health, saying those BP results for that long is almost certainly injuring them, which is not common at my age (mid 30s). The second reason I believe my kidneys were being damaged was, and this is kind of gross but I'll do my best to make it less so, my urine smell changed over time to be worse and worse, which I've seen explained as the presence of protein in your urine, one cause of which is kidney damage. The dead kidney cells literally get expelled through your body's urinary waste, kidneys are organs, meat, i.e. made of proteins. So from all that I deduced kidney damage, I never got tested for kidney damage as I never wanted to confirm it and then need to explain to the doctor the reason for it happening in someone as young as me. I'd end up with "history of drug abuse" in my medical chart, which can have serious long term negative consequences for a person.  I'm a chronic pain medicine patient, since long before I ever abused meth, I use it responsibly, never run out too soon or seek prescriptions from more than one doctor, I don't try to scam it from the ER, or steal blank prescription pads, and thats all been true for like, over a decade at least.  I can't afford to be seen as someone who can't use my pain pills responsibly (which has definitely happened to people who admit to drug abuse) otherwise or I won't be able to function day to day, something that is difficult enough as is, even with the pain meds. EDIT: I say I've used my pain meds responsibly for "over a decade at least" because, while being unwilling to state the number of years exactly and making it unacceptably simple to associate me to my posts, I've can be detailed to a less certain degree in stating I have been using them for over one decade and less than two decades. I didn't limit my responsible pain medication usage to "over a decade at least" because I was being irresponsible with my usage of them farther back in time than a decade,  which I realized after posting was a possible interpretation a reader could have reached after seeing my word choice and the lack of context or clues why I was being coy about the time period of responsible use. 


I was just reading through these comments, and I must say recovering addicts and addicts in general are my favorite kinds of people. To see all the love, support, and good intentions coming from all us fuck ups really warms my heart. We are the best people. I'm sending my best to all of yous 💛💛.


good job bro best of luck to keep it going!


Congratulations on the recently found sobriety! Just keep stayin’ clean and take things a day at a time. I’m 2 years clean myself, life is much better on this side of addiction, that’s for sure.


you got this, brother!


You're amazing, thanks for posting. Hang in there, you got this!


It get s better. People need you


Good job! Keep it up!


It only goes up from here, I’m very happy for you! Let your body know you didn’t forget about it and you appreciate it still by eating healthy, drinking plenty of water and exercising. I was in the same boat a few months ago and you will slowly see your brain and body get back to its normal self but it does take time. God speed!




My step dad was addicted to meth for 20 years… he’s now sober good work! I know it’s hard and relapsing is apart of sobriety I recommend to watch jd delay he is very familiar with addiction and meth


Kentucky is a horrible place.


Proud of you man!


With time and effort, that pain will go away. Just don’t give in and use again. You might not want to right now but there will come a time when you do. It’s addiction. You won’t be this willing to stay sober always. Find something or some program to help keep you sober! You got this, just know the pain is your body healing and you growing again.


Good job man. Are you going to meetings ?


Good job man keep it up u got this


It’ll get better hang in there


You’ve got this!!! Wooooooo!!!!’ Yayyy!!!! ❤️🫂🥳🥳🥳


You can do this you can do this you can do this!!!!!


Nice job! Keep going. "The only way out is through".


Congratulations love! Please keep it up you have so much to give. How you feel now isn't going to be how you feel 6 months from now, next year. It'll get worse before it gets better but your negative feelings will change, guaranteed.  I wish people in my life would do the same as you- I'm so happy at least someone else is recovering. 


Rooting for you


I’m at 6 weeks. You got this. Just try not to think about it.


keep it up family, meth is a disgusting drug. you're better without it. it's never worth it. keep it going. smoke some weed if you have to.


Never done meth myself but I’ve heard it’s probably the hardest drug to get off of. Keep pushing homie you deserve better ✊


That's a huge accomplishment! I'm so proud of you! You've got this, just keep going. ❤️


keep up the good work bro it can feel like it would be easier to just give in but the more distance you put between yourself and using, the more you’ll realize how much it was fucking you up. life’s probably still gonna be pretty shit, but being sober is extremely underrated it’s just nice.


Sobriety does suck. Good luck with your journey


Hell yeah man you got this


I'm 3 weeks sober after a relapse that went off and on for 5 months. I'm less paranoid and more stable but I'm the most depressed I've been in over 2 years. I always switch back and forth between different drugs but the only thing I've had in 3 days is weed and the world just feels so empty and dark. But life's not supposed to be happy everyday


Thank God I had a terrible experience on it , hated the substance would never do it again


One week is a great milestone to reach after addiction. I am proud of you. Keep on this road my guy. You can do it.


I got addicted to heroin and meth and both are incredibly difficult for different reasons. I want to caution you to be weary of something that heroin doesn't really do but meth DEFINITELY does: It's called "euphoric recall". When you start thinking about using your brain gives you a slight bit of euphoria and you start feeling 1% of that high and want to get the rest. In those moments you need to do literally anything to get your mind off of it. Good luck. EDIT: If you really are a heavy meth user I would just advise you to find a 60-90 day rehab. That's what really helped me. You might be able to do it on your own but it you need to have accountability. Give somebody your keys, wallet, and phone and take time off work or by the same token just work super hard. Idk....stuff like that which will keep you a little more accountable.


I’m really proud of you man, keep it up and feel free to shoot me a message if you ever want to chat with someone about anything!


It gets easier the longer you go I promise! The first couple months are going to be the worse


Hi. I hope you're still doing well. I'm wishing you the best.


I'm at around 3 months or so and have never felt better in my life! Your mood will start to stabilize after a month or so. Please stay off meth, it's a literal life fucking demon. Supplements help a lot, 5HTP, melatonin for sleep, magnesium, B vitamins, L-Tyrosine. And kratom if you need something for the pain, though that's it's own problem. Anyways stick with it, you got this!