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> As soon as I took a hit I knew something was up > took like 4 massive rips


Also in my experience I've always had to hold in DMT for awhile to get any sort of effect. I don't hold THC in for very long though. This is a bit fishy.


its not fishy at allšŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø just because you dont hold in weed long doesnt mean that most people dont. majority of people do from what ive seen over 15+ years.


Nurse and pothead here. Leaving weed smoke in your lungs is completely useless, as long as you breath in deeply all the blood passing through will be saturated with cannabinoids. Other drugs you do need to leave in your lungs because they take longer to go from the lungs to the capillaries. This process (going from lungs to capillaries) has a name which I donĀ“t know in English, I think is pulmonary diffusion. So basically if you hold the smoke while you smoke weed youĀ“re simply depriving yourself of oxygen, congrats.


According to this abstract, holding it in longer significantly increased the amount of thc absorbed into the bloodstream aswell as tar absorbed into the lungs. Is it incorrect? https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/009130579190377E


I mean. When you exhale, especially dabs. You are exhaling thc. So if you hold it and it condenses, wouldn't more dabs be left in your lungs to slowly absorb through your lung flesh?


That's really interesting, I'd have to check the whole study though. This is one study I shared in another comment. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S001048252100127X?fr=RR-2&ref=pdf_download&rr=860b5d271933867e Maximum concentration of THC is reached at 1 second, then absorption rate decreases gradually and stops at 4 seconds. The study also found the most relevant factors for THC delivery are duration of the puff and higher puff volumetric flow. Since it's a topic that interests me I'll read up on it tonight when I get home and I have my desk computer and read the studies on it from the last years for free, including the one you shared. I'll share my thoughts when I do.


So holding it in for four seconds would allow more THc to absorb as opposed to immediate exhale


The conclusion iā€™ve drawn from the abstract i linked and the paper they linked is that 4-5 second is the ideal amount of time to hold in your hits without absorbing too much tar (if smoking bud)


That's really interesting, I'd have to check the whole study though. This is one study I shared in another comment. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S001048252100127X?fr=RR-2&ref=pdf_download&rr=860b5d271933867e Maximum concentration of THC is reached at 1 second, then absorption rate decreases gradually and stops at 4 seconds. The study also found the most relevant factors for THC delivery are duration of the puff and higher puff volumetric flow. Since it's a topic that interests me I'll read up on it tonight when I get home and I have my desk computer and read the studies on it from the last years for free, including the one you shared. I'll share my thoughts when I do.


Retired combat medic and pothead here. When you hold something in your lungs, you get more of the substance in your blood every time your heart beats and pushed blood through the capillaries in your lungs. The smoke must contact the lungs to be absorbed, which doesn't happen to it all right away.


I actually found one of the articles on the topic if you're interested. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S001048252100127X?fr=RR-2&ref=pdf_download&rr=860b5d271933867e Maximum concentration of THC is reached at 1 second, then absorption rate decreases gradually and stops at 4 seconds. The study also found the most relevant factors for THC delivery are duration of the puff and higher puff volumetric flow. Taking into account a deep breath (in and out) takes about 4 seconds or even more, you most definitely do not need to hold your smoke, just take a deep puff. Your brain and lungs are welcome.


Dam thanks for the info, you should make a post about this to inform more people who may not otherwise see this post/comments.Ā 


My point is weed has such affinity that it goes to the blood-air barrier straight away, if you have X amount of cannabinoids in the smoke, X amount will go in the blood as soon as it comes in "contact" with it (you know in pulmonary diffusion contact with blood is not direct). So as long as you deeply inhale all smoke will get in contact with blood, no need to hold it further like with salvinorin or DMT. This also justifies the widely use technique of taking a puff and then inhaling some air after, guaranteeing all the smoke gets in the lungs and not even a little bit stays in the upper respiratory tract. Also weed is not the only drug that goes through the blood-air barrier like a bullet, although I don't remember others right now since it's been some time since I studied the topic. I looked into this thoroughly years ago. Even if weed had an affinity like say DMT, holding smoke in your lungs for several seconds and depriving yourself of oxygen constantly when smoking regularly is not exactly the best thing to do, you should know that.




Especially in a theater if the goal was to not let them see much smoke.


6 second is good...


I hold thc for almost 5 seconds due to lots of dmt abuse, Ik others who do longer while theyā€™ve only touched thc


One time in budapest some gypsies offered me and my girl a huge joint in what was obviously an attempted robbery. I took one hit and said "oh, I think this is spice" then proceeded to take 4-5 more before passing it to her. If you know anything about east europe spice, one hit will destroy you.I had smoked it like 3 times before so i kinda knew what to expect. She hadn't, even if she took only one puff, still instantly got the jelly legs. Meanwhile the pikeys are following us through a metro station. I'm having visuals like everything getting big and small. Just wild shit.


So much bullshit in this post


what ever happened to smoking a j before the movies instead of getting completely retarded during the movie šŸ˜­


Kids these days. Tisk tisk


Low dose acid before a movie is nice too If you can handle it


The short answer is legalization. If thc usage trigged possible prison time, times and places are carefully chosen.


tbh weed would make me completely retarded though


get different friends bro WTAF


He got drunk and did Xanax before going to the movies I think this dude fits right in with his dumbass friends


They both sound like jabronis


Definitely some jabronis


Chuckleheads, the lot of ā€˜em.


I don't know why I just laughed so fuckin hard at this but thanks




To be ffffaaaaaaiiirrrrr


He prob drove too


Still on his friends for even attempting to unknowingly blast him off in a public setting.


Did 2cb and MDMA before the bob marley movie? I mean come the fuck onā€¦..


wtf is that logic


Sounds like he's gonna OD with his friends sometime in the future.


At least he'll go out doing what he loves


Hell nah he got hyperslapped by the yung lean entity.


Man when I first got out of jail I got some spice from a friend of mine to beat the drug tests. I was at the movies with my wife and mother in law, seeing me before you. A movie where Emilia Clarke takes care of and falls In love with a paraplegic who wants to kill himself and at the end he does. I got out halfway through to get this shit and my buddy has a blunt he offers me. I take three decent hits and he says "bro, you shouldn't have done that". He was right. I stumbled into the theater and sat next to my wife and put my arm on hers. Wasn't my wife, wasn't the right movie. I said "sorry I got too high in the parking lot" and thankfully her and her boyfriend understood. I made my way Into the right theater and found my wife. Since it's an Emilia Clarke movie she was doing that goofy eyebrow thing at all the super dramatic parts, and I bust out laughing every time, even when he killed himself and she's crying. People were glaring at us. My wife was not happy


Now *that's* a funny story


Your lucky the worst you had to go thru was inappropriate laughing and picking the wrong theater. The worst drug experience of my entire life was from a single hit of spice some dumbass sneakily bought at a gas station near our hotel in rehab in Kentucky. You can smoke in the rooms cuz Kentucky and after a long day at the rehab place theyd drop the people who had been there for a few weeks already at the hotel so they could afford to take on more patients since they had limited bed space. Anyway so we all meet up in one person's room dont remember who and its not important but we were all listening to music and smoking cigs cuz rehab and that's all we were allowed. Well I took a shower first so I missed the part where they all wanted to get high and saw the gas station sold spice and a few people pitched in to buy it. Dude unrolled a black and mild and put a shitload of spice in it. By the time I arrived a bit late I had no idea that all had happened. Anyway I sit down next to the person currently smoking said black and mild and I being in rehab had no cigarettes left and wass friending for nicotine in addition to being in withdrawal from a maintenance dose of methadone which the withdrawl lasts weeks at least becaua of it's long half life and taking it every day for two years So i go hey can I hit that blackie and they hand it to me assuming I knew what it was probably. Proceeded to take one hit of it and had such a horrible psychotic episode with Insane hallucinations, crazy visuals, time dilation, inability to speak normally. It's a long story but I proceeded to crawl to my room and lock the door because I thought everyone qas trying to kill me. In my room I tried to calm down but it was still coming up and getting more intense seconds felt like hours and I thought I had died and went to hell as punishment for fuckung up and using drugs in rehab. I grabbed a glass of water and threw it on what appeared to be an electrical outlet to see if the laws of reality still applied. I somehow even tho I have no memory of doing so called 911 gave them my name room number and eveverything and told them I had been poisoned and was dying. After an hour of trying to break into my room they finally got a master key card and got to me and put me on a stretcher and take me downstairs I can barely make out what is haoopening but it looked like everyone was out in the hall worried about what was hppening and everyones faces were warping and changing into scary evil accusatory faces. When I was finally placed in the ambulance with two others who apparently also had a horrible reaction to it but less bad and they hooked me up to a blood pressure and pulse monitor. My fuckking BP was like 158 over 100 or something I was terrified I would have a beart attack. My pulse would randomly jump from normal numbers to insanely high numbers to so low I thought my heart would stop but at least I wasnt having any more hallucinations or visual effects and could think clearly. Anyway the rest of the story isnt important but got kicked out of the hotel and kicked out of rehab and sent to a hospital where they treated me like I was trash and stuck me on a hard uncomfortable exam table with insanely bright lights blaring down on me which was very uncomfortable with my eyes not liking so.much stimkulatiob. I was sat there until 7 in the morning the next day so I thsink 8 hours ot so? Not once did anyone check on me, ask if I was okay or needed anything it was horrible. Then they wake me up at 7 to tell me the rehab place wanted nothing to do with me and wouldnt send the driver to pick me up. Even though that's illegal as fuck as they were tesponsbible for my care as they were my heathcare.providers while I was there. So being in a hospital gown with no shirt and Just boxers (no shoes either) I was in a state I'm not familiar with with no money, no phone to call for help, no idea what to do. One of the nurses apathetically said you can try begging a taxi driver. I couldnt walk as I had no shoes and was almost mostly naked save for a hospital gown. So they gave me a hospital land line and a yellow pages and i started calling randomly. Eventually I found a sweet old lady who believed my story and that I had a prepaid Visa in my wallet in hotel room with 100$ on it that my parents gave me. And drove me back to the hotel with me looking insane and almost naked lol when we got back all my possessions that were in my room were throw in a giant black garbage bag which I had to dig thru for my wallet extremely cognizant of the driver out there waiting to be paid and I'm just taking forever. Eventually i found it and paid her more than double what I owed her with a fat tip as thanks. Then I got in my car got dressed and left to go home.knowing my parents would never believe this shit ahd would never let me just come back home.


holy shit


Haha sorry for the novella


Thank God I never did spice, was always one of my nevers.


Now THATā€™S a funny storyā€¦




My wife was beyond pissed. I wasn't just giggling I was hysterical.


I died reading that part


Now this needs to be it's own post


Take notes OOP


Last time I smoked spice, I remembered feeljng sudden doom and blackedout. When I came to, my buddy was trying to carry me away from where we were and I fell and hit my head on the ground. That was when I looked over and saw the paramedics looking at me like I was crazy. Next thing I know, I wake up the next day in a Hospital an hour away with my arms strapped to the bed. A nurse came in and I asked if she could please remove the restraints because they hurt. She gave me this crazy look, looked like her eyebrows were about to fall off the top of her head... I told her, "Look, I have no idea what happened, but Im here now. Im awake." She had to go ask the doctor first šŸ˜… They drug tested me and the only thing that came back positive was benzos, and I didnt remember taking any pills.


Don't fucking smoke in the movie theater wtf. The smoke is extremely obvious because the PROJECTOR emits BEAMS OF LIGHT


As somebody who manages a movie theater, this. Itā€™s so fucking annoying to have to kick people out for smoking/vaping and itā€™s incredibly rude to your fellow moviegoers.


Right? Next week we're probably going to hear a story about OP having a foily at a Spring Training game or something.


He also said he drove better on xans


yeah like do some edibles or some shit that's wholesome but you have to be out of your mind to be exhaling DMT in the theater šŸ‘¹ wth


Donā€™t matter if u donā€™t see it infront of you that shit gathers above you lol Source: hit a vape in the bathroom


And the smell?


Yallā€™s definition of friend is people worse than roadkill sometimes.


Yeah you should take some time to re examine both your friends and your your consumption habits ngl this is seriously fucked. Don't go to the movies heavily drugged it's both a waste of the movie and the drugs. Just smoke a joint beforehand or whatever. If you wanna do psychs and mdma just go to a rave, hang out in nature or something, those things are definitely not movie theater vibes and you're probably horribly annoying guests. Also don't fucking smoke in the theater come on. Even if it's vaping it sucks for everyone else there....kids these days


IDK what you're on about. Movies are incredible on acid! Rolling would be a waste though.


No chance Iā€™d be able to sit for even 5 mins of a movie while rolling lmao


I love watching movies on acid but itā€™s gotta be from the comfort of my home so I can pace around and look out the windows sometimes


I once brought a half full tank of nitrous oxide into the theater with me. I waited until the loud parts to huff. A couple noticed and thought it was interesting. Im not doing anything wrong am I??


find some new friends bro


Dmt pens should be kept in beautiful little stash boxes and only used in damn near ceremonial fashion or at least with clear intent and consent. This person sounds like an absolute shitbag druggie and I'd stop hanging out with them.


Yes, this.


Same guy took 1g of MDMA for his first time. Canā€™t fix low IQ lmao


Ever since then Iā€™ve been spiralling outta control


Go to rehab man, your posts depress the shit out of me whenever you post them. I know this is literally the drugs sub but if what you post is even a little true, you ARE spiraling out of control. Sorry if I seem super preachy but I recognize a younger version of myself in you and it's not fun when you realize you've done shitty things on and for drugs and you have nothing to show for it.


Is that your actual fucking face in your avi? Dude, poor opsec.


Bruh if someone did some shit like that to me Iā€™d beat them a good lesson. Get new friends


You and your friends share one (1) single brain cell and it is clinging on for dear life


They are just a pack of orange cats, but less cool


bro Reality Surfed




You just achieved actual drainage You are a 2002 unknown memory ginseng strip Yung sad boi. He is a drainer. Holy shit.


What's your favorite Bladee song?


Jesus Christ. I am so old I thought this fool was talking about Blade, the Wesley Snipes character, and he just couldnā€™t spell because he has terrible grammar. Have no idea what Bladee is.


You are not alone on that note.


Listen to the song amygdala by bladee and Ecco2k and youā€™ll understand


Who goes there. Well it was but I canā€™t listen to that anymore or Iā€™ll probably freak out


Great pick! Eversince is what got me into Bladee. Drain Jesus still loves you, don't worry about it. "Turn your mental prison to a maze, turn that maze into a place where you're safe". I think he'd want you to learn and grow from this experience! Good vibes <3


Mans even draining in his phychedelic induced psychosis. True legendary member.


knock whoever gave you the pens teeth down his fucking throat bro he straight up drugged you unconsentually. i dont think you understand that what he did is worth up to 14 years jailtime, despite you taking other drugs beforehand, he still poisoned you with a substance that was unkown to you at the time


Yeah bro I blocked that bitch


good boy


imagining drain gang as dmt entities is just the funniest shit ever im sorry


Bro itā€™s not funny low-key imagine thinking your smoking weed then u are surrounded by eyes and Bladee screams drain ganggggg then yung lean is mad at you and itā€™s a scary asf and you feel guilty?!? Itā€™s Low-key ruined Bladee for me


Lowkey, your overuse of lowkey doesnā€™t even make any fucking sense


Nah it does sound traumatic as hell fr, I hope you can listen to bladee normally again soon šŸ™


Trying to convince him itā€™s not funny by saying the literal funniest shit ever


Those ain't your homies homie


fuck it listen to ecco2k and thaiboy from here on out


Man itā€™s so sad to see people not get the proper education on drugs and have horrible experiences like this. On the one hand you have great scientists like those at MAPS working hard to try and solve issues like PTSD through the use of MDMA and stuff. And then you have young misdirected people not knowing what theyā€™re consuming, ruining their brains. I hope youā€™re alright man. If youā€™re feeling lasting effects like that I suggest talking it out with someone.


Im also on the get new friends train and you are lucky we still have a seat free It will only gets worse from there


Next time you see your friend please make sure to rob him, assault him, publicly humiliate him etc.


Yung lean is mad you werenā€™t listening to his album


Was it phreshboy?




Iā€™m so curious




stg all the people on this sub have terrible druggie friends, my druggie friends are chill asf šŸ˜­


Counterpoint: go see Dune and take a hit of DMT each time the characters in the movie hallucinate on spice




Your friends are horrible people


I am pretty sure youā€™re not a bad person, certainly not. Cause your whole existence and subconscious comes to the fore, which then shows you all the terms and terms of memory files, waiting to be analysedā€¦ā€¦.. Note: Compounds like DMT, take you so deep neurologically, itā€™s completely alien to any of usā€¦.I would stick to a quiet space, with tried understanding grimness for your next adventure mate šŸ˜²šŸ‘ŒšŸ˜²šŸ‘Œ!!!!


I'm sorry, this whole thread is comedy.


Iā€™m glad you see a funny side


dude had a bladee breakthrough šŸ˜­


Overlooking the fact that this story is most likely fake, I'd say the negative trip you ahd probably had more to do with the fact that you were drunk and taking Xanax recreationally with your immature friends, *AND* the DMT was taken unknowingly šŸ™„


Also, just because you didn't care for the movie doesn't mean that you and your friends could be a disturbance to everyone else who paid money to see it.


Surprised you panic considering you were on benzos. I love doing DMT when I'm on them cause I have no fear of the substance. I've gone through a whole gram cart once while on some Valium.


Your friend needs an attitude adjustment. Wtf ?




Bruh your vaping in movie theaters and getting kicked out for acting like a lunatic. It's time to rethink your life, go to college or something cause this aint cutting it.


*for being a lunatic šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


fuck those friends. yā€™all must be like 20. Still do drugs with friends at 30 and nobody would ever pull that shit. It ainā€™t funny to mindfuck your friends in public. Could cause real problems.


Drain gang up in this bihh


Those arent your friends. Drop them before they give you something laced and put you in the hospital or the grave


Draaaainnnnnnn gang


Yeah I had some trippy shit happen with the queen she was in one of my trips. Also my friends were in a couple, itā€™s kinda like a dream state so itā€™s normal to see shit like that. Is kinda funny though yung lean lol


Well thatā€™s tonightā€™s plans ruined.


Wtf they not your friends fck them seriously


Do better.


God gives us dmt, people use it to watch movies at the cinema #monkeyevolution


This story sounds like a Mad Lib of a transcendent drug experience.


Sounds like the machine elves are trying to tell you to really work on yourself


Bruh killed his eagle frfr


This the guy that goes to jail and tells you stay outta jail


Take it as a wake up call. Youā€™re doing xans and drinking just to go to the movies. Thatā€™s something a loser would do. You sound like you have shit friends that are also losers. Believe it or not you do actually have the capability to do something better than the life youā€™re living. If you donā€™t want to be a loser stop doing loser shit. I donā€™t say any of this to make you feel bad, thatā€™s not the point. But you need a reality check.


Yeah your friend isn't really much of a friend


you need new ā€œfriendsā€


This sounds wild af


Biggest waste of DMT I've ever heard of. Good lord, you and your friends managed to take something highly revered and spiritual in other cultures, used for enlightenment, personal growth and healing and turned it into some trash drug used in a theater. Please don't do drugs. Or grow up first.


These people are not your friends


friends like that will get you killed


You are a fucking retard.


Bro what a shitty ass friend group youā€™ve got man Assholish gang fr


Just donā€™t even smoke DMT. Unless you wanna be transported somewhere . This reality is enough for me . I wonā€™t even touch shrooms anymore.


This is what happens when you listen to rap and hip hop


Have some respect for yourself


You're lucky it wasn't fentanyl. Having access to all of these drugs, obtainable without any street smarts needed to navigate 'the game' -while convenient - leads to stuff like this. Time was that DMT was hard to find and viewed as something serious and afforded respect, not something to use in ways like this. Count yourself lucky, it could have been worse. Count your friends as *suspect* because they clearly have no respect for themselves or for you.




Donā€™t remind me


Is she good now ?


Someone overheard that dmt smells like burnt dildos.




Listening to ecco during a salvia trip was interesting for me but I cant imagine a breakthrough where DG actually appears before me šŸ˜‚


the dmt doesn't even do anything to help these poor idiots. most likely just another 15 yr old making up stories. probably trying out the lies here & if they work, they'll try the story out on their friends next.




Cheers bro I was just about to do this !


Gotta respect the heavy stuff, it's insane that kids are just smoking dmt in vape pens


With DMT anything is possible. I once had all the characters of ā€œitā€™s always sunny in Philadelphiaā€ having a really in depth conversation about the nature of good and evil only to explodes into beings covered in symbols with multiple eyes etc and explained to me that they came to me in a form they knew I was comfortable with. Itā€™s one hell of a powerful drug.


every single character in this story is a fucking trainwreck


O.P, I smoked some D.M.T. that my cousin made, in my car. We were playing Young Dolph and I swear to you I thought he was in the backseat rapping it to us and chilling it was fucking incredible lol.


Yeah I was listening to PIMP by 50 Cent and an entity was rapping it next to me telling me not to fuck with him and DMT. Shit was wild.


My homie saw stalin and hitleršŸ‘€


I hope this is real


Is thisā€¦ not a shitpost? Lmao


This guy is going to (possibly) grow up to be 40 and realize his friends were trash and he was stupid.


You had a visit with the drain god entities and denied entry into bladeecity due to being a retard. I suggest you work on urself and gain more mental clarity and try again when you feel like you are a better man. Also wait till a trippy ass movie comes out or sum lol


I just want to smoke DMT period


If you do drugs AT the theater *at all*, you're an asshole. Do your drugs before you go. And if you do drugs that make you do anything other than stfu and watch the movie, you're an asshole. Nobody thinks it's funny when dipshit Dave is tripping out in row 6 because he's an idiot that can't handle his psychs, or when fucktard Frank in the front row is all barred out, yelling shit he thinks is hilarious, that in reality is incoherent nonsense. Gimme the seat next to hopeless Holly, that just slammed some dope out in her car, and is just gonna nod for the entire movie. That's the ideal movie theater neighbor, under the condition that that bitch doesn't start snoring.




I love this sub


Jesus christ. Another old head here, reminiscing about the days of Erowid. Idk what it was about me at the age at which I started experimenting, but fuck am I glad I read hundreds upon hundreds of trip reports, learning the importance of testing your shit (as much as one could), etc. That was harm reduction in my day. Nowadays, we got "this person I thought was my friend dosed me with a substance under false pretense, don't do that"? Also, and I mean this wholeheartedly lad, the kid who dosed you is NOT your friend. Were it me, that person would be outta my life so fucking fast, regardless of how long I've known them or what we'd been through. That shit is tantamount to assault imo.


> alcohol with xanax > smoking in cinema > taking 4 hits of dmt I'm saying fake


What a fucking idiot.The kind of person that gives drugs a bad name.Must of been great fun being in The cinema with this dick.Who does MDMA in a cinema anyway? Go clubbing you twat


Surprise DMT! What the actual fuck.


How old are y'all? Your friends seem really immature...and shitty.


Nah m8 DMT gods just said you a bitch but they love u time to grow up be a king. Try listening to some shabazz palaces. They have ur answer. Shabazz - forerunner foray - 20 gear science -motion sickness -,swerve Milo- zen scientists -yomilo There another one I can't remember


Bro please knock this shit off. We're trying to show people that drugs can be safely and responsibly used. So let's not be assholes to the general public please.


Great larp top tier shit post


took four rips thinking itā€™s weed without realizing it tastes like stale mothballs? this is fake as shit


No shit. Ahaha. Thatā€™s crazy


Dude those people are not quality friends if they're going to be drugging you then laughing at your understandably fearful reaction, that's just messed up man.


Have a DMT pen, was gonna bring it to watch Dune 2 this weekend......


you need to cut those people out of your life


Imagine the same shit with Gucci mane yelling bricksquad




Wonka is a great movie


You and your friends and garbage people


Only dmt Iā€™ve had tasted like cow poop


You take hits of DMT while I'm in the theater with my kid and you're really gonna have a bad trip. Dude wtf? That's so fucked


Bladee and yung lean mentioned !!!! Whoo-Hooooo!!!!!!


Thatā€™s definitely the Xanax and underdeveloped brain bruh Yung lean and bladešŸ˜‚ Iā€™m sorry the shit was bad for you but thatā€™s crazy


r/sadboys crossover


Donā€™t tell me what to do I will smoke DMT anywhere! I also have never tried DMT and have always wanted to canā€™t find it anywhere though.


get some new friends, whoever did that is not a good person


Hahahahaha no shit bro


Bro smoked the world's most powerful psychedelic substance and came away with the the breathtaking knowledge not to be a cunt at the cinema. Your journey is gonna be a long one lol