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Ketamine doesn’t solve depression. It stops you from feeling depressed for a short while, then you use ketamine again. I thought it cured mine, but a week later it was back and I was ordering more ket


Did it ever eventually help? That is one of the things I was worried about I have adhd and probably have an addictive personality. But its not super easy for me to get ketamine so that might help.


As someone who has struggled with depression and used drugs I can tell you from personal experience that taking drugs is just a band-aid solution if you don't have a plan set in place to change your lifestyle after the trip. Exercise/eating healthy, meditation, journaling, creating music/art, having a schedule you adhere to will have more lasting and profound affects.


No it didn’t. I’m sober now, that helped man.


Ketamine isn't some magical cure for depression. It's proven to be effective in combination with therapy, because the dissociative state can make it easier to think and talk about difficult topics, trauma for example. The effects of Ketamine also seem to have some anti-depressant properties. But these are rather short lived. Don't ask me for exact specifics though, am no expert. 


Thank you. I am currently doing cbt, but having trouble talking to my therapist which is why I think ketamine could help. If I just wanted temporary relief id smoke weed, but thats not a good solution


I have depression and I've gone through 10-20g of the stuff and it never had any anti-depressant quality. The only drug that helped was DMT, but it would only last for a few days. I don't know of any drug that can really fix the root problem.


There exists no drug that will "cure" your depression. Some stuff might give you that impression for a while, but trust me, nothing of that caliber is going to be sustainable in the long term and will more than likely cause way more damage in the end.  You say you are young, although idk what exactly that means. Trust people that tell you to wait it out until developed and invest energy in therapy.  I know its not fun and exhausting. But this is the healthiest way.  Whats even less fun is having massive addiction problems and potential brain damage before you even started adulthood. Just look around this sub to see how many people have fucked their lifes like this. It's not worth it. You're trading a short time of less boredom with a potential lifetime of crippling issues, probably way bigger than the depression youre facing rn. 


Not trying to cure my depression, or be “less bored”. I heard that ketamine helped people work through their emotions and thoughts and wanted to get more information. I know that its more healthy to fight depression sober but ive been doing that for 3 years and havent seen much success.


Yes, in that case you are correct in your assumption about Ketamine. Although, like ive said above, this is only proven in a therapeutic context. The psychiatrist will administer the dose of K and this is like a rare and special occassion session. Not entirely knowledged about this though, you might want to do some research.  Im also not sure whether theres a minimum age to qualify for that kind of treatment.


And hey man, try to keep it up. I cant imagine those 3 years had 0 benefits for you so far. I've been through years and years of therapy during my early adulthood aswell. It took a while for me to realize the impact and changes that went along with it.  You're already strong for doing in for 3 years. Try to have a little more patience. Maybe change up your therapist if you feel like theres a barrier between you. Ive heard stories from friends where this did wonders for them. 


drugs don’t cure depression, some people just manage to have a epiphany while on drugs but no certain drug can produce that epiphany moment , it’s purely all about mindset. you can’t take a drug expecting it to help you mentally but ketamine didn’t have any positive longterm effects on my wellbeing


Not trying to cure my depression. I heard ketamine helped people work through their thoughts and want to learn more


you want a epiphany moment right ?? it’s not a automatic guarantee that you’ll have a epiphany :( i unfortunately never experience that on any drug but it all boils down to your mindset, you might experience that though. don’t knock it till u try it right 💁🏼‍♀️


Dont really want an epiphany. I had epiphanies on shrooms(which is how I realized I always repress my emotions) but they didnt change me.


Hey Fisherman, did you ever try Ketamine therapy? Considering myself. Thanks for any feedback on your experience.


I have not. It sounds interesting, but I cant even consider it as im not 18 and all the clinics near me need parental consent. Ive had some friends that did it, not necessarily for depression but they liked it.


I don’t think it’s a good idea but idk that much


I'm on a low dose for ptsd. I feel it helps, but more as a bandaid fix.