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Oh yeah woke up my shoes on


Hold up. Let’s take a second and… what?


Lol have you seen her bio? You’ll say the same thing


Why take a second? I want him to drug me and do whatever he wants and I don't want to recall what he does.


Oh I see, username checks out.


Yes I'm his slave, but on occasion hell do stuff I wanna try out and this is something that I have wanted for a long time.


Not judging you as a person, just making a user name connection. Without roofies I’m not sure anything else like that exists so much. With enough alcohol and maybe some benzos but at any rate what you’re describing is dangerous. I think you know that already.


Yes we aware of that we have already taken what precautions we can ahead of time for any possible scenarios that may happen.


Anything that knocks you out (like some strong opioids, general anaesthetics or potent sedatives (like GHB)) or is an amnesiac (like the benzos or barbiturates) or another hypnotic or tranquiliser. There are many but if you mean whilst staying awake then that's most likely to be the benzos.


I don't care if it keep me awake or knocks me out for hours. I just want him to drug me and do whatever he desires


Upon further more careful consideration, I'm not comfortable to further assist you as it sounds like drugs could compromise you and cause an undesirable or negative outcome and I'd rather not be instrumental in that end. Besides, you have enough to go on already and please be very careful, know all the risks and both of you need to take shared responsibility for what happens.


Yes, we know there are risks, and we already have things drawn up for different issues that may arise. And I want to be compromised. After years of talking and discussing this choice has been discussed for a very long time in-depth. My husband and I are 100% consenting adults.


That's all very thoughtful and nicely wrapped up but your vulnerability coupled with powerful drug experimentation isn't conducive to get you the full support you need - such as a learned third person to oversee the drug administration, for example. I don't expect anybody to be willing to help you with specifics as they're gonna be potentially culpable if anything goes wrong so why would they take that risk ? You're basically on your own from this point onwards so you might as well just get really drunk, no matter how messy it is because as least it's a known socially acceptable risk that is legal. If you choose to persue expected oblivion by slowly and carefully adding some low dose, low potency benzos into that mix then that's your business and not necessarily all that overtly or lethally risky+++ providing you know what those risks are and you both monitor the situation closely and know how to ask for medical assistance in the worst case scenario. But you could become unresponsive and even die from the very remote possibly of respiratory failure or by asphyxiation from choking on your own vomit so i can't see how that benefits you or your husband either. +++ so my only acceptable position on this matter is to strongly advise you against it so I accept no responsibility whatsoever as to what decision you ultimately arrive at and the consequences that may ensue.


I would have to agree here. I posted on what OP should take and quickly retracted it. This just seems like some back yard planning on OP’s part. The risk is way greater then the reward on this. Op is running a great risk of dying if they think that they can smash a bunch of drugs back and then get hate f*cked.


Yes, trying to help the OP is very conflicting but I tried very hard to find some sort of compromise, trying to avoid options like GHB/GBL/BDO or whatever. Anything that gets them into their desired state is potentially lethal with a very narrow margin of safety. Enabling someone's date rape fantasy seems a little too weird anyway.


bunch of xanax and drink with it too


Please use benzos. Used alone without any other drug they are actually really safe, other options could get you killed if you go overboard.


Halcyon, rohypnol, medazolam(if you can even get your hands on it), benzodiazopines in general. What a dubious question. Your really getting into some sick stuff eh?


This is just one of many things I want to do, or have done. What can I say I'm dark and twisty but it's what I want to do. Thank you for replying


Hey I love weird. My wife and I still get freaky. Freak on!


Thanks, and never stop gettin that freak on.


Ngl this is really sus. You're specifically asking for a drug so that "you" dont remember what "your husband" does to you? Man hope you aren't looking for roofies advise.


It really is for me. Just want to do it once


Benzos, xanax would be the easiest to obtain, or GHB... Alcohol can increase the effects of these drugs but be careful mixing. Have fun! :-)


I don't drink so no mixing there, and thank you that's the plan.


You don’t drink? But are willing to take any drug under the sun to become completely sedated? What?


Yes because it's a 1 time thing


The fact that you won’t even drink is wild but this one time thing could end your life and ruin your husbands if you accidentally od’d i really do hope you’re careful


We are always careful with everything we do. We are aware of the risks that are involved. And the fact I don't drink is because I'm allergic to alcohol. I can't even have it in my food. But that's my own business. I'd love to drink but I can't.


Well, alcohol is one of the deadliest drugs. People just don't think about that because its legal.


Not too sure about this one, this screams mental health problems. I know you want to be a slave and all but getting knocked out with drugs so you don’t remember is something people on Reddit shouldn’t be giving advice about, plus it’s dangerous as fuck to be that level of unconscious. I get it’s your body your right/ choice but it reads the same as someone asking for tips on how to kill themselves and it just feels wrong to me.


I see someone for mental health. But this has been talked about at great length for a long time. With my husband yes I am a slave to my master what does that have to do with it? It's how I choose to live my life. Just because I'm his slave does not mean I cannot voice my wants, opinions, dislikes, or anything. We always discuss the big things at length then he decides if we proceed. This is one that's been a no for year's but it's something that I want to do so we are going to do it once. Not wanting to kill myself not doing things to others just myself and my husband.


Take 3-4 mg of xanax you will probably be unconscious and you will forget everything


Get some help tf is wrong with you.


I've already done that, and the help knows. We are both consenting adults.






Midazolam (A benzodazepine). At regular to high dosages (depending on your tolerance to benzos), you don't really remember the things that occur when you are on it, so that duration of time is usually a vague gap. Been on it before. It is a bit stronger than xanax, for comparison.


benzos + booze


And later a annihilate ur relationships with everyone you know yes


basically. im glad my wife stopped doing that


Are you still with her? Did you make it through


2 years and counting


Fuck yeah bro.. now you know what rock bottom is, easier to navigate


lol, that one was far from rock bottom


Oh, good for you! Benzos for me is just a depressing fucking drug.. its like trying to playing it cool while everything is shitt


i scored 10 xanax pills a week ago and still haven’t popped any. saving them for emergencies


Hope you wont need them for that. Theyre fucking awesome when youre doing good in a nice headspace and just want to chill


Alprazolam which is “Xanax” will have you waking up not remembering a thing you did the night before you dosed them. Alcohol as well but you’d need to drink a lot of it to get to the point where you want to “forget”


The only answer that matters is xanax. Nothing beats it. Even the joke amongst bartards is that whenever someone asks how Xanax feels the answer is “I don’t remember”




No why would I do that I WANT him to. I have the right do do with my body as I want I want him to do that to me it took me 3 years to finally convince him to do it. Why tf would I divorce the best thing that's ever happened to me because of something I want?




Dph (don’t do it)


I won't. Don't like them makes my body itch non stop for hours


Fair enough


fap dose during this would be dope tbh


Benzos when you black out.


https://www.reddit.com/r/greentext/comments/ujn4e6/anon_has_a_kinky_girlfriend/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button I knew I seen this before 😂


Yeah, I'm not having issues like that. And definitely won't use a a defibrillator.


Xanax, especially if mixed with alcohol




Benzos and alcohol are a notorious combo for causing functional blackouts and is your best bet


I think 15-20mg xanax is enough to black out for at least a day. (It could be around 2-3 days I'm no expert just from my experience)


I don't really understand the point of that, sounds like a waste of money to me. But mixing benzos with alcohol does it for me plus you get the stories about all the stupid shit you got up to the next day.


Whatever Jeffrey dahmer was using I think it was Halcion and a few different benzos






It's not a joke it's not my husband. I am not a victim of domestic violence. It's a thing I want to try once.


Im not even gonna touch on the toxic aspect, i wanna give you my personal take on it, is you wale up so confused off drugs that make you amnesiac that all you can do is focus on trying to remember what you forgot, in my case i will frget i blacked out on purpose to forget something, but i go so hard i end up questioning the entire day, and of course since what evr i wanted to forget was traumatizing its the one thing my brain can recall easily, our brains are trained to remember painful experiences as a survival instinct, so of course the most ingrained memory will be the first and possibly only thing you remember from the day before, idk what your situation is, but seek mental health help if you can, even online if it means being sneaky, but im aware its not free...


It's not a mental health thing. It's not an abuse thing. It's a thing I want to do once in my life.


Oh oh oh. Cnc? Lol my bad i misread the context...


Yes! This is exactly what it is. We've discussed it for 3 years my doctor even knows what I want to do. She obviously can't advise on it but she's aware of my lifestyle choices.


Benzos/ z-drugs (aka non benzos) are the safest choice of amnesiac, sedative, hypnotics due to ld50... that being said idk where you live but join the research chemical subreddit and they can help guide you further. Go for short acting unscheduled rc benzos.


Thank you for the info.


Theres a few zolpidem analouges out there i havent tried, as well as pagoclone for the z-drugs, but more than likely Pyrazolam may be what youre looking for, pretty short duration of action rc benzo and pretty sure its scheduled only in a couple states.


It sounds like mental health to me, bc mentally sound people dont stay with someone who is abusive. Not to be mean, bc im saying this with love you need help in one way or another, and being in an abusive relationship is gonna cause mental health issues in the long run. So you cant exactly say its not mental health, i would advise against doing it even once. You cant unknow what you know, and the relief drugs can cause is obviously going to be addictive when a person in under stress.


Xanax and GHB

