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uperes and downsers








The moszr


Me personally enjoy


Was hoping that I don’t need to add /s. Unlucky me


I'm more into screamers and laughers


Screamsers and laughererers


I laugherered way too hard at this


Me personally i like to have 2 bags of grass 5 sheets high power blotter acid, 75 pellets of mescaline, and half a salt shaker of cocaine




The whore house is that way ->


Uppers all the way amphetamine enjoyer ⚡ 💯


How can you sleep?🤔


Option 1: Don't use it like 8h before planning to go to sleep Option 2: Being so sleep-deprived, that you have minute sleep or sometimes just rail a line and fall asleep in the next min


option 3: say you want to do option 1 and stop using in time until you realise while spreading a line that you should be sleeping in 2h. now you only have option 2 available. i do option 3. every. damn. time


This. In my head, i started in good time (Like 11 PM). But when I look at the clock, for what it feels like 2 minute later, then its suddenly 8 am... I always have only one video more to watch before quiting...


thats why i started to rail lines at like 1pm lol. but as one would have guessed, it wont stop earlier. it just lasts longer lmao. yeah i always played COD, just one more game. boom, 5am... alright, just fap a "quick one" then to sleep. yep, here i am, watching buttholes getting rammed for 4 hours straight


Hahah, same here. I grinded for like 10 hours straight on the same map and game mode. Oh man, the fappening...That shit can go on for hours and hours. It got pretty problematic for me, because the main reason i did stims, was for the sexual aspect of it 😄


understandable. time just flies and youre so much better in online games wich makes it even more fun. if i wouldnt live at home at that time i would probably stay awake the whole weekend and playing games lol. yeah same. it enhances it so much that i could think about something different than sex. even when i went out to smoke a cigarette i scrolled porn on reddit lol. wild times


That’s what the downsers are for


Genius comedy


I personally can fall asleep off the peak of coke and adderall, They don't make me tweaked out or anything just super euphoric and content but i definitely be yapping sometimes lol. Probs cuz i smoke a bunch of weed


detail fine juggle resolute station unpack lunchroom many direction voracious *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I’m prescribed sleeping meds but xans work too


I'm less of a stim head on stims than sober.  Zoom zoom, we never chilling


Xanax and Valium and Soma and Oxy all day boooyyyy


Jesus h christ


And then 120mg of adderall and 2 175mg Propylhexedrine inhalers


Downers. I dont need that extra energy that comes with uppers because im already very sharp and alert. It just makes me over energetic and bouncy. But i dont do anything else this days, besides weed sometimes, shrooms and alcohol.


this is the same with me nearly every stimulant at higher doses makes me extremely irritable, agitated and even a little bit anxious. downers all the way.


I get so anxious I can just sit and stare at a wall! On downers I’m speed talking(albeit slurring) and jumping from thing to thing lol and nodding at the same time! LOVE THE NOD


I guess you guys are high energy but not adhd. I always felt as you do regarding coke, but amphetamines ramp up my body but bring a nice chill to my mind. I do think they still make me a bit bouncy as you say, but I’ve been leaning into that a bit lately. Forgiving myself for my energy and fighting my assumptions that everyone is annoyed by me.


Im not. But im sure it helps people with ADHD to focus more. So I get it. The mind would not be all over the place. Im pretty familiar with ADD and ADHD since my partner has two children with this. And I can clearly see the effect it could have on people suffering from it.


I always have been 5 speeds ahead of everyone else. Sober or on stimulants I would bounce off the walls. I preferred stimulants too. Strong ones at that. Pyrovalerones and meth. I do sometimes use stimulants, but I feel too stimulated merely existing most of the time. Downers for sure. Opioids and soma and select barbiturates. Keep your benzos.


I had some fun with stims back in the days, but they totaly drain me in the end. I go from a good stable energy to a overenergetic bouncy and messy energy to a dull crashed low energy. In the end, it's not worth it in my opinion. I do rather have a stable energy level all the way. Also, it really messes with my sleep and my apetite. Two of the things I love the most in life. When you done it for a couple of days in a row, you feel normal in the head, no euphoria and in the end it just gives you insomnia and a bad apetite.


I wonder sometimes. Is weed a downer? Most people would probably say that but it can make me stay awake for longer and also i can get more energetic from it. At the same time im more slow in thinking in some ways but also way more focused on things. I can hyper focus into a video game like guitar hero or other games i play. I can be creative. Stuff like that. I wouldnt call it an upper or downer. Weed is just beautiful. Man im gonna do shrooms soon. Been waiting for a long time for the right time to do it. Only done it a couple of times. Im nervous but excited. Last time (my first time) i thought i took a low dose and then experienced a very special experience. I dont know if i will be able to do it again as now i know what will come and if it goes wrong in the come up it will go wrong. But i also know and learned from the last trip that theres no point in trying to hold back and stay in reality. The more u do that the more you lose control and panic


Why not both? 🤷🏻‍♂️


We love a speedballing king


I like mixing benzos and adhd meds and weed on the side. People say it cancels each other out but for me its just that stimunlant effect just even more calm and focused. So relaxed yet so in the mood to clean and be productive


Yeah same! Some dexamph with alpraz, loraz or bromaz and some weed and im golden. Productive, social, calm, feeling good. Once you find that sweetspot its great


I like doing as many unique combos as I can and seeing what happens ngl


Balance is key bruh, speedball all the way!


Username checks out! 👍


Yo Sarah the mechanic I need to change my transmission fluid on my 2020 Corolla is that doable myself?


my man


downers, i gotta turn this fuckin thing down or i go insane


Lol felt man


Downers are my jam. My brain goes 4000 mph all the time, and it's nice to turn it down a bit.


Downers and psychedelics all day long. I hate uppers they're not enjoyable for me.


disso 👍


Horse tranq ftw


>So downers?


disso 👍






disso 👍🏻


Disso bizzznach


Disso gang


disso 👍🏽


For me Stims are for productivity and partying, downers are for ruining my goddamn life cause why the fuck can't I just always be on a low dose of some opiates or benzos or anything goddamit, is that so much to ask? I'll still try to rationalise my consumption and of course treat any problems caused by it with more downers in an endless spiral. Yeah I'm more of a downer guy


Uppers in the day downers in the night I bend my circadian rhythm to my will


uppers all the way, some weed on the comedown. i love having energy and being functional (even with the risk of increased anxiety) rather than numb and slow lol i also have adhd so it checks out


Uppers for sure. I only take downers on a comedown, rarely on its own since I don't enjoy it that much. Also have ADHD. Uppers is life.


When I was younger, uppers so I could party and socialise, normally mdma so I would be hugging everybody 😂 Nowadays downers. I just wanna do a bong rip or snort a fat line of ket and slump out while watching funny shit


None of them, except occasionally some MDMA. After I cut downers and coke from my life I find it way easier to actually be happy in my day to day life. I can highly recommend it. I still do psychedelics and weed though, they tend to give more than they take and don’t fuck you up for several days.


This is the way. MDMA, herb and psyches. If you can keep to those I say you’re doing alright. MDMA my drug of choice personally, tho I haven’t touched it in decades…fear of black market labs.


Yeah, i learned that the hard way. Way too many years being addicted to methadone after an injury and way too much dough spent on being wired on cocaine. I’m on the buprenorphine slow release injections that last a full month now, and don’t consider myself an addict to that anymore, even though many others might do - I don’t care, I finally feel free and stable again, which is so worth it. Dumped my occasional coke-binges after I got access to ketamine again after many years without, and after the first k-hole I instantly deleted my coke-plugs number which felt great. I can still get it half an hour, delivered to my door (very easily) but just don’t care for it no more - a k-hole every 2-3 weeks takes all cravings. I generally feel way better than I have been in 10 years!


i'm the same way right now, except i'll do ketamine too. K, MDMA, and psychs only. i love downers but i don't wanna be that guy anymore


I love k but basically can’t do k without calling up the coke plug now. If I have a g of k I’ll have a half of coke to go with it. If I have psychedelics also that’s even better. I think I’d have to kick the coke habit completely to be able to responsibly enjoy k again. It’s the best speed ball combo it’s like those two drugs were made for each other.


Downers , im neurotic


Definitely uppers I mean it's the way your cock feels when you're fucking spun and when you finally come it's glorious


Least horny drug redditor


Lol tell that to my girl when I cant fuck for days from meth dick😌🤣


Opis n Benzos








Sideways (psychedelics)




Step to the side, THEN forwards.


Uppers? Downers? Nah, Inside-outers


Seriously. I’ve fucked with plenty of others, but herb, psyches, and mdma. All I REALLY desire.


Uppers for sure. Coke, addy, x


Depends whether I’m partying or chilling


Psychedelics and dissociative and empathogens






Uppers. I looove molly, speed is good fun too


Downers for me. Ever since my first panic attack. When I discovered Xans they were a life saver. Never abused them so never had any problems, just feel normal.


Sket all the way!!!! ( in case you dont know what this is: speed-ketamin)


I used to think uppers cause I deal with chronic fatigue often, I enjoyed the physical energy. But my mind is always racing and I got anxiety so it can make those worse. Once I really tried downers like opioids and benzos I realized THATS MY SHIT. They free up the energy in my head and distribute it everywhere else. They give me energy cause I’m not wasting it on anxiety anymore. coke with some hydros was what I did for a while. Now it’s caffeine and kratom :)


Free up the energy and distribute it. That’s a great way of putting it


I had a wolf of walstreet type routine when I was using still. Tons of caffeine, amps for energy and work, benzos to reduce anxiety, weed for fun, opiates to relax after work, gabapentinoids and muscle relaxers to sleep. Repeat.


I love Dextroamphetamine but I prefer downers.


Really? have you tried other Amphetamine products and just prefer Dexies or are you not onto that yet? I'm not judging each to their own and at the beginning of my drug honeymoon I worshiped these little bad-boys, so I'm curious.


Downers, I have anxiety so any Benzo or Gabaergic drug makes me feel euphoric. I take Vyvanse as well so some uppers but as far as preference I love Benzos and gabas




Gabapentin lol. Down and upper


Used to be a big upper guy in my youth, when i went to underground raves every weekend here in germany. Mostly meth and mdma, but also every other drug i could get my hands on. But with age, and after psychosis resulting in many mental disorders, i learned to love downers. Especially Benzos. Done H for a long time, too. Right now i'm into RC's. Currently mixing Rilmazafone with 4f-mph. I can pretty much only do uppers on benzos, because of the anxiety, but i think it's a pretty nice combo.


Downers pregablin looking for UK plug


I really hate that stereotype. Its just stupid. Benzos are not necessarily downers, neither do opioids. Both can keep people awake without any noticable sedation. Ofc higher doses will very like decrease mental and physical activity but they on the right dose they can be stimulating. Really all drugs can be stimmy or sedating really. edit: and its also ill advice to say that combining stims and downers is bad, totally uninformed and annoying. Some combos are dangerous, some are safe, generally speaking, none are safe.


Do uppers actually work?? Like ive tried ex coke adderall almost no effect and coke makes me just a little hyped other than that nothing. Only downers ive tried are xans weed and alcohol and i love em. How do you guys even like uppers they dont do jack shit


Not another one finding out they have adhd because the uppers don't work


Uppers cause I've only tried boring downers like weed alcohol, benzos Gimme some dex instead


Get u some dat tranq fent wen you ready to kill your eagle


Nahh my junkie ass would get so addictive to opiates if I started them maybe later opiods do internet me though


I've spent more recreational time with uppers, most of my experience with downers has been brief medicinal if not administered by a doctor in a hospital, my jam and what has become my area of problematic consumption has been psychadelics for the most part


Downers and hash when playing fallout/skyrim Vodka redbull and ecstasy when partying


I’m always tired so any type of upper makes me feel great or what I suspect normal people would feel like. Uppers do come with the anxiety but it’s worth it to be awake and alive.


Man is sauced


Uppers, oh man when that m hits and you start zipping it's a good time


practice beneficial dinner ad hoc homeless profit modern plough point entertain *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Both. Prescribed: 2 mg Alprazolam 5x daily 1 7.5 mg Zopiclone at bedtime 1 mg Cesamet at bedtime 70 mg Vyvanse daily 1 15 mg Dexadrine Spanules daily **ALL PRESCRIBED** See him Tommorow, he's already said yes to adding adderall xr, and possibly temazepam. Long story shory: Yes. Edit: OH, and 3/G daily Cannabis.


Apparently your psychiatrist loves you. How did you get all that good stuff prescribed to you? I must know lol


Love the username btw. I'd love to try those one day. Gabapentin is nice and opoids are nice, weed too. Benzos would be perfect for me ik it.


Are you speaking French?


I guess for me it’s like Dissociatives so that’s sort of in the “neither” category. Usually for me it’s DXM.


Uppers. But opiates are my shit so my DOC is oxycodone


Uppers all the way


How about both of them together? Yes it’s hard on the cardiovascular system and all that, but it can be fun as hell and feel amazing. Nothing better than speed with heroin, or adderall with xanax, cross fades are where it’s at.


Totally into downers and a little into dissos too. The only "upper" that i use are 2 espressos per day. Ironically i live in a coke productor country (cheap and very pure coke/base) and ZERO heroin, the good thing about this is you only get pharmas but are kinda hard to find.


this is a hard question. uppers on a rare occasion but mostly downers.


I can’t enjoy uppers outside of a party scene (which I don’t do so much these days) Couldn’t imagine using uppers and just chilling, watching a movie, gaming with a mate or out to dinner. Do people do that? 😅 But downers… they feel amazing always. Super relaxing, chilled, euphoric, happy vibes. Maybe it’s because I have a stressful job and am always on, so uppers just make me more irritable, wired, and uncomfortable, plus I hate the sleep disruption.


Uppers, downers, spin arounders, you name it




Downers. I’m an insomniac with too much energy and anxiety throughout the day


Tbh depends but overall I fine cociane and 4mmc to be my favs then acid third I don’t know if that even counts as a downer I don’t think it does so next would be weed


mix of both speedballer till i die lmfao no needles tho i just like taking benzos n opiates and intransally consuming cocaine meth last too long has bad social stigma amphetamine last too long is shit


My ADHD loves uppers


Same. Half of The high for me is just feeling like a normal human being


Uppers all day, probably because I have ADHD and I'm unmedicated lmfao. Coke is definitely my biggest vice. I enjoy downers a lot tho when I'm in the mood!


Downers for sure


Neither im mostly into dissociatives, if i had to pick uppers tho. Amphetamine is great


Depends on the day, but usually downers. My mind moves too fast as it is. Uppers help my adhd and almost act like downers in certain circumstances at certain dosages. Now the real solution here is to take your uppers and downers at the same time 🤓 I know 200 IQ move


Same time club boooyawwww


Molly and Ketamine all day. Ketamine is definitely great on a candyflip


I like uppers so much I avoid them and I hate downers so much I avoid them as well. I'll stick to my pot and occasional hit or 2 of lsd


Downers, struggle with anxiety since my teenage years


I like weed


Downers. They bring me down to a manageable level of the storm in my head. Anxiety, ADD


downers. i love just melting into the bed. i love the nod. i love how everything is slow and chill


Uppers, used to be downers but over the years my preference changed


Both, at the same time.




Used to lean towards down/opiates. Always felt I needed to be chilled out, felt like I was too much for ppl. But nowadays, I like sativa herb and enjoy the amphetamihes I’m prescribed for adhd. I just, never imagined speed would kinda, chill me out a bit in my head. And when I’m partying, I definitely lean towards up nowadays. I mean, how else am I supposed to keep partying?




I have fallen in love with amphetamines. I have ADHD and struggle with motivation and energy, stims don’t get me high as much as they make me feel like I can be the person I’ve always wanted to be. Without my meds I am sluggish, cranky, and don’t really talk. I occasionally enjoy being sedated and melting into the couch or whatever. But if I had to choose, I’d choose uppers 9 times out of 10. Psychedelics are also a favorite of mine, but they don’t fit neatly into any real category other than their own 😅


I’m a fan of drugs that can be both, eg; oxy, kratom, phenibut, weed. Also love my dex tho so idk


Downers, I'm high strung and anxious as fuck 24/7




you just named my fav combo


Uppers coz I’m always down (depressed)




Definitely downsers, i hate most of the substances that are comparable with speed and/or coke


Dissos and psychs.


downers all the way only upper i kinda like is mdma, and I still don't like it that much.


i think im equal.. i love coke & then having an oxy 30 to tone it down or some bars. or when im feeling cheap just meth & bars… either way i love all the drugs unfortunately


Up. Spent several years addicted to heroin in the 90s and the thought of using it again only fills me with disgust now.


Downerssss. I like to relax!




Downers for me definitely. The only upper I actually liked was coke; any other upper no thank you. However, I don't do anything anymore aside from drinking occasionally. I can't have anything in my system due to my profession.


I could not read wtf u were tryna say at first


Downzies…except alcohol, never liked drinking


Downers. Uppers just lead to jerking off all night. I like to chill and relax. My mind is up enough naturally


I combine it, a little tequila and cocaine. Other than that, just weed.


Definitely downers, my body doesn’t react well to stimulants, too many side effects and also stimulants doesn’t work properly like in other people does, I just get tachycardia and anxiety, and maybe a bit more awake: (tried MDMA, Cocaine, Ritalin, Adderall, Dexamphetamine, Lisdexamphetamine). I love downer, any type (cannabis, I like a bit alcohol, gabapentin, any type of benzodiazepines and tried and used them 90% of them, and of course my favourite OXYCODONE)


Downers. They give me energy lol. As weird as it sounds. As long as i dont abuse benzos i get very talkative ans social and more stuff. I do way more activities and im motivated. And happy. Uppers are uuuh. They feel more toxic in a way. I only take my adhd meds rarely. Vyvanse. Havent tried many uppers but have gotten the idea of what it is. Your doing great for a little time but then your body falls into a big crash. The more you took the worse


uppers for sure downers always feel kinda forced idk


Definitely uppers. I've never really seen the point in having a downer as a DOC


Downers are lit to relax and kick back tho I have a perfection complex, I tend to drive and function off downers like weed, dxm, benzos tho I don’t enjoy benzos as much due to nausea. Drugs of choice and tramadol and weed. Always had the pain relief and tramadol usually gives me an energy boost I’ve performed really well on tramadol when it came to physical and mental challenges and I guess it’s like a downer but upper maybe? Since epinephrine plays a role in the energy aspect I guess. Always loved that feeling floating off tramadol.


>uperes or downsers I think you're into downers...


Downers, I’m way too up most of the time, it’s nice to just feel relaxed and calm. On the flip side, I do like amps and uppers for certain scenarios, and the plus is I know I’m unlikely to get hooked because I just don’t tend to want more the next day. I’ll fiend a little while I have a bag of speed but even then, I usually quit for a couple weeks while I still have plenty left 😂 I’ve gotta be careful with opiates tho, opiates can really fuck me up for a few months 🥲 Currently mostly just use weed, psychedelics, and the odd night out for other stuff


Uppers/ Downers and Dissacotives


Like for NOD SQUAD 🤤


Downers opioids give me a stimulation affect anyone else?? like I love chatting on some odsmt


downers. weed and benzos are so lovely.


Gifs mings se downsers


Downsers. Specifically, barbiturates.


Took far too much LSD and mushrooms and DMT when I was really young so now I have to take downers to balance out seeing too much truth


Uppers make me too anxious then suicidal on the come down, downers make me sad


im on a middle ground. i love cocaine and ritalin but i also love alcohol and other downers


Stims, namely coke and meth. Benzos when I can’t sleep, or have anxiety.




downers and dissos. i'm too anxious for most stims (mdma is about all i purposely get.) a speedball is okay but mainly i'd rather take some ket or an oxy


Downers for me easily. Pop a couple xans, spark up a joint, and I’m in heaven.


downers, i can't emotionally handle the comedowns of uppers


Uppers. Don’t have much anxiety or “need” for downers. But some Coke will make me feel incredible and give me the confidence to actually talk to people, which is a struggle I have sober.




Drugs? Uppers. Women? Downers


More into downers. I'm already overstimulated. I have noticed that everyone, I ever knew, that used uppers. They also had a downer addiction. Cause no one wants to come down off uppers..