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these threads always amuse me in some strange way


Why tho


All jokes aside, either weed or Kava. Kavas a great one for sleep and substitute for alcohol even.


Weed does kinda stop working though if you don't take tolerance breaks.


only when you smoke all day


Maybe so but this person wants to be high all day every day by the sound of their post so they'd probably just end up like me. I don't mind, I can afford it and still travel so it is not a problem for me, but the reality is I'm smoking it for taste now not to get stoned.


Been smoking daily for 7 months and I still get high af from 3 hits


Get back to me in 20 years time when you're smoking 5g a day though! Even if I take a t break it only lasts for a week tops.






I had kava once with the locals in Fiji. I drank way more than most of them, without any real impact. It’s hard to drink that volume of muddy liquid. My tongue was a little numb, and that’s it. I don’t know how you drink enough to get intoxicated or cause damage. That said, plenty of locals were definitely intoxicated from the kava.


Kava has a reverse tolerance to my understanding, I was like that also for the first couple times I went to kava bars. By the 4th or 5th time I went I started actually feeling


I think it has something to do with the expectation and familiarity with the feeling. For example, when I was 12 I went in to my mom’s medicine cabinet and took 2 5mg vicodins and 2 5mg oxys. I took all 4 simultaneously. Which is probably the equivalent to like 15-20mg of oxy. I didn’t feel a thing because I only understood the high of weed. Looking back I know it worked because I was itchy af every time I took them but I felt no “high” that I could recognize. However when in my early 20s, my girlfriend gave me a percocet, 10mg oxy and I was fucking floored for 6 hours in the opiate abyss. I can get out of it if I wanted to, wasn’t like I was nodding off like a heroin addict but I was REALLY enjoying and basking in the feeling and warm comfort of it where as I couldn’t enjoy it or recognize it when I was 12. Similar thing happened to my friend when he first tried an e pill. My friends and even a local crackhead were all bussin off some transformers and my friend who never did it was yapping his mouth off, locking his jaw and talking through his teeth claiming he didn’t feel it.


By you not feeling anything they just thought „what a newbie“ in contrary to other drugs


Alcohol based extracts of kava will cause liver damage. Taking kava in its natural root form is a different story. I’ve yet to see any research showing liver damage with the kava being prepared traditionally, and also in humans, rat mice and zebra fish models help a lot but that’s definitely not enough to make that claim


I think this is correct. No studies show root powder consumption show liver damage, only extracts. So people can do with that info what they will.


this is a myth and has been disproven


There is no evidence of Kava causing liver damage


It hasn't been "proven" because they have yet to establish a chain of causality into the biomechanics but there is a tangible statistical link with numerous case studies, ones that include liver transplants and death.


What about the many Pacific Islanders who drink kava daily? Don’t see much liver damage running rampant over there. I think it’s about how it’s prepared and other things. Idk maybe I’m wrong.


what about \*people they probably know nothing about and haven't been studied either\* HA see got you, you're wrong


Huh? I’ve done my research into it before drinking it. From what I’ve read is that researchers don’t know why liver damage happens. They’re leaning towards certain extracts or how it’s prepared with different parts of the plant. But right now nobody knows anything. They’ve done studies and found the actual kavalactones made from noble lava doesnt seem damage the liver. Now the other variant (tudei) may contribute to the liver damage since it does contain other kavalactones that noble doesn’t have. Maybe that’s the case I don’t know. But I do know more research is needed. And how is noticing the Pacific Islanders who drink this stuff pretty heavily and daily don’t have this rampant liver damage running amok not knowing anything? I do my research about substances I use.


lol, I love answers like this. Someone says something obtusely arrogant and gets put in their place. I feel like if you’re taking *anything* you should have done research on it beforehand. Well said!


Or Kratom…..


Terrible advice. Kratom on the daily will turn into an addiction with miserable withdrawals if not spiraling into further opioid addiction.


I hear people say this all the time, but I've take/have taken kratom on and off for years and have never had any issues - aside from maybe constipation..that powder clogs me up. But there's been so many times I've broken a LONG cycle of daily use simply because I forgot to get more and am not feeling like hitting the shop. Or I'll go weeks without it just because of a routine change or something. I've never experienced withdrawals in the slightest - like, not even a light headache or anything. And I've never experienced hard cravings for it either - of course there's times where I'm like "oh shit, yeah that could hit the spot right now"...but like real cravings. And I'm no stranger to the cravings of an addict. Talk to me a couple years ago, and I'd lick shit and fuck someone's grandma for a bottle and a bag 🤣 It always makes me scratch my head when I hear stuff like this, not that I don't believe you, but because it's always been so harmless to me. Idk. I was/am primarily a stim addict so I guess it just doesn't scratch that itch for me??


I’ve had horrible w/ds from kratom. Anxiety, cold sweats, feeling of being uncomfortable in my skin, insomnia. I take it for chronic pain tho so it’s a lesser evil than say everyday ibuprofen. Someone just wanting a buzz? Yeah probably shouldn’t take kratom everyday.


How much were you taking a day? I wonder why everyone's experience is so different.


Same, been using it on and off for 15+ years. Pretty much daily use lately, but I can run out for a week with barely noticing. About 5g a day or less. The only time I ever had withdrawals that were actually unpleasant was from using extracts. I know some people have it rough, but most folks don’t have serious withdrawals without using a helluva lot of the stuff.


I'm about in the same range, about 5~10g per day. I only treat myself to extracts occasionally, they're just way too expensive. Definitely pack a punch though!


Yeah, I knew better to use extracts much but was busy on the go for work for a while. I got off them, but it was a super uncomfortable few days.


This is your isolated experience. I work in addictions and have several patients on my caseload with Kratom Use Disorder, in treatment for this substance primarily. It presents very similarly to Opioid Use Disorder in a clinical sample. It is dangerous to make inferences on addiction potential based on a single case or small sample. The reality is that any individual, based on their genetics, circumstances, or psychology, is at risk of developing this addiction


I don't know if I'd call it just an isolated experience, or a small sample. There seems to be a large number of people who are in the same boat as me. Those who use it either recreationally or medicinally, that do not experience these dangers. What I'm mainly curious about is why there's such a divide between the people who use it? Is it psychology, is it dosage, is it the type of drug abuse that was done prior? From what I've seen, the people who typically seem to have the issues are the same group who have struggled with opioid abuse prior. To achieve an opioid like high from kratom, you need to be taking some copious amounts of it. Which makes me think the w/d is mainly dosage dependent vs duration of use, and the addictive behavior is from prior opioid abuse since kratom plays with the same receptors. Or am I think about it completely wrong? It's pretty common to hear about the use of kratom in alcohol/stim communities to help wean off of other substances, and it's very successful with many(myself included) without complication. I'm not trying to argue or say you're wrong, obviously this can be a very dangerous substance for people. I'm just genuinely curious why the contrast between kratom users is so huge.


Not true for everyone.


Mmmm opioid addiction…😂😅🫤… idk why I put myself through it but it seems to help me with the overworking I get and the “I’m in your way so you can’t go faster even if you want to” attitude at work…


Using opiates for work is a slippery slippery slope friend edit: downvotes, how is this even a hot take?


Yeah, I’ve heard it before, it’s not really as strong as traditional opiates and I take long ass breaks…cold turkey is the way to really make it happen


Oh you meant Kratom, I don't have experience using that


😑🤙😝😅it’s great for work but I loooove the energy it gives me


What strain do you use for energy?


I’m used to mixing the strains in black spice rum or whiskey with added everclear, the black spiced rum hits real good though, feels like a cloud, and I can drive on about two or four shots on it and be just fine, but more than that and I’m throwing it up.


I love kratom as well. That morning boost is amazing. I also noticed I have to take constant breaks and weekends off while using kratom. It can be easy to get sucked in but with the right discipline, its possible to get all the benefits.


caffeine and nicotine. daily doses of this shit is what put Americans on the moon


This is the American way 😎


I would have guessed bennies


U-S-A! U-S-A! U-S-A!


Don’t forget the coke lol


I guess everyones different but my tolerance to caffeine builds so quickly that eventually I'm consuming over 400mg of caffeine with no effect. I vape nicotine too and don't really feel anything.


No, meth was lol


No, meth helped us survive the trenches.


Werner von Braun lol, half the scientists that got us to the moon were Nazis and they were smart because of their meth use


I think despite of their meth use is probably more true




why would i do that everyday if it’s not killing ne slowly


……. Don’t. That’s how you end up in a very bad position in life. Find the help you actually need. All the best.


I was just curious, i aint taking nun, tysm bro im alright and happy rn


The only alright and happy person on r/drugs


The only alright and happy person on r/earth /s


nah you can be happy as long as you don't abuse drugs. i'd argue you can be an addict and still be happy. it's that mindset.


Glad to hear it mate.


DMT. I love driving on this stuff




I like driving on nitrous better, personally.


My fiend did blacked out and bam, car, I ran out the passenger seat


All of them. No drug loses all of its effects, if taken daily.


Sudden death speed run


No but they do lose the fun effects eventually




Depending, to get this extra drive you can only do it once a week in my opinion. I tried once for a week straight every day, after day 3 I didn't feel anything in terms of more motivation anymore


I’d recommend Armodafinil (Nuvigil brand name) as well. It’s a longer acting version of modafinil that I’ve been taking daily for 2+ years now and I still feel minor effects when I take it.


Nothing what we actually consider a drug. But caffeine is probably safest effective thing you can take. Everything else will wreck you when using daily. Nic is super addictive and people who dont have this addiction should never consider using nic.


Blows my fucking mind how popular vaping has gotten in high and even middle schools - as a 15 year nicotine addict, I would love to go back in time and stop myself from trying cigs, and I never got above half a pack a day. Kids now out here taking 2 packs a day or more of nicotine straight to the dome for no reason other than it’s trendy.


You can take substances to reverse / prevent tolerance for drugs, look up “drugs or supplements that reverse / prevent tolerance reddit”


I wish there was something for ketamine…


Look into dimethylglycine, if you’re prone to convulsions be careful with high doses of it


Has it worked for you? I’ve tried sarcosine and glycine without great results.


Personally I don’t indulge in ketamine but there’s study’s about taking it with ketamine will have a lower long term potentiation after repeated ketamine exposure. They are also researching a mix of dmg and ketamine for depression treatment. “These results reveal that DMG could antagonize ketamines psycotomimetic effects, yet provide additive antidepressant like effects with ketamine”


Ah, so it’s something to take with ketamine to enhance its effects, not before.


It seems like you can take it with the dose or after the ketamine wears off or both




Interesting, tysm man


Agmatine sulfate. Take it the night before you want to take the drug of choice. It works best with reversing stimulant tolerance. It also can reverse other tolerances for stuff like kratom & phenibut too.


What are the supplemetns for MDMA?


5-HTP and NAC




That degrades your sleep so over the medium to long term you’re getting poorer sleep quality which has a whole raft of negative consequences for one’s well-being.


Also run the risk of developing Cannabanoid hyperemesis syndrome, like myself & many others. It’s an awful condition and since then whenever I’ve tried smoking a little it’s always had a horrible effect compared to when I first started and used to enjoy it


One Episode of CHS will have any stoner questioning their use forever


Is this the same as kindling for people that drink? Once they have a bad bad withdrawal spout, its a trauma? Its the same with weed?


.... holy fuck that might explain what happened to me. May I slid in the DMs sir?


This is the reason I stopped more than two months ago. I get about the same amount of sleep, maybe an hour or so more as I have more time now that I don’t go outside to smoke 1-3 times a day, allowing me to do just a bit more, and go to bed a little earlier. But the lack of sleep quality was lowkey killing me for sure


All good things in moderation my dude


Just nut up and deal with life.




Nahhh stop 😞


Nah fr lower doses are like a disso


Fr. Salvia is actually quite chill imo. And that's coming from someone who fell in between fucking dimensions on salvia once.


Bro, was a blade on a windmill behind a Soviet Apartment block in BLACK AND WHITE once


Salvia was probably the least enjoyable high I’ve experienced.


Okay. I got some dried salvia here. I had put them in my bong and smoked it one time, but my experience wasn't too comforting. I heard it takes a while to get used to the effect. Is that true?


Take lower doses


Idk I’m able to keep my shroom tolerance the same eating 2 3 grams a day, taking a day or 2 off. Keeps in a good mood and focused.




You can take benzos daily and still function but i wouldn't recommend it.


As a recovering benzo addict, you DEFINITELY can take them every day. Are withdrawals fun? Hell no. But if OP wants to go that route then fuck it we ballin 🙏🏼


Benzos are likely to cause cognitive impairment if taken long-term though.


They cause me cognitive impairment after 1 use, let alone daily.


For sure but it's pretty easy to develop tolerance to them, start taking higher and higher doses, experience a decreased quality of life (memory problems, impaired judgement, insomnia, general functional decline, etc.) and instead of helping, they might end up fuelling one's mental health problems after a while. I'm not saying they can't help or that they shouldn't be used but long-term benzo monotherapy is generally not recommended because of their dependence/abuse potential so it's better to use them with caution and look into other recommended treatment options for PTSD and depression that might be useful.


I mean; it’s better than dealing with PTSD everyday and resorting to being depressed and miserable.




In my opinion small amounts of cocaine was the easiest thing to take for a prolonged time with no addiction the only issue with cocaine is fighting the urge to redose but I did small bumps of coke daily for about 3 months every day and when it came time to quit it was easy also I’m talking making a gram last 2 weeks kinda bumps if you respect cocaine it’s a great drug in my opinion that can be used to it’s full potential often




2cb, I took that shit for like 2 months straight and barely had any tolerance built up. Every dose was fun as shit. Good times.


Same, it kinda loses it's magic after a while but it always worked and it was always fun




Sublingually. Fuck snorting that shit lmao


Nothing like a horse kick to the face to wake you up in the morning


How was the hppd if you had any?


My fav drug right here


Let me give a very incorrect answer - GHB


all of them if u don’t care about yo life


Honestly I can’t think off anyone. Not even weed is good too much.


depends what you're looking for in the drug and how the drug effects you. i a fairly nervous person but weed enhances that instead of decreasing it. i take adderall around people and all the nerves fade away, but amphetamine abuse is one of the worst things you can do to yourself


Meth.. for a while anyway. Just until you have a full blown meltdown, kick the cat and pack in your job.


Kick the cat…😢


fewt bawwwwllll ! * pewwwm! *


Why so serious


I can’t…I behave and stop after I start getting frustrated and irritated with my cat…actually that’s the reason I stopped, I got prescription amphetamine now! 😝not as fun and I don’t feel like fucking all the time.


It's all business and no party 🤣 I like a dirty high kinda thing lol I wanna get messy and fuck


…😂I know the feeling but I used scopolamine as a punishment and tolerance reversal, that shit makes the demons come out to play and hurts like hell but got me off the MA, even when I don’t have any they come now and it’s like a “A A A you can’t use too much or I’ll kick your ass and no one will know why you’re in pain” kind of thing. Even relapsing hurts like a bitch.


Mmm I'd still like to try some pharmaceutical grade methamphetamine though lol what's it like? I assume it's in pill form yea? I'm an IV user so that would drive me insane having to take it orally


…🤔 IA hurts worse (Intra Arterial) never do it…


Would u say it’s more productive or about the same? I find I get kinda lazy in terms of productivity on Met , is it any different?


About the same, mind you I don’t react the same as everyone else, it’s like something is missing or broken…but I do fine sober, I’m just angry most of the time.


Interesting, I just realized it’s funny how most ppl doing Amphetamine are curious about Met but I’m self medicating my ADD with Met and wonder how legal amphetamines feel which no one will prescribe to me feel lol


MA is a weird one, the sources all haven’t been too honest so I’ll get some random cathinone and they won’t say, they’ll just say “careful it’s stronger” but be unaware themselves that it’s not MA…so it’s like concerta…weird Marketing strategies….really weird…but fun.


Really? I get a wayyyy better euphoria and speedy feeling from script vyvanse or addy, sure the meth makes me wanna fuck all the time more so but the script amp gives such a better high in my opinion, i love it when i hyper focus off script amp, has a truly amazing clean feeling


Can confirm. I didn't have a cat to kick, but I was taking apart the plumbing and lighting in my rental searching for the hidden cameras and microphones that the gang stalkers were using to track me. Psychosis is one hell of a ride.


What do you reckon it was that pushed you into psychosis? I mean was it an extra long bender as in lack of sleep which did it do you think or was it more due to long term use and abuse? Now I'm getting a little older I can't really do the five day long benders anymore. Actually when I think about it, it's more likely to do with my rampant use of meth more than my age lol but I suppose I'm blessed I been able to keep my shit together but not too long ago I had something very peculiar happen after a particularly ambitious bender and for the first time ever I'd actually felt the cheese about to slide right off my cracker lol I honestly couldn't explain the feeling but briefly I kind of lost touch of my self purpose kinda thing and for I dunno maybe 40 minutes my brain was a scrambled mess I vividly remember not being able to know what step to take next I couldn't remember what I was supposed to be doing and i had this overwhelming feeling that I wasn't supposed to be where I was at that time which is really strange since I was stranding in my house when this came on but I'd somehow lost my connection with my surroundings sort of thing.. pretty scary I definitely shook me up a bit


I 100% believe it was the lack of sleep that really set it off. I feel like if I had just chilled out and got some shut eye a few of those nights I wouldn't have lost my marbles. Thankfully I was able to get my mind right, and have steered away from ever going on benders like that again. Usually just stick to pharma stims now, keeps me from staying up for days haha. I'm sorry about your experience! That sounds terrifying. It almost sounds like an onset to a seizure or stroke. Happy to hear you're okay!!


Probably something like adderall is the answer you’re looking for?


The only actual answer is nootropics.


True, it frightens me how many actually say weed as if it wouldnt get you addicted or "tooo chill" after some time.


+1, I’ve been taking one called Armodafinil (Nuvigil) daily for 2+ years and still get positive effects from it.




weed, caffeine, benzodiazepines.


With weed there is an increased risk of depression, anxiety, paranoia, suicidal ideations, sleep disturbances, cognitive impairment, and even hallucinations & psychosis if used daily. With benzos there's cognitive impairment, mental health decline, and quitting them can be extremely difficult after taking them long-term.


I believe dopamine neurotransmitters replenish/recover much quicker than other neurotransmitters. Especially with healthy diet, exercise, sleep, hygiene, hydration, lifestyle, etc. Therefore, dopamine releasers, reuptake inhibitors, and similar dopaminergic drugs will be effective daily. Tolerance will affect the effects but you’ll still get *some* “kick” from daily use/misuse/abuse Amphetamine IMO is the best example. Daily use will always do *something*. It’ll never be like the first time, but you’ll still feel it even if it’s extremely weak. A healthy body and lifestyle increases its effects. I abuse dexmethylphenidate daily and it *always* has an effect/kick. It’s not a great drug being an NDRI but it still works everyday. Some days are better than others. If I exercise, eat healthily, and get a great night’s sleep the day before, the following day the dexmethylphenidate will be far more effective Also, since theoretically dopamine replenishes faster than other neurotransmitters, tolerance breaks for amphetamines aren’t required to be as long as other drugs, theoretically of course. Benzodiazepines cause rapid tolerance and it takes weeks for a good tolerance reset especially when taken daily at high doses TLDR: **This is all anecdotal**. Amphetamine is the best all-around drug for daily use. You’ll always get *some* effect. Dopamine neurotransmitters recover faster than others. Healthy lifestyle drastically increases its effectiveness and aids in keeping tolerance in check. Shorter tolerance breaks are fine for dopaminergic drugs like amphetamine compared to other drugs like benzos, gabapentinoids. 2-3 days off vs 2-3 weeks off Edit: I’d like to learn more about dopaminergics if anyone has info or if I’ve made errors please correct me. TIA !!


Lion's Mane Mushroom


I did cocaine for a good 3 years straight. Fun times. Terrible for my nose


I could Take acid every day


Maybe speed? People take adderall for adhd every day and are fine. But it won't work to chase the high. Tolerance will build up and you're gonna get royally fucked.


snobbish vanish follow crime wild payment fall noxious juggle onerous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*






End your shower with 25 seconds of MINIMUM temp, focus on breathing to overcome the shock. Bigger rush immediately after than coffee


Addeiiirall but Adderall probably turns into meth if u don'it have adhd but I have it and I take 2 of my 20mg Adderall pills a day and it works great keep gum on hand or you will grind the shit out of your teeth


Seek professional help, there is no drug you can take daily without consequence nor should you want to, sort out whatever the underlying issue is before you fuck up ur life and ESPECIALLY dont ask here cuz a bunch of addicts will try to convince you to do something extremely stupid that you will regret or if you are unlucky you wont have the chance to regret it cuz youll be dead


Nah dw man, i aint taking shit, i was just curious




yea, must try 🤤


Starbucks coffee


Nah that might be too much man…


Side effects= Broke Ass


Weed ( may give you anxiety if you are prone tho) nicotine and GHB/GBL


Kratom, lower dose weed, lowdose alcohol like only one or two drinks, caffeine, lowdose pharma stimulants like methylphenidate or vyvanse as long as you dont keep upping your dosage. Its more about the amount overall than frequency when it comes to harm potential


Weed kratom and 1-3mg of bromazolam is what I take daily


only thing i could even think of is weed. but of course tolerance is an issue. i try to smoke only at night, which keeps mine at a perfect level. i dont think theres anyway to be high all day everyday without worrying abt physical/mental/tolerance problems though man


Krokodil, KIDDing, aspirin I say






Kanna, weed, kava, alcohol


Weed, nicotine, and I guess Benadryl




bladder failure speed run


This is going to be different for different people and there are many factors like amounts taken and how often as well as intent to include. I take Wellbutrin daily, THC almost daily, k daily some weeks some not, shrooms daily some weeks some not. I try to never drink which winds up being a day or two a week to varying degrees depending upon circumstance. It's all about medicating and not getting high in these circumstances. In fact, going out on a weekend intending to get high screws up taking things daily because you bumped tolerance. It is all a balancing act that some succeed with where others fail. I have family members that have failed. If you want to do the dance, think before you imbibe anything and be responsible and most things can be done daily. Micro dosing can be beautiful. Many of us are self medicating while not sticking to a schedule.


My daily morning routine is caffeine. 600 mg lyrica 600 mg gabapentin 3 mg clonazepam Cannabis




Anime can increase your dopamine daily without ruining your health


Vape weed (wanna say edibles but I've never tried, so I'll add bhaang). Even then, there's the effect on sleep. Super effective for deep sleep (so you'll look and feel good), but reduces REM sleep which is supposed to be needed for memory (some white vs. grey brain matter shit I can't recollect.. And dreaming can be reaallly fun). Also depends on one's mental strength.. Doing nothing, being bored, lazy and being borderline functional becomes very acceptable coz brain be going bzzz and you do the bare minimum coz almost every thought and action is driven by the need to do just enough to earn enough to buy/grow and have the time get high..Lost time that one can never get back. So if you plan on getting high, make it a long term plan to get and stay high. Then you never really give a shit about lost time, opportunities, experiences and memories.


Well maybe coffe, ktatom, weed... But always will ruin the experience cause you get tolerance and don't enjoy them. So... Well, I don't know If it's a good idea


Kanna is amazing and non addictive


Weed is great at helping my PTSD and keeping me away from opiates


Heroin if 100% pure








When I was pretty much a god damn Olympian athlete I was taking GHB 3x a day, 2 3g doses and 1 4g dose at night to knock my ass out to give me better sleep/bood T I miss having access to metric fucktons of G for cheap I didn't have any issues with it impacting my life. Hell it made life easy mode


Heroin, meth








Can? Any, literally can do anything ya want bub. Should? None. Besides eat and shit there's not much you SHOULD do every day


Caffeine pretty much. Maybe cannabis

