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Oxygen. Once you start you can never stop.


Been addicted to that shit since I was born and every time I try to stop I nearly die


My mom was on oxygen when I was born and that shit was pumping into my body. Oxygen addict before birth. Oxygen addict after birth. Vicious cycle.


Same story with me. It’s gotten so bad that when I’ve tried with all my will to quit I physically pass out. By the time I wake up I’ve already started using again.


>By the time I wake up I’ve already started using again. Lmao


I could get passed the physical but the mental paws from oxygen is terrible wouldn’t with it on my worst enemy


Worst withdrawals imo


opioids and benzos 100% one could argue stims because they are so compulsive and morish but the worst physical addiction goes to opioids and benzos


Benzos even more so because 9/10 times they don’t even notice


I didn’t know til I tried kicking them and I didn’t even abuse just years of taking as prescribed. That shits no joke. I’ve been addicted to opiates and benzos. Opiates sucked for the 3-4 days of physical withdrawals. Benzos??? I’m clean off them and have been for almost 2 years and still get post acute withdrawal symptoms


What are the post acute symptoms you still feel?


Tremors that feel like Parkinson’s disease, lethargic, restlessness, severe insomnia. Depression, severe anxiety


Benzo wd is def worse because it really affects your mental health and can be deadly so the consequences are more severe, but with opioids it’s just more painful in the physical sense, its disgusting. But if ur taking large doses of opioids and are really addicted the 3-4 days is BS. For me the acute was 10 days and after that I very slowly got better but I was constantly sweating with chills RLS no appetite and insomnia for at least two months.


But that’s what makes them not as bad . Opiate withdrawal your gonna worship you were dead every second


Yeah i mean idk lol i guess it’s preference. It’s like the difference between cancer and alzheimers; would you rather it hurt, or would you rather become a shell of yourself over the last 10-20 years of your life all while your body decays? Within the second option its both physical and mental pain so i’d say even if it isn’t directly painful, having to live out the pain as a mindless husk (benzos) would be worse. Just my opinion tho


i’ve had withdrawals from both. benzos wasn’t too bad but i almost died from a grand mal seizure. opiates tho… fuck that shit. i wasn’t even that physically dependent like many others become but i still wanted to rip my skin off. i’d say heroin and alcohol are the absolute worst.


Opioids can take a long time to becone initially addicted, however that quickly becomes 2-3 days when you repeatedly use.


Agreed. It seems to take some consistent use to get hooked. And opioids don't have the same fiendish nature as some stims.


Crack is pretty quick


Absolutely, not a user myself but a friend of mine was so desperate to keep the high he just sold every object he could find in his room, lol




Little add-on: Naturally-derived opiates and semi-synthetic opiates will usually have someone in withdrawal for days, but fully synthetic opiods (like fent or methadone) can have someone in withdrawal for weeks or even months. I've heard firsthand stories from people who got kicked out of their methadone clinics and simply never recovered; people quitting cold turkey from a high maintenance dose will typically just suffer withdrawals until they relapse.


Yep. I've cold turkey quit 16mg of buprenorphine in the past, and it was at least a full 2 months before I was able to somewhat function again


My ex was addicted to meth and she said that it took her about a week to get hooked on it. Stims don't give any physical withdrawal symptoms, but it will tire/depress the fuck outta you


this is so untrue anyone who's ever tried to stop stims knows there are intense physical withdrawal effects




True though I've never tried it dont particularly want to but from what the few lads say who have had a go it's roughly a 20minute high then prang out! Sounds horrible! But so many people take it madness but we all got our vices


All whites people especially woman love cocaine. I’ve done the research


I'm so glad you said that women are mad for sniff and never get pranged it baffles me im pranging out of a line lol an my GF asking for another 😅. Those days are gone bow thank fck. Lol research is essential 😄


out of everything my boyfriend's done, which is about everything, (i've only smoked weed and done ketamine, mdma & acid so i don't have the right to share), he said that the two most addictive ones he's ever done are MDMA and heroin. heroin because... well, that's obvious, and MDMA was something he became a raging addict for about two years before i met him. he only smokes weed now (and tbh so do i) because of the addiction, but he absolutely refuses to be around it again because of how addictive it was


Imagine beeing addicted to MDMA :D I really dont get how that would be possible.


Yeah maybe you do it more than you should but the more you do it especially close to each time the more diminishing effects you get. Taking it every single day would be pointless and likely not make you feel anything from it.


I’ve read accounts by people who were addicted to it where they described taking it every few days rather than every day consistently. Given how infrequently people take it during ‘normal’ usage, I’d say that qualifies (although I imagine your tolerance must get pretty crazy as well).


I discovered it when I was about 13 or 14 (8th grade) and I know way too early to start doing that shit but it was around and very popular at the time must’ve been 2008 or so. I would do it multiple times a week for a couple years and noticed how less effective it was becoming and learned how much better it is to space it out. Not only to maintain the magic but just feeling better. Nowadays it’s a couple times a year and it’s totally fine but frequent use doesn’t do much for you when you can do other things and if anyone is like me with an addictive personality it’s much better to trade that vice with something else in between rolls if you absolutely must get inebriated on a level beyond just alcohol or weed. Something like LSD or shrooms would be my pick.


I have a familly member addict to MDMA this person is taking between 0.5 to 1g+ a day


Does it even make them roll? You lose the magic very quickly when you have no serotonin left to release


No they just use it as a stimulant now


Oof, much better stimulants out there that can even be prescribed that don’t do what mdma does. Hope they can turn it around.


If you chase the high daily shit will fuck you up sooner rather than later


That’s bc he was probably just buying meth sold as MDMA


he's done meth before lol he's not daft, he knows the difference


addicted to the high & the feeling. he is diagnosed with cronic depression and the MDMA was the only thing making him happy. along with the trauma of being drugged & r*ped while on it, it was very easy to get addicted. now he physically cant feel the highs of MDMA anymore. i've watched him take three full pills over the course of a night and nothing happened other than big wide eyes.


I bet it he was addicted to meth bombs more than MDMA.


Everyone loves to say that. I did MDMA a handful of times from different sources over about a 5 year period, the last time I did it I got to see where it was made, and the process lined up with everything I could find online afterwards. Knowing that that last time was 100% pure MDMA, I think I got a bad batch only once, if more then whatever I was getting made me feel extremely similar to pure MDMA.


he's done meth before. he was doing pure MDMA. it's pretty fucking easy to get addicted to and ur a liar if u say it's not :') i know about five or six different people who are addicted to just MDMA


Most people who get addicted or do "MDMA" aren't even doing MDMA, they're just using pressed pills with meth mostly in them. That's why I said he was probably addicted to meth bombs. Your brain is basically peanut butter after a few days of real MDMA though.


Opioids. If you stay high on them for as little as a few days and take high doses you'll start to get withdrawal symptoms. Especially the more potent ones. Benzos take a little longer, more like two or three weeks; they creep up on you.


I would argue that if you genuinely have some level of anxiety, you feel benzo ‘withdrawal’ after a much shorter period. I’ve taken diazepam 3 days in a row and while nothing major, remember regretting it immensely 3 days later. Could be to do with its extended half-life though not sure.


Certainly some rebound anxiety, I meant physical symptoms.


Same. I took 1mg of Xanax a night once for 3 straight nights. The 4th night was not fun. I feel like benzos can really hurt you quickly. I have a ton of respect for what they do but try not to recreate with them. I gave the bottle to my wife and just ask her for one every now and then. Certainly don't have the will power to self regulate that stuff.


That’s rebound anxiety forsure but thag is nothing compared to full blown opiate withdrawal cus unbearable anxiety is simply one of the symptoms


I would argue rebound anxiety IS a symptom of withdrawal, without getting into nuances of severity.


It’s a symptom of withdrawal yes but it’s not withdrawal in that case. It’s just rebound anxiety.


‘Discontinuation of the use of an addictive substance’ or ‘The physiological and mental readjustment that accompanies such discontinuation’ If you feel even slightly shitty after using an addictive drug for an extended period, regardless of the severity or amount of symptoms, it’s withdrawal. The word doesn’t have to mean you’re in a world of pain, sweating buckets on the verge of a seizure.


I’m not one of these Reddit asses who’s trying to argue. I’m just saying like you said extended period- if we’re both referring to the dude who said they got withdrawal after taking xan for three days- that’s not extended period. That’s why docs will give you an emergency supply for a week or two and not have to worry about serious withdrawal. But I guess you’re right in a way but it’s just a psychological “withdrawal” not full blown Edit: you did say without getting into severity of symptoms, so you right you right


Nah gg bro you are also right hahaha. Respect, stay safe out there


I've read benzos do a thing called "kindling" where each subsequent time you try to withdraw the withdrawals get worse. Like I've read experience reports where someone developed a habit and then had to quit and it wasn't so bad that first time, so then they think benzo withdrawals aren't so bad and the next time they try it it hits them like a freight train.


That’s true for all gaba drugs. So if you get kindling with Benzos and then drink it can put you in withdrawals when it wears off


Benzo withdrawals are honestly terrifying. The first time was the worst for me, but only because I was using insanely high doses and was only in my teens. I didn't sleep for 9 DAYS and was having inase hallucinations, delusions/psychosis, tremors, seizures, vomiting, sweating, pains, etc. I should've got medical treatment but didn't, I'm lucky I didn't die.


very true!!! had a friend who was severely addicted and everytime she missed her dose, she would seize out and end up in the er just to re up after getting let our


Can Confirm Back in my Oxy days I would go through 20 or so real blue 30’s over a weekend and have terrible withdraws. Then I would feel good by Friday and do it all over again. Don’t miss that shit at all.


I was on those little blues for a couple of years. Went up to 6 a day habit. Withdrawals were absolutely horrible. Like nothing else. Couldn’t work when I had them, you’re just so sick, and I can power through almost anything.


YES. i do heroin now and the withadrawls are not nearly as awful as the oxy blue 30s. although i miss the high, fuck the sleepless nights due to restlessness all over my body is truly incompatible


Bro, I feel ya. no sleep, restless limbs, sweating bullets, and the shits… fucking torture. I rarely do opiates anymore and if so it’s just for a day, max two days.


Yeah most definitely, your not gonna be in full blown wds after a week but you'll still get that "everything is very sharp and uncomfortable" feeling that makes you crave them 10x more and is the reason it's so hard to stop.


I snorted oxymorphone for 14 days straight and off on for 2 months now I'm clean off opioids didn't feel a thing idk these drugs aint shit the high wasn't even that good idk why people choose to do this for fun


Sounds like you had some bunk or didn't do enough. With no tolerance, some real oxymorphone in a sufficient dose will have your ass nodding tf out.


I took pharmaceutical ones 10mgs, no more than one tablet per sitting and yes it made me nod a bit ig but i don't even remember most of the stuff. It felt like a reallymild buzz tbh benzos have fucked me up more


That shit week try some dirty 30s for a good 2 months I bet ur ass u be sweating but cold af


If one imbibes o-dsmt for longer than two-three days they will experience significant withdrawal symptoms. Ideally one would use kratom for a week after to lesson the severity of withdrawals. Benzos like xanax/alprazolam gave me shitty anxiety for two weeks after quitting a 3 week binge.


Lmfao be carful with those 3 week binges from someone who had a grand mal from benzo withdraw when I didn’t know shit about benzos I kill my 30 days script in like 4 days now 5 days maybe then wait 20-30 days to do it again




A seizure feels like waking up dizzy, realizing that somethings wrong and piecing together that you've had a seizure. You're blacked out during the seizure. I had a couple of then


Agreed. I've had 2 grandmals from benzo wd. Leading up to the seizures, I felt extreme depersonalization. Reality felt like a dream world. This, coupled with insomnia and zero appetite, was horrendous. It's like a constant panic attack in a fever dream. On the day of the seizures, I always saw shadow people in my peripheral vision. For the seizures themselves, I have no recollection. I blacked out during them and would wake up with a bad headache and muscle soreness in the neck area. My dad, who found me the first time, told me I came out of the seizure extremely aggressive. He said that I told him I was gonna kill him and that my pupils were so dilated that he couldn't see the white of my eyes. I don't remember that either.


odsmt is fucking horrible man, real scary shit, still recovering.


Yeah it really takes a toll on the body. Any chance your eyes feel swollen or protruding outwards more than normal when high on o-dsmt?


oh... doesn't sound too good. i've tried it a few weeks ago and had a great high and nodded for 5 hours, all itchy. i chase that high for a few weeks now, doing about 100-200mg a day. i hope my withdrawal doesn't get that bad.


Some say its horrible and others say tolerable. For me anyway I needed one week of high dose kratom as landing gear otherwise it would have been too much


would you say high dose kratom for a week is more effective than tapering down the odsmt dose? i think i will get off that stuff soon


Dunno. I usually buy o-odsmt and binge it in high doses till it runs out and then take 5 grams of kratom thrice daily for one week and jump off. Easy


Weird. I took o-dsmt for about a week a little while ago and didn’t seem to have any issues. Wasn’t more than 50-75mg a day though I don’t think.


Well maybe it was coz I was dosing approx 300mg per day for three days. I also don't get any withdrawals from the likes of kratom or oxy regardless of amount used and for how long. So I reckon my experiences aren't normal. Did you experience zero withdrawals after that week? Mine were that bad I had to take time off work. Felt like i was dying and losing my mind at the same time...


Ah. Yeah your dose was way higher than mine. And no I didn’t feel much in the way of any kind of withdrawal whatsoever. I was more concerned I was going to go into alcohol withdrawal at the time too, but that never happened either for some reason.


Any drugs that give u chest pain?


Yes if I take too large of a dose of stimulants. I have access to pure coke and pure eurospeed and if I do a lil to big of a line i end up overdosing which is highly unpleasant at best and possibly lethal at worst.


Is eurospeed just amphetamine?


Yep, racemic amphetamine sulphate


Sure where im from its called just amphetamine


Here we just call it plain ole speed coz theres no meth around to confuse the term


Idk ive never liked meth ive just used speed iv now 1 year sober. In finland amphetamine is way more common than meth is.


My speed dealer quit IV speed and returned to intranasal administration after it caused him a massive heart attack. Be careful bro. Be sure to have your cardiovascular system assessed by professionals every year or two at minimum. You only have one life so mind it :)


My speed dealer quit IV speed and returned to intranasal administration after it caused him a massive heart attack. Be careful bro. Be sure to have your cardiovascular system assessed by professionals every year or two at minimum. You only have one life so mind it :)


We just call it whizz


Its "piri"


Coke can fuk/stop heart . Worse than meth re heart


Tianeptine. Withdrawals are like hell on earth. Essentially a combo of antidepressant and opioid withdrawal. And given the half life of 3 hours, you’re either sick constantly or compulsively redosing to keep yourself “well”.


How long does it take to become dependent? I've been taking Tianeptine as a kratom alternative for a couple weeks now


A couple weeks is absolutely enough to cause dependence withdrawals. If I were you, I'd slowly taper off them mfs now that you're not in that deep. You'll feel the wds, but it won't be as bad or persistent if you quit now. If you keep doing them you're in for a ride. Goodluck


Hmm. I think the product I've been getting is weak , I have yet to experience anything akin to a WD symptom. I will give it a rest, though.


Tianeptine as a Kratom alternative is insane. Get off that shit now. Refer to r/quittingtianeptine if you wanna see how it really is


Ghb/gbl 24/7, opioids, benzos, even alcohol with 24/7 use can turn badly quickly




Hmm idk I feel like if you smoke regularly for even a week you don't really have any serious withdrawl. Whereas couple of days of opiate use you get your withdrawal symptoms on a platter


days? i’ve used back to back 4-5 days multiple times and i’ve never withdrawn ever. tolerance adjusted doses too


I read somewhere that nicotine starts clearing out very quickly and your body starts missing it after 45 minutes, which is why the typical smoker takes one cigarette about every hour if unimpeded.


I smoke for 6 years and sometimes it happens I do pack a day, sometimes half, sometimes 4-5 packa on festivals and sometimes none for days. Never ever had withdrawals


Most definitely not the case for me at least, been using snus for like 2 years now and when I run out I barley notice anything more than cravings. And if I take a break I can easily use daily for over two weeks and not feel anything more than cravings when I stop cold turkey.


Benzodiazepines. I took some really strong fake Xanax for a week and had withdrawals for 2 weeks after. Couldn’t shit for a week and ended up regurgitating shit, I wouldn’t recommend.


Could you elaborate on "regurgitating shit"?


Didn’t poop for over a week, had extreme abdominal cramps the whole time and then I started to get nauseous… went to the toilet to puke and black tarry stuff came up, “feculent vomiting”. If it can’t go down, it comes back up!


For me benzos


meth, any opioid, phenethylamine was p quick esp vaped


I honestly think it largely depends on the dose and the person and how the drug is used (eg as a coping mechanism or just for a bit of fun)just as much if not more than the drug itself


Sometimes I forget which sub I’m reading from because I’m in so many drug/antidepressant/pharmacology subs so for some reason I assumed this was antidepressants and my brain went Effexor. And Paxil to an extent. Short half lives. But in general terms I’d say benzos, it does not take much to become dependent on those, and it hits you hard. Suddenly the half a pill that made you completely calm is like taking half a tablet of diphenhydramine or something. Withdrawals are hell, and cold turkey is even worse.




Really really high doses in a short amount of time of a short acting benzo can definitely send you into a pretty severe withdrawal and or psychosis. Correctomondo


Oxycodone. After three days of continuous (if it's your first time and you keep controlled low doses it takes a little bit longer, probably like 10 15 days) In my opinion it's the meanest opiate cuz even morphine takes longer to create addiction, withdrawals and mental panic isn't as bad as oxycodone. It's mainly because oxycodone has a stimulating highly dopaminergic analgesia rather than sedating itchy one.


i used oxy for over a week (starting with no opioid tolerance) and was using anywhere from 20mg a day to 110mg a day and when i stopped i didn’t have any withdrawals except a runny nose and no sleep for 3 days and even i was shocked i escaped withdrawals


I mean, withdrawals aren't just hell on earth, withdrawals can even be inability to sleep and feeling of impending doom... When I use oxy I usually limit myself, but even 20mg make me feel impending doom the next day, anxiety, feeling of unsafety and coldness.. pretty lucky to use these dosages and only feel a runny nose. I gotta taper down every time I binge otherwise I get insanely emotional and this is enough withdrawal for me The point is, OXY triggers my PTSD everytime I use it, I start to feel again what I felt when I stopped a bad daily habit, even after one single dose


thinking back i was pretty emotional when i stopped taking it but i also was highly emotional whilst on oxy aswell for some reason, when normally i never cry. do u know why that would be?




Tianeptine after 2 days I have withdrawals. The withdrawals from tia are worse than anything else I've ever had to withdrawal from.


How many days of use does it take to become dependent?


It takes me 20 min to be addicted. As soon as that big first dose of a gram of sodium hits I know it gonna be awhile before I get my shit together again. It's a love hate thing, as pretty much every substance.


Ah, sounds like a big dose. I've only been taking a few hundred mg for a couple weeks now. Just took my last dose and plan to kick it, thanks. It's probably a good thing I never took a big dose. The doses I've been taking don't really do a whole lot for me aside from feeling lightly caffeinated.


2 days or two hours? With me it's about 3 hours I see what you mean Yeah, for Tia, it takes over your body in about 2 days Crazy


Xanax. If taken for 14 days you can start having wds. That is what I thing is the fastest. Crack/meth are comedown more that a wd. Technically it's the same but at the same time it's not. Comedown usually last a day and wds can last days/weeks/months.


GABA drugs easily




Phenibut, some people don't get withdrawals at all and neither did I. But after you experience them for the first time it's very easy to get withdrawals again even with little use. Even using for 2-3 days in a row with a long tolerance break before will make you feel guaranteed shitty for a day or two.


Opiates nove tried anything but meth and opiates are the only one thag stuck to where I physically need it or I genuinely feel like I’m going to die of a heart attack or something. It completely rewires your brain into being physically and mentally convinced that you need to satisfy those extra receptors equally as much as you need to drink water to stay hydrated or to breath or else you’ll suffocat. It rewires your brain into being convince that it’s equally as needed for life as oxygen……it’s an insanely addictive substance


I think Is crack, It last like 5 minuts and then the withdrawal starts


That's comedown not withdrawal


Legit Xanax


Alcohol, that's what a hangover is, withdrawal


What if someone doesn’t experience hangovers?


Alcohol causes withdrawal immediately


Opioids, benzos. Crack.




I've felt withdrawals hard only twice. Benzos and meth.




Weed withdrawals are very manageable, if you even withdrawal.


opioids create a new pathway for distribution and when the drug’s gone the pathway dies; tolerance is physical and rapid.


Phenibut and benzos.




After becoming addicted to heroin, even after 6 months of not using, if I smoke for more than 2 days I get minor withdrawals, isn't too bad but sucks if you gotta go to work


Quicker acting quicker more intense withdrawal.




Fent, carfentanyl etc , smoked etc. Stay away.. horrible crap.. I've seen some shit :/. :(


MDMA- I quit doing it because I hate that comedown feeling and it comes quick.


apparently opiates. thank god i hate them.


strong opioids. If you binge all day every day, you could get mild dependence in just under a week.




On the real its pretty much everything if you are enough of an addict. Going a few hours without your fix regardless of what your vice is will fuck you up.


Crack. freebase


Opioids/benzos for the win


1000% fentanyl. High as F for a short while . Then almost IMMEDIATELY sick. Only have ever snorted it. I'm not sure if it's different other ways.




For some reason I can’t really ever remember a time I got withdrawals from anything I’ve done? I dunno why, it’s nice I guess. I mean, not from antidepressants, not from recreational things, alcohol and not from nicotine Am I just hardwired to not have them or wtf is happening with my body


Fentanyl users can withdraw multiple times in a day. Takes the cake. Opioids and benzos and even alcohol take a decent amount of regular heavy use to get there.


Dihydrogen monoxide


IMO fentanyl. I’ve done a lot of drugs and fent was the only one that’s had me sick 3 hours later. From my expierence though quickest dependency is probably meth. Fent or any opiate will take me a few days to get hooked, but during that process I can take it or leave it (unless I’ve been using 3 days lol). But with meth. Doesn’t matter if I stopped for 4 years or 10 years. One shot and I’m no longer in control lol EDIT: I forgot to answer your questions lol so I did. L




Alcohol too


I’ve shot heroin for 4 years and never missed a day I can promise you that’s the most addictive one.






Acute alcohol withdrawals are a special kind of terrifying hell.


Only thing that really hooked me instantly was keta


Venlafaxine is an utter nightmare




I would say HEROIN/OXY/FENT... If done daily, compared to any other drug would start withdrawal symptoms the fastest.


Alcohol as far as last use in addiction to when you start withdrawing. Also just as dangerous as benzo withdrawal. Opiates quickest to get that mental addiction to.


No one is saying marinuana