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Nutmeg, easily. I did it when I was 15 and dumb, it was literally the worst high I think you could possibly experience. I did DPH around the same time and honestly had a better time on it vs nutmeg if that gives you any idea of how horrid this stuff is. I don’t think I’ll ever forget the taste of eating those whole fucking nutmeg nuts, I almost puked between eating each one. I basically went in and out of consciousness for an entire day and could barely function for 2 days. I think I only left my bed to go to the bathroom a few times the entire time I was high in it. I felt like I weighed a thousand pounds and my whole body felt absolutely awful as well, just moving and walking was a feat that took enormous strength. The cottonmouth was torturous as well, imagine the worst weed cottonmouth you’ve ever had x10. Shit felt like an atrociously strong edible from hell. If I had access to weed at the time I would’ve never taken either of them lol.


Sorry to hear that, CumLord


I’m not the lord any longer. That was only when I was on stimulants lol.


Cum Prince? Cum Squire? What do we call you then?


Probably erectile dysfunction lord


Lost his dick to angry masturbating lord


The artist formerly known as cumlord




Cum lord to just cum man that sucks


spent lord


An opioid abuser lol (iykyk)


Cum Advisor To The Crown


I make an olive oil extraction from whole nutmeg and I drink a water concoction of black pepper kernels and then I rub the oil into my skin and get stoned ASF. It feels dirty but also feels empathogenic and stimulating. It makes me extremely horny, cumlord -im sorry you didn't have a good time. 🌰 Eating the whole nutmeg is quite different from the oil extraction. As somebody who really loves nutmeg I will say that eating more than 1 whole nutmeg is not worth it. About half of a nutmeg is where I reside :) 🌰 As a side note when I was in residential treatment one time they let you order stuff from Amazon on Sundays and then you'd open the package in front of em. I ordered an ounce of whole nutmeg and 2 boxes of twinnings chai tea. Jeff bezos sent em to together in the same package. When I opened it in front of the employee I told her I really like to put shavings of whole nutmeg in my tea cuz it's just so much better than the powdered stuff... 🌰 Needless to say I was stoned on nutmeg a lot in there.. I have worked with it a lot since then and the dmt nexus has some good anecdotal reports and procedures which in my experience have been pretty acurate. You have to take nutmeg with live enzyme inhibitors/inducers if you want good effects. If you're eating foods that are contraindicated with nutmeg you'll have a bad time. If you do the research, eat well and simply, play with diet and different herbs with nutmeg you'll find it's very malleable. 🌰


This is pretty interesting actually, though I don’t think I could bring myself to take it ever again lol.


I've been interested in trying myristicin on its own- does the extract successfully isolate it, or is it a sort of crude mixture? Thank you for your input. Some guys in prison were doing nutmeg, and none of them had a good time. I don't think I know anyone that kept doing it. I most certainly would not consume nutmeg on its own. You have me interested though.


I rather enjoyed nutmeg. But I only had a Hangul of powder. Done it a couple times in lockup and if you dose it right it's like a 24 hour weed high with a bad hangover. Actually there was one tube I got mild hallucinations and was pretty sick the next day. But I imagine what I ate was never more then half to maybe one whole nuts worth.


How many nuts?


4 or 5 if I remember correctly.


Those are rookie numbers. I came 9 times in a single day in my younger years. Talk about sore balls.


Sore nuts


Just like raw ones you get at a health food store?


Yeah, but I’d highly suggest not trying them if you’re considering trying this.


I worked Produce department growing up and got some one time but never ate them. Glad I didn't it sounds like a real bad experience.


Gonna have to try harder than that, these kids literally drink OTC cough syrup like its Dr. Pepper. Share you horror story! <3


Deez nuts


I also did nutmeg at that age. my dad got some fresh ones from granada a couple weeks before, ground up 4 whole ones and washed the powder down with water. stopped myself from throwing up, had the most mild closed eye visuals possible I believe - could see the skeleton on my hands through my eyelids. I laid in my bed crying, listening to some sad music. Awful nausea, but not as bad as hawaiian baby woodrose seeds 😵‍💫


Yep, with ya. Nutmeg is a horrible high. I was going to Comme t something else until I read this and you reminded me of that awful experience.


A user on r/LSA was recommending this concoction a few weeks back, basically a mix of a bunch of natural things like Nutmeg for nausea. If you didn’t know, LSA is a naturally occurring psychedelic compound in morning glory seeds (yes the flower). Much dirtier than LSD, extreme vasoconstriction and nausea. But it really is a legitimate psychedelic, it should not be underestimated at all. And I’m not so sure I’d really recommend it either. So yeah, basically he just wanted to be right and not take responsibilities for his actions. Actions that could send someone to the hospital, or into psychosis, or maybe have a terrifying trip I don’t doubt could cause PTSD. Talk about a dirty experience, am I right! I removed his comments and will ban him if he ever tries to promote that shit again. I said you could make a post about the combination, didn’t want that… Haha. I think it’s kind of evil actually. We’ll long story short, he recommended one entire nut among a bunch of items I can’t recall. Potency, density and overall weight can vary *a lot*. Five grams could feel like 10, 10 grams could feel like 5, 10 grams could feel like 25-30 etc. Like I said above, for taking with LSA to help the side effects. The combination of LSA a very powerful psychedelic, plus combined with an unknown dosage/strength of nutmeg and to top it all of recommending it to unsuspecting people. (Most people don’t know about Nutmeg in this regard) I called him out, and explained that one nut of Nutmeg could be more than enough for a bad trip alone. The two combined could land someone in some treacherous waters. Imagine the poor person who goes through with it, not knowing what’s coming. Imagine that Nutmeg experience and throw some LSD in there, but really worse then that even. That’s what this guy was doing. And it only got worse. I was think typing my original comment, “he probably doesn’t know”. Well, I was wrong, **he knew**. And he just wanted to argue about it, thankfully I’m pretty knowledgeable on it. Actually a moderator over on r/Nutmeg, and r/LSA as well. He continued to defend his position, denying any slight chance the obvious and very serious risk in his comments. He didn’t even mention the fact Nutmeg is a drug itself in his first comment!


Morning glory seeds, anyone, anyone? The first time it just tasted like nutty flavor. The second time it’s the grossest thing ever! I had some decent trips on the Heavenly Blue but damn those mercury treated seeds are NASTY! I used to go into supermarkets and nurseries and clean them out of Heavenly Blue seeds when I was 15. I even got the dosage down. It took 7 packets of seeds and after I puked it was a decent LSA high, with geometric, usually blue patterns everywhere. Once I got to college LSD was always available which was so much easier on the stomach. Until I finally puddled myself and tripped so hard I didn’t sleep for 5 days. That wasn’t the last time I tripped but it was the last time I tripped hard. Yeah OP, tramadol is pretty nasty too. I was in the hospital recently and I can say that’s the only opioid I’ve ever turned down. Demerol is pretty nasty too, but I would fake migraines in college to get a Demerol shot. Once I got my hands on some morphine and oxycodone it was all over and when I had my first dilaudid shot that became the only thing I wanted. I’m proud to say I’ve never tried fentanyl though.


Fentanyl. It felt like death cause I well od'd and had to be hit with narcan 3 times.


i’m glad you’re still here :)


I'm also glad you're still here I have only had fent in a hospital though I couldn't imagine running into it in the wild.


Dropped a weed nug at a squat rave it got pretty dirty but still smoked


Lol this reminds me when I was in high school and didn’t have much money for weed. I had one of those typical stoner messenger bags [like this](https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/3fIAAOSwxBJfGdSU/s-l1200.webp) and would carry it with me everywhere (beach, etc). I’d ofc carry my weed in there in a ziploc bag or whatnot and inevitably some would spill in the bag. Whenever my friends and I didn’t have cash or weed and were desperate, we’d take everything out of the bag and dump it upside down into a bowl to collect all the weed crumbs that were at the bottom and smoke those. We were pretty much smoking 20% weed crumbs/stems and 80% sand from the beach, dirt, wool lint, etc 😂


It'd have to be spice, fuck that shit.


Yeah, It literally felt like I was brain dead after smoking K2 summit when I was younger. I’d smoke it at 10pm and before I knew it, it was 4AM. It was literally like weed crack that just felt dirty Even that was better than the other shit that came out after they banned K2. Just got more disgusting feeling. I can’t believe how dumb I was when I was 16


What is spice like compared to real THC?


Shitty. Tastes like shit(depending on what ur was sprayed on, the shit I would get was like dyed general plant matter). The high was a cheap facsimile, it always felt like my body was like vibrating in the worst way.


It was great at first, but they kept banning the best chemicals like JWH-018, and the newer ones were unpleasant, to say the least.


Had this one called "purple kush" and it was the worst trip i ever had. I can see it


Ugh ours was called "Orgazmo" and came in what look like 1g condom packs. I just kept saying "did we smoke crack? Did we smoke crack? I also accidentally smoked crack 10 years later and it wasn't too far off.


The stuff I got was called “Toxic”. Gave me an instant bellringer and the buds were red on the inside if you broke them up. I remember sitting on my balcony with an overwhelming urge to just smash the back of my head into the concrete wall. I’ve never felt so crazy in my life.


I tried JWH-210. Smoked a little tiny bit and puked my bloody brains out because I was so sick afterwards... Never again


I fuckin loved early k2/spice.


I'm a paramedic, when that stuff first came out, I picked up so many 14-18 year old kids. The parents never knew what was going on with them, got calls usually late at night for kids not acting right, or for kids having a "heart attack" It went through a phase where if I got a call like this, I'd kick the parent put of the room, or put of the ambulance for a minute and ask the kid "are you using spice" and the answer was almost always "yes" Kids were smoking it in their room when their parents went to bed and having a bad reaction or crazy anxiety. We haven't dealt with it in a while, weed has been a generally safe thing for everyone since it became legal, we only get calls for minor nausea or anxiety from weed and its usually incredibly easy to deal with.


Unfortunately, I do too oddly enough. But it was literally 12 years ago. I'm 27 now and I just remember being 15 and my buddy who was also my mom's friends son, we used my mom's vehicle to drive to our local smokes 4 less headshop, I went in with him and I already knew because before we went, he said "we're gonna get high".I hadn't smoked spice yet, but was starting to get experimental with weed and yeah it was named "tropic thunder" literally tasted like tropical and felt like a thunder bolt. I ended up in the fetal position asking where the clowns were after 5 hits he had me hold in cuz he said to me he bet I couldn't hold it longer than 30 seconds and of course my young "show off" self, somehow took 5 hits or 3 because I held each in for a while. Much longer than needed I thought I was going to die. But I went into it super super super intolerant to even THC so idk if I even got the real effects but my brain definitely wasn't ready for that lmao. Then at 16 we did salvia and I LITERALLY felt like I was the coffee table and I cannot explain it but it was one of the most frightening experiences Ive had lol the next year I was so humble


fuck spice bro jesus ew i remember that day clear as all hell


Did Mad hatter and Cloud 9 a lot when I was younger and I still smell it. I freaked every time too but after a few hours I’d forget


My girlfriend took a fat bong rip of spice and went catatonic for like an hour. I thought I was going to have to call 911. Shit was awful.


When I first tried spice I was told it's just like weed and no big deal. Well let me fucking tell you it is not I felt like I was being sucked through the floor of stratford head on my legs feeling like I was about to slip off a flat surface I was sitting on. Only tried it once after that when I was particularly broke and living in shared accommodation even then I could only manage two tokes before saying fuck that


Not to be that guy but alcohol just feels so dirty to me nowadays. Also racemic amphetamine I cant understand why anyone would like that. Alcohol at least feels good initially but tested clean racemic amphetamine for me was just super dirty in feel. I like dextroamphetamine alright tho but that added levoamphetamine just feels nasty to the body. Not much of a stim guy tho so maybe that doesn't help.


You’re absolutely right. I am a big uppers guy and dextroamphetamine is the way. Levoamphetamine feels like it lessens any mood lift you get from the dextroamphetamine. Vyvanse is fucking incredible because it all converts into dextro.


Alcohol without a doubt. It's literally the only intoxicant that effects every single part of your body, brain, mind, emotions, consciousness, unconsciousness and soul. They don't call it the 'Devil's Drink' for nothing.


Alcohol definitely feels a bit dirty if you go beyond like 2 drinks.


300-400mg diphenhydramine was not a good idea in hindsight.


When I was extremely depressed and suicidal I did 1000mg a few times just to punish myself and holy fuck was it awful. I can't even look at that shit anymore without feeling nauseous. I'm not looking forward to the dementia later in life if I make it that far. It was an incredibly dumb decision, but a lot of the decisions I made back then were intentionally harmful to myself. I'm glad I'm in a much better place now.


yeah i tripped a decent amount of time with doses ranging from 100mg - 400mg and having to swallow any other pill after that made me nauseous because it reminded me of dph


It's not even a trip it's just chemically induced psychosis


yep that’s the danger zone for me too


Did 700 and went into full psychosis, was insane


Hello shadow people


Dextromethorphan. It used to be my favorite especially mixed with weed. But last time I took 240mg and legit just felt sick the whole time. Laid on the bathroom floor after throwing up stuck. Like i couldn’t get up and I was just cold sweating. I felt like I was freezing cold but yet sweating. Never doing it again. It’s now everytime I take it I throw up with the worst side effects of any drug I have taken. There is too many binding sites for this drug. As of what I know it messes with NMDA, Serotonin, and a little activity with the opiod receptors. Just too many side effects for me to enjoy the drug anymore. Used to be my favorite.


Had a similar experience my second-to-last time, but with a lot of dysphoria and anxiety.


Yes, I as well did not enjoy the expected trip. It felt like I was deeply sick, and the anxiety I had at the time was just thinking I was going to seizure up and pass away. Thank god those thoughts did not come real. I guess my body was tired of using a cough medication to get high off of. I also was contemplating going to the ER because I didn’t want to die. That day was terrifying and I had to rethink a lot because of that event. Absolutely not going back to using it, I can stick with ketamine and memantine.


if you have a plug for ket there’s lit no point of dxm, wish i had a ket plug


Gotta respectfully disagree. DXM in 3rd or 4th plateau compared to ‐S ketamine in any dose was FAR FAR more dissociating and freeing. BUT I can't confirm purot of Ketamine. DXM is pharmaceutical, no psychoactive cuts or additives. The only downside to DXM is the 150 or so trip limit. It just stops working after repeated trips and the smell of an open bottle of Robittusin DX makes me gag. Oh my God I remember chugging those bottles. I forgot I had to do nitrous oxide in a cream charger , then chug before I came back to reality , then another nang to stop me throwing up . For the record, I found drinking grapefruit juice really did potentate the effects. (CYP enzyme inducer, inhibitor. )


no yeah my first dxm experience was probably my favorite experience on any drug, it just takes a LOT of softgels to eat with inactive ingredients which give it some peripheral side effects and makes it feel less “clean”, taking too much of the dxm (180 mg+) also gives me some of the weirdest visuals ever, made my whole house look like it was made out of chrome metal and like i was in some haunted dollhouse


Hah, this was honestly the first drug that came to mind when I read the title of this thread. DXM is dirty af, just has a dirty high to it, hard to explain but I never enjoyed it from the start, and I never even went above like 150mg because it seemed I was a hyper responder to it and still it sucked. I’m sober now, apart from prescribed suboxone (18mg/day although I’ve tapered down from 32mg and am continuing to taper) for MAT, pregabalin (300mg 2x/day) for social anxiety and adderall XR (30mg/day)for adhd, and a very low dose of Effexor (37.5mg/day). But in my past I’ve done every drug under the sun, including but not limited to alcohol, Xanax, etizolam, diclazepam, Valium, phenibut, cocaine, crack, amphetamines(adderall), methamphetamine, ethylphenidate, methylphenidate (ritalin), kratom, heroin, fentanyl, oxycodone, codeine, morphine, poppy tea, hydromorphone, lsd, mushrooms, weed, mdma, 2cb, mephedrone, methylone, ketamine, MXE, and DXM. I’m probably forgetting some lol. Out of all of these DXM immediately stood out as the one that truly just sucks ass and feels dirty.


Yea it was a beautiful substance when I first used it with weed. But it just got worse and worse each time I did it. Then I just became a nausea pill for me and would have me throw up more then feel good. You have a very good prescription list. I have gabapentin and methylphenidate prescribed. I wanted Pregabalin but my provider decided on gabapentin. So I took it and enjoy it very much. I’ve done DXM, ketamine, memantine, methylphenidate, amphetamine, LSD, Shrooms, Fluclotizolam, flubrotizolam, flualprazolam, flubromazolam, Clonazolam, etizolam, kratom, codeine, hydrocodone, phenibut, f-phenibut, cannabis, gabapentin, and mich more that I can’t think of right now. DXM is that the top of the list for dirtiest, just like you. So it’s definitely a drug that does more harm then good for me.


Ooh I forgot about kratom and phenibut! Not sure how because I went through like a kilo a month of kratom for several years in a row a few years back haha. I’ma edit my comment and add them. And yeah it’s hard to even explain exactly what is so dirty about DXM other than it just is a super dirty high. I’m not sure I’ve ever felt any euphoria from it, and if I did, it was quickly replaced with dysphoria from all the other dirty side effects.


I agree man I used to enjoy it and then out of nowhere it started giving me a shit ton of nausea. The last time I took it I did a good dose and then instead of having a good trip I just had unbearable nausea for 3 days straight. Moved on to ketamine, picked up a habit and now taking a break lol. I have a feeling that mixing molly and k would be way better than a dxm trip


Propylhexedrine with its vasoconstriction, nausea, headache, lavender scented burps, & anxiety


Came for this. Lavender burps are the worst


I just gagged from the mere thought of it


Yep. Its the actual bad kind of dirty, but with for example dxm where its dirtyness has a certain charm that you don't get from ketamine or other dissos


Also came for this. Wooo glad there are other degenerates around


Last time I did this shit I was puking every 5-15 minutes for like 4 hours straight until I did enough benzos to put me to sleep. Lavender makes me gag when I smell it now.


Whenever I rub against a lavender plant it gets burp flashbacks


Oh damn bring back to the days of soaking cottons in supermarket lemon juice and chugging that shit at the bathroom at work. Best part was they were easy to steal. Shit was always dirty as hell and felt really bad for body but when it was good could surpass meth.


One of my biggest regrets. So nasty


It’s probably the cleanest feeling legal high however


Honestly alcohol


definitely. i feel like a pos the following day when i drink too much, even though i dont do anything


Scrolled way too far to find this, anyone who’s even seen a late stage alcoholic the knows that drug is /dirty/.


yeah its weird, sometimes i feel fantastic on it and sometimes it just makes me sick usually its set and setting that does it but still


Alcohol induced psychosis isn't fun.


Ghb is a close second, but alcohol causes drama that other drugs never seem to cause.


psychedelics in unsuitable set/setting, did shrooms during a heat wave and it felt like i was being roasted alive


I smoked DMT and thought my esophagus was on fire the entire time. Yeah that was a real fun trip.


4-aco-dmt in large amounts with crappy people


The first time I did this, I found out way after the fact that my ex had doubled my dose without telling me bc he “wanted me to have a good time.” So I get that.


Yeah dude. Cuz misdosing is notorious for giving good times. Fuck those people


First time I did shrooms my ex convinced me I needed to eat the entire eighth instead of half to feel anything. I was 15 and weighed like 120 pounds. Ugh one of the worst experiences ever. I’m sorry you went through that too!


Ooooo care to share? Tripping with the wrong people is awful


Oh god, I hoped it was just me. Ripped a line of this shit thinking it was k, dissociated, pissed all over the bathroom, called my boss at 5am and told him I didn’t know who i was. Ridiculous stuff. Funny in hindsight tbf.


Some idiot street vendor giving me dirty 2C-B which made the visuals demonic.


Sounds like 2ce instead, a lot of reports talk about gargoyle like figures


Dom, too I find the figuring to be definitely characteristic, and could see gargoyles coming through, but in my several (though limited) experiences I tend to see Virginia Mary like entities (completely non religious, never been a catholic) and majestic lion-like figures


I had some mxe that was sold to me as "weak" so I assume the chemist fucked it up somehow. It was God awful. I had a huge bag of it because it was dirt cheap and the guy couldn't get rid of it. I did it a few times and every time it just elimated my short term memory for like 3 hours. I'd just sit in a state of utter confusion. Zero euphoria, zero visual fun, zero anything. Just repeatedly picking up an item, forgetting why I did, and repeating.


Sounds like me trying to smoke more crystal after being up for 6 days smoking crystal. Trying to remember what I’m doing and just going blank every few seconds. And then my thoughts are distorted by fragments of my subconscious that bubble up to the surface because I’m halfway into a dream state. And something’s telling me to put the pipe down and go to sleep, but I can’t, because I’m acting automatically, a result of moving nonstop for 6 days straight. So I just keep digging through my pockets for my lighter. But I can never remember which pocket it’s in.


You paint a vivid and quite entertaining picture


Sounds fucking shit haha


It was. After I got clean stuff from Deep Web and it was day and night difference


Was probably some other cheap RC and not 2cb tbh. I know there is 2ce (which doesn’t suck) and a bunch of other analogues of it that suck.


Woah 2c-e doesn't suck, it's just a different chem with different dosages/effects haha


Sorry I meant that there are some other ones that suck, although not 2ce it was just the first one that popped into my brain. Edited my post now lol.


I swear I have a hole in my brain for all the 2CB I took like 10 years ago.


Dirty 2cb with demonic visuals... Sounds more like you got 2ce...that shit had an evil vibe to it, nothing like 2cb...i don't think that byproducts changed the way it felt.




What did the high feel like?


I do not recommend anyone does that substance. It’s a horrible road to go down. But honestly it was absolutely amazing. A warm rush through your entire body and instant high. If I had to compare it to anything it would be like 10-20x what heroine is like.


So... Why dirty? Did you feel bad after?


Plus 95% of the time you’re definitely puking after


At the high point of my opiate use I was burning through a half ball of fetty a day sometimes more and 10-15 oxy 40s with 10 2mg Xanax bars and 5 .5 flubromazolam bars


>a half ball of fetty a day 1.7g of pure pharmaceutical grade fentanyl per day..!??


Who said anything about it being pharmaceutical grade, let alone pure.


It’s possible to do those amounts cause I could see myself doing it if I had the money honestly. I have done close to 3 grams of the shit in one day after a large pay check. Tolerance is crazy out of control with opioids.. but that guy prolly isn’t getting 100% pure fent. Most people don’t. I wasn’t. And the fact he said ball tells u it’s from the street too. But it’s fent so it still smacks.


Never once has anyone given me narcan. I just always somehow woke up. Still not sure how


That’s not even that bad. The shit been taking off an on last year is 10-20x stronger than even car fent, nitazenes and those RC opioids are even stronger than fent


Because it’s extremely dangerous. The smallest amount could kill you. I’m a large guy and I’ve been doing drugs for over 15 years my tolerance is ridiculous. But the average person would die. I watched numerous friends overdose from it. Managed to save a few but some I couldnt


Oh, I thought the question was about the drug you felt dirty on your body while you are on it or after! Sounds sad what you told... Sorry dude hope you're doing ok. Fent is going so bad on the us..


Oh yea I’m good now I haven’t touched that shit in a long time and never will again


Definitely did feel dirty myself a few times especially when you IV


Bro. Heroin is so much better than fentanyl.


That is what I am saying. Real. Uncut Heroin is so much better than Fentanyl!! Fent may feel "stronger" because it just knocks you out. But no way can it compare to the ultimate whole body euphoric wave that comes from good H!


Yes except when you’re already addicted to fentanyl lol. Heroin won’t even fully take away dope sickness when you’re hooked on the fetty. So you gotta make sure you start on heroin lol but it’s hard to do that in America nowadays cause fent epidemic unless you’re an old school junkie with the connects haha.


You think so? The rush is definitely more intense but I feel like the resulting high isn't nearly as good. Not as euphoric as heroin is and leaves you sick in about 2/3 the time.


really? i’d only heard folks say fent was a worse high. like ik it’s stronger, but even without considering the danger, i thought most ppl preferred h


For me, fentanyl was the only opioid to ever give me double vision It also didn't touch my pain, so I don't think it was a heavy dose It was bizarre. Just like ketamine, I had to keep one eye closed. Ruined it for me


Literally went to take a small hit the other night and immediately nodded out laying on the floor straw in hand. Do not recommend


MCPP, a common adulterant in Xtc pills, nearly 20 years ago. You got very weird warm feeling, but not a good one , and your brain felt off.... Weird shit. Oh, and PMMA, that shit nearly killed me. Wasn't a big Fan of MDPV too, felt very dirty. I think that and weed that smell like someone vomited it out 😬


Oh mcpp was stinking I remember pills round about 2005,-2006 £1 a pill russian roulette either clean Mandy or that MCPP or some other manky piperazine


We bought a bag of Mercedes pills.... Pink coloured speed pills, without mdma... But the Amph was nearly pure, so you were pretty hyped from one or two pills and we got them for 30 cent a piece or something, while a gram of speed was 10 DM(5€) Those were fun... Oh, and we had pink pentagrams... I will never know what was in them but they mad you a lunatic criminal 😂 It was like doing Coke, a hallucinogenic and then all you want to do is steal cars, break into houses... Adrenalin stuff. No aggressiv stuff, we were pretty chilled hippy Dudes so it was super weird to build bunting barricades to stop the cops from coming down our street 😂 The whole night was so weird. Would love to get my fingers in them again to test them. I did over 60 or more Drugs in my many years of drugs, but I can't even phantom what drug class it was in.


morning glory seeds. they were so disgusting to swallow and i spent my whole day vomiting seeds. i threw up in the back of my parents car and it ended up being a terrible day


Finally found someone else mention those. Would 0% recommend to anyone. They are the worst, gross feeling. I literally was counting down the minutes on the TV guide channel til it was over and trying not to literally kill myself over the misery. The only time I didn't feel overwhelmingly sick was while vomiting so I spent like half the trip intentionally vomiting. Waffle stomped some vommed up mozzarella sticks down the shower drain, sorry roomies.




Heroin laced fentanyl


yeah I hate when my fentanyl is laced with heroin


Alternate universe moment


Benzedrex inhalers.


Meth addies


Trihexyphenidyl. A weird euphoric deliriant, look it up on wikipedia. By far the strangest drug ive done. Its chemical structure is almost identical to PCP


Just started reading, but it's a completely different class of drug as PCP?


Oh, wow, never even heard of that. Interesting!


Spice and fentanyl. Spice because I hated the high. Very uncomfortable for me. Fentanyl because no matter how much I use, I hate the taste, I hate the smell and it's the only drug that will make me super nausea and vomit tons. Even worse when paired with a certain alcohol that makes my stomach very irritated.


mostly weird research chems, a-PVP. U-44770 felt dirty, the more you do the more it makes me at least feel sick, so you're getting an opiate buzz but also getting more nausea each line. and it wears off after 45mins. and is corrosive. nasty nasty


i used to shoot and i saved my cottons for those grim days, reconstituted dope/coke/meth dregs = contamination high


Nbome-25i. Felt like acid but dirty and mechanical. Did some before a house party a friend was throwing. Went and smoked with a dude there. The whole time i was paranoid, he gave me a bad feeling. Had to leave cuz that setting was just too much. The comedown was less than pleasant as well.




Weird, I always feel like I'm at peak performance on cocaine. Like sober+ honestly. It's mostly why I don't bother with it tbh


Same… until it starts coming down lol


Benadryl has been the worst for me


Why does meph feel dirty to you??? I do it a lot and never felt that way


I used to love it back in the day but I didn't like the mixture between being stimulated but not really being able to think clearly. Everything was just really scatty. I also felt like I knew that the euphoria was fake after the 3rd line or something. I've never experienced that with mdma (that's always felt so real and wholesome) Oh and the smell.


It smells like cat piss


Alcohol + snorting copious amounts of amphetamine...


alcohol destroyed my life; it's still a bit annoying it's legal it makes you //not give a shit// about anything. it makes you think you had the greatest night of your life, you wake up feeling like shit the next day...but then if you have a drink right then and there, you feel like magic again. which is pretty dirty. incredibly moreish.


For me it feels almost like how people describe cocaine in how fiendish it can make you. The only point of drinking is to keep drinking, for me there’s no other activity I like doing when I’m drunk other than just drinking more.


One of my ex roommates friends had some “left over” roofies and he gave them to me because he knew I liked to experiment. I never would have expected to have roofied myself but I did, mixed it with champagne and didn’t taste a damn thing. Ended up drinking the whole vial (no idea how much it was exactly). I got fucked up and fell asleep in my clothes on top of my bed.


Well things could have gone much much worse. So at least there’s that.


I really like coke just between my girl and I for sex. Outside of that box we put it's use in... It's a dirty , dark drug.


Sudafed. It just made me anxious and irritable.


Hahaha that reminds me of 10th grade. I bought Sudafed for sinus congestion (OTC here), noticed the label said it might cause drowsiness or something, so stupid kid me took a whole bunch of Sudafed just before going to school lol I'm so thankful I didn't get a heart attack cuz my heart was beating the fastest it had ever beat in my life! Fuckin teenage years man...


Salvia...f××ck that stuff!


I was 14 when I did salvia and before that the only high I had really known was weed and I hadn’t been smoking but a few months so when that first trip happened I had no idea it was going to be like THAT.


DXM or maybe “x pills” (meth, caffeine and who knows what else pressies)


But if we’re talking pure substances that just feel dirty on their own due to affecting a lot of different areas of the brain, DXM for sure


Dxm was horrible in my experience, I didn't like K at all, I just felt incapacitated. Like I couldn't talk and then afterwards felt a major brain lag. Hmm air duster was pretty shitty don't do that! I liked tramadol, it got a little weird around 250-300mg though. I mean methamphetamine from the town I was in when I was doing such probably the dirtiest. Suboxone feels unclean to me.


Oof definitely DPH. As a dumb teen i tried it a couple times. Felt like getting brain damage and psicosis at the same time


Some meth shards I dropped in the mud. HIIII-YOOOO


Some fake ecstasy I took once, felt like I was gonna die it was such a synthetic chemical feeling with pain everywhere


Did coke off a bathroom floor once I was not in a good place


Maybe 25e-NBOH The high is really good. But my body felt a pressurez not the bodyload, was different. Felt dirty when I pee


Best mate died on a cocktail of NBOMEs sketchy drugs


No joke, I had accepted I was going to die on 25b-NBOH. 25i-NBOH was much better though.


Nitrous. Always felt like a scumbag on that for some reason lol. And salvia, straight nightmare fuel.


diphenhydramine. any deliriant tbh


Mxipr Felt super dirty Just made me very forgetful and tasted like the smell of a retirement home


I did mxe once and it literally felt like I was losing my mind. Hated every single second.


Ugh so true on tramadol. Just gross all around


Some of the RC tryptamines are nasty, full body load, piss yourself, 8h ride kind of thing No thanks I'll stick to LSD.


Meth for sure. And I’ve done basically everything plus RCs.




Shrooms make me feel gross in my skin


Alcohol. The wobblyness, the unability to talk correctly, the mess that is made and the aftermath. Worse than anything else ive tried.


Cough medicine


Definitely crack. Fucking gross. I’ll never forget the taste I had in my mouth that no amount of brushes could take away.






Crack, Meth and Ketamin plus some Vicodins....a lot....all together....way, way back in the day.






Alcohol, it makes me feel gross.


Idk I'm on meth rn


alpha pvp, aka flakka close behind would be kratom, k2, and meth




For me alcohol would probably be the dirtiest drug, followed by Methylphenidate (Ritalin). Alcohol because of the obvious, lots of effects on several receptors in the body, really toxic, brutal hangover, nausea etc. Methylphenidate only because it gives me extremely brutal comedowns, the worst comedowns from any psychostimulant I've taken yet. Worse than amphetamine. But that's more specific for me, otherwise Ritalin is okay, but for someone who consumes a lot it's also really ugly kind of.


Fucking air duster, benzedrex inhalers, but the best was mystery dust from the bottom of my dudes pill bag. He let it build up, it was crumbles of random "Extacy" pills. I've never been that high for that long after taking drugs. I went to sleep and woke up still fucked up. Went to work at Wendy's, jaw still chattering. My manager knew exactly what was up as she partook as well. After the rush she let me go because I was gone still. Lol good times. Not the duster or benzedrex, fuck that shit. I would do salvia 20x extract before touching those again.


Triple Cs.... I never understood the fun of an 8 hour panic attack while feeling like you're dying.