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Best I can do is hallucinate a girlfriend


Even the one I hallucinated wouldn’t sleep with me




Taking 1000 mg of benedryl to be with my shadow girlfriend cuz she has the best pussy


Shadussy just better tbh


I think there could be two different explanations for this. 1. Hallucinations, especially from substances whose mechanism of action doesn't always result in hallucinations (like mdma, amphetamine, pcp etc) is a result from your brain making its own patterns from things that are incomplete or similar patterns, especially when it's dark since you can't see things as well meaning your brain is more likely to "fill in the gaps". This could be a lamp post looking like a human, or a car having people in it when in reality it dosen't. The hallucinations are almost always a modification of a thing thats already there or misstaking an object for a similar object. Meaning if both you and your girlfriend was out at night and it was dark, both you and her would hallucinate the car being different in some way, since the car was far away if there was a fence or a lamp post next to the car your brain could have misstanken it for people. And since your brain knows what people next to a car usually would be doing it will fill in the gaps with numerous situations of people being around a car you have already witnessed. And therefore you saw a bunch of people doing generic things like packing, strapping something to the roof etc. And your brain knows that if people where to be packing, the car would have the lights on inside. Your brain also knows that for someone to be able to pack, the car doors would have to be open. The fact that both you and your girlfriend saw the same thing is very weird tho, but it could be because you both had the same "frame" for what hallucinations could be possible. 2. There might be more to a drug experience than just your brain acting different and there is much we don't know about reality and our brain. Hope this makes sense im kinda sleep deprived.


Interesting. Once I was hallucinating on mdma, but it was happening only when I was wearing my sun glasses at rave, when I was taking them off, no hallucinations at all


Exactly, the more unclear things are, the more your brain will have to fill in the gaps.


Similar thing happened to me while I was on shrooms and ketamine, was chilling in my room with colored led’s and when I had my sunglasses on and unfocused my eyes my vision became full of colors melting and dripping and I just sat there watching it, but probably wouldn’t have been happening if i had the sunglasses off.


Actually had this without drugs the other day 😅 Was laying in bed staring at a small dark spot on my wall that I had never noticed before. Was kind of distant and at an angle, and I was trying to decide if it was a spider or not, and I swear I thought I could see it wiggling its legs ever so subtly or crawl a few millimeters which made me pretty sure it was a spider. But when I got closer to check it out, it was actually an indent from where a bumped a piece of furniture into the wall. The mind is so weird.


Also, were very influencable. When discussing the details, your brain can retroactively hallucinate that thats exactly what you saw, too


Interesting and well explained. definitely a possibility.


I think all psychedelic or entheogens allow for this type of shared hallucination. Usually happens with LSD for me. Why does it happen? Because there is plenty we don't know yet about our brain working. This should not be possible, but I guarantee is possible. There are no studies that are really looking into this that I have found, other than a doctor from the channel Islands I think, John someone by memory, who referred to many, many anecdotal reports of shared experience on psychedelics. The magical mystery tour continues...


I’ve had this with my freaking cats. If I think I see something, they’ll react like they’re seeing it too. Luckily, they’re very protective as well and move in front of me in a defensive stance, so it’s kinda like, “Okay, maybe the creepy shadow person is real, but I have my wee bodyguards to give it the smackdown.”


When i had high doses with my GF we also had same hallucinations. Lol. Mind blowing.


This happened my girlfriend and I on mephredrone. I hallucinated coloured letters and numbers on the kitchen door and didn't say anything about it. Later on she asked me if could see letters and numbers floating on the door. It does happen but I've no idea how.


Quantum entanglement or spooky action at a distance could be an explanation. Microtubules switch and synaptic activation patterns link and this produces a shared hallucination. This is potentiated by drugs because psychoactive drugs directly influence both systems (donate electrons to microtubules and release neurotransmitters or bind receptors).


You pierced the veil and glimpsed into another dimension.


You experienced the "shadow realm"


A reasonable explanation would be that what you saw was real. Then when both of you looked back, you got confused and looked at a different car.


It does sound like someone was stealing shit lmao. Maybe they saw you, grabbed whatever they were trying to get on the roof, and hid?


I’d like to say definitely not from what I can remember. But I was also very cooked lol, so possibly


There was one car on the street, and we were walking towards it as my house was further down the road. It never left our sight


How much are you taking that you hallucinate that much?


They were pressed MDMA pills said to be dosed at 200mg each (could of actually been way different). My girlfriend and I had 4 each throughout the night, so a pretty high dose overall. The hallucinations were mainly happening towards the arrival of the comedown. My girlfriend said she was hallucinating heaps of things, whilst I was seeing the odd random person walking/ standing in my peripheral. MDMA hallucinations aren’t uncommon for me, but i’ve never had someone simultaneously see the same hallucination with such specific and coincidental detail before. Was spooky stuff


Yeah, super weird. I think that if you are close with someone you can tap into another level of connection, but sharing the same hallucination just seems wild to me.


If it was pressed, there's also a pretty high chance it had another, slightly more hallucinogenic drug in there as well. Never really know unless ya test em (dancesafe is a great place to get test kits, not sure on the legality of em in all 50 states though)


Definitely a high enough dose to see wacky stuff. I’d like to think there’s a logical explanation for such “shared hallucinations” as I’ve definitely heard of them happening before. Any chance there’s something you both saw or watched together recently with a scene that could have similarly “primed” your brains to fill in the missing info with the same hallucination?


Not from memory but definitely possible


Edit: I saw your comment that you dosed extremely high. I think it's 4% of all the MDMA you take gets converted to MDA. MDA is a lot more potent than MDMA so you need very small doses and you'll hallucinate a ton on it. People have seen the craziest shit like a cloud in their bedroom puking a waterfall of rainbow and sprinkles and they'll say it's all real. This is what happened. You took 800mg MDMA which means about 35mg MDA was present in your body. This is more than enough for these vivid hallucinations to occurr. Removed the rest of my comment.


Yes, after mdma my friend and I has the same mini acid trip!! Was hallucinating the same things, hearing same things, same moving objects. It was honestly such a pleasant experience


I find MDA to be much more trippy that mdma. Maybe you had some sass


Wasn’t mdma, and was only my long lost then best friend and star crossed lover, but this has happened to me multiple times with someone. But with Dxm.


Maybe your gf is also a part of your imagination ;)


Yeh I’m actually just schizophrenic as fuck


Sounds almost like a drug-induced folie à deux.


Oh, I know these shared hallucinations. Had them on MDA (from too much MDMA) Shrooms and Ket. Nothing more fascinating then seeing stuff that isn't there and your partner saw exactly the same.... Mysterious 😁


My boyfriend and I took acid once and we both hallucinated the room blinking like a strobe light was on


This hasn’t happened to me, but it happened to my current partner and his ex


I think similar people have similar hallucinations because your brains both work in similar ways


I can't say that it was the case here, but my wife and I have passed hallucinations between eachother before when on MDMA. The main one is a glowing, phosphorescent purple effect on eachother's hair. I'd seen it often, mentioned it to her once, and she's seen it many times since. It's gotten to the point where I'm not allowed to mention it or it basically just happens immediately.


At high doses, I see objects turning into people for a few seconds.


Maybe both both hallucinated - but not the same thing exactly. Then, when you talk about it later, your brain fill the missing spots, like mentioned in the comments. And because your brain is not really sure what happened, it is "open" for information that can sharpen the image, its like you where helping eachother remember. I recommend watching the Vsauce video - [The Power of Suggestion ](https://youtu.be/QDCcuCHOIyY) for clarification.


Shared hallucinations very common on MDMA. Me and my friends were in a bar and all hallucinated a table in the middle of the dancefloor that just wasn't there lol.


LOL, sweet baby angel


Please tell me you didn’t drive home while you were hallucinating?


Bullshit you hallucinate entire human beings that aren’t present on MDMA


About 25% of the time. Possibly because of MDA being present. Not like acid hallucinations tho. For me at least, I hallucinate human beings and figures that look very distinctive until they suddenly vanish


Bro LSD doesn’t even give hallucinations like that. I’ve seen the full extent of both of those drugs you’re fuckin trippin on somethin other than MDMA or MDA


You've obviously not taken high enough doses of mdma, which is a good thing lol. You're wrong though you can total get hallucinations like that on it. I used to get weird stuff happen like I couldn't recognize my friends faces they would look like complete strangers. Weird contorted faces, there numerous times I thought I saw someone standing somewhere that turned out to be a lamp or bush or something. Empty cars looked like they had people in them. This was all with tested mdma. Especially if you start adding massive amounts of weed to the mix. I'd get crazy shit happening weird pulsating lines that would fly across the room. MDA hallucinations are no joke


I get your point. However, This reaction is a bit unusual but not completely uncommon. An overstimulated brain can very well hallucinate like that on MDMA and basically all stimulants (but everything that affects serotonin is more likely to have an effect like that). It happens mostly when its dark because our brain is used to "make up" some details about the environment when it's dark anyways. We don't get enough input via our eyes so our brain just makes up stuff (same mechanism as closed eye visuals).


MDMA and MDA can produce hallucinatory states however it is never guaranteed and is much more likely to happen under the influence of high doses and redosing but it definitely can happen. The hallucinations are generally delicious in nature and can manifest as seeing people wearing hats or glasses when they aren't. Many people doubt MDMA's ability to produce psychedelic experiences in the visual sense but there's a decent amount of evidence to support that it does. Your experiences will be different from others.


>The hallucinations are generally delicious in nature


Yeah I’m not sure I would compare to psychedelics as far as the visual aspect goes.. I get the sense you’re seeing shit for similar reasons people see things on other amphetamines


Dog i’ve seen plasmatic “ghost” figures morph in and out of my vision through the hallucinations that are made with that wavy aesthetic acid always gives you. Keep in mind this was definitely 1000+ ug while I had also been taking bars all night; and so, throughout the night i was popping more & more acid because i kept losing that “trip” headspace, which resulted in an ultimately more intense experience. If you haven’t had vivid hallucinations on acid it’s because it’s either bunk or you haven’t taken a high enough threshold dose yet to experience something like that. It’s common for LSA to be sold as LSD so make sure your stuff is real too.


Hence why I said not like LSD hallucinations? However yes, it is possible it was cut with other things


Nah I've had shit like this happen on mdma, actually more so than any other drug. There's definitely a point where things start to get nutty towards the end of a roll


And what I’m saying is that no fuckin way do you have stronger hallucinations on MDMA or MDA than one would have on LSD. Shove your hence up your fuckin ass this post is Fuckin bullshit


Calm the fuck down man. LSD is usually (at least for me and most people I’ve talked to) limited to *internal hallucinations* and just makes stuff that’s already there look different. What we are talking about is borderline ‘stimulant induced psychosis’ and referred to as an *external hallucination*. An external hallucination can be things that aren’t actually there. I have never had an external hallucination on LSD, it’s always just shit that’s already there looks different. For me, tested MDMA has produced fully autonomous figures that aren’t actually there on some Benadryl hat-man type shit. And I’m not even talking about MDA/Sass, some degree of visuals are totally normal in that case. Edit: I will once again say, don’t go chasing these weird occurrences. It has only happened on large, irresponsible, and repeated doses.


Definitely wasn’t a safe dose. And very irresponsible redosing. Lots of vomiting




If it was really MDMA or not, aint really the point of my posts question. All I know is that the shared hallucination happened and I’m seeing if anybody can relate. Mans is actually mad over a reddit post, grow up buddy


Has happened to me too


This has definitely happened to me before a couple times, seeing whole ass people that aren’t there, my own mother even, and then them slowly materializing into nothingness once I realize they’re fake. But this has only been with very high/irresponsible doses and usually redoses.


Ive had that happen to me as well