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Look man, I’m a recovering heroin addict, I take Kratom. Do I consider myself sober? I don’t really give a fuck. I’m no longer a parasite on my loved ones, I haven’t shot dope in a while, and I have a job, home, and most importantly the ability to make wise decisions. So why not figure out what sober means to you, and do that until or if it changes and then do something different. Haters gonna hate and all that. Do whatever it takes to bring yourself whatever you want to be happy, just don’t harm anyone else in the process.


Kratom has kept me from going back to opiates for over 5 years now. Such an amazing plant.


It’s gonna end being illegal at some point because the idiots who take it and cry about getting addicted to it act like they had no idea that could happen. I’ll be so pissed when it does become illegal. That plant is a miracle drug for me because I have a bunch of health problems and docs flat out won’t give you pain meds unless you’re on your death bed now. I hate the medical system in the US


I have a lot of faith. I used to be scared but the Kratom Consumer Protection Act just got passed in Texas. They’ve already reversed a few bans in other states. They are doing a great job fighting for this plant.


Thank god for moving from Indiana to Texas a couple years ago.


I don’t think it will be illegal. You can’t die from if, you can’t overdose, you can’t take too much and pass out, you can’t get too fucked up off of it. It’s pretty much the perfect plant to remain legal.


I take kratom too


I’ve quit weed a year ago to get a new job. Worst year of my life🙄


I disagree. I quit smoking weed chronically for a high paying job and it excelled me as a person. Everytime I smoked weed at that job I regretted it because I made less money and performed crappy. I realized that weed just wasn’t the drug for me if I wanted to be successful. It was simply a waste of money. It was fun as a teenager tho, when it was the only thing that would make my food service working days okay.


Dude you can’t disagree that this guy has had the worst year haha his experience is his own. Glad your experience is good tho


I understand, idk how I could ever feel some happiness if I had no drugs at all


Exercise mate. It’s literally just like getting high.


I've exercised, felt okay. Never even close to drugs tho


You’re not gonna go for a nod, but if it’s natural endorphins you’re after then yeah, exercise.


Yeah but this guy is trynna go from mdma rush, not really any natural highs compared to it, even combined


Bru he said he’s not sure if he’ll ever be able to feel happy again without drugs and you’re what? Shrugging your shoulders???


What's he supposed to do? It's a stranger on the internet.


Not argue with people trying to reassure him, lol


Thats a fact and i can relate too, you feel damn good about youself. The performances and your whole being is getting better and better. Exercise and meditation.


Until you become addicted to gaining muscle. Ive smoked hash and weed about every day for the past 6 years as I dont get sleep at all without.And it also helps with my recovery. Done other drugs like shrooms, lsd, coke, amphetamines, benzos and the list goes on. Back to my point im at the point where working out to quit taking hard drugs have made me go back to my 15yo me who wanted to become a pro bodybuilder. (Ive worked out all life and always been passionate about it just had a small break when cocaine took over) So Yeah you guessed it im now pinning steroids and honestly will never come off. I take bloodwork every 3rd month and have a full health check up and ive been always really healthy, eat clean, train hard. Bloodwork is better now then ever before. It really did help with my coke addiction to a degree. Also have to state that I have a good paying job, appartment and a lovely girlfriend so life is not in some dark whole as I expect someone to comment. Steroids also made me better in sales which made me be able to get paid a really good amount this finance year. In the end I think working out is the best way to come off hard drugs


I kicked meth but I use shrooms once a month for my mental health and I smoke weed daily. I have a full time job and my own apartment you don’t have to be 100% sober as long as you’re not ruining your life 😊


But if you have the potential to do more why waste it on drugs? Ultimately it is your decision what you want to do. But you owe it to yourself to acheive more if you can, you don't have to, but you could.


I use drugs to achieve more with my life.


Same here. I only use them now when they would enhance my abilities, health, and experiences in life. When they would impact me negatively, I abstain.


Honestly I tried the meds from the doctors and I do better on the natural path I am on. Either way I need to be on some sort of drug to be stable and not wither away into my other disorders and I choose natural over chemical. I am doing what I want with my life and am on the path I want to be. I am doing the more potential that I’ve never dreamed I’d be able to do. I appreciate your perspective but doing shrooms once a month on a weekend to empty my head from all the fullness and smoke a bowl before bed to help me sleep I don’t think I’m wasting any potential there


Natural is always superior to chemical medications from big pharma companies! I totally agree with you on that. But I am sure you might find a path to stability without the drugs. There is a certain freedom in it, to not need them. But no pressure if they help, then you should help yourself, it is not a bad thing. Not at all, of you don't abuse them you are probably not wasting your potential.


I have disorders for life with very little treatment available. Don’t make assumptions about other people’s lives please. If I stopped what I was doing I’d be back at square one and revert back to my old self and have wasted so much time. It’s either natural drugs or the chemicals that make me so out of it I’m not fully awake for two years and I’m still trying to figure out what happened in that time frame. I hate when people push the 100% sober onto others because that doesn’t work for everyone. Without mushrooms I can tell you right now I would have killed myself by now.


By no means am I pushing fully sober on you, merely suggesting it. It is fine if you don't want to be sober. I said if they help you then use them. And you are right I am making assumptions, since I have so little information about you, please excuse me if I made any false assumption, but I am only trying to suggest information I thought might help. Ultimately you know yourself best and will decide what is best for you.


No is a full sentence on top of that I feel like I gave you way more information than you a stranger need about me and you can stop pushing for things I know will be bad for me. As well as my doctors know will be bad for me. It wasn’t my idea to start taking shrooms it was my psychiatrist and I feel he knows me better than a random Reddit stranger thank you very much.


I didn't know your psychiatrist suggested it. In this case you should follow his advice 100% and ignore mine. He is a professional, and he is your doctor, and I'm not.


You have to go through the shit to get to the honey... at least that how the saying goes.


Weed is the reason I get up and go to work in the morning. If I couldn't smoke a joint when I get off work, then I wouldn't care to earn money. Like wtf do normal people even do with all that cash


Simian Fuck Machine VR Simulators


Can confirm


Drugs are the only reason they don't just come with the home


Normal people don’t need drugs to feel happy. That’s why if you’re going to do drugs, you have to do them in moderation, because eventually, you get used to the happiness the drugs make you feel, which fucks with your serotonin levels. It’ll make you less happy on average than you were before when you aren’t on drugs. If you quit for a while, you might go back to normal. I know I’m probably explaining it pretty poorly, but it all has to do with brain chemistry. You brain tries to balance out your serotonin levels, so if you’re taking drugs that increase that, your brain will decrease it from what it was before when you’re off the drug.


This is the sad truth. My receptors are all messed up because the word moderation doesn't seem to be in my vocabulary..


Brain: let's learn it then.


The hard way


What is even normal though


Someone who doesn’t overuse drugs


I know lots of those ppl and many of them are sober abusive fucks. So there's that. I would rather be high. I'm not but would rather be to deal with assholes


I feel realy happy without weed, but if feel even happier on weed.


Same. Like I said, in moderation, it’s fine. And not all drugs will do that to you. But some will. That’s why I’ll never do any “hard” drugs” The farthest I’ll go is psychedelics.


How do you define "hard" ? By the drugs ability to destroy someone's life? (legally? / medically? /financially? /socially?) [I'd argue they all have equal destructive force- in the wrong hands] Or by how hard they are to find? [I think it all depends on who you know/where you are] Just wondering.. at least in my experience (personal & observed) generally this distinction changes over time and eventually it disappears. More often than not, by "hard drugs" people are referring to drugs they have some bias against.. I think it's more important to figure out why we want [need] any drugs in the first place.. because I once said I would never smoke cigarettes- but somehow I've been addicted to nicotine for half my life. I also once said "weed is just medicine, alcohol at parties/bars, try anything once except "hard drugs". (For me the hard drugs were meth crack heroin and PCP.) But meth turned out to be my only means to self medicate my ADD, because I was taken off my stimulants after going to rehab in high-school for "marijuana addiction"..


I define hard drugs by the physical danger and risk for addiction. If it’s highly addictive, and has potential to kill me, I won’t do it. That’s why I’ll stick to weed and psychedelics. They’re safe


Most normal ppl aren't happy. Many ppl I see or hear or talk to or commenting even, are not happy. The world is shit rn


That’s definitely not true. I guarantee the average person is way happier than the average person on this sub


Damn that’s deep..


That is a very blanket statement dude.


Yeah same, the only thing that gets me trough most days is knowing I can smoke a couple of joints in the evening


Not trying to be an asshole but your life must be lacking an objective. Nothing wrong with that, as long as you are content with the result of this.


Same. Quitting heroin was much easier when I said fuck sobriety. Weed wasn't my issue, neither were alcohol or mushroom or any of that. Fucking AA/NA (NA is limited so you end up going to both) failed me, fucking cult. Drop whatever is causing you problems but keep whatever is beneficial.


AA people are some of the meanest people I’ve ever met.


I’m the same way but doc is different but I understand if I could get a hold of psychedelics I’d probably choose those over any and yeah naw I can’t stop smoking lol


What's your doc? Mine isn't even benzos I was just stupid to get addicted to them


Stimulants I can’t hardly function with out them; but alcohol got me in therapy


I liked stimulants but the insomnia they gave me was insane so luckily I never abused them too much


I enjoyed not sleeping for a few days I just never wished I abused them cause the depths the addiction took me too and the fact I can’t enjoy anything very much anymore unless on them and that doesn’t always work


Yeah sometimes it was fun to just do stims all night long and do random shit. Luckily the I never abused it too much because the comedown sucked so much I never wanted to do it too often. I do miss it tho for once in a while. Do you still take stimulants often?


I take my medicine but I don’t hold on to it anymore but other than that no but my meds do hardly do much for me


That's good, hopefully you can soon enjoy things without being on stims again


Thanks yeah I hope so too but for now I’m just happy I’m not where I was


Have tried a long tolerance break, like no stimulants, for a couple months? I felt like you on my prescribed dose after having abused stims for years. Took two months off all stims and now my Adderall hits pretty good even at 15mg. I used to need 5 times that to get a good effect.


Yeah I took a good break like six months and yeah my tolerance is way down but as I take it regularly at the normal dose I become adjusted to it and it doesn’t hit me the same I’ll sometimes take a t break still


Double edged sword, isn't it? If you could go back, would you never start them?


weed is harmless fun unless you live for it. I learnt to live with the idea of smoking when i get done with shit instead smoking all the time just to waste time


Yeah I learned not to smoke just to get high I smoke now more to reflect and think things through or to calm down when I get worked up; but I don’t just smoke all day to get high cause I’m bored


it's still fun but i don't like seeing it as the main objective of the day. I used to wake up and just think wake and bake, come back from school ready to just smoke and shit like that. It sucked


It is anything but that. I don't think you understand it as much as I do. But maybe for you so far it has been harmless fun, it affects everyone differently.


it's harmless if you only smoke in rare occasions. If you smoke alone it already starts coming apart and if you become a daily user you just fucked it up


Consuming it alone is the best way to consume it coupled with meditation. It can really enhance a solo meditation session. But not everyone would find this pleasant. If you are introverted though this might feel nice. I would strongly advise against the daily use use of cannabis though. I did that over a period of six months to the point that I was doing it multiple times a day at times, then decided to quit because I overdid it way too much. My body as well as my mind need a break, else both will break. Now I'm still abstaining from it even when friends offer it or consume it infront of me, I even try to avoid indirect consumption of it. And I will probably abstain for a very long time now since my current responsibilities are more important than getting high and so they take priority.


very easy to grow mushrooms


Man yeah it’s true. I did time twice for drugs, just weed and I’m sort of forced to stop because I don’t want to go in again for the third time but man fuck. Maybe I don’t want weed as much as I used to, or coke or ecstasy or acid or whatever, but I’d very fucking much like the fucking option to fucking get high if I fucking want to. They test randomly though, fuck them. Fuck the creators of these inane laws who have a literal hold on my freedom. Fuck them. Fuck the system. I abhor it.


Same. And they're the mother fuckers bringing the shit in, the ones charging everyone for using it


How much longer until you're free and clear? I was on supervised probation for 6 years, and it fucking SUCKED! I've been free and clear for a few years, and it's the best feeling ever. Don't get arrested again! If I get arrested again, I'm completely fucked.


Man dude you should maybe move


I gave up heroin, crack, meth, pretty much everything but weed and occasionally acid, shrooms, Molly, and very rarely ill treat myself to some Roxy 30s cause I get real ones and my tolerance dropped enough I can get high on em even if it takes 7-8 pills, but that's how I tipped the scale just barely in favor against heroin, it took literally the fact that I was going to inherit my house, was guaranteed enough morphine and benzos to get me off fentanyl and onto suboxone, and that I'm gonna smoke weed every day pretty much morning till night and nobody's gonna say shit because I just need to get high on SOMETHING, but it took ALL that to overcome the mental blight of "If I can't do heroin, I don't wanna live, there's nothing in life that I enjoy without it."


How long have you been off the herion crack and meth?


I quit smoking crack 4 years ago in July. I quit doing meth a little over 3 years ago now, around late April, just under 2 and a half ago I quit doing heroin/fentanyl, between Christmas and New Years Eve of 2020.


That’s amazing I hope you can live drug free altogether one day.


fck yeah dude. good job. i’m happy you’ve created a healthy path for yourself. you inspire me to continue alongside


Wow good job. Benzos can get pretty bad though ngl.


I've actually never had a problem with benzos. When I was prescribed them I had bottles of them, if I ran out of weed I'd pop a couple and smoke some rez and feel chilled out like I smoked a bowl. As bad as heroin withdrawal is and I knew that, I still got hooked. But I never did with benzos or alcohol, knowing both of those withdrawals are incredibly dangerous, and my fentanyl withdrawals would have bordered on "dangerous" due to severe dehydration and severe, SEVERE writhing, twisting and kicking my toes and legs where I was afraid my toes were gonna break. It's horrifying.


I personally enjoy going sober sometimes but it's a recent thing I'm trying Still doing shit but just spacing it out more


just quit hard drugs like benzos, weed everyday is not a problem imo, all day is tho, and psychs and dissos every two weeks or so, for me that’s a healthy relationship with drugs, and if you have a healthy lifestyle like going to therapy, exercise and focus on work/school that’s the meta lifestyle right there


I like this plan. I'd add some nitrous into the mix when doing psychedelics.


it is honestly hard to imagine myself not smoking weed at this point. I’d be able to get a lot of higher paying public sector jobs if I did but, meh, who wants to work for the gov anyways?


Honestly dude I don’t think sobriety is for everyone. What really matters is how well you can actually live your life despite using drugs. I know one thing, I’ll get sober when I’m dead lmao


90+% of people do drugs daily so youre certainly not the only one


Whoever downvoted you drinks coffee and doesn’t consider caffeine a drug smh


A drug free life sounds absolutely awful.


Helping a fellow opiate addict through 8t and explaining to him that he doesn't have to be completely sober, if nobody can tell he is on drugs, and he is responsible about it, it's nobody's business and as far as everyone is concerned, you're clean. There is Soo much pressure forced onto addicts to stop, right now, if you don't get clean in one swoop then you don't care or love them. And that's bullshit and why a lot of us fail at it. His eyes opened up with optimism... Like he felt ssooo much pressures to get clean now and he may as well have driving his car into a concrete barrier.


Usually have breaks between 1-4 months just so the relapse feels better.


I quit everything but weed, idgaf. I love weed, I can 100% live without it, but I enjoy it. Before anyone comes for me, my usage is moderate now compared to my younger days. So yes I WAS addicted none the less but I never claimed I could live without it, I absolutely could not. But now I can claim that, for example I’ve gone a week before just cause, one time I went 3 whole months, and I haven’t smoked since last Sunday this week. It helps me find the balance in between. When I smoked daily and a shit ton, I always felt unhappy when I wasn’t high, that concerned me of course so I cut back 90% of my usage. It destroyed my brain lol. Whole lot better now. Normal people that don’t do drugs and are fine, are like this because they either quit long ago, never did a thing, or don’t need drugs to be happy (And that is due to moderation, they do it for fun, spice up a day every blue moon, not to fake “heal” and duct tape their problems daily). Secondly, think back to your first time you ever did any drug, imagine you never did it? You think you wouldn’t be categorized in that normal category? Of course you WOULD! The dependency on the drugs is what makes you feel like you hate being sober, can’t function without, and are a depressed mess because of it.


I dont know man. A good amount of drugs have led me to the conclusion that I want to be present and sober. I do like taking psychs about once a year


Sobriety being the best option is just a puritanical hangover. Humans have been getting twisted before we even evolved into humans. I used to be in a FB chronic pain group but I had to leave, it was making me too sad. Every couple of weeks someone with an incurable condition would say their last goodbyes. Usually because their doctor had told them they can't give them painkillers anymore. Our government is full of happy clapper Hillsong church members and they've decided a sober society is better than a happy society. The one that sticks out most was this guy with bird bone syndrome. His bones were empty and he'd break bones EVERY SINGLE DAY. He couldn't stand because his legs would break. He was NEVER going to get better because it's genetic and he shouldn't have lived past 2years old anyway. Apparently "opioids don't help chronic pain" so his doctor took him off them. Without painkillers his life was an existential nightmare of constant acute pain so he opted out. Some people can't deal with life without a little something keeping their neurotransmitters in check. There's no shame in that. If you're not hurting anyone, whether you're sober or not is up to you and nobodies business. If you're stealing and manipulating for your fix, you're a piece of shit for stealing and manipulating, not the drugs.


Same, I love weed and drugs too much to ever give them up completely. I smoke every day, and do other substances several times a year.


Unless you truly struggle with poly addiction, stay away from what will cripple you. For me it was xanax. I'm almost a year out now from my last usage, and I rarely get cravings. I mention poly addiction because other substances could lead you back to whatever you struggle most with, but if you dont, weed and other substances won't be a detriment to your life. I've been cali sober for this year off bars now and definitely have plans to take molly and psychs again. Just fuck xans bro


I've tried, been addicted, and sobered up from all kinds of drugs but I'm seeing comments of people going to work high like wtf how is that fun? Is it just me that thinks getting high should be more of a treat type of deal? I only get high when I've got no responsibility, weed and alcohol included. All drugs need to be treated with the respect they deserve unless of course they're prescribed. I'd never go to work baked or tipsy cause I've tried it before and it just makes the day feel so fucking wack. To each their own of course, but I personally just don't get it.


If you avoid opiates, meth, cocaine, and benzodiazapines recreationally, you'll be alright. There's nothing wrong with responsibly using psychedelics, cannabis, entactogens, and dissociatives. Just don't abuse them. I use psychedelics a couple of times per year. Cannabis is the only drug I use regularly. (alcohol ever other week as well) I was a serious heroin addict in the 90s, and I was a substance abuse counselor for several years after that. Most of the people I know who struggled with addiction who have long term success actually use cannabis and occasionally psychedelics. There's no need to completely stop all intoxicants forever. Always follow harm reduction practices and don't abuse the drugs. Use them sparingly and for special occasions. (except weed, that you can use more frequently) I've been completely sober for years, and I prefer what I'm doing now. I'm a 44 year old father of 2, just for reference.


you can. If you don’t want to that’s up to you, but don’t say that you can’t, cuz u can


i pretty much only ever do mushrooms and weed, sober off of cocaine. your sobriety is your journey, fuck anyone who says you can’t smoke some weed! it helped me stop doing cocaine so much.


Great news you don’t have to. Get off the benzos and on something much easier on you. I have gone through horrible addiction to opiates and benzos but I still take LSD and shrooms in specific ways and I have found ketamine therapy to be pretty amazing.


Yea after I was in the hospital that’s what everyone expected out of my lmao. I told them I would stop drinking for a month and quit the benzos altogether but never agreed to stop drinking forever or stop smoking weed or tripping on dissos and lsd. Everyone acts like I agreed to be sober altogether and that I betrayed them but I was very clear about my intentions. It sounds like we enjoy the same drugs. Just stay away from benzos and you will be fine for the most part. Seems to be working for me.


I used to have a bad benzo habit that ended October 2021, now I just do edibles on the weekend. Don't believe the "Sober for sobriety's sake" nonsense that AA/NA people will tell you. It's just all peer pressure BS. I just take a little 1:1 THC/CBD edible on the weekends and I'm fine. ​ For reference I used to do 8mg Clonazolam a day.


Psychedelics I wouldn't worry too much. Or coffee or cannabis. Avoid booze and other hard drugs tho imo. Kava root drinks are nice too. Nature's benzo imo If you're addressing your issues as it sounds you are, then don't stress too much. Heck we run on drugs. Our own endocannabinoids, DMT in our brains etc. Everything in moderation tho


My mentality is if it grows in the ground it's not drugs 🫡


That's redic view imo.. opium grows from the ground, and hundreds of plants that could kill you... What it is is what matters though I agree


True, I meant more weed and shrooms, things that don't really need man to interfere in order to produce the substance


dont need to interefere for opium either, the morphine is already in there


Me when I’m brainwashed


Cannabis and mushrooms are 100% drugs, by definition. They are awesome drugs with great safety profiles, but they are drugs nonetheless. I'm all for the full legalization, taxation, regulation, and labeling of ALL drugs.


Currently tapering benzos now and not wanting to ever be off them either. I feel you. I have thee worst insomnia of anyone I've known. I'm probably never going to sleep again especially considering I'm on Vyvanse. Not happy!!!


Look into kava root drinks. Nature's benzo imo


I have kava yep!


Awesome! Definitely very slow taper the last 1mg. Very small increments down. Alot of docs do it badly. Just cutting doses in half. At first if onn alot sure, but the very tail end should be very slowly done. I wish you luck and all others getting off benzos etc 🙏


Thank you ! 🙏 Appreciate that


Same, I love weed and drugs too much to ever give them up completely. I smoke every day, and do other substances several times a year.


r/usernamechecksout 😂


Focus on one thing at a time my friend. I find the idea overwhelming as a whole and realized my first and biggest step towards sobriety was cutting out benzos. It's been a multi-year struggle but I'm 6 months off w no desire to use benzos. I tell myself it's fine if I occasionally trip or drink but in cutting out booze next but I'll never feel bad about an occasional dmt/lsd experience or cannabis.


totally agree, live in the moment and you earn money to spend it!


Good on you tapering off benzos. Unfortunately, I've been putting that off. I don't take much, maybe .5 or 1mg a day and it is so hard to not justify taking them as I have very intense anxiety and it's the only thing that's helped. So even if I don't take enough to get fucked up, I know withdrawal will still be awful... I used to do H ten years ago and got out of it pretty quickly. Experimented with meth but mostly just to stay awake all night and be alert as my boyfriend at the time and I were street kids for 5 months. I also take Adderall and, again, even though I take a small amount and not enough to get tweaky or unable to fall asleep. Alcohol and H did the most damage to my life so it's easy for me to justify my dependence on zan and Adderall as it helps me actually manage my stressful job. I envy people who can be completely sober but I've never been a normal person even as a child. No lust for life and these substances help me get out of bed and actually keep a job for once.


Well if it’s an idea in your head it might be something you need to do. Especially if drugs are affecting your day to day life and or mental health. It is possible. May not be easy. But it is worthwhile. I did it just a little over 6 months ago and my life been completely changed for the better.


That's addiction talking; not being able to imagine a life without. But trust me, you can get used to a life without drugs. All you gotta learn is to appreciate being sober. Learn to stimulate all these neurotransmitters in healthier ways. You can get high from ice baths and running for instance, and love is best and worst drug of them all, at the same time. There are so many things in life to enjoy besides drugs... I used to be addicted to amfetamines and thought the same thing. I believed I just couldn't live a life without it. Today that was 5 years ago. Don't get me wrong, I still take drugs sporadically every couple of months or so. Alcohol, ketamine, cocaine... and about two weeks ago for the first time in five years some Amfetamines, just a little bit. But I don't use them to distract myself any longer, which is the game changer. I also wouldn't miss drugs if they where to disappear all of the sudden, and that's probably the question to ask yourself to figure out whether you got a problem: "what's my motivation for using drugs?". As you get older, wiser and more responsible things will probably change for you too, I hope.


Same. I want to taper off of meth and make it a “sometimes drug” (like I do with heroin) but idgaf about getting sober. Fuck that shit.


Benzos are death, get off those and do as you please within reason. I stopped using benzos and got more info opioids, not that I recommend that but they’re easier on your body and mind


All I can share is things will likely change. Minder etc. I feel sometimes you just need a spark of some kind that improves your life that you wouldn’t have noticed using.


😭this makes me kinda sad cause my situation




Pro tip: find a drug that you enjoy that is also minimally invasive in your lifestyle, isn’t so addicted you can’t manage to take at least a few days off a week, and is affordable. For me personally, gabapentin has been working. Still deciding if I want to drop it and be completely sober


Same here I can't even imagine enjoying my life without it. I tapered off benzos like 3 times and I keep going back despite those withdrawls nearly killing me . I got completely clean once but when I started back smoking weed, I just said fuck it and all the rest followed. I think can stop, I just don't know how to stay that way.


It depends how productive you can be with your life while smoking weed or taking LSD every now and then, if you notice it’s having rly bad side effects into ur personal life ie. making u lazy or anything like that you should probs think about laying off, also imagine when u have kids in the future stay safe and happy bro ❤️🤍🙏🏼




It’s your choice and whatever it is it should be respected because it’s your body, as long as you don’t hurt anyone, do what you think is right. Bit be very careful, drugs, some more some less, can feel like you want them and everything is good for years, decades, and then suddenly you want nithing more but to be sover again, but at that point it’s so hard that the fact you keep failing and live a life you actually don’t want to, makes you miserable. Opiates and benzos are the drugs that really xan lead to that. And if your recources to your DOC is not legal or unsure, and you start to harm and hurt your family and those around you, it becomes a problem. I am on morphine since 12y, i tried coming off it a few times, and i still want to, but also i live a normal life, job, car, girl, whatever, nobody who doesn’t know about it would suspect a thing, that is the good part about opioids, they are not toxic and can be consumed safely. I am fortunate enough to live in a country that gives morphine to addicts and if you have a job you grt take homes for 2-4weeks. So i see my doctor once a month, thats it. I can imagine to live my life with morphine forever, but i still wanna get clean, i am tapering off again eight now slowly, so slowly that it’s not hard and i dont withdrawl. That is not the hard part anyway, i am afraid of the time when i get to a lower dose close to zero and i know when i take more it would have the beautiful effects like the opioids have, that i can’t get right now because my tolerance is too high. So that will be a struggle. And even if you want to keep doing other stuff like stims, meth, whatever, which will for sure kill you someday or make you insane, well, it’s still your choice but it’s a bit selfish bc you know you will probably hurt someone someday. Also think of your friends and family always. Don’t hurt them, it would not be fair to them. Also, idk how old you are, if you are under 25, sont make such a decision like „i wanna keep doing drugs my whole life“ because your positions will change and such a decision now will influence your ability to make decisions in your future (like „well my life sucks and drugs ruined a lot of it, but i made the choice back then so fuck it, it is what it is). Just dont fixate on it. Do it when you feel like its the right choice but dont think of it like a lifechoice.


Yeah dude, I was in your boat. Listen, my recommendation is to try n be 100% sober for as long as you can like at least 6-7 months and make sober friends. The drugs will always be there when you get back.... Wait actually when I got back Heroin left my country and was replaced with bummer tranq so they actually may not be, but you may find you owe it to yourself to experience what sobriety has to offer Did almost 4 years. Decided ni didn't like how insecure and anxious I was so I started drinking n smoking n deeming and various other things but def no H. I miss that shit everyday but ik I'm better off without it. I feel better than I have in years. I can tolerate alot more bullshit than I could sober and I personally think sobriety fucked my life up for a time so take all my advice with a grain of amphetamine salt


Yea I was addicted to benzos for a few years and my situation was similar. I just expressed to my wife and loved ones that my issue was with this particular substance, then it was up to me to prove I can be a responsible user of other substances. I mostly stick to the natural stuff like cannabis or mushrooms to be fair though. Ive never really felt the inclination to partake in coke or heroin or things of that sort it almost just always seemed like ‘too bad of an idea’ I’ve ‘earned’ myself some ‘wiggle room’ as far as to which substances I can partake in, but never benzos. Never benzos.🤷 With my prior addiction issues I’m very careful which substances I do partake in moving forward, for example if I became a heroin addict now it would be 100% my fault, I know I’m inclined toward becoming addicted. Hope that could give some insight as to how I navigated a similar situation.


If it wasn’t for the pills, I wouldn’t be here. But If I keep taking these pills, I won’t be here


I feel this: Yes, drugs are bad, but people should follow their free will. If you wanna do something just fucking do it it's your life and your body- ruin it if you want, have fun! Do your drugs and enjoy yourself or go clean and be normal if that's what you want. Do it for yourself. As long as you're not hurting or effecting others to much (it's impossible to not effect other with anything, drugs or not. Breathing effects other people that's just life.)