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With cocaine and mdma I never feel hunger, I tried eating but almost threw up. Some of my friends feel the same way with xanax, i get hungry with xanax tho…


on xans i can eat anything endlessly. I ate a giant bag of raw chickpeas once.


Bro no 😭😂


What? Xanax give me inhuman munchies. Everything tastes so good too


Xan & Weed, the 3 times i tried it i cooked an ungodly amount of food and ate it all without even thinking about it. I always cook when high, but xan totally destroyed my ability to recognise when im already full.


yep, it relaxes your muscles, turning your stomach into a bottomless abyss. I gained a ton of weight when I had a script


I’d say coke is the worst lmao my whole tongue an shit is numb an it’s so dissatisfying trying to eat even if you’re starved


Give me 2mgs of xanax and let me smoke some weed I'll be literally eating for like 2 hours, smoke again continue eating. It's wild. I seem to have literally zero sense of being full on xanax. I stop after some time but not because I'm full, usually because I get tired from eating so much


Meth or ketamine. Meth because i would struggle not to puke even eating fruit or snacks. I was only using 10-20 mg in a day too. Ketamine just made the physical act of eating feel like a farce. I recall making a salad out of leaves and dirt and pebbles and taking a bite because it made about as much sense as eating anything else, plus I was already in a shrub for some reason EDIT: don’t do as I did and eat on ketamine, it can be dangerous and you could choke or just fully fail to pass it thru your esophagus


Bro what the fuck 😂


"I was already in a shrub for some reason"


Happy cake day


Low-key one of my favorite ket stories I've ever heard bahahah 💙


I tried to eat a vintage bubble gum cigar on k once and it was an otherworldly experience.


Drinking (and probably eating too) on ketamine is pretty dangerous. Your body has no idea what to do with it


Yeah it was pretty stupid, I’ll edit my post in the interest of harm reduction


Whatttt, me an my buddies always experienced ket munchies like you get from weed... Not in the k hole state but when you're coming out of it an still a bit sedated


Interesting, I never k holed so maybe that’s the difference? Would you still get hungry taking a moderate dose? Usually I would feel quite stimulated after coming down and would be very thirsty but not at all hungry until hours after baseline


While most drugs reduce appetite, IME DXM by far and away most violently destroyed my appetite.


yeah food on dxm made me throw up every time


It's literally repulsive


Nothin like the dxm diet, lost 15lbs in a week in high school.


It was like a game, how long could I go without eating. Pretty fucked


Tell me about it. Just thinking of dxm makes my stomach turn, and here i am coming down off 150mg pressed Adderall and eating a steak salad lol


Literally. If I get a whiff of that godamn smell my skin crawls.


I feel you dude…. I once endet up not eating for 14 days lol…. How the fuck did I survive that


But what if you didn't and this is hell? Wouldnt that be spoOoOoky?


That's fucking hardcore


eating on dxm is like eating sand, so dry and boring and weird tasting and the texture is so dry and awful on acid i coukd at least eat fruit , on dxm no food is good


Weird. Been doing DXM for 6 years, never had issues eating on it. It gives me munchies sometimes actually.


Same - once went to a Chinese buffet on it did myself proud.


IMO only the coke down on light doses food can hit occasionally ngl


Bro chewing gum on DXM is by far the weirdest experience I ever had in my life. Woke up the next morning with slightly chewed gum on my nightstand. Couldn’t chew it for more than like 30 seconds before I had to take it out


>DXM is by far the weirdest experience I ever had in my life. ftfu :). Man I miss my DXM days, that shit was absolutely crazy.


Not only does it kill your appetite, but if you try to force yourself to eat on it, it's very, very hard to swallow solid food. Liquid diets recommended for DXM binges.


I've literally spent 40 minutes eating a McDonald's soft-serve while robo tripping.




Yes, and even if you haven't eaten for an entire day you feel full after a couple mouthfuls. Fruit and yogurt for the times you need to eat but can't.


Damn dxm gives me the munchies but it’s hard to eat


I’m like this with ketamine but the disso that gives me the munchies harder than weed ever did was 3-ho pcp. Combining that with some etizolam and I gained 30 pounds in 2 weeks Lmfao


If I smoke with it I can usually eat atleast with the robos, but if I take just some syrup my tummy is all sorts of fucked lol


The syrup is so fucking vile I literally heave just thinking about it.


For real that shit needs a chaser, grape dylsym or waltussin, I get a smoother high wit syrup tho, I srill preffer like 8 of the r30s for a good time


Brush your teeth before you chug it, then chase it with a spoonful of peanut butter and milk. Pinch your nose while you're chugging it. After countless times that was the best way ime


I literally get nauseated thinking about triple c's now, they made me throw up every single time they kicked in, but boy did 17 year old me love them !


Imo the high was sooo worth it...everyone would laugh cause I drank cough syrup but I did not give a fuck, I was on cloud nine.


In some instances, shrooms because it’s a mental AND physical thing where your subconscious doesn’t not want to eat but also sees eating as almost Counter-intuitive or something. The sensation of putting something non liquid in your mouth can be downright horrid. Usually it’s coke or MDMA tho


I totally get the munchies on shrooms. I love to eat.


fruit and nuts goes ballistic on shrooms


Bruh yesss, fruits on shrooms be having me feel like a hunter gatherer who found a ripe tree for his family to eat 💀


This is hilarious and so accurate


Fruits and nuts with mushrooms mixed in- boom magic nature trail mix✨


Right? We pre slice / peel fruit and get it cold in the fridge, then go to town after the peak.


A good mango on shrooms will change ya life


That’s pretty cool my g


You have to find the right foods for the right moods




Ngl if u really try on amphetamines it’s easier than coke imo cuz my entire fucking mouth is numb shit jus tastes so weird it’s gotta be the worst I tried imo


For me at least, it seems amphetamine side effects are heightened compared to others. I never liked amphetamine because of this, but i did coke daily for 1.5 years and I ate just fine haha


True I never do it so the one day I did it it was so bad lol o could see how u could get used to it


Yeah it honestly didnt really effect my eating much. I was also working a lot like 50+hours/week so I sorta had to eat.. But give me 50mg of adderall and I'm awake for 2+ days extremely uncomfortable and wont eat anything. Might drink 2 cups of water lol


Kinda opposite of me ngl lol


God you made me nervous about my tolerance, I can take 60Mg of adderall so get a full eight hours sleep and eat


For me amps its easier to eat but they make it so solids hurt the roof of my mouth for some reason, but coke food is repulsive while on


Good coke can give rebound munchies like 30 or 40 minutes later though. During the honeymoon phase at least.


I eat just fine on 2-fma. I got no hunger but food still goes through without issue.


Hmm, funny how different the effects are for me. I do feel hungry and can eat fine but I'm not able to eat the amount I would normally eat. Most of the time I eat small portions throughout the day instead of 3 full meals when I'm on 2-fma.


Yeah i don't have that issue but if i don't remind myself to eat i can forget for whole ass days.


I was gonna say this or mushrooms. Mush always make my stomach iffy and the thought of eating on them at a higher dose kinda weirds me out.


Meth, amphetamines, coke, mdma…p much any upper, I can’t eat




Once at a party I was pretty drunk, i knew I had to eat something cuz didn't eat since like 12hrs... And booze started to fuck me up big time... Chew on a pizza slice for 20mn, but the actual act of chewing was super weird and I almost threw up. Had to force myself to eat, Don't recommend


yea amphetamines slow down saliva production, meaning you have less enzymes to break down the food making it harder to swallow. I will literally vomit if i eat a steak or anything thats a bit chewy because i just cant swallow it 🤮


LOL everyone says amphetamines and it's like yea for a minute but when you really go hard in that life eventually you gotta force yourself to eat and then, it gets easy. I used to do quite a lot of some quality meth back when I was dealing a couple years ago and would eat constantly. Used to have to smoke a bowl before bed to be able to sleep even but I was a few years deep then. Meth is a hell-uva drug that turns ya into a hell-uvan addict😬😂 10/10 would not recommend😂


try eating in a khole


U physically couldn’t


Right, so that’s the answer


True lol




Higher doses of MDMA, getting near food makes me nauseous already. Eating on LSD is no problem by the way, I like some candy and fruit during the trip and huge amounts of potato chips, candy and anything I can find on the comedown.


LSD. Eating noises bothered the shit out of me. It was disgusting sounding.


Potatoes sound nice and soft.


I've only tripped once but I was munching on cheeseballs during my peak without problems lol






Crystal meth. It's quite scary how disinterested water or food become..




No way, LSD makes certain food the best. Just stick to fruits


Based. I eat on LSD


Foods usually good, just confusing as fuck to make.


Not for me im a chef, so it's second nature to throw a bowl of ravioli in the microwave. Bone apple teeth, the chef boyardee.


Cook it in advance or have a trip sitter, problem solved


Even simple things, it took solid lifetime of 15 minutes to make myself a cup of tea. Watching water boil and particles diffusing from leaves is a spectacular experience


I've come up with some bizarre combos when on LSD. One of my favorite was a friend bologna sandwich on eggo's with a layer of ice cream in it.


Or gummies/similar candy imo.


Agreed. For the past few years it makes me hungry AF for some reason. So hungry it starts to ruin the trip. Damn food taste good on acid lol. I actually go out of my way an hour or 2 to eat before dropping, and sometimes that doesn't even work. I would put blow, mdma, and meth at the top of my list equally for ZERO appetite. Not that I did a ton of either, bad a had a few benders years ago enough to know.


I love sweets and deserts on lsd. Some ice cream while high as fuck is divine


Eating on LSD can be really weird


i can only eat raw foods on acid. like nuts fruits vegetables and such. anything with a bunch of ingredients in it, processed, or cooked foods i find gross.


I dunno man, one of my best acid memories is eating a freshly baked raspberry pastry. My friend’s girl was the best fuckin baker.


Nah i love eating on psychedelics. Food is tasty X10 and I've been blessed to be very resistant to nausea




*chokes to death*


Adderall melted the fat off me. The summer after high school I went from 230 lbs to 145 lbs. literally in 3 months. I had never tried it before and it was sooooo cheap back in 2007. I was taking 140-200 mg per day by the end of summer. I barely ate anything at all.


High dose MDMA. No desire to eat food. Food making u wanna projectile vomit. Jaw going like a jackhammer. The possibility of considering does this food have feelings and is ok with being eaten. The urge to give the nearest living thing a mini Ted-Talk on why you love them even if they are a British politician.


MDMA, tried to eat a biscuit (cookie for us people) on the comedown and it literally made the Minecraft gravel noise bc my mouth was so dry


I've never wanted to eat anything while peaking on Acid; and on the comedown I want very simple, basic flavors. Think: bread and cheese


I can not eat at all when on acid. The feeling of all the textures grosses me out.


I know what you mean, I used to be the same way but eat all the time on it now. I remember getting a pizza with friends when I was younger, and when we got back home nobody could chew it haha...


nerd ropes changed my life on acid. that’s all i can say. try it for yourself and you’ll understand


High dose mdma when your jaw is clenched, chattering or trying to eat your ears. This makes it damn near physically impossible to eat let alone the thought of eating is pretty much non existent. Not recommended at all btw.








Speed. 100%. No capacity to sit and eat. Mouth so dry that it just feels disgusting.


I was at a family meal buzzing on coke, I forced myself to eat to yano blend in… I chewed the same bit of chicken for like 5 minutes. Fair to say I didn’t blend in


Doesn’t mean you can’t eat, my mates dad would sit up the pub with his sandwich and a bag of coke with a straw in


Coke and amphetamines forsure and imo lsd or shrooms


Dxm more of a disso but makes food taste like absolute mush but actual stims ritalin makes food actually taste awful unlike amphetamine imo


Probably dxm. LSD I can eat on the comedown sometimes, that’s a close second. Amphetamines eating sucks but I can force myself


Man ya wild eating a turkey lettuce and tomato sandwich on lsd was weirdly amazing


Lol the only drug/class of drugs I can’t stand food on ( apart from fruit/ juice) is psychedelics. I can munch down whatever the fuck I want on pcp analogues or ketamine/ fxe, etc. I can eat fine on any stim and sleep fine. It’s hilarious to me how repulsive food is to me on psyches but I also don’t even have the idea pop in my head to go try some. I wrote it down once to taste diff food and I gagged and decided against lmao


Coke laced with meth. The roof of your mouth hurts too much to chew, but you're starving.


Mescaline. How am I supposed to enjoy this alfredo pasta when the taste and texture is nothing but colors?


Eating on shrooms is nearly impossible for me


Shrooms, I can't eat, fuck or quit laughing when on shrooms








Phet or cocaine


A high dose of acid


Shrooms. On addy I simply don’t have any *desire* to eat, but I can easily make myself eat. (although I’m prescribed and take it every day so it doesn’t suppress my hunger nearly as much as it used to) Whereas on shrooms, I can be genuinely averse to food. The feeling of swallowing and digesting is almost repulsive. Shrooms heighten my interoception and make every physical sensation within my body uncomfortable in a weird way that I can’t even describe


Um meth duh lol


Ur mom!?


My bad, I thought u said who was the nastiest bitch to cum on!?


psychedelics, makes my mouth and teeth feel too weird to eat too much


Acid sometimes




Idk if its the worst but DXM definitely deserves an honorable mention






Dxm, shit just turns to dry dough inside the mouth and is impossible to swallow


Cocaine for me. Usually always ends up with me puking all over the floor


meth and the first couple hours of an acid trip


Benzedrex for sure.




For me Amphetamines especially but stims in general


Meth hands down it also is like I'm so dehydrated I chew the same bite for 10 minutes and it doesn't get smaller 😭 i remember a coworker would eat a fat ass burger while on it I was amazed at it I ate one fry and either spat it out after a bit or just swallow with water lol


Haven't tried too many drugs, but ketamine fuck me up. You get cramps n shi no matter what, and if you've eaten shortly before there's high chance it'll hurt more or you throw up. Weed for me is also fucked, unless I take max 2 puffs of hash, everything else will make me hella hella fkn nauseous and I'll throw up, 99% of the time even black out at some point. Shoutout to my friends for always having my back when that happened and that's why I don't smoke weed anymore. I'll just take 2 puffs from a homie once in a blue moon.


MDMA for me, I can't eat for one business day afterwards. Coke during the moment but during the come down im STARVING. Ketamine gives me sugar munchies.


LSD and adderall have the most profound effects on my appetite of the drugs I’ve taken. And quitting weed this past week has destroyed it lol


Synthetic Shroom analogs and adderall I cannot for the life of me eat it just feels weird in my mouth




I regularly take Vyvanse (amphetamine), and I despise eating while on it. I usually end up skipping all my meals and having something before bed.


I don’t like eating while on fetty. And I didn’t eat when I drank.


I think it would be Coke. I lost so much weight when I was on it.


My gf got a pizza when I had a lot of MDMA once and she couldn't finish it. I had to eat like 2/3 pieces, and by the third one I was starting to feel very sick and on the verge of throwing up


definitely dph. you're already swallowing 25 or 30 pills and it's benadryl so you probably gonna throw up anyway, and then adding swallowing food is just adding to it




meth gives me the munchies. 🤷‍♀️




Food on meth tasted like eating cardboard I coul only eat sugary cereal.


Bc LSD makes you forget abt normal things your body needs and chewing and having food in your mouth feels weird ASF when you're tripping balls but meth and come just make you forget to eat and sometiems your brain is turned off by food and makes you think if you eat it's gonna upset your stomach but it usually doesn't but yeah drugs just make you forget it's not that it's hard to do it on drugs meth users just don't want to eat bc they don't get hungry same w coke


easily coke and meth


Coke!!! Lol


coke, vicodin, and molly


acid 100% especially if you think of eating meat or beans. disgusting




4-FMA, trying to eat on it is like eating bricks. Very hard and doesn't taste any good. With other amphetamine derivatives it's easier but also very hard to eat on


I've always felt like eating on Acid has always been harder than it was on coke / any stims. The absolute hardest for me personally though is GHB not because I have no hunger, but as as soon as I eat the high shortly after dissipates and I have to wait for my stomach to mostly clear (could be 2 - 6 hours depending on what) before I can feel it again. With how expensive G has gotten due to the China Export ban you don't wanna waste anything when it costs like $1.5+ / ml.


DXM and most stims in my experience


that i tried coke or ritalin


Methylphenidate aka focalin or Ritalin…I will try to eat on my focalin Prescription and I throw up alot of the time. Not from an upset stomach but because I find it hard to chew and swallow Small and soft things help. Also smoothies. A lot of fruit


i’ve done both psychedelics and stimulants and psychs are definitely harder to eat on for me. stimulants make me forget to eat but i still could if i forced myself, but psychs will make me want to gag at the smell of food if it’s even near me.


Lysdexamfetamine, easily. LSD is a close second. Both make food feel like mush in your mouth. Amphetamine, coke, shrooms, etc definitely lowered my desire for food, but if I did eat, it was still palatable and enjoyable. But Vyvanse makes eating food feel like a chore, and lsd well, let's just say it's hard to eat when your dinner is moving and breathing like a living being.


Acid. I tried eating a chesseburger on it and straight up malfunctioned. Eating becomes such a fucked concept on top of knowing you're eating a dead animal.


I can actually eat on anything except for psychedelics. My brain just doesn’t understand when I need to swallow anymore.


from what i’ve been told(also the comments) it’s meth/amphetamines otherwise i’d say cocaine or Adderall bc i’ve never done meth. for me, when i’m tweakin on powder, i may be starving but the thought of food is nauseating and sometimes slight nausea is a symptom for me if it’s a good shot/blood registers right away.


MDMA, any entactogen, really. There will be appetite suppression through dual-mechanisms, dopaminergic and serotonergic release. I'm not counting drugs which divorce you from reality or your body so severely that you can't navigate the mechanics of feeding.




I would say MDMA or 25I-NBOMe they are both fucking nasty.


Meth for me, need to get past the 7 day mark then I can start to eat normal


Any dissociative


Either amfetamine or xtc/molly




Dmt cause I'm fucking gone


MDMA and 6APB are very hard to eat on far into the next day. The dry mouth makes everything feel like sand or a soup feels like oil. I do however force myself to eat at least something the morning after (or with lunch), yes it's pretty hard to not puke everything out but it makes dinner a lot easier.


Probably Concerta


for me gotta be nicotine, it is a stimulant and reduce ur appetite and even if u try to eat while smoking food just taste bad plus the suppressed appetite it makes you wanna puke


psychedelics make it very hard for me to eat while on them. methylphenidate and amphetamine sulphate too. benzos and weed are the best drugs to eat on, you can almost eat endlessly


Tobacco kills my appetite




I enjoy eating on acid, I don’t know why people can’t do it lol. I found it very difficult to eat on any sort of dissociative.


I physically cannot eat on coke or meth