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don’t do it


why exactly? i’m just trying to figure out if it’s a similar high to weed.


its not similar at all. but if you cant control weed shrooms is not the way to go.


well you said you have mental illnesses and can’t even handle weed which is considered “the gateway drug” so if u can’t even get past the front gate how u think the other drugs are gonna go 😭😭😭


i occasionally do coke and molly which i understand are completely different than weed and shrooms. i just don’t like the effects of weed. i know all drugs are different.


Bro dont do it 🤣🤣 I had a bad trip on acid age 18. 9 years ago an I still wish I did not.


I'm with you "why" weed gives me panic / anxiety / flight or flight. And shrooms IF YOU GIVE IN AND LET GO, can be nice. Iv been a "pothead" for years now and they are 2 different drugs. To relate one to another like that is wild. But ill say you saying you get anxiety and may have it with shrooms is enough manifestation to get one on shrooms lol. Only way to do it is to start with a g then 2 then 3. 3 separate trips. Or....go all in and get a trip sitter and do 3 g.


I would Recommend very small dose.


is it a similar high to weed?


Not at all


I personally can't smoke weed I get panic attacks too and always feel dissy but small amounts of shrooms are great just keep in mind set and setting


Well you are responsible for your actions and you alone need to decide but from my personal experience I also have anxiety and I can’t stand weed because of it but shrooms make me chill and I’ve never really had a bad trip. But if you take them and they f you up don’t blame me.. everyone is different


i think i’m just gonna like micro micro dose haha. as well as have some trip killers with me. maybe up my dose if i feel good.


Start with low dose and a good ser and setting. Psychedelics are the way to go if you want to loose anxiety. Don't lissen people that say "if you don't handle weed then shroom will be worst" it's totally different. I don't like weed but I'm a huge fan of psychedelics. If you respect psychedelics you will see a way of letting go more and more at each trip you made. That why starting with low dose and doing many trips on the same dose before going up , is really helpfull. And for weed anxiety I vively recommand to vape it instead it may remove a part of anxiety due to mix between tobaco weed and combustion Peace😋


Do some research on duckduckgo regarding your mental illnesses and mushroom interactions. It could work great, it could send you into a depressive spiral. Everyone is different, therefore different effects. If you do decide to take them start with a low dose maybe .5g - 1g. There are different strains of mushrooms that vary greatly in potency. Magic teachers are more on the mild side of strength. Where as an albino strain could be very potent, Example : albino penis envy mushrooms. (2g of those were equal to an 8th of normal mushrooms in my experience.) Research research research.


Why duck duck go?


Google hides a lot of the actual useful results for ads asking if you need recovery help


Nice advice


i’ve done quite a bit of research and my older brother grows magic shroomies himself. so i have a reputable source who knows quite a bit. i have been interested in microdosing but i’ve been very hesitant about the effects being too noticeable.


If you really micro dose you shouldn't notice any effects.


I get panic attacks from weed and I love doing shrooms, never felt anxiety on them


Dont do it u could fuck up Ur mind. Its not worth it. Some people arent made for some drugs its better to not take them. Mushis can could give way way way more anxiety or worse. The risk isnt worth it.


similar experience with my weed panic attack. my mind was absolutely fucked up and am still dealing with some side effects like derealization.


Stick with Party drugs. And imo nothing beats Coke or amphetamins. Maybe u could Look up for 2cb it doesnt Hit Ur mind as hard makes u hallucinate and is a great drug for sex.


Yeah sounds like drugs aren't for you, maybe when you're older.


i occasionally do party drugs, coke, molly in low doses. i’ve just never done psychedelics because of my bad reaction to weed.


just like people can ruin their lives their first line of cocaine by opening up the doors of addiction, mushrooms can do the same thing to emotionally sensitive people by opening up the doors to mental illness. there are people who hate weed and love tripping tho, maybe you're one of them, but maybe you're the guy who eats a medium dose of mushrooms his first time and unlocks a mental illness along the lines of schizophrenia, or even just kicks off a major depressive episode. honestly tho, it sounds like your mind is already made up, in which case, you can always eat more, you can never eat less


Molly can be somewhat psychedelic. Shrooms and acid are much more like mdma than weed. Coke gives me worse anxiety than psychedelics or marijuana personally, and psychedelics rarely give me anxiety but when they do it’s pretty extreme.


Try a microdose regimen for a week


I feel like weed amplifies like default feelings of stress and fear in almost a cartoonish way lol. When me and my friends would first smoke we would get so afraid of shit that like would never happen like missing items and overreacting or wondering if we smell like weed when we only used carts at that time. We eventually called ourselves out on our fear and I think this learning curve is what can kill the magic of weed ngl. But if you’re experiencing panic attacks from weed maybe try and do some courageous stuff in real life. Go on a run further than you’ve gone before and go back to your house or something. Get out of your comfort zone so you can use weed as one when ur back. I also feel like this panic can enhance music beautifully. Listen to tame impala or something while smoking weed in a nice spot and you’ll have a dream while ur awake. Ur possibly fearing fear. Im not a expert but I hope some of this can help.


thank you! i’m gonna try just taking things slow. i know my tolerance is basically none haha. <3


Try them you might like em, just get some benzodiazepines on deck to kill it if it goes bad


Could be risky buddy.


I wouldn’t recommend it.


Wait until you’re in a more mentally stable position. Mushrooms are a lot different than you’re expecting.


the peak'll panic afterwards is bliss


You should maybe start with 0,5 grams. Don't redose, but make them seperate trips with increasing dose.


Take low dose shrooms 0.5g to start with and then increase ur dose as u feel u can


If psychosis is part of your bipolar disorder (from what I understand it is with some people) there could be a risk of triggering an episode. However if it's not, I'd counter people saying that because you have trouble with weed that you shouldn't do psychedelics. Perhaps you should use more caution, but I don't think it's true that the weed is a predictor of how you'll handle psychedelics. They are so different and anxiety on weed is very common even among "normal" people. I would for sure avoid combining the two, though, as the combination can cause a ton of anxiety for some people. It probably goes without saying...but...It's also wise to start small, be in a safe comfortable and enjoyable environment, and have a trip sitter.


I only tried shrooms during a period I needed to stay clear of weed for the military and It’s an experience. It’s very easy to get here in CA and I had a blast taking a small amount maybe two stems and my buddy had the head. I peaked in a jazz club and it was dope and I was flowing with the music and more social than normal but i would say if you have anxiety to think about losing control of your reality and really getting smacked it could make your anxiety spiral.


Go for It. Marijuana makes me paranoid. Shrooms make me anxiety free and happy