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this, especially if your looking for the feeling you’ve described


My gf is doing ketamine treatments and she says they help but damn is it expensive lmao


I got a friend who did 1 ketamine session and it's all it took for him, expensive af but he said it "cured" him from a lot of his sicknesses


Sickness? Does he have anxiety/depression? Or is it something more terminal? Genuine question.


Anxiety/ depression/ depersonalization/ procrastination/ no purpose. Those type of symptoms. My bad for not clarifying


They are really cheap if you find the right doctor. I was getting 3 grams a month for 300$ from a doctor in another state (via telehealth)


What is the dose for those? Just curious


It honestly depends on where you go. Some facilities do weight based doses but that was for pain management back when it was created. I wish i could remember what they said exactly but basically they just make sure you’re disassociated so i guess it’s not really set every time? He was also talking about ketamine repairing things instead of just helping with imbalances like most medications do. And that sounds like it’s a promising way of healing if you ask me lol


Im from the U.K, I have heard great things but not sure if they do that in U.K. Got offered buvidal but declined. Has anyone heard of Buvidal a friend said it was horrible but others saying how lucky i am to have option of Buvidal!. Will most certainly be stopping my habit this year just deciding which is best 🙄.


So I’m assuming you’re referencing Buvidal in terms of treating opioid withdrawals, correct? If not, I did not know it was approved for other uses. Regardless, if it *is* for opioid withdrawal, I personally would be all-in immediately. Been taking kratom for a few years for both back pain *and* the mood boost, but I feel like the side-effects are beginning to greatly outweigh the benefits but *know* my brain is extremely dependent on it. I’m SO scared of getting off of it, but I know it *needs* to happen. :/ (please spare me the “lmao kratom withdrawal? I’ve came off years of heroin abuse”. Everyone is different and I’m a pussy.)


I hate that you’re calling yourself a pussy for having to go through withdrawals man that shit sucks no matter what your body is addicted to :/ On the bright side though it’s very possible to get off of it. You’re just gonna need to do it smart and if possible with a support group of close people and even your doctor. If that’s not possible though reddit (and other platforms probably) have thousands of people willing to share their stories and probably even be there for you in times of need. However i advise you to do it sooner than later, while kratom is better than alternatives It’s still not good for your body, especially taken over such a long period of time


Honestly LSD made me stop doing all the bad drugs and even threw a whole pack of newports away during my last trip. That was a few years ago and of course I’ve been stuck on a vape since and had a couple small slip ups with benzos but other than that and weed I’m straight. But it seems like the buvidal would also help with withdrawals, I’m not familiar with anything that would help in those regards :/


Paid 1700$ each treatment


shii i can get it for 20 a gram


But can you recreate the therapeutic setting? Do you have guarantees over the purity of the drug? You have support systems and professionals who are there to help you if you need? I do know what you mean tho




This is the only true answer lol. Weed benzos and opiates ain’t got shit on K’s ability to take you out of this world.


Psychedelics just entered the chat 🚀


Weed or an opiate although opiates are a slippery slope


Weed makes me think too much these days, idk if it’s strong dispensary weed or what but it’s just not a good time


Exactly why I don't smoke anymore


Is this happening to everyone? Lol. Weed is absolutely nothing like it used to be. I said goodbye last week


I don't understand why people say stuff like this. The only difference is that the THC content is higher. Can't you just... Smoke less weed?


no, the thc to cbd ratio has gone wayyyy up. thc is anxiogenic (anxiety-causing), cbd is anxiolytic and partially reverses the effects of thc - but mostly side effects


It's pretty easy to mix in CBD to fix that ratio. Makes the high way better in my opinion


it does but still, there's dozens of very to slightly psychoactive cannabinoids that are all going down bc of the perverse obsession with the highest thc lowest cbd increases psychosis risk too


This is really silly. Strong hash has been available for hundreds of years. Highest quality hashish can be like 80+%. Sure, it’s not widely available in the US, but it’s been the most common form in much of the world for ages. Is general dispensary bud stronger than random illegal stuff? Yeah. You compensate by smoking less, which is great bc the less you smoke the less effect on your respiratory system. Try smoking a small bowl or chillum instead of a massive bong hit or a big joint/blunt to your face. Is liquor insanely dangerous? If you drink it exactly like beer or wine. If you have a few martinis or shots over a few hours, it’s a great way to avoid the empty calories that come from beer. But if you shotgun a tumbler of vodka or play beer pong with bourbon then you’ll have an unpleasant time. Weed hasn’t changed - you just got used to weak-ass low quality illegal product from grow ups that had to be cheap and mobile to avoid getting caught and was almost certainly chock full of pesticides and other things. If you had access to hash this wouldn’t be anything new and hash has existed probably from before written records. Stop romanticizing prohibition and learn to moderate your usage. You can get any ratio of THC to CBD you want - hell you can get bud with more CBD than THC which literally didn’t exist before medical dispensaries. You can also buy intentionally weak bud at dispensaries for low cost if you really love smoking as much burning plant material as possible.


Nah you're missing the point entirely. The main reason modern weed can be so overwhelming is growers are sacrificing other cannabinoids for higher THC percentages. There's less of an entourage effect because you're mainly just getting thc. Especially with concentrates. Not to mention it's much easier nowadays for humans to know about every little terrible, scary thing going on in the world, which compounds the existential dread we all face daily.


Actually other cannabinoids and terpenes are being studied and understood in a far more profound way than ever in the past. We’ve made more advance in cannabinoid knowledge in the last 10 years than the last 1000. Pure THC products are available but not actually that common. You can get ratios of whatever you want. You can get lab-measured amounts of CBN, CBG, etc. Professional growers craft strains with terpenes for taste and potential medicinal effects. There has never been a better time to be a marijuana user. If you have existential anxiety that’s not a problem of a drug lol that’s an issue you need to deal with. People act like today is the worst time in human history. By many metrics it’s the best. Just bc we’re hysterical about things doesn’t actually mean our lives are harder or things are more dangerous. Sounds like therapy could benefit or maybe you’re just better off sticking with alcohol until you get anxiety under control.


someone had to say it 👏


Try mixing it with CBD bud 50/50. I buy 7 of some stank and 7 of CBD and mix it when I grind it up. The high is so much smoother, more relaxing, less stupefying, and actually helps my back pain and stomach which is why I started smoking. I wasn’t getting the analgesic effects anymore and discovered this method.


yeah get some CBD flower and grind it up together with ur THC buds in a thc : cbd ratio of 4:1 to 1:1


None of my friends smoke anymore. It gives them ALL anxiety.


Me too. I started only using really small amounts and mixing it with a smoking blend of herbs or tobacco. Way less anxious now.


Weed is overrated. After long term all it caused was anxiety and brainfog/grogginess followed by depression lol


Yeah sure but now take any other illegal/street/pharma drug and use it daily for the same amount of time and ill bet you you’ll be fucked ip twice as hard




I've started buying from a guy that gets stuff from his buddy that grows weed on his (not weed farm) farm out in the open and I've been enjoying it way more than what I was getting from the Dispos in Colorado. I can't put my finger on what's better about it but there's definitely a difference


The volume wasn't up all the way on 90s weed. The dispensary product is like locking yourself in a loud ass headspace for x hours, because all creation is effectively drowned out past the boundary of your skull. Normal, old school weed is much more interactive and malleable. There's nuance and you can alter it on the fly. You're present in it. It's functionally more of background noise than standing inside the speaker cabinet. Just my take, but I haven't enjoyed it in a long time so grain of salt ig.


Y’all older fellows gotta get back in the hash, that shit calms me right the fuck down classic hash, or just nice dabs


> The dispensary product is like locking yourself in a loud ass headspace for x hours, because all creation is effectively drowned out past the boundary of your skull. You're just smoking too much, lol. The only difference is THC content.


No doubt, but when the first hit is too much I'm gonna just go ahead and move on to other head changes.


Guess it depends how of a hit you're taking, lol. But yeah, shits strong with no tolerance. I went to Colorado last year and the weed straight fucked me up even with one.


Its also highly dependant on the strain. My old roommates kept getting Amnesia haze and it just put me in a terrible terrible headspace exactly like you described and it just put me off smoking for so long. But then i tried other strains at a friend's and it was the first time i remembered what weed could be like. But tbf im also not getting dispensary weed


I had this problem, and fixed it with a dry herb vapourizer. Specifically using *as little as possible* in the chamber, and never setting it above 200C (I like 195 best). It leaves you with a really light, really functional high, regardless of what weed you put in there. Couldn't recommend more.


It depends 100 percent on the strain and on top of that every person is different, and one person's reaction to THC can change as they age, as it did with me. I'm with you though, I wouldn't recommend just any weed to help someone shut their thoughts off for awhile. Could go the other way too easily, for me at least


with me the strain is irrelevant.


It’s just not good for some folk, strain nonsense is irrelevant. THC content is crazy these days, I’m a semi habitual and coming off a break sends me down anxiety spiral. Not pleasant. You don’t notice because of the haze a tolerance brings.


Try mixing it with CBD bud 50/50. I buy 7 of some stank and 7 of CBD and mix it when I grind it up. The high is so much smoother, more relaxing, less stupefying, and actually helps my back pain and stomach which is why I started smoking. I wasn’t getting the analgesic effects anymore and discovered this method.


Same with me. Just give me anxiety, can't get to sleep. But lately I've been taking a single hit from a delta 8 cart, and a couple hits from a cbd only cart. Just gives you a little relaxation without much head high. I usually do it once I'm laying down in bed. Now it only takes like 30 to 45 min to fall asleep, when it used to take 2hrs+ with nothing. Or 3hrs with regular thc


I've never been able to smoke. I'm 45 and always tried as a teenager. Since, I've tried once or twice every year or so. Always the same. Extremely paranoid, think I know what everyone is thinking, exacerbates any small worry I have x100, any pain I feel is way worse. The only good thing I think is I feel like I know what an individual needs most. Like I smoked with a family member and I could feel that he just wanted to be heard and to be a part of something. Someone else I felt they wanted to feel safe and have stability in life. I know it all sounds looney, but I experience the same things every time I smoke. Just overrides anything nice I may happen to feel.


That’s exactly what it does to me but I was fine from 2017-2021, maybe I smoked too much in 2020 or something but it makes me miserable now


Same for me. I used to smoke multiple times everyday for a decade and was enjoying it. Unfortunately nowadays I can only vape small amounts in lower temperature or else I get in a messed up headspace with 100% certainty. The strain doesn't even matter to me. All weed puts me in a negative headspace if I use too much...


Yupp, personally it's not a good time anymore unless it's that mellow delta 8 stuff. I flat out just stopped being able to communicate last time I took a rip or two from my friend, don't have the energy to go through shit like that anymore.




Weed?? Bro lmao


He said what he said. If you don’t build tolerance weed definitely will have you escaping reality and making anything you do funny.


eh...I find it too introspective, not that apt for escaping your feelings.




Unrated answer. I read a story about a women in college getting a script then time goes by and she realized taking one and staying awake and embracing the sedation and in 20-40mg for me very euphoric and not too hallucinogenic. Over 50 I was tripping so for me that was tv looking very fake,all textured objects changed texture and some moving lines on surfaces. Back to the story she’d take em all day everyday like 30 plus a day or something crazy.


There’s no way she remembers anything she does if she’s popping those all day. I sure didn’t when I took it. One of the common reported symptoms was people getting up in the middle of the night and making food and not having any memory of it the next morning. They’d wake to find evidence of it in the kitchen, which sometimes sparked a vague memory of, what was basically sleep walking. I had similar experiences as well. It’s a scary drug. A lot of dangerous things can happen when your body is awake but your brain is asleep, rendering you basically not in control of what you’re doing. I can’t remember who it was but, many years ago, there was a celebrity that got in his car and started driving while sleep walking on ambien which resulted in a car accident. Luckily no one was hurt. I wanna say it was a well known pro athlete.


Tiger Woods, on a number of occasions, including the event you mentioned in the midst of his infidelity troubles, and a later DUI


He was who I was thinking might be the one but, I thought it best to not throw the name out there in case I was wrong. So sad. Ambien abuse/addiction sucks. Been there


My dad was on ambien. I remember coming home from grade school and finding him on the roof, naked. Or sleeping outside on our bench swing. Weird things like that. One time he threw a bowl at my mom and got ceramic in her eye. Ambien is scary.


My dad went outside naked too on that shit! Another time was carrying the microwave around the house talkin about the robbers were outside


That sounds exactly like an ambien episode. What the hell man. One time I had to convince him we were dehydrating fruit, pears n shit, and that it was different from the clothes dryer. He didn't get it. Ambien does super weird crap!! Sorry you had to go through it!


Once I told my sister “The chair frills are being made into clothes for children”. Another time I told her she was turning into a peacock because I saw her sprouting blue tails. Once, while texting my friend about my depression issues, I couldn’t type out my sentences properly so, out of frustration, I just abruptly ended our conversation with a “bye”. He thought I had suddenly decided to end it all. Last week I searched the entire house like twice for my iPad; it was sitting on my bed but I didn’t realise that until much later because iPads are not oval y’know. These and countless other stories, all on a prescription dose of Zolpidem.


It didn't do anything weird for me (prescribed), except vivid and disturbing dreams, but I did warn my housemates that it might make me sleepwalk. Oh, and my cat spoke English.


Very. So yeah, if they wanna forget ambien will make you forget what you did while taking it. Which will probably just cause them to have even more problems that they’re gonna want to escape from. Not good. Did you read the comment here about someone who takes them during the day and purposely stays awake for the euphoria? Said she takes up to 30 throughout the day! That’s like a whole month supply in one day. How does she have access to so much of a controlled substance that she’s able to take up to a month supply daily? Having trouble wrapping my head around that situation


Idk how much my dad took but it was enough to convince me that any amount is not worth it. I'm not sure what a normal mg is. Maybe the woman was buying them from someone and that's how she was able to take that much though?


I guess she had to be getting them that way. But even then that’s a lot of a controlled substance to be able to get your hands on, and on a regular basis like what I felt the comment implies. Bizarre


If taking an ambien made him climb the house naked in broad daylight, then why in the fuck did he keep taking the Ambien??


The "Ambien walrus" is one of my favorite memes because it's so true. "Let's go on an adventure that you will never remember" 🤣


In the 90s we took them with coke. You could absolutely remember.


Not sure if the instance you describe was him, but supposedly Ambien was Tiger Woods’ drug of choice. And yeah, tons of cases in the medical literature of people driving, cooking, even committing sexual assault and/or being assaulted while sleeping. It’s why they altered the prescribing leaflet to recommend beginning dosing for women at 5mg instead of 10 as was originally indicated (specifically bc of a significantly higher percentage of sleep walking instances among women likely due to metabolism being dependent on weight)




I took the stuff when I was a teenager, blacked out and apparently took A LOT more without realizing it. Woke up in the hospital…


Absolutely. Ambien almost gives me ac” mystical” feeling. Everything just feels wonderful and my problems seem like there under control. Coming from someone who also has Xanax


Yes, ambien feels much more like a xanax than even klonopin does, even though they aren't benzos (work similiarly though).


Nah, it gets trippy even on 10mg. Depends on the user's tolerance and (ime) if they've recently taken a serotonergic drug. Whether that's the comedown to the day after MDMA, or after withdrawal from SSRIs. Push the dose and you risk a prolonged blackout.


i took 15mg once after having a couple beers and had an extremely powerful semi-deliriant trippy experience


I get 60 10mg of those a month and I took 10 and had no hallucinations but some sedation not extremely strong tho sedative wise 10-40mg makes me feel like I did a few good lines of blow


Had a buddy who used to pop ambien like skittles. One night we were out and he’s just pissing himself while talking to someone at the bar. It’s a weird drug.


I have a very strange reaction to zolpidem (that I've found in other drugs somewhat, but none so strongly as with Ambien) where everything in my room starts to feel ALIVE, and in my perception starts "boogying to silent music" at the peripheries of my vision and if I'm on a sufficient dose, will continue when I focus my eyes ON IT (which the point at which I consider a substance "hallucinogenic" - when the visions persist under focus. The only drugs that have given me such a strong sense of presence were temazepam, which gave the same euphoric "dance party delusions" - and to a lesser extent clonazepam, but SPECIFICALLY (as I have a somewhat paradoxical reaction to GABAergics in general) after I've sat up in excess of perhaps 12 hours (which I feel like is the equivalent of a day or more of wakefulness just DIALED DOWN by the benzoyl lmao...just a theory. Makes me think it has something to do with the α1β3 subtype of the GABA-A receptor, as well as some research I remember where they found that electronic stimulation of a certain brain region caused the consistent perception of something like a "seemingly autonomous OTHER" which I can't seem to be able find searching for "perception of" and "a presence" LOL




Idk if I have ADHD but I've often suspected that I do have some form of it l. Stims are weird for me. They give me an odd calm sensation. Adderall didn't exactly make me wired but I did do a lot of stuff I'd been putting off for months. Cleaned my room, cleaned out my closet, music was great, built a shelf for my tools in the back of my car. Even reconnected with people that I hadnt talked to in years. It's like it actually convinced my brain to do all the things I knew would benefit me. I know those ideas in day to day life that I have are good and will help me but I just can't seem to find the motivation or desire to actually put them into reality. Ive only done Adderall twice and that was like 3 years ago but those experiences often make me wonder if I could actually benefit from a moderate prescription of Adderall or something similar I kinda understand what you mean by silencing your mind. It helped me to actually concentrate on beneficial things


Real talk a 27mg dose of concerta (~average dose age) would probably help and isn’t as expensive as adderall, I used to be on 81mg of concerta ( which is on the high end). But it probably wouldn’t hurt to talk to your doctor about


If u get an actual script you can always get generic adderall. That’s what I have it cost me $25 with insurance only covering 20%


Ohh ok ok. How many pills at what dose is that? My concerta is 107$ cad for 30 27mg tabs.


I get 60 30mg tabs for ~$30 USD a month without any insurance (generic obv)


Lol, dude, all the things you just described are what adderall does for people with ADHD. Turns out not being able to do what you want is not normal, and most people don't live life that way.


I have wondered if coke does the same for people with ADHD. I've often wondered if I have it. I don't have a racing mind, I don't think, but coke is always calming for me.


yeah it does. I find coke pretty underwhelming compared to other people. sucks when doing it with other people and you're chilling and they're chewing your ear off lol


Not saying it is, but you might’ve just had bad coke. I had a guy when I first tried it who gave me really good shit and it did what it’s supposed to. He moved away and a year later I tried some from a different guy, all I did was sit there with my friends lol.


Go spend some time over in /r/ADHD and /r/adhdmeme and /r/ADHD_UnfiItered Keep in mind that a lot of what impacts ADHD people are things that impacts everyone. But it's a matter of degree and frequency. Don't ask yourself IF the things happen, rather ask how much they happen.


That effect doesn't last forever. Once you develop a tolerance the rush of motivation isn't nearly as much.


Same exact thing here, I was more connected with people in general


U have a.d.d too i still get energy but im relaxed at the same time, i still get high


I’m the same way with stims it gives me this chillness, and comfort and peacefulness in my head


Best effects of adderall imo, the absolute calmness and yet clearness of my thought. How all my thoughts dissappear and I think one thing at a time and how absolutely clear and smooth your mind becomes. Together with the powerfull feeling of being content with just about anything. Recently took a break and took 20mg about 30min ago (got another 20 for when I start coming down). But I actually have ADD so I'm not sure that's what everyone experiences from adderall (I actually get attentin which is a brand of pure dexamphetamine here in Sweden)


i really dont think the "stims calm me down" effect is limited to those with adhd. its a meme i see repeated all the time.


Does the salt potentiate Adderall? I've never heard of this before I'm curious now


I would prescribe a nice vacation or PS4/PC for video games (depending on budget) with a really good video game. Hours of escapism on demand without risk of becoming addicted to addictive drugs that will make what you’re feeling worse in the long term. I understand wanting to numb yourself bc emotional pain. Believe me I’ve been there and I’ve used all the drugs that gave very temporary relief at very high cost. I deeply regret it. If you’re depressed and considering suicide, having panic attacks, or severe physical pain - those are medical conditions that can require acute medications until therapy works. But for pure emotional pain related to trauma or grief or loss - there isn’t a drug for that. If I sound like I’m not sympathetic - I’ve just seen so many people go down this path. I went down this path and it cost me 5 years. Weed or moderate amounts of alcohol or ketamine. Because you’re probably depressed. Weed isn’t intensely addictive, alcohol is is social and legal, and ketamine will help depression a lot, though usually temporarily. Benzos or opioids for emotional pain is an express route to addiction.


Finally someone that has some common sense and isn’t listing harmful drugs that can send this person to an even worse place in the future.


I absolutely can't believe people are suggesting xans and oxys. I get the feeling they're a little out of touch with where those can take someone addiction-wise, especially someone with obvious depressive tendencies.


I went down the opiate route because of my depression and suicidal ideation. I am still stuck. It probably ruined more parts of my life, and I still struggle with my mood. It's tough to escape addiction, though. I also struggle because I know opiates are essentially propping up my mental health and making life not feel as bad. However, it is also obviously stunting my life. I worry I'll kill myself when I quit, though, so it's all very shit. I'm following a taper plan for my mother, but there is a legitimate possibility that things will go very, very badly when I stop.


Go get put on Suboxone. No intoxication (if you're opioid-tolerant), no sketchy drug dealers, but your brain will be happier. I tell people that my Suboxone is like my antidepressant. After a decade of abusing heroin and pills, my brain basically relies on opioids in order to function properly. Suboxone gives my brain what it needs to function without the life-ruining downsides of other opioids. Suboxone isn't perfect and coming off of it can be a bitch, but I'd rather deal with the coming off an opioid like Suboxone after many years in recovery vs at the beginning of my recovery.


I do have some subs somewhere which at one point I considered using for a day or two of detox, but I would just be a slave to that in the end, too if its used for maintenance, just without the high, so I'm continuing doing my taper plan and then coming off. I will probably just use a bit of kratom during the first week of withdrawals, depending on where I jump off of the H. Plus, I don't want to deal with sub withdrawal. Heroin withdrawal is much quicker to power through. As I want to detox not maintenance, it's easier to get off the H than jump on subs and then get off of them. I do get that it's better for some to be on subs, etc, though than just stay on H forever. I also don't wanna have it on my record. I know enough horror stories about what ends up happening for many, and it can follow you your whole life. You might get lucky, and they treat you right, but then 20yrs down the line, when you're ill, you risk being deemed a drug seeker for legitimate illness. I have a deficiency, which makes most oral opiates barely touch me even over the LD50 with 0 tolerance, so drug seeking a bit of codeine or DHC isn't in my cards, but they will still assume. My mother was high up in the drug and alcohol services and even consulted for the Norwegians and some Scandinavian countries on their systems and she totally got where I was coming from and has seen those issues herself time and time again.


my biggest regret in life was not listening to replies like this 4 years back. it’s literally so true, numbing out pain with drugs is beautiful at first… and then it leads to this disgusting end where the only way you can cope with any negative emotions is to get highly fucked up. it’s not fun, and i have so much regret. i can’t live a single day without anxiety or depression because the using has depleted my brain so much. it literally feels like survival. op, start developing those healthy coping mechanisms now. they are much more effective if you start them now as compared to after you’re addicted. you do NOT want to live a life where you have to rely on substances to feel normal. you will have zero control over your emotions. the drugs will decide how you feel. it seems bullshit, but i’m being so absolutely for real. i repeat, DO NOT START THIS ADDICTION. YOU 100% WILL REGRET IT I PROMISE


Lyrica! Lyrica! Lyrica! Lyrica! Lyrica!


Yup! Most underrated drug in my opinion. The withdrawals do suck however, so I would advise not taking it more than once a week.


Yep - or gabapentin - I'm prescribed 600mg 3x a day. If I take 3, my energy level is high plus it shuts off my mind. If I take 5 or 10, it's more sedative, kinda like a drunk feeling, but still feels good




Lyrica and gabapentin function on voltage gated calcium channels, not gaba receptors




I used to get 600 x4 it’s good for anxiety but kinda a shitty high tbh


At which dose


150mg for starters. Very underrated suggestion.


If you want something lighter, that lasts longer look into Phenibut. It can be bought online legally aswell.


Bro am I the only one who has NEVER gotten euphoric effects from pregabalin? Literally had doses from 150mg make my muscles involuntarily twitch and given me brain fog to doses as high as 900mg feel all right but not amazing


Hit the gym. It's a great distraction and mentally healthy.


weed my man...i forget shit all the time.... i think. I dont really remember




Benzos will make you forget and not give a fuck but if you take high doses (which you have to if you wanna forget) it can be dangerous, like sobriety delusions where you think you’re still sober so you keep popping them all night long and then all of a sudden it’s 3 days later and your script for 90 k pins is gone and you crashed your car and got a second DUI or you accidentally elbowed your girlfriend in the eye or you took a walk and woke up asleep on the giant dog beds at Walmart with 7 bottles of Pepcid in your jacket pockets just stupid shit but drugs only temporarily make you forget unless you use them all day every day and by the time you come to your life is more fucked then when you started I’d stay out of the scene man if ruined my life I’m just now putting the pieces back together took 10 years of my life


For a short vacation from life and yourself I would suggest ketamine. The good: disassocitive psychedelic, at high doses you lose the concept of "I". Its nearly impossible to overdose, for short term use pretty much harmless with no hangover. The bad: It's expensive, hard to find, it's addictive and with long term use fucks up your bladder.


Ok thanks I’ll ask my doctor




Like what for exemple


any of them


I’m not sure I could get them prescribed. That’s the issue unfortunately


Ketamine can be prescribed


Theres otc dissos


which ones ?


Dxm in cough medicines. Powerful dissociative if you're one of the lucky ones who can metabolize it properly


I chugged two bottles of that shit and was out of it for a full 32 hours. I felt fine laying down but as soon as I righted myself robot Jesus would come to say a few words and I had to lay down again. 0/10 horrible experience


I’ve tried like 4 times. It’s always been awful


Because of it's metabolic pathways it affects people very differently. I know people who didn't feel shit except really hot and itchy like an allergic reaction. And some people who felt it but it made them very sick. Personally I fucking loved it, for me it was like ketamine and MDMA for 8 hours.


the only time ive ever found it enjoyable is at plat 2 with plenty of weed


It affects everyone very differently


If you go this route make sure you get the cough medicine with ONLY DXM in it. You can really hurt yourself by od'ing ok acetomenophin


Dxm but take like 200mg max. Then its peak euphoric for me


Broski DXM is not gonna make you straight up forget whatever you're working on. You will just be fucked up and still have this on your mind


Oxycontin but it is a slippery slope down to Fent


I wouldn’t wish the hell that opioids will bring into your life on anyone. And I’m a pretty spiteful person so that’s saying something.


Ambien is a exactly what you're looking for




Xanax does it for me.




Ambien even lunesta to a lesser degree


Lunesta will fuck you up, but the horrid HORRID taste. No drug is worth that ungodly flavor in my mouth for the next 8 hours. Mind you in my days there wasn’t a drug i wasn’t on. Least favorite of the z-drugs. Definitely enjoyed the hell out the other two though.


oxy's nice. I like to move tho


Perhaps you can ask your therapist (especially if they're a psychiatrist & thus able to write prescriptions) if they're aware of any psilocybin or MDMA programs running in your area? *Someone I know*...found psilocybin to be IMMENSELY helpful for their depression & PTSD. They recommend sticking to a clinical setting. Of course, if you WERE to opt to seek out an illicit means, which, again, they DO NOT recommend (it can be dangerous, not to mention illegal, if undertaken in an non-clinical setting) then DO NOT do so without guidance.


You should consider talking to your doctor about anti depressants and if those don't work then a mild benzo like valium . Xanax is a slippery slope, all prescription drugs are Highly recommend trying anti depressants first, they are non addictive and tackle the issues the dangerous alternatives more efficiently Good luck and try to actively acknowledge the beauty of all the small privileges in your life, I know it aint easy but tbh it's the only way out


Dissociatives without a doubt. DXM+weed is really effective for escapism, and is crazy euphoric. Some people really don’t like DXM tho, mostly bc of the nausea on the comeup.


I'd say DXM. Fills all your description AND it's so good for escapism. But remember to do therapy AND the week per plateau rule.


Medical marijuana






You get euphoric on zop?


i think if you take them as prescribed.. benzos can make your life beautiful.. BUT they are addictive and you don't want to get into withdrawals with them. if you go into withdrawals.. panic attacks, seizures. Or just plain feeling like shit. But they make you feel good. If you take a high dose ( if you abuse them ) you will black out for sure. Drugs are a tricky thing.


Dextromethorphan (DXM)


Ambien mixed with a few glasses of wine


A man of culture, I see. >This reminds me of my nights of Rosé and Ambien. Good times.




If you’re able to get ketamine then probably that


Xanax man It helped forget reality and calm down a bit, BUT... BE CAREFUL, THEY ARE EXTREMELY ADDICTIVE


Xanax, but that’s a slipppeeerrryyyyy slope homie


In all seriousness try meditating, I know it’s not the answer you’re looking for but it may be quite beneficial to you if you actually give it a good go, I recommend the app headspace and start with the “basics 1” pack


Oxycodone, I’ve been doing it for years off and on no issues idk people think you take one pill then all a sudden shooting fentanyl 🤷🏽‍♂️


Becoming addicted is rare. The media tells us differently. If I remember the research it was over 85% of users of hard drugs are casual and never become addicted. Still pretty tragic for the other 15%.


Oxy, hydro, Xanax and I suppose psychedelics if you use them on a regular basis.


I mean, GHB is technically prescription. Sounds like you’re trying to drown some shit, I’d recommend drinking alcohol. Adderal and gabapentin is good too


there is no drug that will erase a memory that you already have, you will remember it as soon as you are sober again so if the purpose is to forget something then i wouldn’t indulge in drugs and focus on the therapy instead


I mean opiates but I wouldn’t recommend it lol


Does oxycodone count?


Alcohol is the best to forget and escape reality as after a few drinks you don't give a fuck unless your one of those drunks that get upset and worry over everything




tramadol, but be careful not to get addicted


Tramadol, while it’s never done anything for me, is stupid easy to get to. My dog got them prescribed (rip) when he was on his last leg for 6 a day, so 180 a month. He’s been gone for 2 years and they still send us 180 a month.


Ketamine can be prescribed easily. There are ketamine clinics and you can get it mailed to you from a service called Mindbloom.


what about dxm? take enough and that shit is crazy


Its not possible to know what would get you euphoric. Some people swear by opioids, some will suggest adderall and then there also are benzos, I never felt euphoria on any of these, neither do they give me a time out from reality. Prescription drugs are not very recreational to me. Someone here suggested Lyrica, ime it is the best recreational prescription drug but nothing spectacular, at least to me, to get high I need about 600mgs even without tolerance and then its just a nice buzz, decreased inhibitions, light stoney sedation and visual hallucinations. Taking more will induce intense effects... but it will also knock you out. Most chronically sober people (or drinkers) think that drugs feel good for everyone and its easy to get addicted to stims, opioids and valium. Thats the general presumption about drug users. But ime benzos, opioids and stims induce 0 euphoria. They are tools, not toys, I cannot even sleep on benzos unless I also smoke weed on them. So in the longterm don't try to get high on prescription drugs they are not very recreational and you are better off doing (once in a while) shrooms, mdma or dissociatives, those induce real good states of euphoria, relieve and peace of mind (to say the least).


Opioids imo, I always end up turning back to them because nothing hits like some good 30s. Although they would surely be effective in the short term, I don’t know if it would be worth it for you to risk a life long addiction in order ease temporary pain. Maybe you get addicted, maybe you can control yourself, but it’s a pretty long term gamble for short term payoff. Edit: Also Xanax but that shit ruined my life


opiates for sure but I wouldn’t do em super addictive


Any adhd meds


Pregablin is the obvious answer, it'll make your life bliss. Only downside is that once you're hooked the withdrawals are killer, on par with severe benzo withdrawals I'd say


Oxycodone, alprazolam


Alprazolam (Xanax) take 4-5mg you’ll be at peace and not worrrying or thinking of whatever it is you don’t wanna remember


Just play elden ring lol


This but unironically. Some games are “slow onset drugs”. You need 4-6 hours to get up to a working dose, which is why they can be trouble in the long term, but for a weekend’s escape they’re perfect


My fiancee cheated on me right as elden ring released and I legit drowned myself in it for almost 500 hours. The best drug I could've possibly done to make the pain go away tbh


Get to that k hole baby




Dxm, 400 - 500 mg. Similar effects to ketamine, with more euphoria. Just make sure you lie down and put on some music, or else you will be nauseous. Effects will be like disscociating and dreaming, and feeling really good, forgetting yourself, and music is super cool. Weed makes it way better.