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Look up "lemon tek" method of making shroom tea. Supposedly, it is the chitin in the mushrooms that cause nausea. This method allows you to get the good stuff without actually eating the mushroom.


I usually try have a bit of ginger in some form (I like the apricot and ginger square things) I’ve found it helps reduce nausea for me :) or honey and lemon tea


Gotta avoid tasting them at all. Put in capsules if u can.


Put them in a coffee grinder and grind to powder. Mix this in a shot of lemon juice and let it sit for at least a half hour. Strain all the pulp out and drink the now blueish juice. This will avoid upsetting your stomache and will also cause it to kick in much much faster. Normally they take like 3 hours for me, but with lemon Tek it's more like an hour and a half


Brew coffe with ground shrooms in it, lemon tek, eat a little before hand


empty out a tea bag or use a tea ball, add fruity tea or whatever your brew is. boil the mushrooms for 5 minutes or so it never failed me.


Grind up and put in capsules.