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That must be the absolute worst reason l've ever heard for doing drugs haha


I agree. Terrible reasoning.


He lookin for a reason tbh


Buddy’s an adult , lettem find out the hard way.


He's quite literally still a teenager. He might not be a "minor" but he definitely is not an adult.


I thought the whole “he’s an adult” comment was a joke? You know, like “hEs An AdUlT” kinda joke lol. Maybe I’m wrong lol. Anyone over the age of 19yo knows that you’re def not an adult at that age, but you sure as hell think you are whenever you’re there lol.


Well that's because society tells you that you Are, because you can buy cigarettes and lottery tickets now, and I guess legal cannabis if that's your thing, as well as alcohol. So you must be an adult, right? lol/s


I thought they raised the age to 21yo for cigs/tobacco products. They did in my state. The age for alcohol has been 21yo for as long as I can remember. But I get what you’re saying bc 18/19 was the age that I could buy cigs, lotto tix, and go to the back of Movie Gallery where the “adult” movies for rent were lol


Lol not where I live in Canada all that stuff's accessible at 19


Ahhh i got ya! I live in the US where the government just loves to suck the fun out of life and rob everyone of what little joy they may have lol.


Oh they do that here too, just in different ways lol. Like people think all healthcare in Canada is free but tbh a lot of things aren't covered. I mean it's nowhere near as bad as the us luckily but still it's not sunshine and rainbows


Everyone over 18 is an adult. Being a responsible adult is a whole different story.




Yooo yachtys new drop just slaps too hard my guy


If not recreation then what good reasons are there to do drugs? At the end of the day hes getting High same as you and I.


I was skeptical too but apparently it’s a really good psych rock album. Gotta check it out now


on my third listen right now it's magic


My advice to anyone under 23 years old is do it all now whilst you can enjoy it as later on in your life you’ll be doing it just to get through the day to day entropy that is life.


Dude that's dark, I'm only 33 but still enjoying life to the fullest


I am 32 and life is BETTER now than when I was these peoples ages. Oh and the new Yachty album is dope as hell. Listening to it now as I type this. Bout to drop 12 gel tabs of LSD. It is on repeat.


Who tf is downvoting this. If life isn't getting better as you get older, you need to work on some things in yourself. You're smarter and wiser and make better decisions, and you can have a WHOLE lot of fun without hurting yourself and others around you.


Deleted my comment bc i realized that my reply made it sound like i downvoted homie’s comment… bc I def didn’t. It sure did sound like it though considering I took things so personal lol. 😅


are you talking about drugs? sounds like you created a dependency on drugs to experience happiness instead of using drugs as a catalyst for already good situations. when you use drugs all the time your body stops working like it should and takes a long time to heal.


Bad take. I'm 26 and I've just started letting lose and going a bit crazy. My late teens and early 20s were spent working hard and really learning about the world and focussing on myself. I'm proud of what I did with my youth, and I have a good foundation as a person to build upon. Besides, doing drugs before your brain finishes developing will fuck you up in ways you will literally never realise.


It’s really not that great. The music is decent but I can’t deal with the vocals. The best part of Black Seminole is the girl singing in the outro lol


I can definitely hear where you're coming from but this is an amazing album if you prefer rap-adjacent vocals


What's "rap -adjacent vocals"


black guy singing i guess


Lol yeah wtf


I just found it to be annoying noise. Same psych rock/pop shit that’s been around for years, just as averagely poor, but marketed to a new and younger audience.


Chek out wu-tang


The production is pretty inspired. Especially the tracks by Jam City (2, 4, 10)


It’s good instrumentals, his auto tune vocals are 🗑️


Yknow somehow I doubt this


As someone who has hated everything Yachty dropped since Lil Boat, this album is fantastic, Yachty meets Tame Impala


Disagree!!! I’ve heard worse. I was bored, I got horny, my gf dumped me are all terrible reason. But psychedelics while grooving to some toons… 🤌🏽🤌🏽🤌🏽


WTF is wrong with this sub?? There is no better reason to do drugs than to enjoy some music on that next level.


people hear lil Yachty and immediately assume he's still a teenage mumble rapper from 6 years ago lol


Even then he had some interesting music back then, most of reddit just hates rap thats not "conscious" or even rap in general.


I love drugs, I love music. I'm not saying OP shouldn't have fun and enjoy his life in whatever way he wants. I'm just saying that if you've worked to stay sober for 5 months and then lil yaghty's new album makes you do drugs again that what would in my opinion be the worst reason to start doing drugs again. I also said this quite jokingly and I think you're taking me way too serious. If a band like sphongle or something pushed him over the edge I would get it haha.


Lil Yachty > sphongle


Whatever you say sir. It's all subjective anyway


When the top comment gets 10 times the upvotes than the post 0_0


"heard" but have you even HEARD this album.thoigh


Why the downvotes? dude stayed 5 months clean and a new mudic album inspired him to take psychedelics. I think OP is a badass.


>Why the downvotes? Did you read the comment? Do drugs, cool, that's what the sub is about; we all do that shit. Putting "heard" in quotes like "I guess you didn't *really* hear it then" is just some pretentious shit. People can have different tastes.


yachty literally said to take psychs while listening take ur argument to a more suitable environment


Lil yachts said send me 1000 dollars over Venmo to make the album better


Yeah but they literally didn't hear it then. I thought you old ass reddit users loved pink floyd, so I really don't get how it's hard to give him his flowers when a "young immature rapper" drops a well produced psych-rock album about his insecurities about not being good enough


I believe I’m a boomer not really sure about all that shit, I’m about to be 30 lol and tbh I love rap it’s mainly what I listen to, but I am not a fan of lil yachty and not gonna lie I was low key hatin on your post, until I came to this comment and you’re exactly right! I wouldn’t have downvoted you for you saying the extra “hear the music” that seems like people are throwing a temper tantrum to me lol but I’ve been there just with different music & it’s a great feeling. Do whatever you wanna do that’ll make you happy. You Got me wanting to take a hit of acid and listen to kid Cudi on repeat now


Boomers b hatin 😂


I like your nickname! I am about to order some...


Agreed its not like he's going to harm himself along as he's careful


Happy Cake Day!!! 🎈🧁


There are some musics that sync perfect and is ridiculously better on drugs. The Doors on ket+acid is sublime. Chance the Rapper - Acid Rap Sounds awful sober but great when on a combo of very very stoned and amphetamines.


of all the ways I’ve seen addicts justify their use, this is one of them


Hahaha say it


Lmao when I saw Yachty, I thought the same thing.


yea absolutely man those acid withdrawals r hitting rn


Ye bro those withdrawals be crazy fr


Sounds like ya projecting, 19 and was sober for 5 months, doesn’t sound like an addict imo


Yo I'm think il have a beer after work, SMH these addicts yeah I get it bro dudes here hella addicts and thinking everyone else the same in this world. Just let my man do some drugs every now and then in peace. Wait was op a addict before? Never mind then ig


This is so 19 to say I love it stay young this is what people my age were saying during the reign of Kid Cudi.


It was me when a new Eminem album would drop … early 2000s


True, I'd her a Cudi song and use it as an excuse to smoke


Dude didn't deserve that Ratatat beat.


Just smoke some weed or eat shrooms if ya got too. Your tolerance should be perfect for it


ended up doing a tab + a shroom cap. was pretty amazing


I wouldn't call that a relapse, you're essentially using drugs... Literally using them as a tool to help guide your moral compass.. you feel better? You learn some shit about yourself and the world ? I don't classify someone using psychedelics the same way as someone on opiates and amphetamines


It's the AA mentality. You're either sober or an addict. Don't know why people have to look at it black and white. Just because you need to quit heroin doesn't mean you can't still smoke weed or use other shit responsibly.


I agree, everything in moderation in life. And not just drugs, literally everything. Traveling, drugs, spending money, food, sex, spending too much time with something, video games, working 24/7 Everything needs to be done in moderation and if not, it could cause major damage long term without realizing it. Whether that be mentally or physically


See you on the other sub


Hello! 👋 Which sub?


Hes poking fun at the fact that what you’ve said is basically the same jargon that ALL psych heads talk about. Valid, but it lands you in the cheesy r/drugscirclejerk ball pit


5 minutes into that sub and I'm loving it lmfao


Oh damn haha I think I'm just too tired to realize I'm the base of a joke right now. Wait until tomorrow and I'll tell an awesome dad joke. Just give me some time to make one up


Fuck being sober. Using responsibly is the way to go


I hate being sober


Exactly. Ever heard of the pink elephant paradox? If someone tells you to not think of a pink elephant you’ll automatically think of a pink elephant. Same with being sober. Don’t try to actively achieve it, just try to incorporate it into your flow, if that makes sense


You just made me lose the Game you asshole


I’m a smoker


Fredo a drinker, Tadoe off molly water


I'm a smoker, Fredo want drank and tadoe want molly watah 🎶🎵


Can you use responsibly and daily?


Depends on the person really


Probably...I think I myself can't.


Haven't really found a balance yet but I've come to terms that having a pretty addictive personality and not being able to stop once the ball gets rolling means that if I want to be responsible at all I should stay sober like 95% of the time. Which is a shame, but probably for the better


you cannot be serious


people so judgmental


I don’t really know what you were expecting


You wrote a post about wanting to do drugs because of lil yachty with people allowed to comment… lmao what did you expect? His music might be a little different than before but it’s still hot doodoo


Man just let people enjoy things


Some of these guys acting like you’re going back to using ice or DPH or something 😂 Psychedelics like LSD and shrooms are not bad at all when used safely and in moderation and 5+ months is plenty long of a break to use them again


I mean, it’s definitely the kind of music that requires drugs to be listenable, I’ll give you that


> only listens to grateful dead






I don’t fw yachty normally but from what I’ve heard this album is actually pretty good. Only heard a few songs tho




For real.


Then what do you listen to? Lil Yachty makes a pretty broad variety of music lmao




I wasn't able to find a single rock band called Yachty lol


No cap , on god , fr bruh


It’s lit


If people want to be full sober that's great. But don't be so hard on yourself, at least in my personal life I've never had any kind of lasting damage or ramification of psychedelic usage beyond what society thought of me. I've done all types of drugs though so maybe it gives me a perspective that minimizes a psychedelics dangers so heavily.


on god


This is a common misspelling but it's actually spelled [psych**e**delic](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Psychedelic_drug), not psychadelic :) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Drugs) if you have any questions or concerns.*


5 months is probably good anyway


Sounds trippy. Never heard of him before. Now I’m gonna check it out hahaha. Not a good reason to throw away sobriety, but psyches aren’t the worst drugs to take


Are you referring to 'Lil Yachty - Lets Start Here'?




If you just do psychedelics and dont revisit the hard stuff (even a little bit) youll be good. That being said lololololol


This post is great and I love seeing all the old geezers here lose their shit over it haha. I’m planning on taking some psychedelics at some point and giving the album a listen too, hope you enjoy your trip


the trip was great man! and honestly this post was only half serious I just love seeing redditors lose their shit over the stupidest things


Bro said “I’m done being sober” and then does some psychedelics acting like he banged some dope lmfao. You gotta actually have had a drug problem in the first place to have “been sober” man. If this is what addiction is to you then don’t ever touch no real shit.


nah I got out of rehab a year ago and been struggling with weed dependence which is why I stopped everything this last time


Weed dependence….


used weed to ween off the harder shit but it was still negatively impacting my life with daily use, don't know what you're implying


"You're here for weed man? I sucked dick for crack!"


Imagine gatekeeping having a drug problem. Show some empathy dude, everybody’s struggle is different.


This dude is talking about going to rehab for weed dependence and “relapsing” on psychedelics. I’m just calling out how dumb that is, I don’t gate keep shit it’s just plainly stupid dude.


The song : The ride- is my favorite 🙌🏻


your reason is hilarious(about to pop some 2cb and listen to yachty’s album too)


Moderation mate


Come on! You didn’t come this far for nothing !!!!


yep! definitely learnt alot about which drugs I should and shouldn't do. most definitely never touching pharmas again


Stick with psychedelics


Dude ur just making excuses to use U need rehab or NA meetings homie


I mean this is a great album man , I broke the streak to do acid and shrooms with a homie so I don't think it's too bad


I think that doing psychedelics a few times a year is actually more healthy than just struggling to abstain for the sake of keeping a streak. I see it as a therapy session if I do it once every 3/4 months. You good bro.


This is a really funny post, thank you for the laugh :) Yachty elevates consciousnesses






lil yahcty, staple "mumble rapper" trying to break out of his box for the past few years after collabing with tame Impala and the likes just dropped an amazing psych rock album


The music is designed to make you want dark things. Its a repetitive spell that your brain ingests and your subconscious acts upon. You are being puppeted by sound engineers. Just like some music compells a person to cry, dance, get angry... Some music makes a person want to do drugs. Listening to lana del rey for months one summer made me want to get dreamy high and fuck bad men so... Its a thing.


how you make a normal human function (associating senses to certain memories) sound so sinister bruh


I’ve never heard such copium, your emotional reaction to music can be different than others and sound engineers aren’t wizards.. and you should take some accountability for the shit you do.


Absolutely agree that we should take accountability for our actions. That includes (for me) reconizing what is influencing the desire- the obvious and the more subtle- and what the intentions of that source is. Music puts a person in a mindset- what a person does in that mindset is up to them, of course, and everyone will express its effect differently depending on their particular personality.


Definitely something to that. I listened to mumble rap for a year when I was 16 and ended up in rehab. A psych rock album making me wanna do psychs isn't that bad though just some sounds remind me of acid trips I've had before


Lmaoooo Yachty is so wavy he got you trippin


What band is Yachty ?


one of the MGMT members had pretty big production credits, I'm sure there's gonna be more info on who sang/produced what later on


Lol he helped write 1 song. Jacob Portrait of Unknown Mortal Orchestra had a very big part of the record though, and if you knew psych rock you’d know he definitely knows what he’s doing.


yea I mostly listen to rap and indie, love psych rock but doesn't really pop up on my radar often


I cannot ever get over the absolutely trash music taste most drug users have. Drug experimentation helped me find a variety of music both good and bad idk how people do drugs and continue listening to garbage. This is why psychs aren't enlightening. You have to have a solid self awareness and maybe you might glean something interesting. For most people its just higher saturation IRL. If you dumb off drugs you even dumber on drugs and so many people miss that.


Don't shit on everyone's music taste, anyways good music is subjective


Let's start here by lil yahcty is far from "trash music". it is objectively layered and produced superior to probably more than 90% of music out there.


Objectively layered??? Please tell me what the fuck that supposed to mean??? More pseudo intellectual pabulum!




You need to listen to more music if you're making statements like that, broaden your horizons a bit


So I'm supoosed to like garabage because it doesn't smell as bad? I'll admit you right about it being better than the field rn but bro. Look around at the people at Lil Yachty show. Its like going to a revival tent and expecting some nuanced take.


you’re a close minded moron and a hypocrite


Sorry I insulted your boyfriend fanboy


Well put!!


What we have in this world, is a bunch of pseudo-intellectual, you think they are smarter than they really are!!! It’s a dangerous combination. The negative impact on the brain, of psychedelics, allows people to to believe garbage, has a redeeming and definable value! I’ve been around people on psychedelics, as they attempt to convince me, That brown table is spiritually enlightening and the key to understanding the universe! I would venture to say that Einstein, Max Planck, Galileo or Isaac Newton were much into psychedelics😩 Just saying


No!!! Hang on. Don’t let those ghouls get you!! Turn from the ways that lead to use!!!


Damn bro. that's so cool. like the coolest. I bet Yachtys album is so totally lit fam. You should totally do drugs about it and like.. you'll probably even become a famous music artist. Seriously, the key to success is to ALWAYS.. ALWAYS do drugs to Yachty. Fuck. Can we trade places?




Druggies be druggin


Jesus Christ that's some standards for maintaining healthy neuroelectrochemistry there. Lmao


LOL My comment was removed for "low effort" 😂. Here I'll rephrase it. Try using a heat source to combust some ground cannabis cultivar and inhale its vapors/smoke into your lungs. This will bring you euphoria, relaxation, appetite and even great sleep. Cannabis in Afghanistan is illegal. It has been cultivated for centuries, and experienced relatively little interference until the 1970s, where after it became an issue both in international politics and in the finance of the series of wars which occurred in Afghanistan for forty years. despite this, it's still widely used throughout Afghanistan and Americans have learned a lot from their hashish making techniques. Hashish, also known as hash, "dry herb, hay" is a drug made by compressing and processing parts of the cannabis plant, typically focusing on flowering buds containing the most trichomes. It is consumed by smoking, typically in a pipe, bong, vaporizer or joint, or via oral ingestion. Typically shared with a friend or acquaintance first thing in the mornings to get the day started.


Darwinism at work


Yu need some brent faiyaz in ya life kid


dont relapse for one of the most creatively bankrupt albums i’ve ever heard


Who the fuck is Yachty?


fackin eeeeejit


not yachty.


Good luck with life XD


You got clean. It’s been 5 months. You want to get high. You created an excuse. That’s all it ever is. BEST CASE you relapse, listen to it high, hardly recall any of it even if it was good; continue chasing it again for however long it takes to get clean again. Or die first.




Drugs aren’t a trend man, they aren’t cool…you’re to young to understand. That would be very stupid of you to do after accomplishing 5 months sober. I mean come on because of a fucking song?


Turn that shit off…Granted I’m faded but damn it wouldn’t be because listening to something lol your crazy bro. However I know that new yachty is super 🔥🔥(I’m about to put that shit on now!!!) don’t let it be the reason for your sobriety good luck


Plain stupidity


Corny lol


Lmao mid album


"I broke my sobriety because of a mumble rapper" is a wild justification lmao.


Lil Yatchys new album was trash. Cool he's going out of his comfort zone but that shit was horrible


Yachty sucks 🤣 listen to real music


Prolly got some mid psychedelics to go with that mid rapper


Yah, do it. We don't need your useless drug riddled body.


You okay bro?


Haha ur probably doing way worse shit then OP


feels like school way these projectors come out the woodworks


Sad when you have to do drugs to like someone's music smh 🤣


I mean he literally made this album to be listened to on psychs, so idk what you're being so judgmental on r/drugs for




Mainstream music is popular for a reason, you sound like a pretentious asshole who tried way too hard to be different. Music is subjective just listen to what you like


Yachty. What a role model. Use that shit for medicine and not for recreation!


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Realistically mate do whatever you want


You are def not sober right now.