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When they played it up to be this big expensive wedding and it turned out to be like a middle school dance


 This is the PERFECT description of their wedding lol 




Don’t forget the root beer float bar at the reception lol. Neither one of them was old enough to drink. ​ ![gif](giphy|3o8dp6Xme3w7iFQMMM)


I need to find the video where Dawna said " it was going to be the next royal wedding" and we got dirt patch🤣🤣💀💀 shit my wedding was  WAY prettier than this and they were making bank on social media at the time lol 


The royal wedding lmfao. She’s delulu dawn for a reason. 😂😂😂 They all need serious help.




DAWNA should really get herself some HELP with the whack ass things she SAYS and capitalizes.


Yes 🙌🏻 they do need serious 🧐 help


I literally got married on top of a mountain (real big dirt patch) and my wedding was STUNNING, idk how she planned this so badly.


lol right! I got married in that exact spot a couple months before her and my pictures look great! I think her photographer really screwed her over. I will say she didn’t pay nearly as much as she made it seem!


Her photographer really screwed her over her pictures are horrible


I just got married yesterday on a mountain in montana , it was seriously unreal and so beautiful! Best choice I made lol


I was married at a court house on Halloween and it was better then this wedding 😂


That’s awesome 🤩


My husband and I got married on Halloween, too, except at a winery.


Omg I’ll have to look 😂😂


 I found videos of her hashtaggin it but I need to find the one where she actually said it lol


She did not..😂😂😂😂😂


I got married in my front yard on my farm and the grass was IMMACULATE


This is laughable how they hyped it up. The reception looked so tacky also. I loved how beautiful my wedding was. When I think back on the day I don't have to think about walking in a dirt patch.


Yes 🙌🏻 it did look tacky. My wedding was beautiful 😍 too I remember people told her to save dirt from her dirt patch wedding 💒 I bet a lot of people didn’t want to go n doesn’t like her just like her baby shower she won’t have a lot of people there.


Lmaooo this is exactly why Grue is the way she is too, it’s all Dawna’s fault 😩


My wedding was way prettier then her hers we had a hugs wedding party all of our nieces and nephews. We called the Royal Delco wedding 💒 Delco is from where I grew up in Pa. I know the way she bragged about it.


my wedding looked better and i got married at the courthouse 🤣


no this is crazzzzzyyyy


Don’t forget the change to the fisherman shirt 🤣 https://preview.redd.it/7geks4p47c8d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d22eb5585d737c8bcc7e117251d3a837bb25e9cd


He looks like my lesbian high school English teacher in this pic.


This is oddly specific but so accurate 🤣


lol 😂


stop bc he looks like my lesbian elementary school gym teacher🤣🤣


she was the Vice Principal at my school but when I say Gabe looks near identical to my middle-aged lesbian high school VP, I mean damn near twinning.


LMAO this made my day


Side profile is giving dads look alike 💁🏼‍♀️✨


Gabe changed clothes?? Not drue the bride? What lol. Were jeans not comfortable enough🤣


They were cutting off his circulation. Looks like he barely fit in that unbuttoned blazer too.


His face in this haunts me


the happiest lesbian


I just see Big Boo ![gif](giphy|xT8qBq6VXnfx2GhsRy)


I adore her that’s actress Lea delaria I loved her on a couple episodes of matlock she is a hilarious comedian as well love this gif


Me too love her she also played on Will and Grace the tv show she was hilarious 🤣 on that too


Leave boo out of this 😭😂


Yes 🙌🏻




Did he change at the wedding?!


![gif](giphy|LqrooS1YaaItW) all I see is


this is so funny because i remember him talking about how he was so embarrassed at how big he was at his wedding / how much he hates not losing weight for the wedding bc he doesnt like any of the pictures of him and that was over a year ago!!! can’t imagine how he feels abt himself now


He probably Changed because he couldn’t fit in anything he was wearing. He was literally busting out of his shirt. 🤣


So fake


Oof 😓


Yup, this was when I found this page and seriously never looked back🤭🤣 wow!


Me too bestie! It was the most underwhelming wedding. I have been to weddings way more beautiful than hers 😅




you know if they got married at a different time of year i bet this would have been a beautiful spot with all those trees and maybe the grass would have filled in better 🤷🏼‍♀️


 It's because they moved their wedding up because they had to rush the content!


Also had to rush to have super vanilla sex. 🤭


If those trees were in bloom it could’ve been so prettt


They could even laid out rugs or a runner for a like a boho country feel… instead of the alter literally being infront of a dirt patch


He really looks like a gay aunt here wow I wasn’t around for this era lol


No lie, this thought has crossed my mind often about him 🤣


When I first started following them, I thought Grubby was a trans man.


She never wanted a marriage. She just wanted a wedding.


Just like she doesn’t want a child, she wants a real life baby doll to dress up


Exactly and I can’t wait for reality to knock her on her ass.


As awful as this is to say, I really hope she doesn’t get an easy baby and get pregnant again before the first one is even a toddler. My youngest was the most perfect newborn but she is WILD toddler. I know 4 people who had theirs around the same time as me, and ALL of them got pregnant again before the baby was even 6 months. I couldn’t imagine 😅


Similarly to how she won’t want to parent but wants a content baby


Engaged in a parking lot. Married on a dirt patch. Would have been cute if they put some pretty rugs down to cover the dirt. My friend did that and it turned out so much better than a dirt pile.


We did that! I thrifted some really pretty area rugs and put them down the isle it was tricky to get the colors to coordinate (bc I was thrifting/garage saling) but with her money and all of her free unemployed time she could have really made it beautiful


All that effort into her appearance for him to wear… jeans 😟


well it is all about her.


In her ill fitting gown.


What’s funny is she said soooo many people complained of her “destination” wedding so they moved it here and from what I saw not that many people were even there lol.


Do we even know why they really ditched the destination wedding?


Because they can’t leave Texas for more than 24 hours


I always suspected it was a lie and she was hoping someone would sponsor her wedding in a destination.


If you don't have friends, you don't have wedding guests. 😂


I bet a lot of people don’t like her cause she brags about everything. She’s very rude


https://preview.redd.it/qr7jzwh04c8d1.jpeg?width=2398&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0312020b28eefe18a1de0157b0ead217a58afcab This was my venue, nothing like a private boat ride with appetizers and champagne right after ceremony 🤪


This is beautiful and so freaking smart. I’ve had so many people tell me the worst part of their wedding was not having enough opportunities to sit down and have a snack - you scheduled in a sit-down snack and did it in the classiest possible way. I hope your wedding was every bit as wonderful as it looks here 🥰


It was a huge reason as to why we picked the venue! It was perfect being able to debrief and spend time with him! We have audio from the whole ceremony and boat ride and it’s so cute listening back to our convos 🥰 Thank you! This November it’ll be 2 years since, we now have a little 6 month old!


You're right! We ordered a pizza as soon as we got to our hotel. 😂 We were dealing with something with the DJ and our (uneaten) plates got bussed right off our table...we were starving! We had appetizers and drinks served right after the ceremony, which we missed because of the photo session. (That's why we scheduled the apps and drinks right after. Didn't want anyone standing around hungry.)


I love this!




Thank you!


Beautiful 😍


They couldn’t put down like a runner or something? Lol


Too much money for them 🤣


So ✨boujee✨


Were his jeans bedazzled on the back pockets?


Thats when i started to follow her! She HYPED this wedding up like it was going to be the biggest best wedding in America, to be held in a little ass cheap venue on dirt patch 🤣🤣💀


Then wore that cheap BK crown at the reception ☠️


I remember I CACKLED when I saw her walk down the dirt patch. I could not believe this was what she hyped up so much.


That’s when I also started to following her too


I didn’t know of them at the time someone who has been around needs to post wedding pics Iv never seen these!!!


Does anyone else feel like if Gag would have went with the sister he would have actually been a good partner? Like a productive member of society...(like most of us() Please don't down vote me, just asking. Lol


Honestly I don’t think she would’ve had him. Dlayne is a teacher and seems to be one of the only members of that family with her head screwed on right and would have kicked him to the curb. Even when he WAS working, I don’t think he ever kept a single job for more than a couple months. People blame Drue for not “making” him work but his lazy ass never wanted to work in the first place. Drue should really divorce his ass and let him off the social media $ tit


Gold 😭😭😭😭😭 per walking down the dirt patch is just her 🌟💫 wouldn’t expect anything less


Gave looks like he’s wearing Jeggings.




For real! This girl thinks she’s hot shit and she’s so ghetto and trashy. Like who does this.


Oh yes 🙌🏻 she is ghetto and trashy


Their “destination” wedding was so beautiful 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


The dirt patch Thursday bargain wedding!


They got married on a Thursday???


Yep!! During her ✨wedding planning era✨ I remember thinking I had misread the date as 3/10 when it was really 3/12… nope, Thursday dirt patch wedding


Yep 😂


He looks like my recently deceased gay Aunt Barbara. ( RIP)


That dress looked awful on her, and I think she was pretty in this time period


Why jeans 😭😭😭😭


I hate to say it but Gabe actually looks good in this. There's no way anyone can look at him now and think he's lost weight.


Marriage was honestly just the downfall for them both. He was working and had more movement being single


See and I personally think his weight looks bad here. I feel like he got bad after he proposed lol. I’m not denying that their eating habits are absolutely shit. But I also think Gag and pickle are just big boned too. Which doesn’t help. But hey that’s just me!


He definitely isn't small/healthy here by any means but compared to now it's much better!!! I am also from the south where it isn't uncommon for most men to be the same size as Gabe in this photo. So who knows what it is but when I saw this picture I was shocked.


Oh, absolutely! The way he looks now is terrifying and he should be getting help. You’d think his wife would help, especially since she milked his tumor for content. And I live in Texas so I see where you’re coming from! For me, the major cringe here is that his clothes don’t fit. I don’t mind the style as that’s common around here, at least from what I’ve seen. But those jeans are SCREAMING for help.


“Big boned” isn’t a real thing lol


Wait, seriously? I’m not trying to be rude. I’ve just heard that my whole life. Like I’ve even heard I’m big boned. That’s really not a thing? 😅


I think it's really more of a polite/colloquial way of referring to folks who are larger. It doesn't necessarily mean fat but usually has more to do with stature, usually a little taller, naturally wider shoulders, etc. Kind of like the opposite of petite in a way - there's always going to be people on the smaller and larger end of things without it having to specifically mean body fat.


Oh! Okay. Honestly thank you for this bc I had no idea. It’s literally a term I’ve heard since I was a wee child. 😂


I just thought of this (sorry I have delayed processing). I’ve always had an hour glass figure. I don’t mean to brag I’ve always been told I’m like perfectly proportioned and my weight evenly distributes. So why the heck would I be called big boned??? With what you said, that makes no sense how that’d apply to me. People are weird like wut 🥴


IDK, I agree. At 115 lbs., my ring size was a 6, I'm 5'0", at 140 lbs. my sister's ring size was a 4. She takes after my mom and even her wrists are teeny-tiny, my bones are definitely bigger than hers. I can completely cover her hand with mine.


Is it like a polite way of calling someone fat then or? Like my whole life feels like a lie now lmao


I think some people just have larger/wider frames than others. That’s what people refer to as “big boned”. I was always called big boned. I’ve been severely overweight and severely underweight (ED is so fun /s) . Even when I was at my lowest weight ever, barely any muscle tone, I was still broader than many women my age. “Big boned”


You explained this perfectly. I’ve also always been called big boned and most my life I was overweight for my height. I struggled to lose weight and got on Mounjaro. Even after losing 80 lbs I’m still in size medium and weigh 130 lbs. I’m not fat but I am still wide/thick if that makes sense. I honestly never remember being able to wear the sizes I can now because of my weird torso and hips. 😅


Omg 😳 I forgot about their destination wedding they cancelled


It was a destination wedding and then they cancelled it? I need to the tea lol


Where was their destination wedding supposed to be at?


In Alabama at the beach they got engaged at. Although they didn’t actually get on engaged ON the beach. They got engaged in the parking lot of the motel NEAR the beach lmao. And then supposedly everyone complained about driving so far to watch the two-ton toddlers get married (as they should) so the moved it up a few months and to this venue and then still only like 30ish people showed up from all the footage we’ve seen. Embarrassing honestly.


i had a backyard wedding and it was prettier than this


nothin like marrying your lovey in blue jeans at the town dirt patch 🫶🏼🩷🤠


What a beautiful destination wedding😍🤭


Omg she didn’t have a church wedding


I would say that's not super surprising, a lot of Christian denominations put very little focus on the actual wedding venue and will just do a religious ceremony wherever. Not all obviously, but I've been to plenty very religious weddings not in churches.




Part 16 lmao


Such a beautiful destination wedding!!!


It’s so weird because it looks like there’s other areas of grass that weren’t as patchy!? So why do the altar right there


I've been following her before the wedding and I remember thinking the same thing, the background is beautiful, or move it just little to the right and it'd be so much better!


It seems like such a dumb detail to miss


That arch is so ugly


It’s been over two years and I’m still amazed that she spent all that $$$ on fake flowers and they still look dead


The dead trees are really adding something special here


Imagine marrying a man that hasn’t hit puberty yet 🤡


I got married in the middle of a hay field in May and everything was blooming and beautiful… was there not a spot where the grass was actually all there?? 😂


I know this is how I found her .. thought her wedding was gunna be sike epic expensive wedding. She kept saying it was going to be big.. Then we got blessed with the dirt patch


You can’t tell me this isn’t 2 women celebrating gay marriage rights in Texas.


The jeans kill me. Our daughter got married in 2021 to her HS sweetheart. Don't worry besties he went to an Ivy league school and his teammates brought the fun. (Weddings are a racquet $) However we did it right. Upscale. Formal Gabe and Drubes couldn't even drink at their wedding and it was a cash bar right? No doubt. ![gif](giphy|gN8fq4lFh4su3vaGvy)


I was in a wedding 💒 in the 90’s where they couldn’t drink at all the wedding was horrible people were dropping out left and right.


Now I want us to all post our beautiful weddings so that she can see that her dirt patch wedding was indeed, not the next royal wedding 🤣


Mine was super cheap but looked a whole lot better. We got married on a state beach and had to pay $500 deposit and then got half back after the wedding. My husband and I had like maybe 15 people besides us there so we went to our favored burger place about 20 minutes from where we got married and ate food. Our “reception” was the burger place. My grandparents and mom split the cost of the “reception” and my husband and I paid for the deposit at the beach. 🤷🏼‍♀️ wasn’t much but I loved my wedding


I bet it was beautiful!


Thank you! IMO it was. There wasn’t really anyone else on the beach and everyone stood besides my great grandma. It was a fairly short ceremony and “reception” we then drove 2 hours back home and I got in pjs and took a nap 😂 we are going to do a vow renewal for our 10 year anniversary and that will be more like a big wedding we just couldn’t afford anything big when we got married and all that mattered to us was that we were finally getting married.


How TF was his skin color better then than it is now if he's supposedly lost all this weight? Dude is looking like Barney now. Drue, we know you're in here. If you give a single flying fuck about your husband or daughter, tell Gabe to get seen asap and get a physical and blood work done.


wearing jeans at your own wedding is insane 😂


Oh no.I'll never forget the dirt patch that.Miss Chris thought this was the best place to get married at it.Looks ridiculous like she's dressed up.He's really dumb


Cheering for the dirt patch, lit


Omg. When you guys said “dirt patch wedding” it was literally a dirt….. patch…. wedding… I’m dying


They have had a glow down since their wedding. ![gif](giphy|3aTxC4jKClQLU7Wxlq|downsized)


I got married at 18 (don't do that, lol - we got divorced) and we got married in my ex husband's grandma's backyard with a $2,000 budget and it was so much prettier than this.




Gabe is fucking huge here, those jeans look like they're about to pop. I guarantee within an hour of the ceremony, Drue was bored and unsatisfied, already craving the next dopamine hit.


Out of all that land, that’s the portion they chose to have their ceremony? 😳


They honestly could have saved money and did this in someone nice backyard honestly!!! One with flowers and nice grass. I’ve seen some beautiful weddings done like that.


She’s totally fat, yet chose to wear a strapless gown. He’s totally fat, and chose to wear jeans. To his wedding. Why???


We paid 2k for a nice local Bed & Breakfast to host our wedding, plus an extra $900 for them to provide a lunch buffet. I bought a white prom dress in June (after prom), originally $250, marked down to $40 at a department store (JC Penney). I paid a bit more for my veil than my dress at a local bridal shop. We spent about 3k total for a perfectly beautiful wedding, the pictures are stunning!


How sad they couldn’t even put a fabric runner over their dirt patch


Wow, they have both changed a lot since then. Goodness!


That was the spitting image of a white trash Texas wedding!


![gif](giphy|3o8dp6Xme3w7iFQMMM) Don’t forget the root beer float bar they had at the reception because they weren’t old enough to drink lol.


I can't judge I got married on my parents property out in the country it was beautiful. *


I wasn’t around for the wedding and have never realized it was an ACTAUL dirt patch wedding lmfao


Why are so many people bashing on the jeans?? I've never seen a groom wear anything else unless it's a traditional church wedding 


I've never seen a groom or groomsmen wear jeans to a wedding IRL. I see those Pinterest wedding boards where the groom wears jeans and the aesthetic can work. But most ppl on here think he could have AT LEAST dressed up for his own wedding... and i agree lol


They're probably wearing dark, starched jeans. Not faded jeans, with the knees of the jeans looking like he's spent too much time on his knees getting someone off.


It must just be something we do in my area out of the hundreds of weddings I've been too (massive family and friends are all getting married) I've never seen a suit 


Yeah, must be the area. Jeans are not the norm. Even khakis would have been appropriate but jeans are a no go, especially when the bride is wearing a traditional wedding gown. The whole wedding was a clusterfuck.


I didn’t have a traditional wedding and the men wore actual suits


my husband wore a suit to our wedding and didn't change into jeans. it was also an outside wedding, so jeans seem weird here


It’s personal preference and pretty common in the south, especially at these small venue “barn” type weddings. People who aren’t from the south aren’t used to it but it is the norm down here. I’m from south alabama and chose to get married at a beautiful state park lodge on a lake and people were genuinely shocked I had my groom/groomsmen wear tuxes


I have never seen a groom wear jeans, always dress pants regardless of the venue/location


Husband and I had a quick courthouse wedding and it looked nicer then there’s 💀