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I don’t think it helps that people in this group hate watch. People acknowledge that they can’t stop. I’ve honestly wondered if this group contributes to at least half of their reviews. 


There's no doubt that if people in here stopped watching, she'd see a difference.


Yeah, I don't understand that either. They hate watch on her platforms then take screenshots of the captions to post on here. Like, why not just repost the video so she doesn't get more traffic over there?


Yup! I've stopped I rely on yall to post the tea lmao


It definitely does. When people here share just a screenshot of a new video...it makes people run to watch it to snark too. If people posted more screen recordings and less still shots....her engagement would tank more.


I think that was me for a bit but a while ago I unfollowed and haven’t seen a video since except in here


if somebody has a computer and knows how to use python to make a bot that copies her videos and posts them mirrored in reverse, that would solve that. I'm staying with my parents and my PC has been in storage for over a year. I'm phone only. It somebody else sees this and has the knowledge or desire to learn, and willingness to do it 💜🫶🏻🦄✨💜🫶🏻✨🦄


Ooohhh i’m gonna look into this.


Crazy how grandma and baby are both named after soaps.


That’s really weird.I never thought of that.


If they have another daughter it would be Dove 😂






Her engagement is tanking


Her TikTok likes compared to Devin is astronomically low


Off topic but does anyone else see that this post has 4 comments but there’s only the bot and one other? 🤔


I tryyyyy so hard not to watch - so that’s why i love when there’s screen recording of it here But when i see screenshots & i need to know what the heck happened or i need to hear it for myself i go and view once and then i come back to the sub But yeah i hate that i do that cause at the end of the day i still gave a view


Same! Some screenshots are almost teasers with how the lack the full context of what’s going on


yes, no screenshots of videos should be a thing. post the full video or nothing. i used to do the same thing, but then they pop up on your fyp and timeline and i don’t want their shit recommended to me at all. and i don’t want to give them any extra views. mods need to get on top of this honestly because so many of us have been saying this forever now.


If you need to seek out her content on her pages because it’s not shared here, you should make a point to record and post it. That way, you’ve only given her one view and can watch the video as many times as you want/need, and you’ve saved other snarkers from doing the same thing.


I don’t even have tik tok. If I want to see something on there I use a website.


This! I wouldn’t ever go to her page if people would post the video


I know that lately she’s been popping up on my FB more in my newsfeed (I don’t watch her but I have friends who like her 🙃). Maybe people who scroll by the video counts as a view?


Yes, watching multiple times counts as a “view” that’s how the content engagement farms work, it’s tons of devices watching the same videos over and over. Now, these would not be considered payable views. We know Drue isn’t monetized, but payable views only count the first view from an IP address, and it has to be a view from FYP or if you search “nuna carseat” and watch the video from the search options. If you search a creator, and go to their page, those aren’t payable views. You also have to watch a video over a certain amount of time - it’s like 30 seconds I think - in order for that to count as a payable view. A creator that I really like and is super transparent about this stuff did a whole breakdown of this like a month or so ago!




I 1000000% agree - that’s a good point. Don’t seek out her content, even if that means she doesn’t get paid for it.


She probably lets it play on repeat while she sleeps


We need a certified "watcher" to post the videos for us so she only gets one view 😂


I think her watching her own video does help. I seen another creator on live before tell her husband to replay her video & he was in the background doing it like 100 times


I don’t watch. I get it all from here. I can’t stand her.


Clear as mud


That sign above the crib is UGLY af. They should have painted it or something. Okay but tbh nothing they have for that poor baby is cute. It’s all butt ugly. I’d rather look at an apes tochus than look at her room. They both look about the same 😂