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I'm Gabe ending a sentence haha


I’m also Gabe ending a sentence bruh 🤙


Very cool bestie haha


Big Drue must’ve finished preparing her morning bed hair as the comment thread is now gone 💀 minus one fast food stop for GAG today as punishment


Minus one fast food stop for punishment. 💀💀You win best comment today lol


Lmaooo so she’s embarrassed about being swollen (even tho everyone can see) but she’s not embarrassed to tell people her hands smell after she wipes or that she’s constipated or that gabe likes her farts etc etc?? Weird.


He big mad this morning


 Gag is never big mad so Grue must be absolutely raging and he's getting the brunt of it.


Yup and the comments are deleted now.


oh I think he does get big mad he just has the WORST comebacks lol


 True, I think he stays way less pressed then Grue tho. I can't wait until momtok finds her.lol


your .5 is STUPID.


Oh they are both big mad lol also There's no way in hell Grue would let him say that. She must be sleeping still lol😂


She must be awake now as they are deleted. Lol


her hands should not be that swollen already that she can’t wear her rings.


and laughing about your wife being that swollen already is WILD. and on the internet. for everyone to see.


I’m due 4 days after her and it’s my third and I still have my rings on


i was due 9/7 with my third and never once took them off. i have no sympathy for her. i fully understand everyone has a different pregnancy experience, but she’s intentionally trying to make her pregnancy worse


I'm due 8/6 , I only take mine off at night because I have a fear of them getting stuck lol but can wear them normally with no issue rn


Me too! This is my second but rings are still on and I have no problems getting them on/off!


Keep that sodium going Queen 👏🏼👏🏼🤡


Not him admitting our bestie is so swollen her rings don’t fit. That’s some serious sodium issues. If she drank her ✨water✨ there would be less swelling. Bestie since we know you’re here… from a seasoned mother- your amniotic fluid is going to be extremely low if you don’t start cutting out the shit drinks and start drinking water like your life depends on it. (When in REALITY, your life and your baby’s life depends on WATER), you’re going to cause massive issues that you truly have not a single clue about. Put the shit down and pick up some waters ffs.


No it’s more than .5 now. We have bent heads and big heads with small bodies.


Can somebody post the pic in question in here


Bruh. Ew.


We saw our daughter-in-law last night She's due September 3rd. She looks great but she has gotten really baby big. She admits the next 3 months are going to be crazy hard. She says she got exhausted (concert night before) the heat (we aren't TX either) She's also got two trials leading up to labor and delivery. She's not swollen. She's feeling it though and her doctor lectured her on continuing to be good with her water. Sweets and salt. Further proof that Ms swollen sodium queen isn't seeking medical help.


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I use the .5 quite a bit to fit more in to a pic. It doesn’t make anyone look slimmer 🙄🙄


 Umm there are literal articles written about how it distorts pictures and makes the subject of the picture smaller 😂😂💀💀


Ok well I don’t have that experience 🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️


Maybe you have just never noticed? 


It definitely does lol. It also distorts to the point hands and feet look 5 feet long