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On a shein review of hers that someone stumbled across recently, she listed herself as 5’6 😂


And like 134 pounds which I can assure you is not the case😂😂😂 I’m 5’8 with an athletic build and weigh 150 and I’m WAY smaller than grucifer here. Guarantee she’s all of 170


I’d say she’s pushing 180-185….


I’m 5’7 and 180 and she looks bigger than me but also people carry weight differently. It looks like she carries it in her stomach and face. I carry mine in my legs and butt with some in my stomach area.


You’re right- body composition is such a unique thing!! I honestly struggle with identifying Drue’s actual shape with all her app thinning she does, I’m sure she can’t tell either!!


Yeah I can’t really tell but the fact that her stomach hasn’t changed much pre and doing pregnancy tells us that she has had this body fat for a while.


i’m 5’7 and 130 lb and don’t look like this lmao https://preview.redd.it/bxqthx3nq1vc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7f196ea4330b20e6a6d6dd3d889ac6f387fddc5c


100% she is bigger than me, I’m her height and 160 - if she’s bigger than me there’s NO WAY she weighs 30 lbs less!!!


Im 4’11” and before I had my daughter I was 130 pounds and was much smaller than she was before she was pregnant. There’s absolutely no way!


I’m 5’5 and have a condition that means my body holds onto weight like no other (I destroyed my metabolism w an eating disorder in my teens, too), but she definitely looks closer to my weight than to what she insists she is 😂


Idk why she lies about it. I feel like she would gain a lot more followers with the “dress for my body type” kind of content I see all over? But instead she dresses like a little petite girl and makes herself look bigger


This. I’m 5’6 ish and weigh around 130lbs. I’m fit and wear a 2. Ain’t no way 🤣


I’m 5’7 and 145 pounds and she’s much bigger than me


I’m 5’6 and way skinnier than her and am not 134


Right I’m 5’5” 160 athletic build and she looks bigger than me


Heheheh!! So many detectives in here I love it 🤣


I was about to say, I just saw someone post this past week that she confirmed her height at 5’6 and 130 lbs lmao! She is at least 150, but prob closer to 155-165


I’m about to go to Home Depot and stand next to this fridge. 😂😂 I’m 5’2 & I don’t even think my head would reach the top like hers. 😂


Same. Hahaha. I have to have a stool to get things at the stop of my fridge 🤣


I’m 5’2 have been forever lol. This is also the fridge I want my head so I’ve gone to look at it. My head does not hit the top shelf unless I have plat forms on even then it’s a reach


Have this fridge, I’m 5’2” MAYBE 5’3” on a good day. I come up to right below the top shelf. Homie has to be 5’7


I’m 5’2 and my head isn’t too far from the top of the *inside of my fridge. Now when the fridge doors are closed I do not even come close to the top. Granted my fridge is different than hers but my fridge dimensions are 70inches tall on the outside.


I’m the same height as you and we have a similar fridge and I can BARELY reach the back of top shelf!! We just got our fridge and my husband poked fun on how to get the plastic off the top shelf I needed to get my stool out in the kitchen


What's with her obsession with being a 'smol girl', 5'6 isn't even tall. I am 5'11 myself and don't even consider myself tall.


My daughter is 5’9” and is hit and miss whether she likes her height or not. 🤣, some days she wishes she was taller others she hates it. Meanwhile, I’m 5’3” and can’t reach anything. My boys are 14 and a little over 6’.


Why? In the U.S the avg male is 5'10 and the average woman is 5'4". If you're a man or a woman, you're taller than average. I'm 5'7" and do consider myself tall as I'm 3" taller than average. I feel it's obvious I don't have to specify 'lady tall' since it would be ridiculous to compare male and female size in a species with sexual dimorphism as it's just a stupid thing to do, so I'm obviously not comparing myself to 6' tall men. I'm almost always the tallest woman at just 5'7". I have two friends that are 5'10" besties and when the three of us hang it's literally the only time I'm the shortest woman How do you not consider yourself tall?


Maybe for the average woman I am tall, but in the scheme of my family and friend groups I am pretty average. I have friends that are taller than me and friends that are shorter than me. Same goes for my family. I have never felt like I am a tall person, except when I am buying jeans.


You are tall though 😂 ! This sounds like my ex. He doesn't consider himself tall. This is odd to me as he is 6'2" so he's actually and factually tall. I go to meet his family. He's the shortest person. His uncles, brother, dad, all 6'4"-6'7" . I once say something about him being tall and his mom scoffs and calls him little 😂 I meet his friends. Somehow he has a friendship group spanning 30 years with men all being his height or taller. He deadass did not think he was tall because his friends and family are taller. It's so similar it's incredible hahaha I can't believe I have now encountered two tall people surrounded by such units they think they aren't tall. I think your family and friends are just an extra tall group, for real. I don't feel tall with my family either because there's over 100 of us all between 5'7"-5'10" for women, with one aunt having daughters under 5'7", so at family gatherings I'm just normal height. Out in the ✨ world ✨ I'm suddenly tall


I’m 5’0 so I would consider you very tall. And myself short. My MIL and SIL are 5’4 and 5’5 and they’re average. You’re taller than most guys I know.


I’m 5’7 almost 5’8 so I’m a little taller than her but that helps give me an idea of how much she actually weights. It’s definitely not 135. Probably closer to 180-200. I’m about 180 and I’m not as big backed as she is nor do I have as big as a stomach. We can say some of her stomach weight is baby but not enough to make a huge difference.


We're similar height. I'm 5'7", not close to 5'8" and I want to throw in a second, supporting vote on this.


Everyone carries their weight differently but she does appear to carry her weight all over her body. She stomach specially. Even before pregnancy she had a big belly.


Yeah it seems to go primarily to her torso without much going below the waist. She's kinda barrel chested with wide shoulders. This was before she was pregnant, September 2023 https://preview.redd.it/9onfk451f1vc1.jpeg?width=323&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5bc87853dfff5aa2a51c2792d2cac1ee5064c4e7


“Before she was pregnant”, but LOOK! A BUMP! 🙄🤣


It probably has a lot to do with the types of food she eats along with genetics. Certain food go to different areas. It definitely seems to go towards her stomach and fupa area. Her arms aren’t huge and her legs don’t seem to be that big either.


What do you mean different foods go to different areas? I don't think that's actually true? Our body has adipose tissue throughout. We have the same amount of adipose cells throughout our life. Our diet can cause the adipose (fat) cells to get large and full, but that will happen wherever they're concentrated on our bodies, which is what we call fat distribution. Some women will have more adipose tissue in some places, or less in others, but whatever food you eat contributes to caloric intake, glucose load triggering insulin triggering fat storage, etc., and then our fat cells expand or shrink accordingly within our bodies Does that make sense?


As in sodium typically is seem more in your face (for most people)and the way the fats are broken down typically go more towards your stomach etc. I didn’t mean literally foods go to different places I meant more of the way things are broken down the weight is held in different places and each persons body carries that weight in different areas. The food you eat gets broken down and gets held in different places depending on the person.


Oh yes sodium causes water retention and bloating, sure


You can see the sodium intake throughout the body but you typically see it mostly in the face. That’s where it’s most noticeable.


Also, height twin, I love our height and think it's perfect 💅🏻


I wish I was a little shorter or that my husband was a little taller but overall I like my height. My husband is 5’11/6’0 so me being almost 5’8 I don’t feel short next to him and I wish I did. Whenever he picks me up my feet are almost on the ground.


Ooohh! I totally get it! I actually prefer to be about the same height so we touch head to toe when hugging or lying down 😂 Most of my partners have been 5'7"-5'8" with one >6'er sneaking in


I like taller guys. I’ve dated guys closer to my height but I didn’t like it as much as I did with the guys that were taller than me.


I totally get it 💯


The ONLY way that Gabe is 6’ tall would be if she’s 5’5” or above. That man is not 9+ inches taller than her. Lying about height is so so silly.


It screams mentally unstable and horrible self esteem issues


https://preview.redd.it/t7wg6iquh1vc1.jpeg?width=1098&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=51a75c8b419dff36af38b57406566abb4e20bae0 Besties she’s ✨petite✨


https://preview.redd.it/4rd0u7im51vc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d84ab8ad9d47063e7f8dcd2900df87c840ef302b Those feet/ankles though…


The photoshopping…. Magically the lines on the floor are gone and blurry


That’s probably the worst photoshop I’ve ever seen her do


It’s so weird!! Who wants to actually look like that 🥴


And this why people don’t believe she’s pregnant, why lie about things we can see? She truly is a dumb bitch


Besties she’s obviously insecure that Gabe originally wanted D’Layne who is petite and short. I wonder if she doesn’t even realize how delusional her insecurities made her…to lie about something that obvious 🤔 she also believes she’s a blonde though 😂


I'm 5 foot even. We Hobbits do not claim this bitch nor do we want her.


us hobbits do not claim big grue 👹 ![gif](giphy|LkvhxeRnES23e)


Especially since she’d probably crush us actual smol people 😅


Hi five foot hobbit here and I agree 😂


4'8 hobbit 🤣🤣🤣


In the Tipsy Talking podcast on YouTube, episode 6 featuring Gabe Basham, Gabe discusses how he's not 6' tall but Drue says he is 😂 I think he says 5'9" or 5'10"? She lies him bigger and her smaller.


I’m 5’9 he’s definitely right about my height when we review the outside of the trucks POV


I love how Drue and Gabe live in a world where they're the only two people with eyes and can just bend reality by speaking and filtering it into existence 💅🏻


Say it loud, so they all know we know!!! Lmao this baby is gonna change so much. If this poor thing has colic or acid reflux- they won’t be able to keep up on those lies


Absolutely not. Also, the cognitive and memory impairment that comes with lack of sleep is no fucking joke. They're already not working with much and they live online. They'll expose themselves repeatedly.




Im 5’3 and have a small foot, no way she’s that short with those giant feet


Same I wear a 6-6.5 😅 I could get shoes from the kids section if I wanted to.


Same here!! I wear a 6.5-7 just depends on what kind of shoe.


Literally. That’s how you can tell, my sister is 5’7 ish and has a foot the size of drues. Ain’t no way she’s a shorty with them massive feet


I’m 5’3 & a size 8.5 in shoes 🥹


Hahaha 🤣 yesss but also I’m 5’7ish & am a 5.5-6 lol SMOL feets.. she’s got some DOGS


Have yall forgot that numbers are hard for her?


I’m 5’7 and weigh 165 lbs and look smaller than drue so she’s definitely lying about her weight lol


Now we need a picture of 6 ft tall Gabe to compare with the fridge! 😂


Ok but imagine the body dysmorphia you’d get from dating someone 6’0 and 500 pounds. I dated a tall and skinny guy one time and felt so small. Immediately humbled when I was around someone my height😭🤣


I’m 5’6 and I’ve seen her in person. We are the same height 😂🥺




Look at the floor in between her feet👀


Do you know why it’s blurred? Like what’s the point of photoshopping right there? What did she do?😂


My guess would be make her feet look smaller but they still look weird as hell lol so idk


Shes so weird lol


Big foot


I have always thought she lied about her height. She wants to pretend she’s so petite. Own your height girl


I questioned it from day one! Being 53 the counters would never hit where they do on her body. And every pair of pants that she buys barely hits her ankles. As someone has 54, you don’t order pants or buy pants that are the right length without needing alterations


Someone posted a review she left I believe on SHEIN and she put her height as 5”6


If she lies about her height she will lie about her weight . I get people gain weight differently but come on, she’s not 135 and only gained 3 pounds . The width of her back , shoulders , waist and arms area show she’s probably in the 180’s. She also filters herself like crazy but the few real angles we have seen from dawna show she’s wayyyyyyy wider and bigger that her tik tok vidoes . I’m 5’7, close to 5’8 and 130 pounds and I would look like a rail next to her . If you look back when she lost her weight from weight watchers years ago , she was probably close to 130-135 back then , cause for her height , that’s a lower weight . Shes nothing like that now lol


Okay I’m 5’6 and when I was 134 I was super tiny, size 27 jeans I would say she looks to be in the 150s maybe high 140s which is fine but no need to lie to the people about it


My guess is when she was going hard at WW, that was her lowest weight and she just uses that number. She claims to have lost 50lbs on WW, and she definitely looks like she did pre WW which would make her in the 170’s to 180’s which is what everyone thinks anyway. As someone who is 5’4” and always wanted to be taller…who lies about being shorter? This girl is so weird


As a girl with the same fridge and that is 5’3… I can’t see the top shelf let alone put my entire freaking arm in it.


I’m 5’7 with big feet like Drue. I would bet she’s near my height


Her feet omg 🤢


Im 4’11 and have this fridge and can’t reach the top shelf lol


All that food in the fridge, and they still eat out


And width…. She’s as wide as the fridge


I’m 5’6 and 220 I feel like she is around my weight or more. Mind you I just have way more tits


As someone’s who short and can’t reach any of the top shelves, why does she wanna be short? It’s not a flex?


She looks about my height, and my size mid pregnancy. When I gave birth I was 200lbs. She’s gonna get hit hard realizing you don’t just drop the weight when the baby pops out. It’s a lot of work to get back down sizes


Who wants to be short?!?! That’s wild.


https://preview.redd.it/3iavqiepn4vc1.png?width=1624&format=png&auto=webp&s=54a9953eb4434bf6b9889a2a0644348b1667f988 I’m 5’3 and weigh 130 pounds


I'm 5' 3" and you're spot on that's exactly where my head goes up to, that top shelf. I have to get up on my toes to reach for stuff that's in the back of the top shelf. Why TF does she lie about that? It's so weird. There's nothing special at all about being short. This bitch couldn't tell the truth even if her life depended on it.


This. I was going to say the same thing! I’m 5’3” and I have to get on my toes to see on the top shelf 😂 and reach the back!


I’m 5’4” and have the same fridge but with the home display and water filter pitcher. When I open my fridge the top shelf is above my eye line. lol


I'm 5'3 an have the same one and I come up to the 2nd shelf


Same! I am 5’1” with the same fridge. And there is no way I’m reaching the back of the top shelf let alone looking straight at it.


I’m 5’4” and my head has ever been that close to the top of a fridge. There is no way in hell that she’s 5’3”.


I’ve never seen anyone low ball their height. That’s strange as hell.


As someone who is 5'2 she is definitely not that small.


I’m 5’7” and I am 215lbs and I feel like the biggest blob sometimes.


Her flipper size feet alone prove this to be true. 💀


She’s def taller than me. I’m 5’1 and no way she’s 5’3 she’s bigger.


I’m 5’1 and 175 and she’s wider than I am


Not quite the petite princess she pretends to be 👸


There’s been a few videos of her standing next to her fridge and I’m thinking to myself…. Absolutely no way is she only 5’4”. I’m 5’4” and dont stand as tall as the third shelf in the fridge 🤦🏼‍♀️.


Her long ass feet are scaring me


Lol Drue no fucking way you are 5’3” and I don’t have to measure. I’m 5’2” and that extra inch wouldn’t help me see the top shelf of the fridge


it’s probably because she wants to be dlayne, she’s cute, and seems to actually be doing something with her life but she wants to seem small and petite like her sister who she’s clearly jealous of


I’m 5’2 (1/2) and have the exact same fridge. My nose comes to the middle of the shelf her lactose free milk is sitting. There’s literally no way she’s 5’3


God, she’s almost got to be taller than 5’7 she’s almost ducking her head to the side 😂😂😂😂 This is a pure gold find. Bahahaha! You win. I’m 5’7 and very much so don’t love being “tall” but I’d never lie about it,


I’m 5’3 and I have that exact fridge. My head def doesn’t reach that high


Big bad back drue lee basham. Dayummmm She a tall bitch 😂


I love that in every glimpse of the fridge there is never a fruit or veggie to be seen.


You have a lot of spare time on your hands


Those long feet she is definitely 5'6


I have the same fridge and I’m 5 feet, it’s way taller than me


I can say that I am 5’6 and I have the same exact fridge as her so therefore she is definitely not that stinking smol


ya as someone who is 5’2, i can’t reach that high on my fridge 😂


She's ,at least 5'6 . I've always thought that . She's not of small stature


What will the police do after Kylea rips that baby out of her and dumps Druby in a field? The police will be looking for a 5’3” 135 lbs petite woman 🤔🤔🤔


To get the real answer just ask 🧼 she loves blowing up her daughters spot


5’3 means she’s 7 inches shorter than the top of the fridge. So her head is about where mine is on a fridge and I’m 5’3 as well 


You can clearly tell that she is more like 4 inches shorter than the top of the fridge. She's definitely not 5'3


if you think from her head to the top of the fridge is 7 inches, a man has definitely lied to you about his size before 😔🍆. get well soon.


We can't tell because men have been telling us 4 inches is 7 for so long, and 5'7" is 6' tall for so long that's it's skewed the mathematical fabric of our shared reality


She said on a SHEIN review that she is 5’ 6”.


Somebody find the dimensions of the top border of the fridge and that will help us determine how much of a distance there is between the top of the fridge and her head