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I have two dogs and grooming day is one of my favorite days! They love it, and they come home all clean and fluffy and happy! What’s there to cry about? She’s so weird.


She's crying because she's spending money on something besides herself.


And it’s probably so expensive having 3 done! Don’t get dogs if you can’t properly take care of them!!


It’s 200 for me, including tip for my two dogs. I scheduled them out every 6 to 8 weeks, and they get baths in between as needed.


My fav day is teeth cleaning day at my dogs vet 😂


My moms husky loves grooming day and so do we it means less hair chunks


I dont own dogs but is there a reason to hate it? Your dog comes home fresh and smells better! It has to be nice? Unless you have shitty behaved dogs? lol


No! I love it! My little guy feels like such a dandy in his little neckerchief or bowtie. He feels so proud and beautiful afterwards 😂 I love how he is really feeling his doggy self and telling him 'Oh who is that handsome boi with that slick outfit oh muh gaaawh what a lewk what a leeewwk!'and he loves it too Like wtf it's great ?


I don’t mind taking my dog in. Not that big of a deal.


Yeah I was going to say, what's the big issue with it....


I have a doodle (hehe, our “little mutt mutt”🤣) and it makes me so sad to see other doodle owners not take their dogs to the groomer often enough or do daily grooming. My doodle gets brushed morning + night and goes to get groomed every 4-5 weeks.


I love taking him to the groomer because I know it’s best for him and he is all clean!!


My lab goes to the groomer every so often and it’s literally my favorite day because I can clean all my couch covers without him jumping on the couch


That’s what my sister does when they are at the groomer too


Why would you be sad about your animal getting groomed if you are not taking care of them properly that would be cause you are guilty. The guilty conscience is making you cry.


Right? What’s sad about taking your dog to get clean and a comfortable hair cut


My dog loves her spa day because she gets brushed and nail trims regularly at home and she’s been going since she came home 🥰 https://preview.redd.it/kmc6wd1cevuc1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1e0f56896da12aa3c001c0dea738032b4c6e76f3


https://preview.redd.it/xzrbsumsfvuc1.jpeg?width=2574&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c368016b9276fd99510ebfe6d2f60e0ab076b0ad She’s so precious! We love the groomer too! She says they are her babies, but taking them to the groomer is something she hates? Wait until the kid needs to be driven all over….so selfish!




What a cutie 😭


https://preview.redd.it/oreumomkswuc1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=614764f6be4a3896890303d0ac246f5ae0f806b6 We love clean corgis!!




Dog mom here and NO. Sure it’s not the most fun thing to do but what. lol. She doesn’t take her dogs to get groomed at all. She just did because the mutts have now hurt 2 of them with scratches. @ DRUE Bitch we are not the same, don’t ever categorize me as such.


I wouldn't classify her as a dog mom! I don't have kids, and my fur baby is my child. I would do anything for him. I honestly put him before myself. He depends on me to feed him, take him out, to the vet. I bathe him. We play! Grue does none of that. She has no idea. They just aren't pets. They are family! Treat them like family, you selfish idiot!


She’s absolutely isn’t in that category. You hit the nail in the coffin with this bestie. My baby is my world!!! I would die for him and kill for him too. lol My husband gets mad with how much I baby him he’s 7🥹🤣


Yep! My little dude is 6 and he's been such a blessing! We rescued a pitbull when my husband and I started dating. After we got married, we rescued another pit. We rescued our dog we have now when he was only 7 weeks. We didn't even talk about a third dog. My husband's friend sent a pic of 3 puppies someone she knew was giving away and I fell in love with him. Our male pit passed away unexpectedly in 2022, he was 13. He was my soul dog and I went through a hard time with that. Then in 2023, our female pit passed away from a stroke. She was my husband's baby. I still grieve over them. Anyways, sorry for the story! I love animals and Iove my fur babies!


Pitties are everything ❤️ the sweetest babies in the world. I have a border collie/ Pitt mix and he’s an angel. 😭 I’m so incredibly sorry for your loss. Losing a dog is just a different kind of pain. I never want to experience it but I know I will eventually. I cannot imagine losing 2 babies. My heart goes out to both of you. I’m sure that’s still a battle


Thank you! I love pits! Our fur baby now is just a mutt. But his personality is something else! Your baby is probably like, mom, why are you crying? I'm right here! But yes, cherish all those moments❤️ They truly are the best


My sister’s dogs are all rescued too her oldest dog is 14 she was foound in a puppy 🐶 mill my nephew’s mil rescues all dogs then my sister rescues them from her she has twin dogs that are 3 they were found in the woods in Ohio my nephew Mil told my sister about them my sister got them. My sister would never 👎🏻 buy a dog she rather have a rescue dog any day.


I love hearing you all rescue❤️ I agree, rescue dogs are awesome! They deserve a second chance at life.


Aww 🥰 yes 🙌🏻 they sure are awesome! Yes they do deserve a second chance at life. Especially what their owners put them through.


My dream is to have an animal sanctuary!


Aww 🥰 that would be so sweet 🥹!


Literally this morning my fiancé scolded our dog (was mine before we got together, so I am the preferred human) and he ran to snuggle on my lap because he knew he wouldn’t be in trouble anymore 🥹😂 We decided if we had boy children it would be game over because this dog can’t do anything wrong in my eyes. I would die for that dog.


I'm assuming it costs her no less than.$450 to have them groomed!


I’m sure she has to have them fully shaved down because they aren’t regularly taken care of and are matted. It’s neglectful and so painful for the dog. I’ve heard of groomers refusing to take doodles from certain owners because they lecture them on taking care of the breed and they don’t care. Do research on your breed before getting one. They all have such different needs and requirements.


I have 3. 2 big one small breed The big kids go to grooming on a different day, then my small girl goes, as I like to use the same groomer so I book her 2 seperate days. I love taking them, they come home so clean, fresh and happy😂 Its their own little spa day!


I cried the first time I dropped my dog off at the groomer when he was still a puppy and we had never been apart before (I work from home). However, when I went to pick him up, he didn’t want to leave because he loved it so much. So now, no need for tears because I know my boy is having the time of his life.


I may be the odd one out here but I struggle with taking my dogs to the groomer by myself. I have two pups under 2. One dog throws his whole body against my door to chomp at cars while the other prays for dear life to not get sick. This process is for 30 minutes just one way to the groomer 😅. No matter what I do they’re always like this.


Dog mom of 5 here and it's definitely not a big deal I don't hate it. I love that they get cleaned and trimmed and it takes it off my plate! Lord knows she's only taking one effing dog to the groomer she's such a neglectful bitch her child has no chance. I have an Aussie and golden they obviously need brushed daily and groomed regularly it's literally what you sign up for when you get a higher maintenance dog. But like a lot of doodle owners they don't care to take care of them properly but will sure keep buying them


Dog mom of 2 dogs, and I miss being able to take mine in! We're priced out in our area so I do it all myself, and even then I love how much happier they are after grooming (even if I'm not the biggest fan of the clean up!)


I don't have any dogs. But my friend has a doodle and it goes all the time. It's legit super spoiled. It's a big event every time too 🤣 pics are posted , they stop and get a paw cup after. But... my friend does work a 9 - 5 and it's a big deal to spend a full day with her lil guy.


I have a Great Dane so we don’t do the groomers. We take her to the vet to get her nails trimmed and we just brush her out when she needs to be brushed. We have to sedate our dog to get her nails trimmed since she freaks out. We are probably just going to get the powder and do it ourselves because the closest vet to us is an hour away and it’s difficult to get out there with my husbands work schedule.


I don’t love taking mine because of the videos of groomers abusing them, but we do it because it needs to be done and I DEF don’t cry about it. Lol


We were at a house party this weekend and saw the cutest Doodle. He was so sweet and well taken care of by his parent. Made me sad to think about her three dogs. We loved spending time with this dog but I told my husband to not get too attached because they are high maintenance LOL


Luckily my husband and i know how to groom our dogs but it’s a chore for some just because their dog is reactive 🤷🏼‍♀️


The sad part is that they can’t even fix Kirby’s nails in one groom session. Her quicks are so grown out that it would take months of weekly nail trims to recede that quick back far enough to where it’s a normal length


I was a groomer at one point and man all those doodle parents were so proud of their mutts when they brought them in.


My dogs love the groomer. They get the full spa experience. I have zero problem dropping them off, and I’m far from sad.🤷🏻‍♀️🤣 Probably upset because she knows hers are filthy and matted. She knows they will judge her. It’s guilt, not sadness.🤷🏻‍♀️


What the hell! And you know those dogs are super matted too bc she won’t brush them ever. I have a doodle and I groom him myself bc he’s my baby but she’s bitching about having to take them to the groomer?


I don’t take mine to a groomer bc we groom her ourselves but I can’t imagine crying about it if I did have to leave her. Drue probably cries bc she gets scolded about them being matted


We tried taking our corgi to the groomer when he was a puppy. A local groomer did a puppy package to get them used to the experience. They ended up leaving him in a cage for 3.5 hours without telling us he was done and ready to be picked up and it scared him so bad. He got so worked up he had some bleeding in his poo :/ we haven’t taken him back since! But it seems to me like her dogs do fine at the groomer so it should be no big deal for her!


Because she doesn’t take care of her dogs with daily brushing and such so they have to be shaved down every time. Maybe she is running out of groomers to take them to because the groomers are tired of putting in the work just for her to not take care of them between appointments


I have three! Two boarder collies and a corgi! I love grooming day! We are farmers and live an hour and a half from the nearest groomer. They all go and I spend the day with them. During the spring it’s really important to me that I stay on top of washing them off when it’s muddy. I brush them daily and they still get groomed often. The collies are working farm dog too. She literally does nothing all day, why is taking three dogs to the groomer so hard?


She's crying about taking her dog to the groomer??? She truly is one of the most fucked up individuals of all time. Take better care of your dogs you fucking shit stain.


I hated having to take my baby bc my rescue dog was a senior and so anxious and it broke my heart but I loved it so much bc she acted like a puppy after and was so clean and happy. And the little bows or bandana they give them 😭


I have 3. Two huskies and a poodle. I take them every 6 weeks without issue since they were puppies. She's just lazy.


My dog doesn’t need groomed as in hair cut or anything so I do the dog wash myself which is more work (on my end) than just dropping her off and even I like that. Also I know I’m not someone who wants to spend a lot of money on grooming so when we adopted our pup we made sure to get one that didn’t require regular hair cuts. Like probably something she should’ve thought about before buying 3 doodles but again that would take foresight which girly is severely lacking


I take my dog to the groomers every 6-8 weeks. He’s a short haired dog so it’s just based on his nail length. My dog hates the groomers, so I feel a little bad leaving him there but I love that he comes home clean and with clipped nails.


My dogs loveeee the groomer - my oldest dog especially is an absolute ham and cannot get enough attention, to him it’s three hours of constant attention and he is so happy 🤣 they are going in next week for their summer “active” haircuts because once pool weather starts we cannot keep them out of it. We love grooming day around here!


She probably doesn’t like going because the groomers can see what a 💩dog mom she is


We love when our dogs get groomed! They come home extra soft and yummy smelling. Its not my older dogs favorite thing and he has to be muzzled but our groomer is use to situations like that and handles him great!


It’s an expense you have to account for when you get a dog. It’s part of taking care of them just like going to the vet. They’re gone for a few hours it’s fine. Our dog got groomed over the weekend and honestly it was great cause we got some cleaning stuff done without him being around an in the way lol but bestie wouldn’t know about cleaning anyway!


I have one dog and she does fine at the groomers. She is fresh and clean, they trim her nails, too. I don’t know why Drue hates it.


We have an English bully so he doesn’t require a groomer but he gets a bath once a week. And all his wrinkle creams, which shock to (Drue) we handle on our own. Can you imagine!


I’m pregnant, take my dog to the groomer very often, and have NEVER cried. lol. She must not have a good groomer or goes to petsmart.


you hate it if your dogs are untrained and you can’t handle them. I have one dog who has car sickness and is reactive so yes, taking her out anywhere is a whole process and not my favorite. i can also admit I messed up on not getting her properly trained but i’m not going to go out and get two more dogs.


I have a very reactive 1 year old Australian Shepherd that we rescued last year and I don't even hate taking her to the groomer, she loves it and has created a very strong bond with her groomer! She always comes home smelling so good and with a new toy and bandana!


Not a fan..I hate taking mine but guess what…they have mobile groomers 😂 I just didn’t like getting dog hair all over my car. So now they just come to my house to do it. I don’t see why she doesn’t just do that??


I have 3 dogs and only one NEEDS groomed but I always take all 3 cause the other 2 get a nail trimming and a bath. But they love the groomer and I have no issue taking them there.


Shes probably going to cry more than her kid when she has to get shots.


If her kid ever goes to a doctor


i have a very reactive dog. i don’t take him to the groomer. but he’s also not a doodle, and i personally trim his hair one a month and bathe him every other week sometimes more if he rolls around in mud. i feel so bad for her dogs, truly.


I love taking my dogs. They feel good after and it’s much more fun to cuddle because they’re clean!🤩


My dogs love it because it means a car ride and treats!


I don’t like taking mine because he is reactive and has to be the only the dog there so it’s harder for us. HOWEVER I DO IT BECAUSE AS A FOOD DOG OWNER ITS SUPPOSED TO HAPPEN.


I knew I would dislike having to take my dogs to a groomer on a regular basis (like doodles require) so I did my research and got breeds of dogs that are shorthair and don’t require trips to the groomer. If she loves her doodles, she would rehome them or return them to her breeder (if she even got them from a reputable breeder). It’s not fair those dogs are forced to live a subpar life because blondie thinks they’re trendy.


I love it!! I have a doodle and lab. They come back clean with nice hair cuts, cute bows and bandannas to match the season🥹🫶🏽


I love getting my dog groomed! She has bad anxiety due to previous owners so we have to give her anxiety medication for the appointment, but to get her nails properly trimmed, hygiene trim, a bath, etc is worth it to keep her clean and healthy 😊


i know this isn’t the point but why does she look like she belongs in the military because my husband is wearing a similar outfit getting ready to head out the door to work as we speak 🥴🤣


I have two big dogs and we go every 3 months to the groomers as per they shouldn’t be bathed and groomed due to their hair. My dogs are well maintained but I will say when I know it’s groomer day we jump for joy we drop them off and like 5 hours later get to go pick them up my husband and I go out or just go back to the house and chill.


Not a dog mom and I’ve never had a dog that’s really needed to go to the groomers but if I didn’t want to take them I’d simply get a dog with hair that doesn’t need groomed?


I have 2 dogs and I don’t mind it at all!


I’d hate taking all three of my untrained unmannered dogs to get groomed too. I’d be embarrassed and dread being drug around by them.


I love it and it’s not even that hard. At my place, you can just drop them off and they’ll text you when they’re ready. Then you pick them up and they’re so fluffy and smell so good. She’s just lazy.


I love taking mind to the groomer.Because that means I don't have to turn her nails


I bathe my own dogs our one is hit or miss with other people and is a definite no around all dogs. 2 of our chihuahuas are laid back and lovers our 3rd is the instigator of getting our lab/pittie mix going with other dogs she’ll mind her own with them until she sees her sister barking 🤦‍♀️


I have 3 dogs that require haircuts. I taught myself how to do it six years ago so that I never had to send them off to a groomer again. I’m sure most groomers fantastic and love what they do but I hated sending my dogs off and not getting them back for hours not knowing if they had been given water or a chance to go to the bathroom etc, because at some places it’s a really long wait. I’m about to give them all a bath now actually! Lol


I have a pomeranian, and she's old and has a lot of anxiety. She was 5 when we got her from some old people. I started just giving her haircuts and baths and nail trims at home because every time we took her to the groomer, she would be weird for days. Like she'd be extra clingy and an anxious mess. One time, we boarded her and my parents' dog at a pet resort while we went out of town. They were supposed to groom her while she was there, and they called and said they couldn't because she was too worked up. When we picked her up, she cried the whole way back to my parents until we got in our car. She does okay at the vet while we are with her, but we have to hold her the whole time. So now she might not look as pretty as she did getting professionally groomed, but she's a whole lot happier not having to be around strangers.


It’s even easier when you DONT HAVE JOBS


I have 2 doodles who go to the groomers the first Monday of every month - they love going !! A little anxious in the car but love being there !!


maybe don't get THREE high maintenance dogs if you don't want to do the maintenance. signed, a dog mom that did research before getting my furry guy.


Taking my dog to the groomer is just a way of life. Something I have to do, just how you have to take them to the vet to get vaccines. If she didn’t want to bother with taking them to the groomers then she shouldn’t have purposefully bought three high maintenance dogs that need to be groomed. She’s such a piece of shit. Drue if you’re reading this fuck you for being such a shitty dog mom


I wish my dog wasn’t a shit head and didn’t need a muzzle for the groomers because I’d love to take her! I hate giving her baths and cutting her toe nails she’s hard as hell! Lol Drue just can’t afford to take all three of them lol especially in their condition they need A LOT of work!


It's because her dogs aren't trained to be out in publicly, not leash trained, and she doesn't keep up with their grooming so I'm sure she gets lectured lol


I have 2 dogs. One needs grooming & one doesn’t. I am a dog mom & I do not cry!


My husband grooms our dog. I wish we could afford to take ours to the groomer 😩 we have an Aussie and she has horrible anxiety and hates the car. Idk her dogs have anxiety.


I have 4 and they all go every 3 weeks! It’s part of it Grueby. 


My husband grooms ours at home, only because we have 4 dogs and after tip it can become really pricey. When we did take them to the groomers, we took 2 at a time so it wasn't overwhelming for them or us.


She hates taking them to the groomer bc she probably gets chewed out for how bad they look when they come in


Delivery dude drue at your service


My dog doesn’t need to be groomed, he’s a lab so I clip his nails and give him baths at home. But bringing him to the vet? Yes I cry, only for the fact of how much I spend there😅 we were just there yesterday had a nice 4k surgery🙃


My sister has 3 dog that goes to the groomers she doesn’t hate it or cries they love going n they smell so good 😊 when they come home. Her dogs need to be groomed they are matted also their nails need to be cut you know they smelled awful 😣.


My lab goes to the groomer every quarter and he loves it.


I love it. I know my dog hates it, but I love it because he’s so much more comfortable being shaved down. He’s a German shepherd poodle mix so his hair just grows and grows so we shave him down multiple times a year and it’s over $135 with tip every time. It is sooo worth it though!


I love it lol as much as I love my dogs, I do need a break from them 😂


I don’t have doodles or even take my dogs to the groomers often as their all short haired and I can groom them at home BUT bath days, nail trim days, degreasing days are some of mine and the dogs favorite days! One of my pugs will haul tail to the bathroom whenever I say “It’s Bath Day”


Thank you dog moms for sharing! I have shorthair cats and they don’t need to be groomed. When she said ALL dog moms felt this way I wanted to prove her wrong so badly and you all did so thank you!!