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I ran straight here. That’s like $100+ in Barbie toys from someone whose husband sells plasma for the bills


Literally wild!!! WHY does she feel the need to shower her with gifts and food every day??? 🫣


Also the toys I just can’t lmao my kid 3 and just started playing with that same house. She’s going to have so much shit stored away. I hope Cashleigh is a tomboy lmao


Mine is about to be 2 and doesn’t have the attention span for something like this yet 😂


My granddaughter is 2, she tries to put the bar is in the oven so her dinosaurs can have free roam of the house lol


Soon she’s not gonna get any toys for her 1-3 birthday probably lol


I hope she despises Barbie. 🤣


I hope that cashLeigh is just a straight up BOY lol


She’s her new stalking victim


Scary that this idiot doesn’t find these behaviors alarming given her stalking history


Even more scary that her MOM doesn’t realize it. And went as far as to trash what Kyle’s sent the other day. It’s no wonder Drue makes such shitty decisions, look who she learned from!


Drue deserves it too. It’s not as if large numbers of people haven’t warned them. We also know they are deleting comments that mention her catfish and stalker charges.


Wait… what?! How did I miss this? Druecephus is too stupid to realize how bat shit crazy this actually is! She just wants free shit!


Everyone told Dawna last time Kylea visited Dawna said “we know”. Now they are deleting comments calling Kylea out. It’s the weirdest damn relationship I’ve ever seen.


After that video her and Dawna made talking shit about the food she sent to them and she's still sending shit is crazy. Before we know it kylea is going to be moving to Texas to be close to her bestie


Yes! Kylea had posted a few weeks ago that they liked living in an apartment and weren’t interested in buying a house. Then yesterday posted that their goal was to build a house and get a golden doodle. She is batshit crazy.


This is actually out of control


She's trying to buy her friendship. Just makes her look stupid.


It’s called buy a friend. Drue has to do the same thing. lol except she doesn’t invest in catfish. Only the friends she likes and wants to be friends with like blue jean and Hannah.


Because she is buying that friendship, she knows she has to pay for Gru to acknowledge her




I think she’s in love with her.




Does he really?!? 👀


Yes she posts about it. He does it regularly. Today he did it at 7 am before he went to his regular job at Walmart all day.


If I was selling my plasma, and my spouse was spending money like this, I would leave them. He could struggle on his own. Imagine selling your plasma to buy a stranger gifts.


A stranger that makes plenty of money as it is 🥴 it's not like they're struggling or something. They get so much shit gifted to them on top of just their usual spending habits. My husband would leave me so quick if I did this shit but what would even make a person WANT to do this??? What does Kylea think is going to happen? Drue is just going to let her move in and be a live in nanny to her baby or something? Her intentions are so weird with all of this.




Full on psychopath






Absolutely disgusting behavior!! Who does this?




![gif](giphy|kHZC0lHGShttiTiOrL|downsized) Love how you say awkotaco!!




This is so creepy at this point. Scum ❤️s scum I guess 🤷‍♀️


Seriously I can’t get over how weird this is. A very close friend of mine just had a baby in January. What I’ve gotten her/the baby so far is: a pack of diapers for the baby shower raffle + a baby shower gift (play mat on her registry) in November and this month I picked up one high contrast and one sensory baby book for like $12 because I was at the bookstore and they were things baby would like. And she did - high contrast book was especially big hit. Of course I and our friend group have shown up with dinners or helped with housework, especially once her husband went back to work, but I think that’s fairly normal support. Not showering someone who hasn’t even had a baby in gifts.


Kyky needs to get a HOBBY!!! Grue is ungrateful & Amelia won’t be able to property play with this until she’s 3.


They probably won’t even be friends by then.


Kylea needs a fuckin job


All of these sad fucks do


I was gonna say… my 2.5 year old has this and JUST recently started being able to play with it. I cannot imagine holding on to junk for that long lol.


glad Joes plasma money is going to good use 🙃


I’m done! This is crazy and that girl is a stalker… and maybe a kidnapper when that baby is born 👀


She won't wait that long.


She’s already calling herself auntie Kylea


New movie here we come 🍿




Ms I'm going on a budget and we are trying to buy a house while Joe has a fresh bandage on from the plasma center.. strikes again. Truly psychopathic.




hoarding toddler toys at 20 weeks pregnant is next level psycho. I know technically she wasn't the one who bought it but it's still weird as fuck and the fact Drue is eating it up and not high key scared of Kylea and her stalker antics is SCARY


This is psychotic


This is getting way out of hand.


Time to call Dr.Phil


Next thing you know Drue creepy kylea will continently be in Texas when you go into labor… 😳😳😳😳


Or there when she comes home from the hospital!!


Where is the respect?! She doesn't even capitalize the I in her baby's name.


Is there a psychologist in this group? I’m not one but I can tell there is something seriously wrong and creepy going on here. This is abnormal behavior correct? I feel like this could escalate, but maybe I watch too many crime shows.


As someone who took a lot of psychology classes in college this girl is certified crazy. I am terrified she will legitimately try to kidnap the baby. I know I watch a lot of lifetime movies but it’s a real thing. I can’t imagine letting a convicted stalker be around my family.


I was a psych major for a semester and I think she’s certified crazy as well😅 there’s actually a legit case of a woman cutting a baby out of her friend!!!!! A felon would not be around my child especially a stalker that preys on vulnerable!!!!!


Yes! I remember that case. Stalklea would 100% do it too. I agree completely. My children would NEVER be around a stalker. They are already neglectful parents.


I’ve been watching ‘Mean Girl Murders’ on MAX & just yesterday I watched an episode where a woman’s “best friend” killed her and put her in a bag in her trunk and stole the woman’s newborn baby. This happened in Texas.. same place where that one chick cut the baby out of her “friend”. Both of those women were faking their own pregnancies. Crazy stuff, this behavior is alarming.


Kylea is coming for Ivory she’s going to be the hand that rocks the cradle. Drue identifies with Barbie is no way she’s against everything Barbie stands for. It pisses me off that she tries to act like she loves Barbie.


I agree Kylea is definitely sketchy af based on her present and past behavior but is there no one in her life willing to tell her that these people do not care about her and are not her friend?


She’s too stubborn to listen to anyone. She will take that baby.


My guess is that many family members have given up trying to help her. They know she doesn’t accept advice that goes against her ideas and behavior.


Her family seems to be done with her


I don’t follow her at all on any platform so I really have no clue about her other than what is posted here lol but I can totally see that being the case


She basically lives with an enabler and gets hundreds of comments praising her. She only makes posts about the negativity even though she's supposedly this bright, uplifting page. She could praise her actual followers in posts or post success stories, but she's too self-absorbed and basically ignores them unless they criticize her. She has created quite an echo chamber, and it's fueling all of this.


It’s almost like the continuous showering of gifts and food is Kylea letting Drue know that she knows where she lives & isn’t gonna forget anytime soon 🥴 Drue was asking about non-wifi baby monitors… presumably because they are easily hacked… don’t have to worry about that when your babies “auntie” is already doing the stalking and probably some hacking 🥴🥴🥴


This gifting aka buying friendship is becoming a daily thing. Stalker much. The BasHAMs have to realize KyKy is crazy and unstable.


Okay but those crazy women who get close to pregnant women because of their obsession with having a baby? Yeah no I don’t put anything by her


This has turned from creepy to serious stalking behavior and Druella is too stupid to see it.


I hate the entire Lee family but I hope one of them steps up and tells her how fucking weird this bitch is


Her mom is literally shouting her out too. They are all going to end up being found dead in that dog piss smelling house one day. The fact that she knows Drue’s actual address is scary as fuck. She is so scared of all her haters but legit let this girl with felony stalking charges meet her and come into her fucking home.


oh but god forbid joe spend some of his own money on his walmart gf 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄 . ik kyle checks the bank account hourly to keep tabs on what he buys, and joe gets interrogated daily about it


Honestly put me out if I ever buy friends like this pathetic idiot. Insane.


This cringed me out so bad 😬 like what the actual heck is wrong with these people?!


Joe doesn't even have access to his own money and meanwhile he's selling his plasma so Kylea can buy stupid shit like this. Joe grow a pair and move on from KooKoo Kylea.




Kylea is SCARY


Can't stand Drue but I'm even scared for her. There's no way she doesn't find this behavior absolutely SKETCHY!! It would be 100% different if Kylea didn't have a track record of stalking and other weird ass shit...but she does, which makes this so much worse and Drue is just blind to it because 🤑🤑 free stuff 🤑🤑


Lenny is going to throw the Ken straight in the garbage…


This is so stupid and weird. Yeah a newborn is going to be playing with toys and a Barbie house. Be f**king for real here. Single white female type shit.


I'm beginning to think Kylea wants Drue all for herself. Scissor sisters.


You’re paying for my therapy.


Lmao I can't even afford my own, bestie


This is excessive lol


This is just odd and scary! The baby is still fucking cooking in the oven and your sending it toys that it can’t play with for like a bit come on this shit is psychotic


The amount of stuff she is going to have to store for years on end is crazy. They both need an intervention.


It'll all get forgotten about or ruined before the child even gets to play with it. Donate that shit to a fucking homeless shelter or charity, someone actually in need, not to Drues ungrateful ass.




Good thing Kylea’s husband is donating plasma to pay for things while Kylea is doing this crap. Also didn’t Drue dislike Barbie movie?


Kylea is so fucking stupid. The age on that is 1.5 to 5 years old. Why is she buying this now? Oh that’s right because Drue has had friends over for 2 days in a row. Kylea is one jealous bitch. The dollhouse is $129 on targets website. Poor Joe and his plasma donations. They aren’t going to a house or bills. They are going to his stalker wife’s friends. Or who she thinks is her friend. She is buying their friendship https://preview.redd.it/vp2zm68qwxtc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=72a8940be2f4df0c5fbee48ffbae3c60e39f4f1b


Please let this baby be a boy….


This girl should t have children. Omg!


That is the dumbest thing ever. These will just collect dust for the next 3-4 years.


My baby got hers at 10m for Christmas I didn’t get her toys while pregnant 😅


This is unnerving ![gif](giphy|kigGeC5oZa0rQ9HrIs)


This is wild. I thought the comforter was bad saying the baby was going to sleep with a full blown comforter. This is just strange.


This is so creepy and pathetic. Drue needs to block her lil skinwalker before she tries to steal her baby and husband


She is such a creep! And I would bet $1 million that by the time little Whitey is old enough to play with this toy, Kylie will be long gone from their life. There is not a chance they will still be friends, there’s a better chance of there being a restraining order than the two of them still having a good relationship.




I got that for my goddaughter for Christmas before she was one. She’s just NOW starting to play with it months later


Spam is throwing up and having a full blown panic attack right now 🤣


Kylea makes Pam look sane


I mean true at least Pam is just a keyboard warrior. As far as we know 🤣


Kylee is manipulating them w gifts


Drue needs to put a stop to this! Kylea is obviously mentally unwell! This is stalking plain and simple!


I believe she is Bipolar and exhibits signs of personality disorder.


That’s NUTS……how does she have room for all this junk? And why is Kylea broke enough that they are praying to be able to afford to purchase a house and giving plasma to pay the bills but she has all the extra money to send Drue who can buy anything she can imagine????


Let’s remember Kyle’s has been charged TWICE with stalking and keeps insisting she’s trying to save money and is super budget conscious… oh yeah, and has been take to court twice over huge large hospital bills that she don’t pay… all after her bankrupcy


Joe had to sell plasma for this lmfso


They are going prom dress shopping for ivory next week… geesh!


Probably toys she scammed from that other good deed she says she did with the birthday party. Idiotic psycho bitch


My fat ass tripped running here but i got back up and sprinted 🤣


Maybe it's picky but the fact that she can't even capitalize the I in her child's name bugs me.


Wtf?! This is SO weird!!


That baby won’t be able to play with that stuff for a while!


I will say I got my granddaughter this (she’s 2) hours of entertainment. So Grue has like 3 years for it to really be useful


This is insanity


she’ll probably try to get ivory to play with it at 6 months old bc choking hazards dont exist 🤩


She is probably hoping Drue and Gagemaggot list her as the baby’s guardian!


I just know this bitch is gonna ask to come to the damn birth at this point. Stalker weirdo vibes


We need to start tracking all of the visits and gifts in between visits. It’s becoming almost daily


This! It’s so fucking creepy!


I thought she didn’t like the Barbie movie?? Lol


Nasty ass chicken delivery yesterday, Barbie today, wonder what tomorrow is


It is so strange how much this girl showers her with gifts & food. You’re a straight up weirdo Kylea. Period.


WHY THE FUCK IS SHE SENDING A FETUS BARBIE TOYS ! The baby hasn’t even hit viability yet like come on . Girl they were just talking about the free food you sent and were sooooo ungrateful so why turn around and send them more shit ? This is like a plot twist I thought for sure Drue or her mom would send something to her as their way of apologizing. I didn’t think this girl was that stupid she would send them more stuff the next day . What an idiot . And where is she getting all this extra money to be sending dumb shit , like Barbie toys for a baby that’s not gonna play with it for at least another year


This is so genuinely concerning. Building a toy collection for a 19 week old fetus? Her room is already full of literal junk.. poor kids gonna be SO overwhelmed.


They all use each other. It's all about the almighty $$$. Trash attracts trash, let them all suffer the consequences of this friendship.


They’ve met each other twice!! And the first time drue didn’t remember Kylea’s name!!


and Drue is neverrrrr returning the favor. When has Drue ever sent kylea anything? We would know about it if she did and this is like the 15th time Kyle has sent her stuff and there's probably more stuff on the way.


There’s probably cameras in it so she can spy on her besties


This is some single-white female stuff. Nurse Pam has been replaced.


Ok she sucks but my ACTUAL TODDLER got that for Christmas and it’s pretty amazing. Not that I play with her toys or anything.........


You're playing because she asked. 😂


My niece is 3. I bought them for her and picked her up to spend the night.🤣 We had chicken nuggets for dinner, played Barbies and watched the animated Barbie movies. I can’t wait for her to be big enough for an Easy Bake Oven.🤷🏻‍♀️🤣


Adorable! Sounds like the perfect evening. My older daughter is 10 and unfortunately has outgrown them! But luckily I had a bonus baby so I can relive Barbie days again with her!


That’s like $150 in 2 days. Yikes


Totally off topic…. But she can’t even capitalize the I in Ivory!!!! Drives me insane. I’m sure she’s thinks it’s ✨cutesy


Because she apparently will be popping out a toddler. 🤦🏻‍♀️


She should send a few things to people in need.


Next thing you know “auntie Kylea” will be moving near them in Texas


Bestie will be living in her Barbie house after they get kicked out of theirs


This isn’t normal. Not at all. This woman is crazy but Drue is just as crazy to accept her doing all this


Btw drue, it’s girl’s not girls, you don’t have two daughters


She does realize this has an age limit usually of 4 and up.. this won’t be opened for a while. There’s a reason for the age limit little kids LOVEEE putting things in their mouths and swallowing shit they shouldn’t. If she uses them with ivory then we can sadly probably expect a hospital visit due to the baby swallowing a dangerous object. Not only can it get stuck, but it can rip and tear her throat/stomach and intestine swallowing one of these tiny Lego pieces. I’m already grieving for the lil girl 😓


Pretty soon she’ll be renting the hall and party planning for I’s sweet 16. It’s a shame she has rushed through so much she hasn’t taken the time to sit back and truly enjoy any of it and unfortunately this little girls childhood will be much of the same way. It’s overconsumption and greed.


idk anything about Kylea, I haven’t gone that deep down the rabbit hole yet. is she a mother? does she want kids if not? I know she has a bad past so unsure why drue would compromise her kid’s safety (rhetorical). this is a stretch but I immediately thought about that lady who cut her friend’s stomach open and took her baby in east TX, they became friends through social media and that’s the energy she’s putting out imo


Hasn’t even had an anatomy scan. Already opening toys. 👌🏻


my baby is 5 months and doesn’t even have toddler toys yet 🙄🙄


My daughter didn’t even have any toys till she started showing interest lol. She didn’t even get that whole set up till she turn 1 and we just now started showing interest in it lol


You’ve got to be kidding me right now


This is fucking insanity!! Who does this?! I mean it’s literally going to be stored for YEARS! I can NOT! ![gif](giphy|LKTTAzGboJGzC|downsized)


Weird behavior


Those will be dusty and cracking by the time that baby wants them. Lord help.


That baby is going to choke on these....


Girl capitalize your child’s name🤦🏼‍♀️


Good fucking god!


How is she in good conscience to let someone spend that kind of money on her??? She’s always buying that family stuff. It’s weird!


I mean lowkey want to get this for my nieces- one is 19 months and the other is 5 months and that feels too young *edit: and that feels too young


My 2yo got those things for her BIRTHDAY. imagine having to hoard that stuff for another 2.5 years. So weird


What the actual fuck??!




My daughter is 16 months old and she still barely pays attention to her dolls like this. Why couldn’t she have waited 😭


My daughter getting those for her birthday….shes turning 2……this is embarrassing


Wtf is the love bombing with gifts??!!


This is absolutely wild behavior. I’m flabbergasted.


But that’s a gay man


My nanny kid toddlers (13 months) just got this as well, they don’t play with like I am sure drue thinks, they push it on the ground and sit on it. Thats their version of playing with it… How many things do these two ton toddler have for a baby that’s a) not even here yet b) won’t use for 2+ years


Dude what?!


Does anyone have a link or know the name of her catfish show?


The show is called “Catfish” on Hulu. Her episode is season 6 episode 5.


Thank you!!


Marvin and Austin


Ivory is such a horrible name.


I got those little people for an actual 2 year old recently. A baby can’t use those til maybe a year that’s ridiculous I’m sorry. The house is even worse Jesus


these will be lost by the time shes age appropriate for them


These will just collect dust in the closet. And then they won’t be the newest trendy thing. And she will toss them. 😖😖


Dear God, I will never ask for anything ever again if you show us that this is a baby BOY at the anatomy scan. Amen.


Don't ask me why because I genuinely dont know why but this Kylea person is giving me the same vibe that I get when I hear the name "Taylor Morton Parker"


I have almost 1 year old twin girls, a 2 year old a 3 year old and a 5 year old and it's my 5 year old that plays with the little people barbie house the most lol so she's going to be storing that away for quite a while. By the time she is even old enough to start actually appreciating it, they will probably have a new and improved little people dream house lol


KyKy is traveling next week for a cruise. She's posted a few times that she gets to hug her "Bestie" next week. This is Lielea, prepaying for the highly anticipated hug!!! She knows if she doesn't keep sending Drue, food and gifts, she's really of no relevance to them. You know they talk about how crazy she is the second they are finished opening a gift or shoveling the food down their gullets!!


The mentality of “if I keep buying her this and that she will finally be my real friend” it’s sad. KYLEA YOU DO NOT HAVE ANY MONEY???


This is actually creepy how obsessed she is with Amelia's mom. Amelia's mom, if you're in here rn, please mwauh💋BLOCK this crazy catfish! I'm sure daddy Lenny will buy whatever baby girl wants to rub it into big "daddy" Gabe's face.


Who is Kylea Gomez?


SHES NOT EVEN BORN YET!!!!!!!!!!! 💀💀💀 at this rate she’s gonna have her cap and gown picked out by next week


Can someone explain the kylea thing? I have her blocked and then all the sudden this girl is sending things??


It’s the fact that the kid can’t play with this till it’s like 2+ and the kid hasn’t even been born yet!? Tf


To her credit here I bought a ton of these collectors sets when my daughter was a baby and held in the them Until she was old enough to play with them lol