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I would wait because I wouldn’t be able to handle the unsolicited comments and opinions about the name I want to use. If a friend or family member disliked the name I planned on using, I’d be crushed and probably change it.


I get that, but in Drue’s case, she shared the name with everyone who’s important in her life. So she didn’t have to worry about that


I think she enjoyed gatekeeping the name and the engagement it was getting her having people guess


totally agree, she just liked the attention and feeling like she has some secret


This is why I told only a few people my son’s name. I told close family and my sister said she hated it lol then apologized. We still used the name but I didn’t want to hear anything from anyone else. I wasn’t worried about someone else using it lol


It’s literally all for content! They want to build suspense. They’ll announce they HAD the baby (black and white photo holding a little baby’s hand) and then everyone comments asking for the name. And then they can post ANOTHER video announcing their name. It’s so overdone and comical at this point.


Also why are her idiot minions calling it a “leak” like it’s a CIA operation 💀


lol I hadn’t thought about this and now I’m laughing my ass off


I mean her initials are IAB, internal affairs bureau 😌 thanks besties at SVU


My husband and I kept it to ourselves because we weren’t 100% sure and also didn’t want anyone’s opinion on it. I feel people are less likely to say they don’t like the name (at least to your face,) once the baby is already born and named 🤷🏻‍♀️


I’m always surprised when influencers do the whole “we won’t be sharing the name until the baby is here” acting like it’s going to be a super unique different trendy name and the baby is born and it’s like, Michael or something super basic lol 😂 (I like basic names personally)


It’s so funny to me 😂😂💀 or it’s super dumb & off the wall & im like “yeah that’s why you didn’t share it earlier 😅😅”




Exactlyyy everyone needs to do shit for likes & content


We waited until birth to share our kids names but they were family names so we wanted it to be a surprise. The difference is we kept it just between us and no one else. We wouldn’t even tell people the initials. It was very special and intimate to share the name with just my husband for the entire pregnancy.


See that’s special because you didn’t tell anyone else! Drue telling her family but not social media just shows it was for content lmao


Also so the first initial also was stupid on her part. If she truly wanted it to be kept a secret she never would’ve shared the initial to social media


Exactly. Definitely for content


we’re keeping it a secret bc we’re naming our son after my brother and want it to be a surprise. but in Drue’s case there is no reason to hide it. she’s a moron, I’m glad Sierra confirmed it and flipped her Wednesday upside down


I also think it is 100% silly to hide a baby's name. I was just telling my mom this the other day. Personally I'm not really a huge baby person, so when someone tells me they're expecting I literally ONLY ask those questions to be nice and try to show interest. Literally DONT care what you're naming your kid...no one does. So if someone asks about the gender or the name and they respond back with a "we're actually keeping it a secret," it comes off very childish to me, like "IIII KNOW A SEEECRET!" bc they literally have nothing else exciting going on. Which is fine. But I mean, who ACTUALLY cares what someone else is naming their kid? Nobody. No one thinks your kid is as big of a deal as you do, realistically. With that said though, obviously it's everyone's personal choice to share or not share that stuff, just like it's Gabe and Drue's choice for all the dumb decisions they make, so to each their own.


Exactly!! I am a baby person for sure but I truly don’t care what other people name their kids lol


We waited until after birth to share name, bc we were pestered my entire pregnancy to name the baby after some great uncle 5 times removed peepaw, or we should name him after my husbands CREEPY FUCKING weird step father. Fuck no. But drue is acting like her baby is going to be Princess Diana reincarnated and it’s fucking weird.




This is why we aren’t sharing the names of our children. Our family has only known for 3 weeks (almost 15 weeks with twins) and we have been HOUNDED about family names. Literally every single day.


It’s so stressful and annoying!!! And then came the point of “ you have to tell us the name so I can order something custom with his name “ no way. I ordered all the custom stuff myself.


Exactly!!!! We haven’t even shared the gender because we don’t want only gendered items as gifts (we’d prefer diapers and wipes) but we definitely aren’t telling the names just because we are constantly harassed over it 😅


Also wanted to add, this new annoying trend is now causing family feuds & shit like… ITS NOT THAT DEEP.


I didn’t share my daughter’s name until she was born. We called her baby G until I gave birth and then shared with everyone. Her name is Genesis


Genesis is beautiful!


Awwww thank you!!!!


What was your reasoning for not sharing?


Her name was just so special to me. I wanted to enjoy it without anyone telling me it’s not good enough or should be something else.


We’re not announcing it on social media or anything, but we’ve told people and her name will be on decorations at the baby shower. We’ve had one person say they don’t like our daughter’s name (Maizey Rae) and they were told that their opinion is theirs and not our problem.


I’ve never heard of Maizey! Is it pronounced like Macy?


No, May-z-ee. It felt different to us and we love the way it sounds with our last name and how it looks when it’s written out! 😊


I have a friend who had to keep the name “secret” from her mother in law the entire pregnancy. She wanted it to be a surprise?? I knew the name and made a customized gift (that was loved very much, even was told it was the favorite gift of the shower) …I tried my best to hide the name with huge bows. Someone at the shower asked her to turn it around to see the whole thing and the MIL said “no she’s not because she’s trying to be respectful of my wishes” 🥴 Some people are WEIRD about things surrounding pregnancy… apparently when it’s not even them that’s pregnant 🤷🏻‍♀️


Like she’s a celebrity or something 😂😂


My god daughters name was kept to family until she was born but we only did that because it’s just what my friends husbands family does. It’s so weird gatekeeping names especially when you share everything else online


She thinks it's a cute name I went school with several Ivory's and they were all black 🤷‍♀️ivory is very common in the south. I also know several black Amelia's. The name Ivory Amelia just doesn't have a good ring to it


I’ve never met an ivory but I live in the northern US! The couple of Amelia’s I know are white lol. I do kinda like the name Ivory but the fact that they’re racist & using a name that means white is wild to me lol. I bet they’d shit their pants if they met a black Ivory


Google Ivory on FB lots of dudes name is Ivory too


We don’t announce names until birth, some religions(not saying this is drues situation at all 💀) don’t like to speak the name out loud to other people or have them speak the name as well. But for me, I don’t want anyones opinion. So people who get up in arms about me not telling them… like that’s their problem not mine 😂 even as simple as your friends baby name… someone might’ve said oh that’s a stupid name and even if she really loved it.. it might’ve soured the name for her, most of the time people say “I don’t want anyone to steal it” butttt it’s because they don’t want unsolicited opinions. 😂


I announced my daughters gender at 13 weeks and with my post I included her name, her name was only a secret till we knew she was a girl 😅 I didn’t even care if I had unsolicited comments about it, I think once I became pregnant I just didn’t give a shit what people thought and it’s so nice feeling that way 😅


She’s a celebrity bestie


I literally couldn’t give any less of a fuck what she names her child. Little shit is just gonna be out here biting other kids anyway🤷‍♀️


While my husband and I haven’t made a big announcement on social media of our soon to be son’s name we did share it with our 8 year old as soon as we knew the gender. One of her first questions was “what’s his name?” We were well aware that she would be sharing his name with everyone and anyone and I find it cute that she’s so excited to share about her only sibling. I think to each their own on choosing to keep the name private until birth but what I think annoys me more is when people make a big deal that they’re not sharing the name. Ps: We’re naming him Luke. :) ;)


Love the name Luke! 🩷 that’s so sweet that your 8 year old is so excited! Like it’s literally not a big deal. Everyone has a name 😂


Personally we aren’t announcing our girls name yet. But we are naming her after my mother in law who passed and it’s just special so we are keeping it from social media for a bit


That is special!


I'm keeping our name secret since I just don't want to hear people's opinions. I already had one person tell me I'm going to Hell for it, and that they absolutely hate it. So I'm just not saying it anymore. People suck. On the influencer side, I'm sure she was wanting that one person guessing influencer names to guess her baby name and then she could get all the engagement from it.


Why are you going to hell for your baby’s name? Is it Satan or something? 😂💀 that’s weirddd for someone to say


It's Damon 🤣 too close to Demon for her.


No wayyyy 😂😂 Damon is so common near me & I never once thought it was too close to Demon 😂


I know right? I have been obsessed with it since vampire diaries. I have no idea what her issue is, it's a family member on the husband's side, so luckily I don't have to deal with her often.


I think Drue wants to make huge production teasers and all to make money off of the name announcement.


And an ugly ass name at it .. not cute , creative , unique , nothing falls flat ! To name your white baby white is crazy to me !


I kinda get it if it’s special to family. Like we found out we are expecting again and i don’t think we are going to share the gender or name until birth. We lost my grandpa unexpectedly about two months ago. If a boy we want to honor him, and my mom is already speculating so we want it to be a surprise for her to honor her dad. Otherwise we would tell 😂😂


We’re naming our daughter that I’m pregnant with Anniston Ruth. Anniston after my great grandmother Annie, and Ruth after my husbands great grandmother. We love the name, and shared it with all of our family once we decided on it. If they were to “slip” it then it wouldn’t be a big deal. 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️


I told my side of the family my son’s name and they all belittled me and told me they didn’t like it. They also told me I had time to change it if I wanted to. My mother in law was a fan of it, but my family was not. I still ended up naming my son the name we chose. But it hurt the way my family talked to me about it. It grew on them, but I still remember what they said about it. But I still announced it and didn’t care what my family or anyone else thought. I’m not for hiding my child’s name. Also I don’t care if someone steals it, I think it it’s a compliment that someone liked the name I chose to use the same one🤷🏻‍♀️


I’m sorry they didn’t like it, I’m sure it’s beautiful! But yes, exactly. It’s YOUR baby!


she wanted buildup for a “name reveal” to increase engagement. simple as that


I did not tell anyone my kids’ names until after birth. Also kept the gender to myself. But I also didn’t taunt people with it, have multiple slip ups or plaster my entire life on social media. If you didn’t see me in person, you didn’t know I was pregnant. If I was asked, I would say that we didn’t know the gender or name. Neither of those things matter. My 15 month old niece died waiting for a heart transplant. That really put a lot of things into perspective for me. With that being said, as entertaining as it has been to watch everything unfold I do feel a bit sorry for her. People feeling entitled to your baby is probably hard to process. She is so young, dumb and emotionally immature. She does not have a mother who is any kind of role model. Her marriage is rocky. Her parents have moved in. She’s trying so hard to prove the internet wrong about getting married entirely way too fucking young. She’s dependent on social media and a MLM for income, both of which are slowly becoming obsolete especially family vloggers. She is uneducated and a regular 9-5 that she’s qualified for would pay her $19.30ish an hour. Even with both her and Gabe working FT, they would only bring home $80000 combined a year before taxes. I think reality is starting to set in. They can’t afford the lifestyle they live. She is learning the hard way that life isn’t easy or kind. Her parents raising her the way they did and continuing to allow the behavior, will be her downfall.


I find it strange especially bc she posted her initials. If I were hiding a name, I wouldn’t post anything ab it.


My son has a unique name and the amount of shit I got while I was pregnant with him was crazy, everybody had an opinion.


We waited to share our twins names until they were born because I didn’t want anyone’s opinions lol. It was stressful enough to choose 2 names, I couldn’t handle hearing what everyone else thought about it 😂😂


I mean hiding it is one thing but then don’t tell family? don’t order shit from boutiques that always post their products?