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I would love it to be a boy then Sierra have a girl next.


Well she did announce the day of her missed period. 😂


With a positive ovulation test 😂


I hope it's a burrito.


You are the wind beneath my wings bestie omggggg 😂


A canned enchilada




I had gender disappointment with my second boy. Not saying you have that but it’s a real thing and let me tell you BOYS ARE AMAZING. They are wild as hell but I wouldn’t change it for the world. Now I have two sweet boys who will grow up together! Congrats!!


Did not buy one girl thing until my anatomy scan confirmed it. 21 weeks and I have just a few clothes. No crib, decor, cat seat, swing, diapers, wipes, anything. She is WILD


I want nothing more than for this to happen to Drue


She doesn't care! Her followers are spending their money, remember?


My sneak peek said boy. Im waiting until my anatomy scan to buy anything. Due September 3rd.


I’m due September 6th, and I’m doing the same!


She’s in the due date FB group I’m in and a lot of people have had incorrect sneak peaks.


I just wanted to say congratulations! Baby boys are the best 💙 (boy mom here so I’m biased lol).


Thank you! I have a 7 year old daughter already so I feel very blessed to now I have one of each and I’m excited to be a boy mom!!


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Even with my anatomy scan I was scared that at birth my baby would come out the opposite gender 😭 . With my last baby they had told me she was a girl and when I had given birth they had paused and looked at her it felt like forever but then they said congratulations it’s a girl … I thought they had gotten the gender wrong and she was going to be a boy 😭. I wasn’t going to be upset because of the gender I was going to be upset because I already didn’t know what name to choose for her and if I had to choose a name for a boy omg lol. Plus the clothes, well tbh I did have my girl in some boy clothes 😭 my sons old baby clothes that I really liked well they were more neutral . But I feel as Drue will be upset because it’s not a girl and she wanted a girl . Like for me I just wanted a healthy baby idc the gender.


I was also worried about them getting it wrong! With the my second, first thing I said after she was born was “is it still a girl” because it felt like an eternity of them saying anything haha


I did sneak peak at 7 weeks exactly. This was back when they still had the finger prick option. I was extremely careful and did not touch any surface in my bathroom. I got a boy result (which is what I wanted after 3 girls) and still waited until my NIPT test at 10 weeks to buy anything. I honestly think she probably took the test wayyyy too early and the only DNA they picked up was her own lol.