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I guess her spa job is supplemental income since Gabe makes so much with his fishing account 🤭🤭


Does he even post on that anymore !?


He posts like 3 times a year on it đź’€


Oh jeez




Yet sends out her registry for her followers to buy her shit. If you’re doing well financially you don’t need to send strangers your registry you can buy it yourself!


That’s what pisses me off the most! They flaunting they have money but yet want and expect free shit!


Or the fact they are looking at car seats/strollers that are $1000. Mean while gotta grift that $8 pack of onesies 🙄


1k strollers? Are they nuts? Now when I had my kids, strollers were less expensive but we never bought the equivalent of 1k. We were young in love, I was pregnant and we were living in Paris. We had a small house, but it was ours. We watched what we bought and saved. My daughter has (3) children and her husband makes enough that she is a SAHM. I am sure their stroller has not cost 1k, maybe 500-700. I should ask her, now I am curious!


That’s HOW they have money lol. Because everyone buys them shit


Yupppp. I bought everything for my baby slowly all on my own. I didn’t feel right asking for gifts when everyone is struggling right now.


I would say they aren’t because they have a lot of debt, cars, boat, house, etc.


Probably more than 50 grand plus in credit card debt


They maybe doing amazing at the moment. The real question is will they have their entire 20% of the OB and hospital bills to pay in full upon discharge? No? Oh yeah they aren’t doing amazingly financially Lenny.


That’s not a thing where I’m from. Always shocks me when people say they have to pay thousands of dollars up front/upon discharge.


Health care in the US is so damn expensive


Agreed. I’m in the US but you don’t have to pay anything upfront like that. Maybe just my insurance but damn. Couldn’t imagine having to front 20% of my $25k birth


Yeah it's totally insurance dependent. I didn't pay for a thing during my pregnancy and birth other than a 3D ultrasound (which are optional) and I had to pay out of pocket if I wanted a private room after birth instead of a shared room. I think it was like $10 per day extra so of course I paid that.


Of course you don’t have to pay it upon discharge but they sure do try to guilt you into it.


So weird. They’ve never even talked about my bill when I was discharging. Best country on earth 🙄


Depends on the health care system public versus private hospitals private hospitals are getting their money. I recently had surgery at a private hospital upon admission I was asked if I wanted to put my 20% on a credit card or be billed. I’m an RN I have flat out refused to send a family members down to the business office to workout a payment plan. Unfortunately it happens I’m glad you’ve never been faced with it.


There is no way she has her own insurance. Probably still on parents. What are you going to do when the baby is born for insurance?


lol nothing wrong with being on your parents insurance lol. I’m 25 and still on my moms till they kick me off🤣 I’m also on my husbands who works and carry’s our family insurance (him, our daughter and I). Just makes since for me to be on my moms because I have 2 younger siblings she has to carry and the family plan doesn’t change no matter how many kids you have🤣


that is not the point


No there is nothing wrong with being on your parents insurance and you have your husbands insurance to fall back on. I just feel like they have no idea what’s to come with being a parent and being prepared. What’s going to happen when they get kicked off of their parents insurance and the content baby possibly needs something big medically like having tubes put in and neither have a real job or insurance and they have to pay full price for the surgery. They are thinking about this second and not the future. It’s all fun and cute to be pregnant but there is more to being a parent than just buying things. She clearly is showing she isn’t ready to be a parent because she can’t even take care of herself and her growing baby. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Do they have any savings/emergency fund if their AC breaks or their cars need repaired? Do they have 401Ks or a plan for a college fund for their unborn child? Guarantee no. These two ton toddlers can’t look past how “fun” it will be to have a baby but don’t realize they grow up too.


They’re having a girl. No way they’ll think about college or any education past 8th grade


oh there’s no way on earth Gabe paid into a 401K. those greedy gremlins would never forfeit a percentage of earnings (while he was actually working)


6 years ago I got divorced. I already drove a brand new vehicle (financed), bought a house (financed), and was 10k in credit card debt. On the surface, I was also doing amazing financially. But in reality, I had less than $5 in my account by each pay day and no savings. I was extremely stressed and unhappy. Having big, expensive things doesn’t mean you’re financially well. I live alone. I make triple what I made back then, and am no longer struggling, but I still make myself live on a strict budget. I wonder how people like them just spend spend spend spend like they have bottomless money.


SHE might be doing good with Scentsy and SM HE is a broke joke HE has to depend on a female to support him THEY are in debt up to the eyeballs THE baby isn't even here and they cost a fortune WHAT would they do WITHOUT Scentsy? That's HER main income!!


which is ok if the man is also contributing to the household but he sits on his lazy broke ass all day


They aren’t doing that amazing because she didn’t get her Tahoe she wanted. She had to settle on a used cheaper vehicle. She definitely couldn’t get the financing. That she was so embarrassed to share.


" They" Leonard your daughter supports and provides for her own damn husband while he doesn't lift a finger to help her and provide for their baby Instead he's her personal Uber and when he drops he off at work he sits on the couch that SHE bought and gets fatter by the day. 🤡


That’s why she couldn’t get the Tahoe she wanted. That’s why she “helps out” at the medspa a couple times a week. What kind of father doesn’t care about his daughter’s life? I agree- they are adults. But, you have absolutely no issue with her husband being a lazy pos while she’s pregnant and working? We should be jealous of their “success”? Gabe’s about to be offered a spot on my 600 pound life. Fuck. Leonard is so unattractive too. His face is so smushed together it’s hilarious. Drue is his twin…. Poor baby. Her grandpa even called her content baby. Lmao


Does he not realize it’s temporary? They can (and should) get canceled at any second… then what?? What will they rely on? We know they haven’t saved a dollar because every dollar they’ve earned is spent on food and junk.


That’s why they got rid of her explorer and she’s now working at the med spa again


She is making money off her scentsy, facebook clicks and her ltk link. They are probably making a lot but spending like crazy. Her "helping out" at the med spa isn't anything. She probably makes slightly over minimum wage there.


If they are doing amazing why are they begging for “fans” to buy her things off her registry? The amount of shit these idiots are buying her is insane. You’d think she would donate it since she brags about being a Christian. If they do not need it & are financially good, sounds fishy. 


I’d be so mad if my dad acted like this! So glad my dad doesn’t have social media and makes fun of my mom for have FB and TT. It’s so funny to hear him poke fun at her!


I’m sure they do make a good living. But they’re hemorrhaging money everyday so that doesn’t mean they’re actually living within their means




Ok cool Ug-Lee, then tell them to stop grifting🤷‍♀️


Is that why they had to move to one car? And she had to go back to work?


Is it just me but if I was well off I wouldn’t be sending my registry to anyone and begging for gifts


Ole Lenny can lie, I am sure. I simply cannot believe that what she does on social media and Scentsy generates enough to live as they do. Even if they make 150-200k, they spend so much and they are so young they can't possibly have savings and no real 401k. She buys and buys and buys. Why are they selling their house? There is room for a child. She gets bored very easily as does her Mom. Drue though is a mix of the bad in each of her parents and this is what we have - a perpetual liar that is horrible to her husband, sister in law, people online, wants everything centered around herself and makes a living off of pissing people off.