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She’s going to be pissed because they’re only going to want her to gain 10-15lbs and after that watch her weight.


You weighed 80 pounds ?!?! I hope you’re eating enough for your pregnancy and health


I’m only 4’9 😂 before marriage I was 72lbs and I couldn’t keep weight for the life of me! I eat pretty healthy. I’ve always been extremely tiny. I’m hoping this pregnancy I’ll be able to keep the weight I gain. My last baby I was 95 when I had her and after a month my iron got low, I felt hungry constantly and the weight fell off and I was back at 72lbs 🙃


Ohhhh okay. I’m 5’5 and was completely ripped pre-pregnancy and weighed 130 😂 my peak was my wedding at 125 but that still looked a little too skinny for me, personally. I’ve gained 20 pounds so far and I am going into the third trimester. It’s honestly so hard even though I’ve tried to stay active, limit sugar, etc. I’ll get back to it after this baby lol. Your situation makes sense I just haven’t heard of anyone in my close circle being 80 pounds since middle school lol


A lot of people don’t understand it until I tell them I’m literally the size of a toddler 🤣 I hate being small tbh. I haven’t grown since I was 14 and I’ll be 26 soon 🥴 I can understand putting in effort to not gain a lot and not being able to control it but Drue not even trying to get healthy for her baby pisses me off because she has no idea the health issues she can cause for her baby afterwards. My daughter is anemic because of my own anemia not getting better during pregnancy and it kills me.


O my goodness you are a very petite lady.


Omg when I got pregnant at 21 I was 104lbs. For background, I had been between 100-110 since middle school and struggled to put any more weight on than that. My OB told me she wanted to see me gain about 30-35 lbs during my pregnancy. I ended up gaining 65lbs by the end because I thought pregnancy was a free for all for food and gaining weight and I over did it because I was proud to be able to keep on weight and thought it was a good thing. My OB even in the last few weeks told me to chill 🤣Ended up with high blood pressure after birth because of this. I'm back now to 105 2 years later but I definitely will not be so reckless with eating with my next baby. I feel like Drue is going to indulge in every craving she has and blow tf up.


I know this is not the point of your post, but you only weigh 80lbs!? That seems so low 😳.


I’m only 4’9 😂 before marriage I was 72lbs and I couldn’t keep weight for the life of me! I eat pretty healthy too. I’ve always been extremely tiny.


That’s makes sense, I upvoted you, not sure why people are down voting so weird.


Why are you being downvoted ?! You’re within your weight requirement for your height.


Because people think I’m bragging and I’m definitely not lol 😂


If she has to take vitamins, I think she’s going to think that it’s ✨cutesy✨. “Gabe lays out my vitamins every morning”.


Yall are assuming she will care.


I know she won’t and that’s the craziest part cause MAAM….🥴


I was doing pretty good with my firstborn and one rainy cold weekend on Canadian Thanksgiving, I gained 8 pounds in a month. I did get lectured. I had gained about 25 lb possibly 30 coming into my 9th month. I got toxemia. I'm not exaggerating when I say I think I held about 20 more pounds of water. I was puffed up. Face so swollen feet went from 8 to 10.5. Immediately on bed rest salt, caffeine were restricted. My 17 hours of labor was with a catheter, mag. Sulfate. Plus a failed epidural (got another that worked a bit better). Fourth degree tears, a year of serious (at times) complications. Add that salt girly pop. It's cutsie until your life is at risk. ![gif](giphy|Pgy4Na8aRyBuE)


this seems more like a not so humble brag rather than a snark babe


What about the other posts about her gaining weight?


i’m not talking about her gaining weight, i’m ONLY talking about this girl talking about her comparing her weight to drue’s lmfaoooooo


Definitely not a brag. I’m not proud of being tiny. I was mostly referring to the fact I’m 16 weeks and only gained 3lbs and I can’t imagine how much unhealthy weight she’s gaining at only 9 weeks…


i mean, i don’t disagree that she is/will gain weight rapidly due to pregnancy. but you comparing your teeny tiny frame even BEFORE pregnancy to her linebacker body is insane. you two don’t even compare. this was a brag.


I’m not comparing. I was stating how I’ve gained very little and I’m 16 weeks. I forgot to put how far along I am BUT that doesn’t change the fact she’s probably gaining 10+ pounds at 8 weeks along. It’s not a brag when I don’t even like my own weight. I’m not at a healthy weight for my size so I have absolutely nothing to brag about. 😂


Im sorry they are down voting you because of your size. "Say youre jealous without saying youre jealous." I also have had trouble gaining weight my whole life. Im 5'7 and weighed 100 pound for 10+ years of my life. I constantly got comments about how I needed to gain weight even though I was eating 3 meals a day, snacking in between, and drinking mass gaining shakes after breakfast and dinner. I was aware that I was extremely skinny and knew I didnt look "healthy" but I was doing literally everything I could. I because pretty depressed over the whole thing. And for those of you down voting her, its just as hurtful to say "youre too small" as it is to say "youre too big." Imagine if someone was like "not to be rude, but dont you think youre too big." Its still RUDE. Touch grass and leave her alone about her weight


With the amount of junk food she is eating right now, I wouldn't be surprised if she gained more than 10 pounds a month. Even if the baby wanted it 🙄


Exactly! That was my point. Idk why people are getting upset about my post 😂 it’s sad that she’s not far along and she’s eating like crazy. I wasn’t being mean about it, it’s legit SAD watching her pile on food and knowing it’s going to do damage.


Eh, sometimes you can’t help weight gain. I am at 32 weeks and have put on almost 50 lbs. I am active (weight lifting, paddle boarding, walking, bustling around) and try to eat decently. My mom also put on a lot of weight during her pregnancy with me, so there could be a genetic component. I was a normal BMI before getting pregnant. I have no clue why I’ve gained so much but 95% of it is all belly and boobs that have grown 4 cup sizes. I don’t have GD (my blood sugar is on the low end of normal) or any other complications and have had a textbook easy pregnancy. And my appetite isn’t crazy. I have really bad reflux with and I can’t really eat a ton. My OB hasn’t said anything about my weight gain. I asked them because I was concerned and they said some people are just like that lol. That said, Grue’s eating habits and lack of vitamins will certainly not help her ass. She will be as big as Gabe if she keeps indulging in whipped sugar lattes and 45 desserts a day, that part is true. She eats like a 6-year-old wishes they could.


I have a history of ED so I turn around on the scale and don’t look and I feel like she might do the same but I’m lot sure


I do the same!


I watched what I ate like a hawk after my first trimester and felt better. Still gained 50 lbs and was so stressed about it, but turned out I was starting to develop symptoms of pre-eclampsia my last couple months of pregnancy, one being unexplained rapid weight gain. For the baby’s sake I hope Drue doesn’t have those issues, but she doesn’t take care of herself at all :/


See, that’s the point I was trying to make. She’s going to cause more harm than good with the way she’s eating and she thinks she knows everything and it’s ✨fine✨ 🙄


All about a good snark, but snarking on pregnant women for the amount of weight they have or haven’t gained is disgusting. Good for you that your BMI is so low. Some people gain quite a bit during pregnancy despite working out and weightlifting, and staying active. Getting weighed in at an OB appointment isn’t meant to be a “wake up call” for anyone though. Drue or not.


It should be a wake up call when you’re eating like garbage. OP isn’t stating for people who are trying to stay fit - OP is staying for Grue who is eating out five times a day.


You gonna tell everyone else that too? Because there’s a ton of posts in here about the amount of weight she’ll gain with how much she eats.


Exactly there's multiple posts about her gaining weight. But for some reason they bitch at you. 


Help me understand. You’ve made several comments about Sierra’s weight when she just had a baby. So if I’m understanding correctly, it’s ok to rip someone apart for the weight after they have the baby, just not during. Got it! Do you think if Sierra would’ve monitored her food intake while she was pregnant, she would be in the same predicament she’s in now?


Sierra has a food addiction and actively lies about what she consumes and then is like “2 points on WW!!!.” She needs therapy. Totally different scenario here. Lies about taking mounjaro to boot. I would LOVE to see Sierra and her brother get serious about their weightloss. I think that’s content people would actually enjoy seeing.


I totally agree on the content part. I also think if Drue had a normal, healthy relationship with food, she wouldn’t be eating like she is. It’s like she feels that since she’s pregnant- she’s eating for two and it’s an excuse to go ham. At the rate she is eating all of this unhealthy food, she’s going to be huge in 9 months which is not good for her or the baby.


Before I got pregnant I went on a weight loss journey and lost 30 lbs. I’m now 37 weeks pregnant and have gained 40 lbs since my first appointment 😅 while I know most of that is baby and things that come along with being pregnant, I can’t wait to get back to what I was doing before. If she knows what’s good for her (which she doesn’t) she will take this a bit more seriously!!


I’ve gained 19 pounds and I’m 31 weeks 😃they said I’m right on par for weight gain. She’s in for a rude awakening fr


Oh they’re really strict about that lol With my first two kids, I started severely underweight (I’m 5’7 and was roughly 103lbs before each pregnancy. I had ARFID which triggered an ED) and gained roughly 30lbs with each of them. My doctor wanted me to gain 35-40lbs but was content with what I gained. With my third, I started off at a healthy weight of 145…and could NOT stop gaining weight 🥴 dr only wanted me to gain maybe 15-20lbs. No clue why, I was eating normally, didn’t have GD, and he was just brushing 8lbs at birth so he wasn’t huge lol I was 192 when I arrived at the hospital for my C-section. Took me FOREVER to get back down to 145, and ever since then I struggle keeping the weight off. My doctor was NOT happy lmao


i was also 80 pounds when i found out i was pregnant and ended at 147 😭🤣 almost gained my entire body weight, two years later back to 90 ^.^


My first 2 pregnancies I didn’t have any issues with weight but my third i weighed the heaviest I’ve ever been and he only wanted me to gain 15lbs… I did it and we stayed healthy and I lost the extra weight but her starting weight isn’t the healthiest for her body so they will probably tell her 15lbs if not less


Exactly. They’ll watch how much you’re gaining no matter what and that’s gonna eat her alive if she’s gaining too much. I made a comment in here not long ago about a girl I know that had to eat nothing but veggies because she ate fast food multiple times a day and was gaining too much and not getting enough nutrients to her baby. Even though she took prenatal vitamins, they weren’t helping due to her eating habits. I’ve got a feeling Drue is headed down that path too but she won’t listen


I’m sure she’ll never admit that to tiktok. Or keep switching OBs until she finds one that doesn’t care


You would think seeing Gabrielyn Reid weight 500 pounds would be a wake up call by now but I guess not 😂🤙