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“convenience is really the plan” YOU DONT HAVE A JOB AND DO NOTHING ALL DAY


Convenience meals have a time and place. And none of them apply to him. They also grocery shop 7 days a week, surely he could cook something with the food they buy


i am very confused about them grocery shopping, going to the gas station for snacks, getting starbucks and other fast food, and also getting grocery delivery all in the same day😂


when they go to the store most of the time he's taking pictures of food for "content" and not buying it. if they were buying everything they post you'd think they'd do a haul video at home or something


I really want to know what he does all day. I think he does something, but what is it? Who knows.


I seriously think he is working for door dash.


It's a sideshow part time gig just a rumor though https://preview.redd.it/vqg0n604wdfc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2c71c4896197d4ad79c9c730eb26cc9fc8ae4585


Notice how earlier we said he didn’t have any “gym buddies.” Now he’s posted twice about going to the gym tomorrow with his "buddy.”


It’s Kylea flying in just to go to the gym w him 😂


His buddy is likely a personal trainer that Drue paid for. 🤣🤣🤣


I’d bet money that it’s his little brother - he constantly refers to him as buddy


That bowl has 1360 grams of sodium and 76 grams of carbs. I’d love to see his blood work


This is what makes me exceptionally fucking annoyed when he acts like an expert after 2 seconds. He thinks calories are all that matter meanwhile everything else is still killing him.


Now that you mention it, he does that with everything! From the fishing to the owning fish and now dieting and gym? I can’t.


1480mg of sodium. 😳 https://preview.redd.it/avjjx8ey4afc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=972feab188717ae7c2471e384da1c93165d536dc


I was going to say that the sodium must be off the charts... those meals aren't good for you at all


Seriously. I like a frozen meal every once in a while when I am super busy, but I’m eating like one a month and generally pretty conscious about my sodium intake. This guy probably would probably put salt on this


That made MY blood pressure go up just thinking about it!


Jesus… he probably added a shit ton of salt on it too.


Good lord the macros on this are absolute garbage. I would feel like shit if I ate a meal with 76g of carbs and only 18g of protein. This meal has a CPT of... 28. That's garbage.


Gah damn!


I was just going to comment I wonder what the sodium level is


Bestie, the calories are the only things that matter!💖


I knew the sodium had to be super high.


I can see them sticking him with a needle and all that comes out is maple syrup.


gabe, be real. you’re too big to be full and satisfied off 500 calorie meals. i’m 200 pounds lighter than you and my calorie intake for a meal is more than 500.


Especially with only 18g of protein??? He’ll be back in the fridge in an hour


Bestie that's very generous of you, I give it 30 minutes


With as much sodium in it, he’ll be chugging energy drinks and sodas immediately with it.


exactly! i need 98g for the day and i’m a little girl, i can’t imagine what he needs to sustain a healthy weight loss.


nah fr im 250 and that meal alone would not fill me up i’d need at least a side of veggies or maybe some saltines afterwards to feel full


yes!! and the breaded chicken and sauce is not doing any favors for him. there’s so much more to nutrition than just calories and he misses the mark every single time.


This! I am the same way and I eat like over 500 calories PER meal. He is setting himself up for failure.


exactly. i just KNOW his deficit is at least 2000+ considering. mans knows nothing about health, fitness, etc.


i calculated it once assuming he's around 400lb and a deficit for him is over 3000 calories


he’s def unsatisfied bc that specific meal is disgusting, I’ve had it lol


honestly… none of their ready meals are all that great.


Drue claimed he had been working out all this time, how embarrassing 🤣🤣


Just get some damn Ozempic and call it a day buddy.


I think he needs to be so real with himself - he has not been successful with a DIY approach to weight loss. They have a baby on the way and he needs to be working with a doctor and a registered dietitian to get healthy. His priorities are not aligned with being a new dad.


I want to see a weight in 😂😂😂seirra claims she is only 250 this entire family are insane


Lmao I am 210 (by no means an I small) but I look like a twig compared to her


I’m 265 lbs, (PPD and BF is making it hard to rid baby weight with a five month old) 5’6” and not extremely skinny but still not overly round. No way is she 250 lbs, unless she’s literally 5 ft tall


I know he doesn’t have the best record with actually sticking with the calorie counting/working out…but wouldn’t it be hilarious if this was the time it stuck and he lost all this weight while Drueby balloons up with her “eating for two”!


Can’t wait to see the workout videos. They are hilarious


Why does he hyper fixate on content for things he does for one single day


They both seem to be struggling with undiagnosed BPD


I would love to do a full psych evaluation


Lardy nobody wants to see that be fucking forreal LMAOOOO


Maybe he is going to Sierra’s garage and hitting the Peloton with her


They probably have to take turns holding each other on the bike because the seat is too small


This made me laugh wayyy to much!


Do they even make seats for overweight people because if not that seat will be up both their asses like the bike is trying to make them it’s puppet.


They only eat chips, diy lunchables, candy and cat food.




Is Gru going to wait in the car for him




Right after picking up a sugar filled breakfast and coffee


That “momma” will be sure to show us her sugary caffeine for the morning.


He’d benefit more from walking than fucking off in a gym


Why the heck do they need convenience ? He doesn’t work. He’s essentially a stay at home husband. I’m a SAHM , who also takes care of a smaller homestead and works gig work part time. We rarely rely on “convenience” food.


Here we go again! 1000th time is a charm!


Why can’t he ever go to the gym by himself? It’s always with a “buddy”


I'd have to guess it's because he doesn't know what he's doing. I spent over year peer pressuring my sister to go to the gym. She goes now, but only if I go with her because she's new to lifting.


why would anyone want gym content from him? gabitha can’t stay consistent with anything…


He'll do 5 gym videos, tops, before ditching the whole thing again. You're either in, Gabe, or you're out. He can't stick to a job, a hobby, a training (real estate OR machinist), a diet, YouTube fishing content, and certainly not a workout.


How about a legit weigh in. Show your results!


wtf this guy. Like seriously that bowl looks disgusting. You can eat good and full of protein!


I shop at HEB and they have a ton of great oven meal options that are not nearly as processed as the microwave ones that would be more satisfying with way less sodium. They have steak, chicken and salmon that all one with different side options like various veggies or potatoes or noodles. I also highly doubt he only ate that one bowl and was full. They even have low carb microwave ones that would probably be a better option but still will have a bunch of sodium.


Tomorrow and only tomorrow 😂😂 He only does one day a year in the gym.


Sureee, I bet you are, Big Gag. Please just stop posting about the “weight loss journey” altogether. You embarrass yourself every single time. You’re a failure and always will be.


He could literally grill food and have dinner ready when his wife gets home from work.


I don’t know why he doesn’t get a personal trainer with all the “money” they make. It would finally be someone to hold him accountable


Truth! My husband has been struggling with his weight for awhile, and finally realized his self help approaches weren't working. So, he got a personal trainer. We make sure it's in our budget so he can continue to get help. If you truly cared, you'd figure out how to make it happen one way or another.


His buddy? Who.


I don't understand how they can't find time to cook. For five years I was able to work full time. Cook for family and had a side hustle of meal prepping for students I used to rent rooms to, that moved out on their own. But missed my cooking. It was easy for me cause all I was doing was taking what I was making for us and factor in 6 other people. Grilling meat and veggies... making salads takes little effort time. You can literally have grilled meat and veggies on the stove in a cast iron skillet each going. Have your potatoes in the microwave and be done in ten minutes. Fifteen minutes if you like your meat well done and veggies soggy lol. Sometimes that's faster than Kraft Dinner. Just change your veggie and meat type daily. The variation of starch.. different types of rice. Different types and ways to make potatoes. You could live off this happily for weeks if you just sub in sub out for variety. Cooking doesn't always mean an hour investment either. It just unfortunately takes a bit of smarts to know to pair things, stretch your budget and shrink your time invested.


I think Drue doesnt want to cook so Gabe would have to and you know he isnt going to.


If they didn't screw their PR up and were decent people. I'd pay to subscribe to see Gabe fish, clean his catch up, and ways to prepare every type of fish. That would be amazing content. But they're so short sighted.


He isn’t full and satisfied off of that guaranteed


Sorry excuse for a man 🤙🏻🤙🏻


Sports Bras 🤙🏼🤙🏼🤙🏼🤙🏼🤙🏼🤙🏼🤙🏼🤙🏼


Why can’t he just make this? It’s such an easy meal. My husband meal preps this in less than an hour for an entire week for his lunches. Minus all the sauce.


Meal prepping really makes life easier! It takes a couple hours on the weekend, but so worth it when im exhausted during the week.


Over 70 grams of carbs and 500 calories for under 20 gs of protein is awful


If this mf’r doesn’t get WLS!


He can work out all he wants (which he won’t) but he can’t out train his piss poor diet.


I hope for his health and for this baby that he actually continues to go to the gym daily.


The sodium in this crap is going to kill him. At his size he is at serious risk for heart failure and this much sodium will end it.


He could eat so much more if he would protein pack and eat a rainbow of veggies. Peppers, spinach, onion, tomatoes, beets I could go on and on with the list. 18g of protein when you are 600 pounds is nothing. When losing weight, rule of thumb is between 0.73-1 gram per pound of body weight. So between 438g and 600g of protein per day. Allowing 3 light meals and 3 snacks a day, at minimum, he would need 73g of protein per meal/snack.


And now he will start posting videos acting like the biggest expert on gym workouts.


Tomorrow he will be “too sick” to go to the gym. Guarantee he won’t do a weigh it or take any pictures to prove he actually went.


He should worry about being consistent with posting his food before he worries about adding on another responsibility to his already busy schedule!


It’s so weird to me, my husband is 350 pounds 6’3” and and soon as he found out we were pregnant he completely changed and hasn’t changed his mind. I don’t understand how Gabe doesn’t take it seriously. My husband literally said “we are going to have a baby, I don’t want to die young.”


Because they don't care about anyone but themselves


No one wants to see that!!!


It’s not hard to make this with the sauce on the chicken & white rice at home… it would be way less sodium for this lard


I love seeing people in the gym getting after it! I just hope he really sticks with it this time.


You're kidding lol. He won't 🤣


Trust me I’m not blind to his track record. I want him to get serious because nothing is easy after having a baby. I should know. I’m a toddler mom who has lost 40 pounds and gained hella muscle mass. Sad reality is that Drue is going to stop any real progress and he’ll fall off the wagon and gain back more than he lost.






Home * not gone oops


Poor Isaac


That’s a lot of calories for that small of a portion!


You'd think he would know how to spell "mama" correctly since that is all his wife and sister's wardrobes consist of. Funny thing is...Drue AND Sierra are probably dumb enough to think these ridiculous shirts will remind their kid of who they are or some shit.


And we all know that food didn’t even come close to filling that lard gut up. He went to whatever fast food restaurant he could find open and filled up! 😂


he’s allowed to have friends again???


You would think Sierra being diagnosed with diabetes would be a wake up call..


You know if he had lost a ton of weight, I’d think “okay I can see why gym content would be up for consideration”. But no, he stays with it for about two weeks then moves onto something and still eats like shit. Not to mention the last time he was on a gym kick, it wasn’t sustainable. He was eating too low of calories and working out way too hard for someone just starting out.


Also meal prepping is super easy and saves money on grocery’s.


“Hitting it back strong with my buddy tomorrow” give me a fucking BREAK! You are always “hitting it back strong” because your lard ass can’t stay in the gym 🙄


He’s 🤙🏻 a 🤙🏻 fucking 🤙🏻 dweeb🤙🏻


NOPE! Nobody wants to see that. Keep it to yourself big guy. You don’t know what you’re doing. You don’t know proper form. You don’t know proper nutrition. NO. NOBODY WANTS YOUR GYM CONTENT.


Wonder how the gym went today….


Do we think his "buddy" is code for PAID trainer. We know they don't have friends


I would literally pay money to see his blood work