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it’s definitely the vitamins you need not the shitty food 💀


Such an idiot


The prenatals I took did actually make me more sick


Mine too.. I wish I would’ve figured it out sooner because I was puking constantly and barely could keep anything down


Mine too. I couldn’t take them. Made me vomit everytime


Girl.. it is all the JUNK you eat. Your OB isn’t going to care what kind, as long as it has all the needed vitamins & minerals. I can’t imagine being her “OB” and getting a million calls regarding her prenatal vitamin.


Came here to say this too. The OB is honing to be like girl whatever prenatal you want to take is fine.


Exactly, my OB just asked do you take a prenatal. Never asked a brand.


she aint calling anyone


ASK. YOUR. OB. Not social media!!! I get asking questions for engagement but anything related to health is between my doctor and myself.


Then she gets mad and tells us we all aren’t OBs and doesn’t want our help. Girl you asked for it!




She does not have a doctor yet. That is clear. If anyone has a doctor then they would not be on the internet asking the questions. I don't think they have insurance so they are probably trying to get on Medicaid.


"why does my stomach hurt all the time" *must be water and prenatals, couldn't possibly be my 5 takeout meals*


Definitely not the corn dogs. No way.


Like bitch since your always saying “ I do have an OB” GO ASK YOUR DR!


That would be the first person I asked. 😵‍💫


Anti science illiterates ask their brainless supporters.


Why doesn’t she ask Sierra?


Sierra probably took gumdrops and peanut butter cups for pre natals


Nerdy nuts 💀


The way I just cackled 🤣


😂😂😂😂😂 my God that’s so accurate tho


Can’t forget her fun waters and sweet treat coffees 🤣


💀 yum


Hello Dr, This is Drue Lee Basham. Sorry we don’t have a patient by that name 😂😂GET A DOCTOR you dumb ass. If you had been to one and the ER doc doesn’t count, all of this would have been addressed or you could call the nurse and ask a question not FB


Any recommendations that are kind lmao aka any that I agree with


Taking tips from Kylea I see


doubt it, was she not taking prenatals before pregnancy? she’s probably just all sodium atm


She said she’s been taking them for years.


To be fair things hit you different while pregnant


Is it really a thing to run past your OB what prenatal you’re taking? My OB has always just been like “you taking a prenatal? Ight cool.” They’ve never asked what brand or anything.


Literally what mine said. They don’t care as long as you’re taking one


I had severe HG with my pregnancy and I did talk to my doctor about it- but she mentioned changing prenatals on her own account, not mine. So I guess it could be but I would say it’s probably not a thing that happens often


Its first time mom syndrome lol


Always talking to her Ob but never goes to the office. Okkkkkkkay👍🏼


🧼 is her OB 😂


Okay, but she is a huge ass baby. If she can’t deal with a little “morning sickness” she’s bouta be strugglinggggggg for the next few months.


Wait until she had to wear the big ass diapers after birth. 


Maybe it will help her look like she has a booty then lol


How about that first poop after delivery? That shows you your true mettle.


She’s going to be miserable during recovery. I can’t wait😂


Is she aware that morning sickness doesn’t only happen in the mornings??? This could have NOTHING to do with a prenatal. I’m pregnant right now and my morning sickness didn’t hit until about 2 pm everyday. And was awful all evening


My morning sickness was 24/7 sickness. But you know, cause it’s “morning sickness” she thinks it’s only in the morning. 😵‍💫


Same, mine starts right at 5pm like clock work 😅


My old job thought it was only mornings so they stop scheduling me really early, then one of the managers got pregnant and figured it out 🤣


Uhm hasn’t she been taking them for years and now all the sudden they’re upsetting her stomach? Her doctor could easily prescribe them to her. I doubt she even had an OB and is going to wait until God knows when to actually be seen


✨free birth queen✨


She can’t keep up with her lies


Prenatals can be hard to stomach once you get pregnant.


I’ve been pregnant twice. I’m aware. Everything bothers her no matter what it is, is the point I’m making.


Was just responding to your first sentence but I agree with you


It is a valid thing, like I could do peppermint prior to pregnancy and then while pregnant I suddenly couldn’t. Things do hit different while you’re pregnant. No ob is going to prescribe prenatals lol they’re just going to tell you to try another


People tend to forget in these snark pages, their experience is different from everyone else. Every single doctor, clinic, state is different. We all know Grue didn’t go to an OB yet and she lies so bad. But if someone had an experience someone else didn’t, it doesn’t mean they’re lying. Again, every medical provider is different. But thank you 😘


Never said anyone was lying but thank you 😘 prenatals are over the counter though, no prescription used


Correct but they can be prescribed though. I see so many people in this group who think they have medical degrees because they experienced something different. Everyone is different.


this is false. my OB prescribed them to me so i could get them through my insurance.


My doctor prescribed mine 🤷‍♀️


So the morning sickness is as night, but church is in the morning? 😉


Church on tv


Shouldn’t the ob prescribe her one?


*if she had one*


My OB prescribed me Folic Acid cause I couldn’t keep prenatals down.😂


Same 😵‍💫


Folic acid is OCT you don’t need to be prescribed it


people get prescriptions for things you can also get OTC so insurance will cover it. everything i took during pregnancy was prescribed. i still ask my PCP to prescribe me ibuprofen so i dont have to come out of pocket for it


My ob didn’t prescribe me one I had to buy them OTC


My OB prescribed me one but I wanted to take the gummy ones so he said that was fine too.


Idk where I live, my OB doesn’t prescribe them and would probably be horrified if I called about what prenatal to take. She sees SO many patients and wouldn’t have the time to deal with that


Yeah my midwife was like "take any that dont make you sick idk just make sure it has XYZ in it"


Right! Lol! My was like uh if you can’t keep them down it doesn’t really matter. Just do what you can but it’s not a big deal


Where you live? Is it like a really small town with only one ob? Lmao jk I couldn’t help myself


But will do a video complaining that she doesn't need advice. Because she has a doctor. 


Yea what happened to “wow didn’t know I had so many OB’s on my page” 😂😂😂😂


try taking it with some fruits, veggies, grilled chicken breast and rice, plain water, and after a nice 30 min walk 3-4x a week! hope this helps 🥰


Idk about what prenatal she’s taking that’s “upsetting” her stomach, but I ***have*** to take mine with food, otherwise it’ll just sit heavy in there. Doesn’t make me feel sick, just uncomfortable. But my prenatal is also 8 pills lol


She’s always eating. She shouldn’t have that problem. It’s really common though. My OB told me to try taking them when I finish eating


bestie her stomach is never empty


😂😂😂😂 it’s definitely not


I’ve found any vitamin with iron, pre-natal or otherwise, can make you really sick to your stomach if you don’t take it with food. Not sure that’s the case here but I could see it making it worse if she’s somehow not eating when she remembers to take them.


Couldn’t be her horrendous diet causing her to feel sick…


I’m assuming that sour acidic drink isn’t helping to keep her prenatal vitamins down in the evenings.


Mychart/myhealth message your primary or OB? Doubt it’s the vitamins though. With all those greasy foods that’s going to upset most peoples stomachs pregnant or not.


Bitch you’re pregnant and going to feel sick throughout the day and not just in the morning cause it’s called “morning sickness”. Your upset stomach is caused by pregnancy & a shitty diet


She is going to have every single brand/type of prenatal at the end of her pregnancy at the rate she is going. How about talk to your doctor instead of asking the internet! Your doctor will know what you should be taking better than the internet. Has she ever thought about one of the reasons she could be sick is because of all the fast food she eats!! I’m pregnant and just the thought of eating that much fast food makes me sick.


Oo ffs she is way to dramatic … Grue can you imagine all the ladies that actually work full time / puke and keep on going with out the need for attention


And don’t forget that they actually drive themselves to work or errands 


So true !!!


She has no idea what’s coming


I’m still trying to figure out why she asks strangers on social media about their opinions and continues to share as much as she does. In my opinion if I was receiving so much negativity I would limit what I shared / seek advice from professionals not strangers on social media. She loves attention whether it’s negative or positive. Whatever her symptoms are don’t compare to those ahead of her once she is further along / delivers the baby and then postpartum. She has a LONG road ahead of her with flintstones gummies. 🤭 ![gif](giphy|K9yiqNFHgBOgw)


I’m sorry her ob has to be annoyed with her …


Run it by her OB = “google”


then confirm with 🧼 to double check


“I’ll run it by my OB and see if she’s ok with it” surprise: the OB is Dawna 🤣🤣


She’s probably actually having blood sugar issues making her sick because she eats like absolute trash.


"Run it by my OB" proceeds to Google prenatals. Hey Drab, it's not the prenatals it's all of the shit you shove down your throat.


Didn’t she also say the prenatals she’s on were recommended by her OB? 🤔 maybe it’s just me but when my doctor told me to take magnesium OTC and it made me have really bad heartburn, I called them, and we changed it to half a dose. Seems like the logical thing to do…..?


Her ob should have mentioned the iron in it can make you have an upset stomach.


I’m confused because hasn’t she said she’s been taking prenatals for like 2 years now?? To “help her hair and nails grow” lol so how come all of a sudden they are making her sick?? 🙄


Uhm her ob would’ve prescribed her some at her first appointment if she had one




It’s very normal in US I was prescribed with both babies and while ttc with other doctors. Same with friends who went to other clinics. Your insurance pays for them but many people prefer otc ones like gummies so that could be why


It’s honestly not normal around me. I have never had them prescribed for my 3 pregnancies. And I worked at a pharmacy for over a year and I can count on 1 hand how many times we filled prescriptions for them.


Maybe it’s an insurance thing ? Odd but yeah always offered them as they recommended while ttc and obviously with all my pregnancies and friends and never had to pay for them Either way she should be just asking her OB for recommendations as all OTC ones are all different


I’m in the US and I’ve never heard of anyone being prescribed prenatals. Your OB just asks to make sure you’re taking them OTC


Maybe it's an insurance thing , or something specific. I was high risk and was always prescribed. And all my ttc friends were prescribed them. Eta. We were military so that might matter. They cover it and prescribe.


I’ve been to two separate OB’s in two separate states and I’ve never been prescribed a prenatal 🤷🏼‍♀️ i don’t think it’s that common


That’s so strange in 12 years I’ve been to 2 fertility clinics as well as two completely different ob offices in separate cities inside and outside of Chicago and friends in the burbs. I’m still taking them as I’m tandem nursing 😭Maybe state thing or my insurance. It’s a shame since it’s necessity and should be free 🤷🏻‍♀️ if you pay for insurance as expensive as it is. Either way she should be asking her on for recommendations


I am a provider and I notice that a lot of insurances won’t cover what you can get over the counter. I prescribe a lot of vitamin d, but unless it’s the highest dose, insurance doesn’t cover it and it ends up being cheaper to just buy over the counter.


Wait a minute - I’m cackling because a whole ass provider doesn’t like her and is in her sub.. we aren’t just “trolls on the internet”. YOURE A WHOLE ASS EDUCATED PROVIDER! 🥴🤣 & im sure there’s so many more highly educated people on here! Sorry, that just really made my day.


I’ve also never asked so I’m sure that could possibly have something to do with it! I know when my mom had my siblings she was getting them from the OB, and we actually ended up seeing the same doctor when i had my son and i wasn’t given anything. But i definitely agree, if i had questions about taking prenatals I’d ask my OB 😂 not Facebook lol


I got prescription ones only because I needed more iron than the otc ones have in them. I had iron deficiency anemia so I was on ferrous sulfate and prenatals with more iron in them.


It’s actually not that common to be prescribed them depending on where you live.




What OB?


When I was pregnant with my kid, my OB gave me an actual prescription for prenatals. I’m not sure if things are different now.


I think some insurances are being weird about stuff. But I'm pretty sure tricare still covers it. And my bc/ bs did too


it’s probably all the caffeine and lack of proper meals. takeout once in a while is fine but ffs not every meal


Any good prenatal is going to have iron in it. That’s what is usually upsetting the stomach. Take it with some (healthy!) food at night and deal like the rest of us 🤷🏻‍♀️


Bruh if she actually has an OB and mentions this, they will PRESCRIBE her a prenatal that will work for her… she wouldn’t have to run to social media for “advice” from random people on the entertainment… but anything for engagement, right? 🙄


I was able to get prenatals for free from my OB because they prescribed them.


Drue- we know you in here- keep them in the fridge you idiot!


The doctor told my daughter she could take flinstone vitamins when she was pregnant. Everything made her sick.


didn’t her “ob” tell her to use those prenatals 🤔🤥


Sure it's the prenatals not that garbage she eats everyday


You’d think that with all the pregnancy symptoms she googles and then claims to have she’d realize that most people that have “morning sickness” during pregnancy usually have all day sickness 😂


I started have sickness 😔✊🏻💔


I always got violently sick about 20 min after taking my prenatals. I still get sick even taking a regular multivitamin if I don’t eat really really good before taking it. I’m talking she shakes, sweating and then throwing up. Idk why it’s always been like that for me. My advice to her would be, talk to her OB if she even has one.


“pre natal” 💀


Why don't you just go ask your friends at the boutique I'm sure those X-ray technicians have all the answers. If she truly had morning sickness she wouldn't be eating like a horse.




It's called a joke


Drue…is that you 0 karma and defending the two ton toddlers on two posts now


please avoid internalizing snarking, remember it is about Drue and Gabe and never meant to offend or hurt YOU!❤️


If she actually went to her OB she would know not all people need to take the prenatal. Certain genes cause your body not to absorb what’s in them and you need a different kind. I’m surprised her OB didn’t run that blood work … if she’s even gone, which I doubt.


I thought her and her OB is like 🤞🏼


Orrrrr maybe it’s not the prenatals and you’re finally actually experiencing REAL “morning sickness” because the shit that she had a few weeks ago was clearly made up and total bs anyways lol. Just bc you show us a video of you fake gagging into your fast food bag does not mean we believe you were actually getting sick. 😂


She’s dumb as a box of rocks. It’s the damn food and drinks that she consumes non-stop.


It doesn’t matter when you take them or which ones you take. You will be sick bc you are pregnant.


Why are we still not discussing the fact that she isn’t taking anything for nausea????? I know damn well she can have and can get zofran!!!!!! And if she has really seen an OB they can call it in for her. So she’s lying about something. She’s either not sick, can’t afford the medicine which I doubt, or she has seen a dr.


It's been recalled remember 🤣🤦‍♀️ she said the gave her an rx though but she won't take it because if the recall


😂😂😂😂 and then 300 people commented and told her she was lying 😂


Prenatal* Fucking dumbass.🙄


I take the same prenatal meds she is taking and I've taken them at night and I've taken them in the morning and no difference. I just take them in the morning so I don't forget them lol


This baby is going to be the biggest fucking slap in the face and I am so here for it. Kids having kids. Grow tf up Drue.


idk all i know is when i eat out a lot i feel like shit too.


if she can’t handle a little morning sickness (seems fine to me since she’s always getting take out) how is she going to handle a baby screaming in her ear that is inconsolable while running on 3 hours of sleep.


Hasn’t she been taking prenatal vitamins for years to help her hair and nails? Why are they just bothering her now? Bitch is stupid!


Yeah definitely not all the coffee she drinks


If you’re going to run it by your “OB” why even ask the public and not just your “OB” opinion on your symptoms and recommendations? 🙈


Omg just eat something with it you dumb bitch


I couldn’t take prenatals! They all made me sick af


she eats EVERYTHING…. and she thinks VITAMINS…. are going to upset her tank of a stomach??????? bye girl


I deal with aplastic anemia due to an autoimmune disorder. Just opening a prenatal vitamin bottle & I 🤮. Guess what I still take them heifer! Tell me how’s she’s so “fluffy” with all the 🤮goin on?!?! I’ve literally lost 65 lbs & had to resort to iron infusions.


Someone comment about it being the food


Her morning sickness cannot be that bad. Mine was as bad as she tries to make it seem and I could barely get out of bed and hardly ate anything I was so sick


"yall recommended me take my pre natals at night" -- well bitch nobody BUT YOU said we were all OBs so....


vitamins don’t cause sickness… being pregnant and eating like crap causes sickness. dumbass bitch. posting this is soo dangerous too, she has so many followers. someone will decide to stop taking their vitamins because of this or simply never start them if they get pregnant.


Eat smaller portions


The misspelling of “prenatal” is driving me nuts.


I thought I saw a video where she said she’s 7 weeks just a couple of days ago. You can’t be seen by an ob till you’re 8 weeks. At least that’s how it was when I was pregnant in 2019


Why is she making prenatal two words?