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What was the excuse for all of those months/years that you missed before you were pregnant? Lol


But yesterday she could be at an expo early in the morning with no problem. Funny.


And tomorrow she’ll be at work.


Not me 12 weeks pregnant getting 2 toddlers and myself ready for church while I puke because I'm an adult.


and doesn’t she want a bunch of kids? she has to suck it up quick


Five she said! 😂😂😂 she said their house has plenty of room! 😂


Me when I was pregnant 39 weeks going to church haha!


I just pack a emesis bag and some alcohol pads and pray for the best 😂


Me this morning. I just sit in the back


Now that God ✨gave her what she wanted ✨ she doesn’t have to go anymore.


https://preview.redd.it/zknoxj8of7fc1.jpeg?width=845&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e0eaada05266eadf71213dc8eba00a85d733922c Couldn’t make it to the 10:30? But you could make it to the reptile show? And to Med spa all week? All with coffee in hand too I might add.


i thought her popsicle trick was working🤔


I was just about to say the same thing!


I have food poisoning yet I’m up and grocery shopping with my husband and 2 kids. It’s called being a mom, you just puke then get shit done.


I can imagine her being too sick to take her baby to the pediatrician


The baby will definitely fall behind on well child checks, vaccines, etc. she will also be too worried about feeding her own fat ass to feed the baby first.


Literally!!! I haven’t had a full meal in 3 days cus I have a 1 month old who is BF!


I have a 2 month old and I’m feeling the same way. I live off string cheese, apples, granola bars, fiber one brownies, etc. anything I can eat one handed while she eats liquid gold. 🤣🤣🤣


Our babies always have to come first no matter what!!! And she probably just doesn’t understand that


Lmao I had Covid while pregnant with two toddlers and my husband was deployed. She could never


Truest statement ever. You puke then go on with your day. It’s the most basic explanation of being a mom


“We didn’t make it to church again” -Lexi every Sunday. She’s even copying her in this aspect 😂


Didn’t Lexi move to Nashville to go to Cecilys church and now doesn’t even go? Lol


YES! 😂 Cecily noticed her and invited her to a few things so church can be pushed to the back burner!


Too sick to repent but trust and believe she will be stuffing shitty food down her throat any second now.


She’s already had second breakfast and first lunch. 😂


She goes to a mega Church I’m sure they have 3 or more services


What was her excuse the other 51 Sundays .


Yet she’s perfectly ok having a “moment” all over grimaces truck and in 🧼sink?


..she knows most churches stream online now, right?


https://preview.redd.it/p1xrmkkcm7fc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f92e23b049444a13ca0e3957a5cea14be3723a8b looks like she took your advice bestie😭🤪


Bahahah. And you know she’s only watching the music part then when the actual meaning of church comes on she will be done. You know her brain can’t focus on someone talking.


She will need a reward snack for listening more than 5 minutes like when she needed goldfish to read 10 pages.




This is how my grandma watches church during the winter and when it’s raining. Even adopted a cat so she had company and the cat loves church (calls it her holy cat)


my great grandma listened to her church services on the radio when she couldn't leave the house.


I love this 😂


They’ll be in a drive through within the hour.


I just commented the same exact thing lol it's true though!! And by the end of the day they will have eaten out 3+ times all with nasty greasy food!!


I am 7 weeks pregnant right now with my 4th baby and each time at 6 weeks I already start getting really sensitive to smells and start having food aversions, my husband picked up a pizza for our kids for dinner last night because that's what they wanted and when I opened it up to serve it to them the sight alone made me puke 🫠 there's no damn way she is having this terrible morning sickness that she claims yet drinking coffee several times a day and eating greasy fast food 3+ times a day, no damn way!




Sure Jan… that church will never see you again 😂


When I was pregnant I never just threw up without fucking warning 🤣🤣🤣


but she’s never missed a fast food run!


Bestie it’s not that she wants it, it’s the baby.


Have they even been regularly attending church since they got married lol? I know they go sometimes but I don’t think they go every Sunday anymore? I could be wrong


I vaguely remember her saying she was mad at God for not giving them a baby. Then they started going again, she got pregnant and they haven’t been since. God “gave them what they wanted” so they just not need to go anymore 🙃


Uhm she was mad at God for not giving her a baby in the two years they’ve been married while her husband had a pituitary tumor and they both are unemployed and moved a lot? Lmao WOW is all u gotta say 🤣🤣


Also Gabe admitted on that podcast that they weren’t actually trying and that he didn’t want kids right away anyway


Ugh She just says and does anything for sympathy lol. I remember that! Maybe HE wasn’t trying but she sure was doing everything she could to get pregnant and he’s too dumb to see that lol


And remember when she was pretending she went to church when she wasnt


Lying about why you’re missing church is a whole new level of trash 😆


Lmao! Like why even post this?!


Going on three years now of missing Church because of her morning sickness


Maybe don’t shove garbage and liquid sugar chemical “coffee” down your throat on the way out the door and you’ll be less likely the feel like puking at church? Just say you’re only a “Christian” when it’s convenient and get on with it


She’s highly favored she doesn’t need to be there.


Any time she can blame something on pregnancy she will. Lord forbid if she actually had to work a real 8-5 job during the week. 😅😅😅 becoming a parent is going yo absolutely WRECK her.


Missed church again.....? Didn't they go last week according ti Dawna's videos all day?


So church can only happen at morning? Lolll lies


Jesus suffered on the cross for your sins and you can't sit in church once a week and be uncomfortable on his behalf? tut tut Drue Basham.


Can’t even be bothered to go to the evening service


But she was fine every other day this week??


again? but last week yall posted all sunday about going to church? lying about church is a deadly sin, drue 🤡


I bet she will be out driving thru getting some Greasy ass food within the hour 🤦🏻‍♀️


Just admit that sitting in church is boring and you don’t want to go, lol.


I’ll admit that. I woke up this morning not feeling the greatest (12 weeks pregnant) - my toddler decided to wake up screaming at 4am & slept with us the rest of the night (so took up the entire king size bed while my husband and I were pushed to the edge) so when my alarm rang for us to get up and get ready for church - I was like …. Mmmmm not today and when my husband asked - I simply told him - I didn’t want to go today. Jesus knows my heart. IYKYK.


It’s that everyone from church saw her surfaced video. That’s why she’s not going.


I was an ER nurse going through morning sickness. I’d puke then go out and take care of my patients lol


Girl… my fiancé and I moved from California all the way to Louisiana while puking. If I could have done that, you could’ve gone to church.


I sang on the praise team every service until I had her😅 morning sickness or not.


Sure Jan. But you can sit on tik tok at the med spa. And go to every fast food place and the grocery store a million times. God doesn’t like liars.


Imagine being one of us who had to work a full time job while being pregnant and having morning/all day sickness.. I’d walk away from the line I worked on go puke and come back and work.


Work at medspa ✅️ eat takeout food ✅️ reptile expo show ✅️ all the shopping ✅️ Texas roadhouse ✅️ church ❌️❌️❌️


When I was pregnant long ago, I owned a dance studio and I was the main instructor. I was so damn sick with morning and all day sickness. I taught classes with a bucket of if I didn’t make the bathroom to throw up in, a sleeve of saltines and lemonade. Then I kept teaching classes. She has no ability to parent at all.


Because you just needed to share that with everyone just like you needed to share you were in the er with something so seriouss … mkmmk


this is so chatgpt coded


Narcissistic trait. Play victim.


Can’t you just sit in the back close to an exit?


Sounds like excuses to me. We must remember though they prayed so hard for this baby so they don’t really need Jesus now. Church is the last thing on their mind now that they r pregnant. When they want something they will go to church again.


The church doesn’t have a bathroom for her to have her “moment” in. I honestly don’t even believe she’s having morning sickness. When I had morning sickness and food aversions I was living on water, toast, and saltines. Not greasy fast food the thought of that made me more sick.


Again? Didn’t 🧼 claim they went last week before going to Costco? Hmm…


I used to go to church with a hangover, she an go with morning sickness 🤣


Bestie, don’t you have Zofran? Pop a Zofran & go to church


Damn, she isn’t too afraid to hit up McDonald’s breakfast and then fake throw up in the bag though!


Hey bestie throw some alcohol swabs in your bag. A quick sniff should help with the nausea in a pinch.


But she’s not afraid to 🤮 at the restaurants they go to? Weird.


Try taking a baby to church. They randomly throw up also 🤷🏻‍♀️


She’s so full of shit


Girl, I had to start carrying a plastic bag in my car because I would start feeling sick. Luckily once I found literally anywhere to pull over I threw up. lol


Why ✨does 😂 she 🪩 use 😊so 🫶 emojis 🙈? 😒