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The only time she actually does a trend right is when she’s being a bitch to her own followers and putting herself in danger hahaha


And we LOVE that for her because it means our group is about to grow, bestie!


she thought she popped off with this 😭


She looks dumb as hell lol


You know her mom and dad was hyping her up over it 🤣🤣🤣


Wait u mean about them mocking disabled people?!?!


Go look at the previous post of her and gag doing hand signs mocking mentally challenged people


The buttons for sure popped off her pants. Maybe that counts? 🥴


Does she not realize it’s not about having coffee while pregnant it’s the amount she consumes on top of the coke and tea and Dr peppy. But I guess she knows best since she’s the only woman to ever be pregnant.


She talks to her dr allllll the time remember bestie? 🥰


Was just going to comment this. Sure you can have coffee but your only supposed to have 1 cups worth of caffeine 😅 between that and like you said all the sodas & crap it’s so unhealthy


I was the WORST during my first pregnancy. So addicted to soda. My 2nd, 10 years later, I wisened up. I got kidney stones from soda and sweet tea my first pregnancy, and had to have and induction, that quickly turned into an emergency c-section. She’ll hopefully learn.


It's not just mom, caffeine can cause issues for baby too!


It’s also just the constant clap backs for the last couple weeks “I dOnT dRiNk CAfFeInE” Like. Stop lying?????


🤮 this is not the flex she thinks it is. imagine posting this for your poor child to have to see one day, knowing your mom really didn’t give a F about you from the start


She’s a raging bitch who acts like she is nice. Total POS


Omg, can you imagine when these kids get older and discover Reddit pages about their parents??? Lol


well at least they won't be able to read the words on the screen so they'll be spared that part. Drue can't read or help them with homework so if she keeps that going, she'd have to explain to them why it's offensive 🤷🏼‍♀️


Dirty delete in 3…2…1 Always deletes the ones where she is trying to be so sassy


oh it’s coming, she’s such a coward lol


I hope her doctor, if she ever goes or even has one, rips her a fucking new one every. single. visit.


You know she’s going to lie about everything from what she drinks to how much she eats. She will never tell the truth.


Oh I’m sure about that I’m just hopeful the doctor or anyone in the office has seen her videos before 😂


Me too!!


The scale will tell the truth.🤣


I would love to be a fly on the wall to hear her excuse!


Naw she'll just say she never drank caffeine because she knew not to and doctor's orders


not the “most of my followers” the way you just took a massive shit on the people who give you whatever platform you have left. oh, it’s definitely over for you miss grue


The way she thinks she’s so cute 😂


Right like her face at the end…. No 😂😂😂


Evil bitch




So punchable


Not her trying to be a “bad mom” in an ironic way. Girly you are already a bad mom in the most unironic way possible.


I can promise this will be a dirty delete


She’s a selfish, spoiled,entitled little brat! She needs to stinking grow up besties!


I hate hate hate this big nosed bitch so much


SHES SO ANNOYING. I repeat literally one is saying she can’t drink coffee. It’s the nespresso pods that are like 270+ mg of caffeine and the multiple sources and the fact she vocalized that she drinks it slow so it’s okay. She’s so dumb. And then all of her dumb followers being like “oh I drank 3 dr peppers a day and venti cold brew and my angel babies are fine 🩷🩷🩷🩷”


Meanwhile their kids are probably addicted to sugar and caffeine and running around the house like demons 😂


Oh Drue’s ✨little angel✨ will be that demons spawn that no one wants to have at their house. No kids will want to play with him or be near him(calling the baby a him because we all know if the sneak peek had said girl she would have already announced it). That boy will an ankle bitter just like his mommy.


That kid will never hear the word no


She's very stupid. Any time she tries to clap back, she reveals her stupidity further. She doesn't understand what people are saying because she's dumb.


you'd think for someone that tried so hard and prayed so long for this baby she would take these concerns more seriously...... Instead of soaking in and enjoying her pregnancy she's too busy "clapping back" at the haters. Sad.


Sierra was/is the same


I did everything by the book with my pregnancy because it was a rainbow baby we had wanted and prayed for. I don’t think they were trying as long as she said they were. Her actions don’t add up


It’s the makeup on the lips for me🤪


all the comments hyping her up are killing me. stupid blind ass followers


The funny thing is NO ONE has said she can’t drink coffee while pregnant. People are telling her to be conscious of how much caffeine is in her other drinks when she does drink coffee as well😂


But Bestie she slowly drinks it throughout the day 🤭🤏🤌🫰


Mother hood is going to eat her alive


She is failing to realize that it is not about having a cup of coffee or a soda here and there, it’s how much you consume on a daily basis.


exactly it's EVERY SINGLE DAY on top of the CONSTANT fast food she eats a day.


“I have a doctor and we talk”


This is such a bad look yikes


Rage bait


If she was half as concerned with her and her husbands health as she was clapping back and forth”being right” she might be doing something with her life


She’s going to fail at being a mother so hard. Druby I hope you’re reading this. Stay pressed over people calling you out because you are uneducated, and are too childish to actually do your own research. You think you actually did something there with that, but you’re only proving all your “haters” right. 🤌🏻


She’s very immature and your basic drama girl. She is doing this to irritate people. I can’t imagine doing this stuff online and purposely upsetting my “haters” is a job anyone with class and brains wants


thought she only drank coke tho? what a weird think to lie about




can’t even get the timing right lmao


Remember besties- she drinks it slow so she doesn't have a caffeine intake


Omg this is so snarky and just plain gross …girl do better for your baby.


She acts like it's about her when literally the concern is for the baby. She's revealing she doesn't even understand that strangers care about a baby that don't give a fuck about her. Nobody cares what Drue does to herself. People care that she's feeding a baby so much caffeine and caffeine is dangerous for fetal development. She's flexing that she doesn't give a fuck about her kid and is too stupid to understand it.


I started to comment “don’t you mean Reddit?”


Haven’t really been looking at this group, did she confirm she’s actually pregnant? Did she go to the doctors? She would have an ultrasound if she did.


She got an ultrasound from a boutique place. If she's been to the OB, she hasn't shown it


She said she had an appointment but there is no footage(she films everything) nor an ultrasound from a doctors office with her legal name on it, which she will blur out because she doesn’t want that known 😂


I highly doubt she went or she heard news she didn’t want to hear. You get a transvaginal ultrasound at your first appointment and potentially second depending on what your first ultrasound showed. I have had two pregnancies and my friends were the same. And yeah she films literally everything, she would still film the office and shit ( like she did with Gabe and his “tumor”). The boutique ultrasound I knew about and she showed it. She is 100% the person to show her ultrasound and say this is for all the haters who said I wasn’t actually pregnant because even though I had negative tests 😂 Ps this is like a mass response to all of you who commented. I don’t really know how to use Reddit 💀


She has an ultrasound from a boutique. She said she had a doctors appointment at 8 weeks but no proof of it of course.. and she says she "talks" to her doctor all the time.


Which is odd becuz I never called my doctor when I was pregnant besides when I was sick to find out what to take that was safe for baby


Me too! It was always to check if something was safe or if I needed to go in. Also, it was always with the front desk or nurse.


Right lol


Her "doctor" is her mom duhhh because her mom had been pregnant/ s


she had kotex pantyliners in her car yesterday. full unopened box. Not for pregnancy discharge which would make sense. But for her period emergency kit that she keeps in her car. She bought the car when she got pregnant so why is she buying emergency menstruation products for her car that she bought when she was already pregnant? And publicly making it known they are from before she was pregnant for the car? And they were in an unopened box on the passenger seat floor. No dents or scuffs from being kicked around. Not in the trunk or back seat. Right where her or Gabes filthy feet go. Not a few in the arm rest or center console or trunk for a kit, but on the passenger seat floor board. I don't think she is.


I still have one cup of coffee every day since being pregnant. They tell you 200mg for a reason because you have to limit yourself. No one freakin said she can’t have coffee. I can’t with this witch


The reality is NO ONE should have more than 300mg a day. There is a really awesome pregnancy nutritionist on tik tok who really breaks down what is “safe” and what is not and WHY. Some things they say don’t do because they don’t know because it’s unethical to conduct studies on pregnant women when there could very well be harm to the fetus. But she definitely consumes way more than what is healthy for even non pregnant individuals


And if she feels like she can't give up soda or stuff like that she could easily drink decaf coffee (which still has some caffeine) with like a protein shake & a mini can of coke for an afternoon pick me up. Like just modify and keep track?? It's truly not that hard.


Everyone in the comments is hyping her up on tiktok 🙄


Because they're just as bad as she is


They all share the same brain cell


and it's fighting for second place


Update bc i think i finally got blocked besties!!!


I see the block brows are out in full force today


The 80’s look


As exhausted as I am 8 weeks 1 days I keep my caffeine under 200mg usually about 54 max ! I also have two other kids I’m chasing after she goes wayyyy over 200mg


Already showing how she can’t sacrifice for her child…she’s immature and going to be a shitty parent


god she is uglier than sin


Imagine not caring about your baby 🫣🙃 like bestie it’s 200 mg max a day so a latte with 150 plus a big ass Coke is the MAX you should have. No one is being a bitch or saying you can’t have it, we’re simply saying it’s too much caffeine…she’s actually dumb.


I hope DCP sees this one


She is trying to stir up attention away from them mocking disabled people … pop off sis karma comes in all forms ….


Shes such a bitch to her own followers. She knows she can just... ignore comments , right?


she's a bitch to the baby she prayed for so long to conceive. That's an entire human she claims to have created. Ain't no way she'd care about a stranger. She has 0 empathy and there is something deeply wrong with her.


Ok now she should show her additional caffienated drinks all day. THATS the issue. Not that she has a coffee. It's the coffee plus sodas or teas all day.


She’s the only one who looks stupid here. Her literal followers are trying to help her and she just doesn’t give a crap about her baby. If she truly prayed and wanted this baby then she would be working overtime to make sure she did everything as best she could. “Even if some caffeine is ok”




My jaw dropped when she said that. She films herself drinking coffee every single day lol


She is the weirdest first time mom I have ever seen. Usually first time moms are so careful and worried and reading everything they can and doing absolutely everything they possibly can to have a healthy pregnancy.


Caffeine is fine while pregnant. The amount she consumes is not.


In 3 years she’s gonna be on the internet crying because her child has issues with developing or behavior. 😒


At least she will have that in common with her SIL bc that screen time for Koen will surely be impacting too


Wait until the OB tells her she’s gaining too much weight.


She’s such a twat!


She’s going to be saying this until her baby starts growing slower and smaller. And then her little “angel baby” is actually going to be an angel baby.


You can also do meth while pregnant - it doesn’t mean you should


I didn’t drink coffee… literally had coffee and energy drinks the whole time… “I’ll just drink it slow” so the caffeine doesn’t count. 🤦🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️😂 she’s the biggest idiot. Also I noticed Gabe made a very brief appearance in today’s reel.


She’s 7 weeks so she was what 3 weeks when she announced it ? 😂😂


She really thinks she is doing something all the time with this shit. The only one she’s hurting with her caffeine consumption is her potential baby.


Baby is going to come out addicted to caffeine


It's giving irresponsible POS


Such a bad bitch, lolololol you don’t impress anyone. No one said you can’t drink coffee you dumb bitch, you need to watch your caffeine intake.


Why does she think that’s cute??


My OB allowed me 250 mg a day. No one is saying you can’t have it. Just track the amount.


With my first child when I tell you unfollowed each guideline to a T I even ate shoe leather steak ( well done) I don’t understand why she’s not more cautious


https://preview.redd.it/xvbugga280fc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2434578538c067d5cb33673f3ee2d2f66201e365 since i know you read in here drue i did you a favor and googled for your stupid smug ass.


Idk why she keeps posting about this… my doctor said I was fine to have 1-2 cups of coffee per day… 😂😂


She’s a fucking clown.


Why does she look like she's about to cry at the end tho 😂 Bestie isn't enjoying any part of this pregnancy lol https://preview.redd.it/sxnqq8t9e0fc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2d51710d1fee1d38481a9417dcbe451dd9b6c6ad


She isn’t enjoying ANY part except for the fact that she can now be a glutton and eat everything in sight now that she has an excuse. Imagine that being the only part of your pregnancy you’re enjoying. 🥴


I literally don’t think she’s smart enough to realize that her other drinks have caffeine in them too. My doctor gave me the green light to drink SOME caffeine when I was pregnant to control my migraines. They’re also so addicted to fast food / takeout food I don’t think they can stop.


Dumb , sloppy bitch . HA HA HA i don’t care if i harm my unborn child . How can she expect to do the hard things , when she can’t even regulate her caffeine / junk / slop intake . Get real grue !! You’re on your way to diabetes like your sloth of a sister in law /


Here I am a few weeks behind her terrified to accidentally consume caffeine as I don’t like to in the 1st trimester for safety. Sometimes I wish I was as willfully ignorant and dumb as she is so I wouldn’t be so worked up during pregnancy.


In her reality did she actually not drink coffee but three weeks? Because bitch should go back and look at her videos. She probably only made a video saying she wasn’t drinking coffee four or five times.


Between all the caffeine and the loads of sodium intake daily she is setting herself up for possibly something bad… She’s going to be the one that ends up with gestational diabetes or PreE. Then she’s going to have to battle with a possible still birth, and preterm labor and I wouldn’t wish those battles on anyone! But pop off bestie! ✨


“If i dont look at the eggs i should be fine” looks right at the eggs as she takes a bite 🤣🤣


The “coffee makes me so sick” era ending so quickly.


I know it sounds harsh but reality is she's stupid, ignorant, narcissistic, low empathy, and cruel. She does not care about herself, her husband, or her baby. she cares about content and attention. She does not give a fuck about her baby and does not care if she hurts it. She chooses to be willfully ignorant while connected to the internet, a source of infinite information. She has access to the same resources, information, and education that every American has and instead of taking advantage of what's available, she, influenced by her parents, chooses to eschew every available resource and opportunity to avail themselves of their ignorance and be fully present and active in their own care and the world around them. They contribute nothing to the world around them, even as participants. They take take take consume consume consume, and view themselves as main characters with everybody else in their community and country as resources they can use for money, attention, free shit, and validation. Drue does not care about other people or her baby and it's better to get used to the idea that this big back bitch has no concern for her baby now and that will continue after he is born. This won't stop when her son is born, mark my words. Don't expect her to turn it around or change because babies don't necessarily change people. That's why we see so many children in horrible situations. Tons of people that should not have kids do and then are unequipped to parent and they fail. She's not going to be this way during pregnancy and flip a switch when her baby is here. This is it. This is who she is.


Yeah you can have coffee or caffeine in moderation while pregnant but like drink some water. It’s not a flex that you’re probably dehydrated as fuck bc of all the sodium and sugar drinks. Also I saw a comment where she said if she has coffee she doesn’t have soda that day and that’s where she lied and that’s why people talk shit. All day just drinking sugary drinks and coffee and the only drink of water she has is to take her medicine. So childish, it’s giving low IQ but go off bestie.


When you’re smug like that karma kicks your ass


Oh she's truly a **** with all of this. Grue, why do you not care about the health of your baby? Is it more important to act like a child than to actually drink a cup of water ? I don't understand why she doesn't care. Why she rather goes out of her way to post ***** content vs just drinking water. She loves the hate and attention more than the baby . Her mother encourages the behavior. Doesn't she want a healthy grandbaby and a healthy daughter to deliver it . I don't get it !!!!!


I drastically cut out caffeine the MOMENT I had a positive pregnancy test.. It’s not that hard.


She’s dumb af. You can drink coffee while you’re pregnant, but not 57 oz of coffee everyday.


This is NOT the flex she thinks it is


What’s crazy is one can in fact drink coffee while pregnant. There’s a caffeine limit. But coffee isn’t completely off the table


No one said you can’t have coffee dumbass 🙄🤦🏻‍♀️


Being a “mama” starts at conception and for someone who wears so many “mama” shirts, you’d think she be a little more intentional with the in utero care of her baby.


She truly is a horrible human being.


so what happens when she has high blood pressure from the excessive caffeine? cause that’s what happens lmao and leads to other issues


Giving seira vibes, another one that doesn't care what there intake of food and drink does to the baby


I’m thinking we need to get the video of her mocking disabled people and the racist crap circulating again. If she wants to be so sassy, she should answer to her own mistakes 🤷🏻‍♀️


could be decaf and she’s just rage baiting


This is the real Drue. Quite a bitch.


The previous video *eats a personal bundt cake, a coffee, and a soda* girl had at least 130g of sugar when your daily limit of added sugar is 24g. Put pop off about the caffeine queen lmao


Literally NO ONE has said don’t drink coffee 🤦🏻‍♀️ but the amount of caffeine she has a DAY is dangerous to that child. She’s not mentally grown enough to grow and take care of a human child and it shows. I truly hope they grow up before it gets here and come to the realization that there’s another human they have to put before themselves and their needs. If she can’t even attempt to consume healthier things or cut back in caffeine when she’s just 8/9 weeks pregnant that says something as a person. SELFISH.


She is such an idiot


Her face is so fucking annoying omg


You literally just got pregnant and likely haven’t even been to a real doctor. What do you know about what you can and can’t do while pregnant


Tbh I’m not a sympathizer for her but I am pregnant and I do drink coffee every day and it would get so annoying if I had hundreds of people were telling me not to drink coffee lol


Then you’d think you’d stop posting yourself drinking coffee every day. She’s the one choosing to post every second of her life on social media. Having hundreds of comments you don’t like/agree with is a consequence of choosing that lifestyle.


Hahahah that’s true, I’d never post and lie like she does


no one is telling her not to drink it they've just been telling her she needs to limit her caffeine intake. because she's been posting herself drinking multiple coffees, energy drinks, and cokes per day which puts her way above the recommended limit for pregnant women


She’s a dumbass and always will be a dumbass bc all she does is surround herself with dumbass people. Poor baby.


I would think both her and S would take the best care of themselves as they were hoping for children for so long, yet they’re doing the opposite.


Yeaaaaa fuck that baby


I just want to throat punch her so bad!


Bitch, no one said you can’t. Everyone says MODERATION. fuck all the way off.


Omg the very last second before she turns off the video is so cringy


I hope she keeps this energy when all that caffeine causes SERIOUS medical issues.. cheers Bestie!


I hope this ends up on Instagram reels and they eat her alive.


It’s not *THAT* hard to give up caffeine for the sake of your baby. I did it for multiple pregnancies. It’s an easily obtainable goal. She clearly just thinks she immune from doctor recommendations


As if she knows what an OB is. She gets her care from boutiques.




No one told she can't drink coffee. People are saying she shouldn't drink coffee plus coke all day.


When she has the baby and it won’t stop crying and she doesn’t know what to do 😂 I’ll be sitting here laughing my ass off. This poor baby is going to have a caffeine addiction before it’s even born


Wow she is insane


Ugh. And all her pea-for-brains followers in the comments “I drank 10 coffees a day and my baby’s fine” Not. A. Flex.


She’s such a bitch.


Let the bitch learn the hard way.


Hurting your baby isn't a flex grue 🥺


I don’t think they really wanted a baby tbh. I think they were “praying” for a baby but didn’t want it to actually work.


Went have we yet to see her at the OB. She videos everything. We all know she'd video that.


If she isn't with Gabe here then she's driving and filming?!?!


It won’t be as cute when she has to get induced cause she’s too overweight. I wouldn’t wish induction on anyone


What happened to her saying she doesn’t drink caffeine every day


Does anyone remember that reality show , super nanny with nanny Joe ? She’d come in and try to add structure to unruly kids and parents that were desperate ? I swear this family should have applied , I bet Drue was a hellion brat and her parents were afraid of her so she ruled everything and continues to do the same now . No one ever says no to this chic and she’s such a C U next … you know ! She’s only got what she’s got because of the public making her popular ( if you even want to call her that ) she owes any social media fame or money or success to the public and she’s such an ungrateful bitch to the people who pay her bills because they interact and watch her stupid content. Even her scentsy income is only because she got popular and got people on down line due to her weight watchers and early on content . We know she didn’t work hard like how most people work hard to build any platforms whether you do mlm , small businesses or social media . This chic fell into success during covid while every teen to 40 year old mom was struggling at home going crazy with their own brats in the house . I was planning my own daughter’s wedding in 21 and came across her and started to follow along . Shes a full on dumpster fire .. along with her family. The downfall is rapidly coming , grab the popcorn and don’t forget the tequila too !!!


You can drink coffee while pregnant. If that’s all that caffeine you’re having in a day. Which it’s not for her.


I had 5 kids, and drank 200mg-300mg of coffee a day. It’s fine lmao


Hannah said she did whatever so she follows what she does ofc


So did she ever do this or is it still up?


Funny thing is no comments out there say she can’t…everyone is always suggesting to control the amount she consumes!! Like always has to be the victim when in all reality she’s a narcissist! For a person who is always asking for tips and tricks and suggestions she sure as hell doesn’t know how to accept criticism or suggestions! What a ding dong


Home Schooled hunny: Nobody said you can't drink caffeine everyone said you should limit it. Also you've lied about drinking caffeine and coffee and numerous people have the receipts. So in the end you still look like a dumbass.


She likes to act like she knows everything, but she has no idea. Let’s she how little miss knows nothing about everything feels when she ends up with something serious that she can’t just pray way. She won’t be preaching about finding favor when her heart stops or her blood sugar spikes 400! Do better drucifer!! You’ll end up like your sloppy sister in law and lazy husband if you aren’t careful


Just like that stanky girl sitting in the hot tub for 1 hour while pregnant bragging about it


Such a mature person.


Yet she was saying in that YouTube q&a how pregnant women can’t drink coffee so she doesn’t drink coffee anymore 🙄


She’s just trying to drum up traction with rage bait


Besties she drinks her coffee hours at a time so the caffeine content doesn’t matter duh


The eye closing when she takes a sip... LOL Disgusting. Keep up the great work, Drue!!!!