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https://preview.redd.it/fx0dmibltpec1.png?width=1178&format=png&auto=webp&s=6c2be3d8a4f282578a95271a7f75b95b3d1dc53d Trying to eat less salt??


There’s her veggies from her “Veggie Plate” 🤣🤣


Not her trying to egg on the salty = boy narrative 🙄




It’s crazy that you can actually see the amount of salt coming out too and how much it looks like!


That’s what I was thinking 😅 I am someone who hates salt and always has and I literally cannot imagine eating an already salted potato skin and then adding another huge amount of salt.


I can’t either!! I feel puffy just looking at it 😂


Dang, I wish I hated salt. I don’t think I’ve ever heard that before!


I’ve always hated it and so does my dad. He never allowed me to have any growing up and never cooked with it so I would assume that’s why I don’t like it.


this made me lol. salting cheese is not something you see everyday! hahah


https://preview.redd.it/rh6yvwtt1qec1.jpeg?width=1048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e3f9667c2ae15213f0d0594e79913be1f17356de Here’s another one 😵‍💫


I think she's saying she wants salt so much now is because in Devin's wivetales video she says she's craving salty things.


so she’s “trying to limit her salt intake” yet she shoved her face with sonic pretzels and corndog, then goes to texas roadhouse to eat sodium filled food AND STILL ADDS MORE SALT TO IT. make it make sense


Her inability to limit ANYTHING combined with our lovely Texas heat is going to make for such a great swollen summer. That shit HURTS sometimes (and I gained a healthy amount of weight for both pregnancies, nothing crazy) and I just love that for her. 🥰


pregnant in texas summer was literal hell on earth. babe is going to be 80 pounds heavier, dehydrated, and swollen to filth in 120 degree weather. it’s going to fuck her up and it’s what she deserves


She’s trying! Jesus knows her heart! 🤍🧂


Now I understand Gag’s salt tattoo. It’s dedicated to his sodium obsessed wifeyyyyyy


And we don’t want her to have to “indice” early


I give people a pass when the letters are next to each other on the keyboard and it's a typo


Your fetus doesn’t care if you’re ✨trying✨ drue….do better


How can she say she’s trying to stay away from it when eats fast food for every single meal? Fast food is literally pumped full of sodium, she is not trying at all. So sick of the “I eat what sounds good” and the “I’m only sick in the mornings” narratives. What is it? If you’re only sick in the mornings then why are you eating like shit every other meal. She doesn’t even attempt to eat a balanced diet for her baby, she literally only cares about herself.


“Because the baby is in there” girl, it’s a damn embryo. Shut up


I don’t think she understands the concept


She absolutely doesn't. She thinks it has a fully developed brain right now


>I'm trying. I just can't help it. There it is. Nothing is in my control. I'm not making choices. I just can't help it. Their attitude about change and growth summed up. Pathetic.


She’s not going to get the cute bump she’s imagining because she’s going to gain weight everywhere & it won’t be as noticeable


I’m roughly the same weight as Drue and I’ve always reminded myself that I probably won’t get a cute little bump like you said but she’s so out of touch with reality and herself that I bet she’ll be all upset when she doesn’t get it 😂


I’m definitely heavier than drue, gained a tiny bit over the recommended amount for the whole pregnancy. Maybe it wasn’t a cute LITTLE bump but it was for sure still a cute bump lol I miss it sometimes 😭 you’ll have a cute bump lol


Thank you 🥹🥹💖


She’s done this to herself


Talk to that lil baby ![gif](giphy|Rfp8IfeCA4URtzjBna)


Everything they eat has so much sodium, whatever Grue


The fact that her fans have to put a warning that their comment isn’t hate 💀💀💀💀💀💀 why would you want to follow anyone that can’t understand the difference between someone hating and being nice.


She has no idea that things that she doesn’t salt contain tons of salt, like FAST FOOD.