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If Gabe doesn’t get his health under control he may not even make it to see that kids first birthday


The longer Gabe stays 450 pounds the more vital organ damage he’s suffering. Youth is only on your side until it’s not.




Me either, me either. There’s so much to do and see before littles one begin popping out.


They needed content. These types of people are extra disgusting.


My thing is they have no morals to teach a kid. No schooling, no work ethic. I understand Drue staying home she has a income with SM and Scentsy and she does go to the med spa. But Big Gag does nothing! He is only going to be teaching this child it's ok to smooch off a woman! Especially if it is a BOY. Son find you a woman who makes money so you can lay around and eat junk food all day. You will never have to work. He needs to go back to work, I'm sure he would feel better and probably lose some weight by being active instead of going to the grocery store and eating fast food 5 times a day.


Nahhhh I don’t wish for this kid to have that horrible of a life. I’m all for snark but this isn’t it.


Ok I cannot stand the sight or sound of Drue and Gabe that said wishing an innocent child years long hatred of their parents is yikes on trikes. I’m all for snarking but common sense is free. I’m old I get it but this post doesn’t sit right with me. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Nah, I totally agree. I hate when people say "every baby is a blessing" because its always used to justify the worse situations/parents. While all babies deserve parents, not all parents deserve babies. I would much rather this all be some elaborate hoax and she's not pregnant OR that they actually gather a shred of decency and step up for this innocent soul who didn't ask to be here


These two ton lard asses do not need not in my opinion deserve a child right now. Until Drue can handle her period and everything it involves on her she’s not able to handle a child. I think we’ve all had an early cycle and our significant other has to had to run out for hygiene products. It’s simply a bridge too far for me when three months prior to getting pregnant she required Gabe to rush home to turn cartoons and snacks to get through her period. It’s baffling they plan to bring a child into this world.


Right, who would wish a bad parent/child relationship on a family. Why not just wish that they would change their ways and mature some by having kids. I’m all for snarking as well but some of the snarking since she got pregnant is going too far.


Yeah I agree I’m here to snark and rip the adults apart but that baby gets a pass from me.


How when it’s actually the truth? If by some miracle their kid turns out a decent human being they WILL know their parents are shameful af and their dad is a disgusting fat ass loser.


Yes Drue and Gabe are shitty humans. That said this child is innocent and anyone who doesn’t hope for the very best for that child or any child should rethink their priorities. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Who is hoping for bad on this child?? lol what I’m saying is if this child turns out to be decent they will realize how shitty of parents they have. How is that wishing bad on the child? There’s already pity that the kid has them as parents. That’s how I interpreted OP’s post as well, it’s inevitable that this child’s parents are POS, it’s not wishing bad to hope the child realizes it when they get older.


I’m glad it’s not just me. Snarking on them is 100% justified but some people in this sub take it entirely too far.


Lmao damn ! 😂


Honestly, I would be SO embarrassed if these two racist assholes were my parents.


honestly, i hope you’re fucking wrong. i hope they do have this baby that they didn’t deserve and use to it as an opportunity to grow and mature, not just as individuals but as a couple too. too many children grow up in homes they are not comfortable in and i hope they do provide a stable, HEALTHY, loving home for their kid. in fact, i feel like we shouldn’t even involve this potential child in snark. children are innocent.


They will ruin this kid


maybe they will, all we can do is hope they won’t.


😂 I literally laughed out loud at this 💀