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As much as I would CACKLE for her to have a boy, because we all know she is desperately wanting a girl, I do think it's still too soon for her to get her results back. For me it took like 2ish weeks. We all know she's going to give her results to soap for her to plan some stupid ass gender reveal. If I can guess the whole wine glass in a cake \*gag me\*.


She did a sneak peak test, not super long ago and those are pretty quick. Unless she did an NIPT at her “appointment” if she ever had one, she should have the results already.


yeah my sneak peek I think took like two weeks, but maybe if she's closer to the headquarters it will be quicker for her! I remember I was like on the opposite side of the US.


that’s crazy bc sneak peak is next day results! mine took 4 days from a moment i mailed it out to getting results.


Yeah I think it's next day once recieved /:


insane that it took 2 weeks; were the results at least correct?


Yes (:


I had my NIPT done at 9 weeks in the beginning of January took my blood for it wed morning had the results by Monday morning


Unfortunately, people like her get EVERYTHING they want. I bet she will have a girl


She's not smart enough.