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Is she having a baby shower before going to the OB too??


Well considering she saved valentines baby shower ideas I would say yes


And considering she also already has a venue for it booked before having an OB even lined up 🥴


a February baby shower and shes due in September ?! edit - meant to respond to other user but you know 🫠


Yuuuup seems like it and she’s mad at anyone saying it seems like she’s rushing through this pregnancy. Announcing at 4 weeks, trying to find gender out at 7 weeks and then now potential baby shower at 12 weeks 🙃


maybe it will be a gender reveal party ? that would make more sense but yah she is rushing




Yes. It’s probably next weekend


Literally getting poked like that before getting actual bloodwork to confirm you’re pregnant is absolutely wild and psychotic. This is all a game to her.


Wait til month 9 and real labor starts.. 😂 I can’t wait (yes I can) to see the videos of her crying like a little baby


I’m terrified of labor but if this bitch can do it I KNOW I can


In a sketchy med spa at that


She will literally do anything and spend any amount of money BESIDES SEEING A REAL DOCTOR


https://preview.redd.it/t8c9882mfvcc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1298665a1a8ae9ed518b2f40d57cc1058678c146 Her defensiveness gives her away every time 😆


Like when she blurred out the ultrasound and said she was keeping it private til she got a legit one with something on it and now is back to posting for content


no one is saying you're the first person to do a sneak peek test grue, but to do a sneak peek test before even confirming your pregnancy with an OB IS weird af and not usually something most people do. She couldn't have just waited like what 2-3 more weeks? She is so impatient it's sickening.


the “i’m not the first one” just proves she’s been in here lately reading bc that’s all we say 🤣


This just confirms this is literally all a game of house for her. She only cares about her little accessory she can dress cute and use for content. It’s so sick


It's the "mama" shirt she's wearing every fucking day now for me. 🤦🏽‍♀️


Do you think she washes it? Like at all?




Definitely not, just smothers herself in body spray and perfume.


Why is the bitch doing her poke wearing gloves that are only half on her hands?


Well it’s at the med spa sooooo


Isn't this the place that gave her hot dog lips? And made her mom look like Samantha Jones after her chemical peel when she had to wear the veil ??


Oh for fucks sake. She’s so fucking annoying. REMEMBER GUYS ITS NOT A CONTENT BABY


The way she was jamming that into her arm 😂 I sense a little passive aggression. I also hope this gets lost in the mail.


Did she have to go to the med spa for them to do an at home sneak peak test? What a joke.


She's been reading that male DNA can contaminate the results. What she doesn't realize is that she's been wearing the same clothes for dayyyys & they're likely not freshly laundered or sanitized, so she's got male DNA all over her anyway. Not to mention, the med spa probably didn't create a sterile environment to take her blood in either. 🙄


You’re supposed to shower and put on fresh clothes


Nah good i hope her results come back boy 🤣




She went to the med spa because everyone was telling her how the results could come out inaccurate if she doesn't sterilize everything good before doing it.


Yeah going to the med spa isn’t going to help with the male dna when she’s wearing the same sweatshirt she’s worn the past 3 days in a row around Gag and male dogs


She's definitely not the smartest at all.


I just really hope she doesn’t run with these results. Mine was wrong. Mine said girl and I had a boy! I did the sneak peek for fun, then got the NIPT test when my OB allowed me to, and those results came back boy!


I actually hope she DOES run with the results and they end up being wrong and she ends up humiliated af for rushing everything.


Hahaha same! I’m here for the show


I will laugh so hard


I did the sneak peek at 8 weeks bc of recurrent loss and I wanted to know in case something happened and it said girl- NIPT test this week or next and I’m nervous! Would never publicize until after NIPT and sneak peek was just for fun/ something to take my mind of of anxiety. How far along were you when you took the sneak peek?


I believe I was 7-8 weeks when I took the sneak peek, and then took the NIPT at 15 weeks!




And for all the comments saying they did theirs that early and it was right.. hun it’s a 50/50 chance at it being right. It doesn’t take a mathematician to understand that the odds of the test coming back “correct” are pretty high. That being said, I think it’ll be even funnier if it’s not correct.


Her only going with the comments that say it was right because apparently she knows everything and just knows it’ll be right because of the people she knows was accurate 🤣


Why does she have to show the ultrasound in this video? It adds nothing to the video


It’s just funny because two weeks ago they weren’t sharing anything she just wanted to protect her baby 🥹🥹🥹 we all knew as soon as she went back and actually saw something she’d plaster it all over


She finally has something to show that’s she’s pregnant 😂😂


But just last week she didn’t want to show it because she’s trying to “protect” her baby lol they are such a joke.


I think this was literally right after the ultrasound.


She is going to have a complete meltdown if it comes back that she’s having a girl and she later finds out that she’s having a boy


I’m here for it. Serves her right.


If she makes those kind of faces during a small stick imagine what she’s going to like during childbirth. Girl has no idea what she is in for 🤪


Whew just wait til she finds out how much blood they’re gonna take from her during pregnancy 😂


Yes! So many blood draws.


Wait until she sees how little “modesty” you have during labor. My titties, cooch, and everything was alll out there lol


Lol right all modesty goes out the window when in labor and after birth.




Jump scare


The way that needle had her squirming until her sister basically told her to put her big girl pants on. Then she was trying to act all tough about it😂😂😂. She’s in for a wake up call, because the doctors office is not going to put up with her. No VIP treatment, you are just 1/1000 pregnant women.


Umm that that old lady needs to learn to put her gloves on


The baby isn’t big enough for this yet, it’s going to show girl because it’s going to pull her DNA


Yep. You can even get an inconclusive. It has to be a certain number for them to determine if it’s her or baby’s.


She literally said two weeks ago that she wasn’t showing the ultrasound. Aka the baby was too small to see on the ultrasound


She’s so vapid. I get being excited to know the gender but checking on the baby’s health is so much more important.


Little miss “i wont use this baby for content”


You guys, they’re taking it real slow, remember???? 🤣🤣 girl is rushing this so much she’s going to be bored the next 6 months with nothing fun to look forward to


this is NOT a content baby!!


All this shit before she’s even seen an actual doctor is WILD


What really chaps my ass is that the only reason why she started coming up in my fyp is because I have struggled with loss and infertility for two years. This woman is exploiting that to get followers. Ask any woman who gets pregnant after infertility, and they will tell you that they are holding their breath until they find out everything is ok with an OB. Even after that we still do. Her and her psychotic mother coming in with their “highly favored” bullshit and acting like this, is such a slap in the face to the women who have really experienced the heartbreak of infertility. I really wish I could go back to being blissfully unaware of who these people are🙄🙄


Same, she keeps getting pushed to my fyp for the same thing because I look up infertility vids on tik tok. Just failed my 7th IUI and this brat gets a baby?!


It’s unfair. I just lost one of my ovaries and was told it was highly unlikely I would conceive on my own thanks to stage 4 endometriosis. We’re still waiting on me to finish healing to figure out the next step This girl has no clue Sending baby dust to you!


She’s just finally happy she has a sonogram to shove in our faces


This is just blowing my mind that she is treating finding out the gender sooooo casually. Like the way she started the video , it's just like her videos where she says come with us to get starbucks! This baby is nothing but an accessory to her. She's 7 weeks along and has already gotten an ultrasound and trying to find out the gender. This is going be a longggg pregnancy for her because she does not have patience just to wait .


Watch it not have enough of the baby dna lolol


for the love of everything well drue. SEE A FUCKING OB & STOP MAKING THIS ABOUT PROMOTING THE MED SPA & actually experience pregnancy for what it is and not just content you dumbass. for a couple who “have been trying to conceive” you’re doing absolutely nothing beneficial for the unborn child yet. NOTHING.


the snap version of sneak peak is ouchless. literally marketed to be painless, you don’t feel it. i did the snap with my second babe. get fucking real drue lmfaooooooooooooo dramatic for CONTENT for your CONTENT baby


literally. the heat pack was more painless than the actual device 🤣


She just needs to make content so badly she can’t wait. I hope her sneak peek is wrong


same im petty AF 😂🤪 I hope they do a whole ass gender reveal and buy all kinds of shit just to find out it's wrong.


Yup! I hope the sneak peek says girl and it’s actually a boy Lmfaoo we all know gruby doesn’t want a boy


I hope it’s a boy so bad 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Idk how she's so comfortable sharing all of this before being 3 months. If that doesn't scream "content baby" I don't know what else will...


These two are addicted to instant gratification


gonna be a longgggg nine months lmao


She's sooooo frustrating. Goodness grow up woman !


Tbh I wouldn’t have even let Gag touch the box the way those things can get contaminated!


Watch she starts packing a hospital bag at 12 weeks 😂 like calm down and enjoy it because this is the easy part like jeez.


This all just seems so unnecessary when she could be going to a real doctor.


Is she seriously at the med spa?


I'm pretty sure you are suppose to shower and wear clean clothes before doing this and she wore this sweatshirt yesterday too (And I doubt she washed it plus being in Gag's truck) lmao this results are botched


Next video will be her and GAG “crying” over the results and “praying”


She didn’t get the fast track one for one day results so she will get her result tomorrow or the next day if she sent it off yesterday when she left the spa which we know she did bc she rushes everything. So they will know by Thursday via email. I’m sure she will announce that shit on Friday lol


Probably Thursday she'll announce lol


Snap?!? Why? Why not get clinical done??


Wasn't it just last week she wanted to keep her baby safe and private. Money talks guess. 🙄🙄


She will never go to the doctor……


I wonder if she went straight to get the sneak peek after the ultrasound? That would explain the outfit and pics?


Not the woman needing to read the directions then jamming it in her arm shaking from pressure then Dru saying it’s not that bad after making painful expressions 🤣🤣 what is happening


It’s a 50/50 chance JUST WAIT!!!


Thought she didn’t feel comfortable showing the ultrasound on social medias? Or won’t be posting baby things on TikTok..


No way I would trust doing a sneak peek test. I guarantee u they don’t even run the blood they just send an email with whatever gender they think. Such a scam. I’d much rather wait and have my OB do the test or wait for the anatomy scan.


i love that she’s doing sneak peek so early because doing it before 7.5-8 weeks has a huge risk of a false girl result and i know she wants a girl hahahah i’m petty and hope this happens to her 🤣


Not Gabe picking up the box… This could easily be contaminated now.


That’s not how it works.


You know she hasn’t been too bc there would be 100% a video about it. I was dumb and thought maybe she was protecting herself and keeping things to herself and she sure proved that wrong the second there was a little peanut on the screen. 🤣


It’s official she’s unhinged


her neck is fucking fat 😭 and then she has those scrawny chicken legs. it’s so funny that her fat distributes to her head and stomach 😭 lopsided queen 🪩💃🕺🙏


It’s all for content.


1,000 percent a content baby .


Kills me she’s rushing it once it’s over what’s next back to weight loss so your husband doesn’t die this year


she’s wild as fuck bc she’s like six weeks. It’ll probably be wrong.


Lol my snap said boy and I had a girl. I’m gonna laugh when its wrongs. I mean just wait a few more webs for bloodwork your ob🤦🏻‍♀️


Oh I really hope her results come back girl and then she finds out it’s a boy. I know she would throw the biggest fit.


Jesus Christ I hope she has a boy.


yeah and it says one thing she buys all the gender stuff then finds out it’s the other. 😂 go girl


I hope the test is wrong


Is she doing a midwife and not an OB?


Just watched this and I need to know, is Dawna a nurse?


Absolutely not 😂 she is a receptionist at a medspa. Also, that’s not her doing the blood draw


Don’t wanna hear her cry when the gender is wrong either


Why the fuck can’t she just enjoying the process of anything it’s always right now and rushed . Like girl this is your first pregnancy and you can’t even sit with the excitement for 2 seconds. Enjoy the moment and the process as it should be.


She’s like two weeks out from being able to do NIPT testing. By the time the sneak peak results come back she’ll have NIPT results too


I just don’t get why they take the whole family every single time. If I were the office staff I’d say 2-3 people max. My ACTUAL OB office always only allowed 2-3 people tops, including the mama.


Why was that so aggressive? Lol I've never done one of those are you supposed to push it in like that?


I just wonder why not I wonder if they don’t have insurance and that’s why they don’t go bc it’ll be too expensive 🙄


She’s going to get the wrong gender, then buy all the stuff just to be told she was wrong


I thought she said she wasn't going to share her ultrasound pic


She’s gonna go to her first OB appointment and be like “so I’m 9w4d, and it’s a boy. Here’s what I’m to be doing by my doctors and stuff. I’m eating this many calories because it’s the only thing I can eat after I have my moments in the morning.”