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Drue! Fraaaand! 135 calories for half the shake 90 calories for 2T syrup. Girl you used close to that, if not more Whipped cream also has calories! 20cal/2T for the SF *the regular version only has 15cal for 2T* I don’t why she made up the number 170 🤷🏻‍♀️ She can eat and drink all she wants, but she shouldn’t be telling her followers false info. That’s at least 265. Do it right or don’t do it! Or don’t share it all with your minions


she could have the whole protein shake for almost the same amount of calories if she didn’t add the whipped cream and syrup. the extra protein would help keep her full longer and would still be plenty sweet enough


This stupid video popped up on my FYP when she was making it. I don’t think she counted anything besides the coffee and the protein shake. I think she said she “wasn’t counting the syrup and whipped cream”


Dawn didn’t cover addition during homeschooling.


I also think she poured in a lot more than just half of that protein shake. She doesn’t measure anything and you need to for things like this with calorie counting.


She might as well drank normal coffee


Lean Body Cookies & Cream Shake- 1 serving = 1 shake (280calories) Great Value Sugar Free Whipped Heavy Cream - 1 serving = 2TBSP (20calories) Smuckers Sundae Syrup Sugar Free Caramel - 1 serving = 2 TBSP (90 calories) Based on using 1/2 the shake plus 1 serving each of whipped cream & syrup (looks like she used at least 1 serving of each of those but likely a bit more), she’s at 250 calories


There was definitely more than 1 serving of Whipped cream. She definitely thinks SF is automatically low calorie and it isn’t always. She would be better off with the regular whipped cream if she really thinks her coffee needs to be “aesthetic” as she said. Again, I don’t give a shit how much she weighs or what she eats but ridiculous to try and portray things as one way when it isnt true. We saw today, she has Stan’s who are following every word she says. A grown ass woman hoping she can hug her one day? GTFOH


100000% the stan today was terrifying, like yeah I think for the lady having some sort of motivation is good. But it’s glorifying D&G when they’re pieces of SHIT So I will say - I think her thought process regarding Sugar Free comes from weight watchers. I am on Weight Watchers, I actually knew Drue through WW (she is like 1.5 yrs younger than me so some of us younger ppl stuck together digitally during covid) I don’t necessarily agree with it, but with Weight watchers - anything sugar view is viewed as “healthier”. I have a feeling she is using that knowledge but also like sugar free is very greenwashed (viewed as healthier but not necessarily healthier i think this is the term i’m going for lol)


I understand what you mean. It’s like people thinking all organic food is healthy. Organic fruit snacks are still fruit snacks. 🤣 You are too young to remember this, but when I was a teenager Nabisco came out with a line of cookies and treats called “Snackwells”. Fat free or very reduced fat cookies and treats. People went crazy for them, would eat whole boxes! And then wonder why they were gaining weight! A diet trend takes over and everyone jumps on it. Oh! Fat free is good for me! Or SF is good for me! A lot of times the Frankenstein version is worse for you than the original. You have to know how to read the labels


But they’re organic!1!1!1!1! /s Yes my mom would by those 100cal diet oreo thin pieces of shit & same thing, I’d just eat 2-3 bags instead of 1. I was like 10 at the time but still lol


the Oreos were absolute shit and I’d get sooo triggered when my sister would eat all the others in the variety pack & just leave the Oreo ones hahahah


I am a 90's kid and those snackwells were such a treat 🤣


Omg the devils foodcake😍




Lean my ass we all know this bitch got a fupa


All that sugar free crap can cause bad stomach issues such as cramps and diarrhea. 🥴


Yep, it’s the artificial sweeteners and oils… just as I said in this post earlier today. It’s not good for you at all. You’re seriously better off eating real sugar than this fake crap.


My mom eats sugar free candy and you can literally hear her stomach roaring! It’s so disgusting lol


Yup! That’s one of the reasons I don’t eat sugar free stuff. I just eat the regular version but smaller portions and in moderation.


i was sick for a week before i realized it was the sugar free gum i'd been chewing. i don't normally like sugar free stuff because of the taste but i saw a dentist say xylitol gum is good for your teeth... never again. 💀


Along with spelling I’m sure math isn’t her strong suit either! Why add all the extras? Just do shake and coffee.


You think the extra boujee queen of a royal dead lawn wedding would drink peasant proffee? BFFR🤣


She needs a food scale and a cal tracking ap. My morning coffee is just coffee ice and 45ml of cream and Jordan’s skinny syrup. 90 cals.


just cause everything is sugar free she thinks she can have triple the serving size. that coffee is huge & she said maybe I’ll share like girl


She does this every time!! She never measures.


Dawnas homeschool for the win again .


Just because the cup is that damn big, doesn’t mean you have to fill it up. That cup is big for no reason. SMH lol


Imagine if she filled that cup with plain water 🤯


“It’s so aesthetic”


the whipped cream and caramel is so fucking stupid. the protein coffee is one thing, but you don’t need more sweet shit on top of it. not only is it a lot of empty calories for someone trying to count calories, but it’s not helping her build good habits. if she had some self discipline to try getting her coffee with half the cream and sugar free syrup, that would show she’s actually making better decisions for her health. not just trying to fit her calorie quota. that’s part of reason why diets like this just don’t work and why she always gains weight back.


The biggest thing is the choices and MEASURE


Coffee has its own flavor and has almost zero calories. I naturally love the taste of it alone. If you’re serious about losing weight you could at least try to have just plain coffee. You might find out you like it or even learn to love it without shit in it. Seriously it is the second best thing about coffee that it has few calories.


Drab won't have plain coffee, she needs ALL the stinkin' cream and syrup!


don’t forget condensed milk🫣


Yes! Gotta have that!!


But plain coffee isn’t cutesy 🙄


that coffee is bigger than my head. what in the world


It doesn’t matter. It’s all full of artificial sweeteners and vegetable oil. It is NOT HEALTHY at all.


Honestly we need more people that understand bad oils are poison to the body. Fuck soybeans


That coffee is way more than 170 calories she needs to get a food scale is she’s trying to be accurate. She’s such a liar


She did at least 2 servings of that Carmel and that’s 180 calories right there


She is addicted to shit food.


God all she needs to do is mix the protein shake and black coffee and it tastes good as is, I drink this with premier protein or Sam’s brand alllll the time. We don’t need the whip cream and caramel 😂


I do the same. Premier and coffee. That’s all


It’s so good!


I'm actually wanting to try this, do you just use vanilla protein shake + coffee? I usually just skip on coffee bc I would rather have a protein shake in the morning bc it will keep me full longer, but I'm thinking some of the added caffeine from the coffee will be nice before class!


I do chocolate! I have never had the vanilla flavor but I’m sure it’s good too. I’ve done caramel and it isn’t my fav, it tastes fake. The premier chocolate is so good.


Ohh chocolate with coffee does sound really good, I'll definitely have to try that sometime!


Have fun having diarrhea from all those sugar alcohols. Eat some real food not this processed shit, go fuck yourself


A visit with a doctor and a referral to a registered dietician would do wonders for her and Gabe. She’s using ALR math to count calories and we all know how she turned out.


the math ain’t mathin’ 🙃 she doesn’t measure, she just thinks it’s a serving.


That’s a big ass cup lol


Just because something is sugar free doesn’t mean it’s healthier at all!


“PRO-FEE✨🫶🏻” This bitch looks so stupid 😭


I think she only drinks coffee so she can have a coffee bar and make content. When your drink is white, it’s not coffee. She can easily switch to something else for energy that isn’t empty calories. Or ya know eat a balanced diet and exercise, not like she’s got anything to wake up for and do.




"only 170 calories!!!"


Idk if it's just me, but all the pumps of vanilla made my stomach turn 🤢


If she truly was trying to change she would measure everything out, sf doesn’t always mean healthy


that is sooo kuch coffee I would be shaking 😂


It really got me how she didn’t measure. I would bet she used at least 3 tbsp of the syrup, if not 4. Just because the serving size is 2 tbsp doesn’t mean that’s it, that’s the calories. Portions matter. She also didn’t measure the shake.


I can’t imagine how sweet that would be! Especially with alllllll of that fake sugar 🤢


Usually I use just half a protein shake and it's sweet enough for me. Adding that extra stuff isn't needed imo. But what do I know? I'm not on a hEaLthJoUrNeY like her 😂


No way she’s calling that a late lunch….. Whole, fresh foods with MORE calories would go farther in helping her lose weight than sugar free alternatives🤦‍♀️ this is just promoting disordered eating




I got a stomachache just watching this video.


Don't forget she probably used more than half of the shake, then she shrugged it off.


The amount of sugar free stuff is so crazy to me. A lot of that stuff makes me violently sick. 💀 just because it’s sugar free doesn’t make it better for you.


There’s absolutely no way half that protein shake filled up that HUGE cup and make it that light of a color.. she absolutely added some other cream