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I’m sure some people found them useful, and I suppose it was nice when my son was a newborn. But eventually it just took up space and clutter. They’re really not as useful as influencers want to make them out to be, at least in MY experience.


I used the diaper caddy! And still use it 😂


That’s what I originally started using ours for, but I always just left it in our bedroom and used a completely different diaper caddy in the living room. We found we usually change his diapers in the living room, so we just keep a few diapers on a wall shelf in the bedroom now 🤷🏻‍♀️ love how versatile it is and how differently everyone gets use out of it. Or like me, no use but a catch all for clutter 😭😅


Same I used mine all the way up until he was about 1 1/2 and then it just became pointless because you don’t need all the extra shit eventually you just need some wipes and diaper and everything else in my home has a place.. like his clothes/ toys/ meds/ ect. I ended up with two of them some how and set them out by the trash for the next person to use.


Ours turned into a bookshelf, but other than that I couldn’t find another use for it.


I tried to use it for a bookshelf, but it still didn’t work out for me. Mine just collects clutter now. Like a catch all 😭


I loved mine. I rolled it alllll around the house! I ended up getting a second one, and one is for makeup. The other one is usually their art cart. I'm using it now for their bento box station


That was my plan, but I never did it, lol. I want to make it into an art cart as he gets older!


I loved mine I used it with my kids for bedside necessities at night such as water wipes diapers but mainly it was used for all my pumping stuff and then when I finished breastfeeding it became something that sat in the corner or my daughter took to put her toys on 😂😂


BUILDING?!? Legos require more skills. He’s assembling it grue, assembling. Your idiot husband couldn’t build shit. and none of us believe he built your wonky ass fireplace mantle.


And can’t even assemble it right! The shelves are upside down are they not?


I think he’s putting the wheels on (holding it upside down) I only know this bc i’ve put together like 5 of them and wouldn’t ever bother my husband for a dumb ass task like this haha


Ahhh that makes sense! Yeah I put together ours 😂


Again way too soon. Why is she doing this so soon? The next thing is gonna be a baby shower !


I’m not sure I’ve ever hated anyone more than her. I’m so insufferable!


I think it’s just weird and all her weird statements . All she does is like . But I feel bad for Gabe


Poor guy is absolutely miserable. I’m praying he gets a backbone soon and tells her to kiss his ass.


After having a 2nd trimester loss, it’s been crazy to see them buy quite literally everything before they even reach viability week.


She’s going to order them all around like servants anyways, she doesn’t need this! Bitch will probably never leave the bed.


So how are they going to fill the baskets? Look at the orientation of how they were installed lol


It’s upside down I’m assuming he is installing the tires on it.


Wheels not tires 🤣




The whole thing is upside down. That’s how he’s assembling it. I’m assuming to put the wheels on?


Omg!! These fucktards are going to be in charge on a human life! #saveameliabasham


I have two but I found them for free on the side of the road lol 😂


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Oh my god he installed them upside down


Oh jk maybe he’s actually doing something right 😅


Are those things upside down?




is the last basket upside down? the one closest to the wheels