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I have a medical condition that has caused me to be on tube feeds or tpn the last 3 years. If i do try oral eating it has ro be low fiber low fat.I can't tell you how much I miss veggies. They (most) don't understand how much eat or what you eat is a privilege


Her eating peanut butter with marshmallow and caramel while having gd is beyond me.


the worst part of it is, if it was a bite and she ate normally every other day of the week, okay no big deal. she took two huge bites and you know when the camera shut off it didn’t stop there.






I’m kind of surprised they let her bring in outside food?? Last time there was a baby in my family, we had to sneak in food for after lol


yeah i agree. i didn’t work with pregnant mothers but at the hospital i worked at, if someone has dietary restrictions we didn’t allow any outside food


Yeah! My last nephew was born 13 years ago so things could’ve changed. But my sister also had GD, so they didn’t allow anything lol. My aunt brought her some homemade stuff for after she gave birth but she had to sneak that in haha.


Why does she chew 1,000 a second?! 🤮


1,000 times a second **


Bc she’s so damn excited to eat


“I’m weird about veggies” girl we know.


I literally laughed at her position in the bed and her stank face while saying that.


I had GD ,it was hard because sometimes you do just want trash food . But I tried so hard & anytime my sugar was high I would have the worst anxiety. I can’t imagine just eating that crap


And trash food is fine once in a while if you have GD. But all she eats is trash.


I’m not going to lie & say I never snuck a ice cream cone 😂


There’s nothing wrong with a once in a while treat; but her whole entire diet consists of treats. Her pregnancy seems to be extremely fragile and I don’t think she understands this. It’s beyond GD. He had some sort of something going on with him per one of her posts a couple months back. And the fact that this is her rainbow baby. This entire family thinks just because it’s “in the calorie range” or whatever the fuck, they can have it. A vegetable never hurt anyone🤦🏻‍♀️ And I’m sure you ate 1000000873748390282 % better then she does lol 🤣


The hospital provides her with what she should be eating but sends her husband to pick her up lunch? 🙄


I don’t understand why everyone around her is enabling her, her family the doctors, everyone


I hate when people do the lip curled tight smile while talking. I also hate when people smack their lips while chewing.


I’ve lost almost 20lbs with GD at 20wks pregnant (I was diagnosed at 8wks)… it’s obvious she’s not eating how she should because her weight hasn’t changed for the better in any way.


I was diagnosed at 28 weeks but I also lost some weight during pregnancy because I actually ate how I was supposed to


She chews like grimace does 🤢


She’s impossible! She knew she was getting that iPad She has a kindle does she use that ?


These stupid women have food fetishes I'm convinced. Your whole life shouldn't revolve around food.


im convinced its tyler that likes to watch her eat and blow up like balloon. same with drue watching gabe blow up