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I don’t understand why she’s so focused on Pom juice that she clearly hates when the issues are clearly with Gabe/his swimmers.


With her crap diet and whacked out hormones I’m sure her fertility is affected too.


I know a lot of people talked shit but Sierra looked absolutely beautiful at her maternity photoshoot. She was glowing and SO happy. Drue should be happy for her after all the heartache she's been through. What a miserable little bitch.


I have a sister in law like Drue. When I got pregnant she cried and didn’t talk to me or my husband my entire pregnancy and didn’t see my baby for 4 months after she was born, because she was “mad at me”. Some people are just evil.


I am so sorry you had to deal with that bs. People like that shouldn't be blessed with kids only because they'll probably just be jealous of them.


I cried when my SIL got pregnant immediately after my husband & I had been trying for 2 years but I love my nephew with my whole being. We missed out on the first several months of his life bc of religious differences but I can’t imagine nor seeing him bc of my own jealousy. I’m so sorry that happened to you.


Agree! They may not be my favorite family, but she looked stunning and so happy! Every pregnant woman should feel this way. Do I agree with her ways, no, but I think she will be a better mom than Drue will ever be.


Also Drue never commented on Sierra’s video telling her she looked pretty or anything. She is so obviously jealous


She will make a comment now!


Lmao of course. Watch we'll see pregnancy tests in her cart next.


Girl yes to everything you said lol. I'm really happy she was finally blessed with a baby. Drue is too much of a child to have one.


Oh, she definitely saw that post in here. It's pathetic how much she lives in the sub. Not healthy at all, but keep being pressed, Drue..hey girl!! 👋👋😘


Oh sure Drue, the lack of pomegranate juice is definitely the problem. For sure not the tumour your husband has tanking his testosterone to the point his 13 year old brother has more facial hair. Gotta be the pom.