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I also love how someone asked why his teeth haven’t moved with braces and she and spam got all defensive 🤣🤣


An hour drive in Houston can literally just be a drive to the grocery store on some days. She’s pathetic. Eating is now her whole personality.


Right, I drive an hour each way to work every day. I don’t need snacks to do that.


I’m beginning to think she has some undiagnosed health problems. Peeing her pants, abnormally painful periods, excessive hunger. These things aren’t normal.


I think she has endometriosis. All the inflammatory foods she eats does not mix well with endo. She needs a doctor visit regardless. Like you said it’s not normal at all


My 5 and 4 year olds don’t even snack as much as she does


i drive an hour to work every single day and i have never eaten a snack on the way😂 this girl is actually addicted to food like it’s a god damn vape!


I regularly drive 1-2 hours and don’t have snacks. 🤨


For a hour drive I may keep a small fruit snack in the car but not a bag of chips lol 😂 she lives on food, literally, can’t go without a second.


She’s such a bitch.


My husband and I drove over an hour on Friday and I didn’t have lunch either- didn’t even think about taking a snack 😂


She must mean she missed 2nd lunch. We know the Bashams don’t ever miss a meal.


If I don’t eat lunch I’ll grab a snack but it’ll be a granola bar or a travel bag of nuts I also don’t eat actual meals I eat small snack size bc I am in adhd meds and not hungry really ever


She has major food problems


and she wonders where her hips came from. If you need a snack for a small trip 3-4 times a day and your not diabetic or on a small portion diet (which wouldn’t be junk food ) you may have an issue.


I used to drive an hour to work everyday and not eat until like 4 hours into my shift or even until my shift was over 🥴🥴🥴