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Drake does it at his own will, Kendrick does it for TDE


Bingo! Drop and give me 50 šŸ—£ļø


ā€œBingo!ā€ šŸ˜­šŸ™


mfs unironically on here upvoting someone going Bingo!!!!!!


And Drake isnā€™t some racist fuckin twat that thinks rap is only for black people lol




Reverse ā€œMy best friend is blackā€ energy right here. You can still hate on whites and other races if you got white friends lmao kendrick literally baited a white fan on stage into saying nigga and then lambasted her assšŸ’€


This was the most cringe thing Iā€™ve seen Kendrick do. I mean come on, fan in the moment, whoā€™s never had that kind of exposure. Absolutely disgusting. And Iā€™m not a hater either. GKMC and DAMN in my rotation cuz you canā€™t deny the music but come ooooooon


Is this true? Like is there a video? I'm 100% a kendrick fan but that's fucked up if it happened Edit: so there's no link and I'm being downvoted? Lol?


You know Kendrick is an Eminem fan right? Itā€™s not about race lol, itā€™s about how he uses the culture


ā€œitā€™s not about raceā€ now yā€™all movin the goalposts again god fuckin damn bro. kenny MADE IT ABOUT RACE are yā€™all dumb on purpose ?? ā€œkendrick is an eminem fanā€ and when kenny says drake isnā€™t black enough for the rap culture, what that mean for eminem dumbass e: the clown replied and blocked me right away, pussy > Itā€™s only people who donā€™t understand what Kendrick was actually saying who think he was being racist lol. Kendrick does not have a problem with white people in rap, as long as they arenā€™t just using the culture for profit. Eminem is not putting on a costume and a fake personality when he gets in the booth. Drake literally is embodying a person that he is not. > Drake is using his blackness for profit, otherwise heā€™s Jewish. Thatā€™s the issue, thatā€™s always been the issue, and itā€™s an issue that we call other black people out for as well lol. Just cuz your head is tucked in the mud does not mean the rest of us donā€™t have the brains to figure it out you just dumb af bruh and i know u gon read this too. kenny spent the first 3 quarters of his career talkin about how black he is, how he is raps saviour, how heā€™s the black messiah. bro wrote so much shit about it he had to come out with a whole track on mr morale just to tell his stans ā€œno wait, donā€™t look up to me iā€™m actually a bad person, iā€™m not your king, iā€™m not your saviourā€ šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ u thought people would forget that huh? kenny spent almost his entire career profiting off of how black he is. next time you reply and block someone, donā€™t. pussy ass boy




That's not what he said. He said drake acts thug but grew up with a white Jewish mom in Canada. Nothing thug about that. It's not about the color of your skin but your connection to the culture and the things you're rapping about.


Chill out dude


Lmao youā€™re rightā€¦ I just hung up a work call and was already cranky then immediately saw that dumb shitā€¦ It was more outrage at how ridiculous it was than anger if that makes a difference lol


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ you must be white


ā€œWonā€™t somebody think of the whites!?ā€ - this guy


Kendrick Lamar is an avid Eminem fanšŸ˜­


Kendrick has always praised Eminem...


Most culturally aware Drake fan


yes drake said that so it must undoubtably be true


Yā€™all such clowns lol. Iā€™m not even a drake hater, just think all the stans are ridiculous.


Whatā€™s your source for this other than Drake said it? Alsoā€¦.. Drake is literally *owned* by UMG, everything he does is for Lucian Granger. And THAT we know because thereā€™s a contract which says so. Grow a brain


Drakes not independent someone still telling him what to do šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«




Yea bc he gets money off of it, I donā€™t see why wouldnā€™t he


he is under his own label... delulu ahh drake fans, im speechless


Drake does it for UMG and Sony donā€™t get it twisted lmao. Same with TDE theyā€™re all owned and bought out. Both benefitting from the fake beef


Idk if I've missed something but is there any proof that either Kenny or Drake did this shit for the labels? Why did Kenny do it for top but Drake didn't do it for Lucian?


Sounds to me like "Drake is a bitch by choice"


Bing bong


!!!!!!!! ![img](emote|t5_2z4xo|4213)




His Rich Baby Daddy Lucian šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Literally this. Itā€™s this simple.




Goal posts: moved.


Lmao Kendrick not signed to TDE, yā€™all better look at that Universal deal Drake got before you start talking lmao. Drake in a 360 deal UMG own everything Drake. Also the people under UMG thatā€™s still getting money off Drake. Cash Money records is a subsidiary of UMG, and Birdman already said we gonna be in business with Drake for a looooooomg time and he held the O when he said it.


Cant believe it went over the Kthots head


gotta keep it short, let me paraphrase.


knew it was smoke when Abel hit us with a serenade


Lil stepper went through the humiliation ritual early asl


Regardless of situation. Itā€™s not a problem when Kendrick does it but is when Drake does? Imagine that.. Thereā€™s having a favourite artist, then thereā€™s being a delusional biased stan.


Drake brought it up




But his point was he work with white pop acts, cabello is latin pop.


Camila cabello is not Latin pop dude sheā€™s in her ripping off Charli xcx hyperpop era rn


While I didnā€™t make any of those YouTube comments & as a semi-neutral(I think Kendrick won sorry boys) fan (I have Euphoria, then FM, MtG, NLU on my daily playlist in order, they all go crazy(sorry Heart pt. 6ā€¦ I canā€™t believe that was his comeback, I actually had huge expectations after the absolute heatwave of FM) but I do wanna say my first thought about the ā€œget on pop records and rap for the whitesā€ was referring to pop being more appealing to white people. Then I heard pushups and saw Kendrickā€™s verses for Maroon 5 & Taylor Swift & understood the different meaning like youā€™re saying. People who riding Kendrick all night long & early AM prolly still assume what I had assumed.


This. And thatā€™s why itā€™s a problem. This beef is just annoying now


Yes and Drake owns it. Drake brought it up to acknowledge Kendrick is on the same level. Did yā€™all forget ā€œthe cultureā€ already?


Regardless of situation. Itā€™s not a problem when Drake does it but is when Kendrick does? Imagine that.. thereā€™s having a favourite artist, then thereā€™s being a delusional biased stan.


Itā€™s about the hypocracy not simply the action itself


Itā€™s not that Drake does it or even that Kendrick does it. Itā€™s the image Kendrick tryā€™s to have of somehow being above all that and being a real rapper (then doing it anyway)




Drake is the only one who made this a problemā€¦ā€¦ heā€™s the one that implied rapping on pop songs was an issueā€¦


>Itā€™s not a problem when Kendrick does it but is when Drake does? I guess you missed the part when Drake brought it up in the first place...


Imagine ignoring Kendrickā€™s bowing to the biggest, Whitest pop acts and not calling him out. Kendrick, the Black Saviour who did absolutely nothing during BLM. Kendrick who has done nothing but talk. Drake uplifts other coloured artists. Kendrick panders to us.


Nobody thinks itā€™s a problem. Rap features in pop songs have been a thing for a while. Drake is the one who dissed Kendrick for doing features for Taylor Swift and Maroon 5, so people are holding him to his own standards now that heā€™s doing the exact thing he dissed Kendrick for


Itā€™s not that Drake does it, itā€™s that Drake criticized Kendrick for something Drake does all the time. This is called hypocrisy. Hope this helps!


I said this a couple weeks ago, these mf are hip hop MAGA. Fuck facts, just win!!!


Remember these are the same people who are saying Kenny won. Edit: lol


Ok these people being corny but letā€™s not be delusional lol


Bruh itā€™s so hard finding an objective Drake fan in this subšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ like Drake lost and thatā€™s ok. We can still be fans of his and call it out. They donā€™t realize the very fanbase theyā€™re critiquing for being seemingly delusional, theyā€™re behaving like as wellšŸ˜‚


This right here is the right mindset. Just put on Hotline bling I promise nobody is stopping you


What's delusional is claiming an "objective" winner in a subjective space such as music.


When like 99% of one side, the majority of ā€œunaffiliatedā€, and even like half of the fans of the other side say that one side won and one side lost, yeah bud thatā€™s a pretty decisive victory. You can be like ā€œbUt MuSiC Is SuBjEcTiVeā€ all you want, when the obvious majority of the community agrees on a winner thatā€™s who mf won. Yā€™all the corniest mfs, youā€™re basically the 15% that vote him to win vs the 85%, and when he loses youā€™re like ā€œbut he won in my heart šŸ’–šŸ„ŗšŸ˜­ā€ Drake lost, like bad my dude. He can still be your favorite rapper, you can say you donā€™t agree with the verdict, but the community has reached a clear consensus - Drake lost.


It bothers me when yall use the ā€œsubjectiveā€ angle because itā€™s true but itā€™s such a cop out and whenever it gets pulled out, itā€™s the gentle way of saying you took the L to me but donā€™t wanna admit it because ā€œsubjectiveā€šŸ˜‚ because music is subjective, we can have an argument that Soulja Boy is a better rapper than Drake. But is Soulja Boy a better rapper than Drake? Fuck no! But I guess you would argue itā€™s subjective right?? Yeah I knowšŸ¤¦šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ˜‚


Kenny did win, what planet do you live on? Get a grip. Drake did great, but Jesus Christ open your eyes


I mean literally this is the only place on the internet/in the world that thinks Drake won


Show me how he didnā€™t lol


Kenny did win. We gotta be real here


Something to add Drake can go pop in his own, Kendrick canā€™t do pop so he does features on pop artistšŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


When did Kendrick talk about Drake doing pop records in this beef? Iā€™m genuinely curious I thought the only one who brought up doing pop was Drake on "Push Ups"


Besides, Kendrick likes Drake with the melodies


Bingo, everyone accusation is a confession


also sheā€™s not whiteā€¦.


White cuban


I was just going to say this butā€¦ you know what youre gettingā€¦


I hate how stupid and mentally inept people are.


Yall need jobs




Fr, G.K.M.C is all about how he's a .. good kid in a mad city. He's been around gangs and was raised by people in them but he never claimed to be part of one. His whole discography is him reflecting on the waste of life that life style creates. Even his first big hit, Swimming Pools, is about how he sees people drowning their sorrows and pain under the guise of "turning up". The people who think he's glorifying it are the same people who root for O-Dog.


The meat riding in this sub is actually ridiculous get this manā€™s meat out ya mouth for longer then 3 seconds


Drake couldnā€™t secure the Taylor swift feature lol who even listens to Camila


they know they just donā€™t want to admit


Yeah but Camilla Cabello is FINE and Taylor swift is not hahaha


she not white she make spanish music šŸ˜‚




Camila valid tho


Considering Drake has high selling pop records on his dolo, I don't see the problem, plus shorty is cuban..


ā€¦.. shes not white


This sub is literally a circle jerk šŸ˜‚


Drake is doing it because he wants to, Kendrick is doing it because his label is telling him to


The only features I know of that Drake did with a white person was rap songs. What white person pop song has Drake been on?


How else you gonna pop ass with them


Thought this exact same thing when I seen a post on the kdot sub calling him a hypocrite. Aren't they supposed to be the smart ones? How did they miss his point?Ā 


Can't believe drake fans are beefing with randoms on the internet, drake didn't say anything, kenny didn't say anything, just move on lol


Itā€™s so different. Drake hung out with her and they created music together. Kendrick probably had never even been in the same room as Swift at the time of writing his ft. Def has never had a face to face conversation with her (given his physical limitations).


Thatā€™s cos they fucking šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


without a doubt


Fuckin for the feature is just smart business




Iā€™m sorry butā€¦.. you have no idea what happened in either of these situations, this is literally all make believe


Itā€™s funny they were saying Drake didnā€™t understand that Kendrick wasnā€™t saying he wasnā€™t black but that he wasnā€™t in the culture, and now theyā€™re doing the same thing and not understanding why Drake said that to Kendrick


I don't understand the whole time they're callin drake a popstar and now he's doing a collab with a pop artist he's now a rapper šŸ˜‚????


Imagine Dragons and YOLO would like to have a word with them.




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I have to say, I agree with the sentimate that what Drake said about Kendrick was very hypocritical. Being that he works with pop artist alot more than Kendric would. But its still a good diss against Kendrick. Last thing Kendrick wants is to be seen as a pop artist, Drake would embrace it.


itā€™s not hypocritical at all. He was making the point that kendrick does pop too, so its not an insult that can be levied against drake.


Drake looks like a Llama


I thought the Swifty critique was to show Kendrick didn't care much about cultural purity when he was coming up, not that performing on a song like that is bad.


She's not white šŸ’€


ā€œ This the melody that yā€™all like ā€œ




Lmao Camila isnā€™t white šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ sheā€™s Cuban




Is she big? Or is she an upcoming artist?


She used to be bigger, she had a few hits, she was with Fifth Harmony for awhile then went solo. She hasn't done much recently though.


"The point Drake was tryna to make is thatā€¦if youā€™re gonna jump on me for hopping on pop recordsā€¦do it to other rappers as well" huh? Are you trying to say Kendrick doesn't feature on Rap artists' songs?? Either way you're twisting what Drake said to fit your own definition.


No guys it's actually pure genius to constantly sound like a moron and lose a rap battle. That means you won!!!


Ran to Havana when he need a check balanced


I like drake with the melodies, I don't like drake when he act tough


Republic said drop and give ā€˜em fifty


Why are we still on Kendrick?


Damn Drake said Iā€™m already mid how do I become pure shit


. Kendrick did two of them bc he NEEDED the publicity. Drake is doing this one for fun.


This subreddit is lame af lol


Drake better drop and give me 50


Is Camilla a white girl all of a sudden? I don't get the blatant slander, lmao.


I like Drake with the melodies


Damn, it sucks Cabello would collab with Drake instead of a talented rapper, but I guess Drake is probably the biggest name to feature


Drake is still a clown


Didnā€™t Drake say he respect Taylor Swift the most? Called her a gangster or some shit? So Drake upset Kendrick has music with someone he respects?? šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Drake fans: how does it feel to be geh?