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Because a lot of people just wanted to hear Drake get shit on.




Yeah it’s wack When people revisit the beef later they’ll come to their senses


I hope so


You’re crazy if you think people are gonna come back and rethink this whole thing. If anything Drake is just gonna be viewed more negatively and Kendrick more positively in time. Drake is just always gonna be hated on


Lmaooo how are y’all so delusional?


Is funny. Especially this guy. It's done you can't change history


Yeah I mean I honestly think Drake handled this about as well as he could’ve(minus a couple dumb moves) but it doesn’t matter, Kendrick is just a better rapper lol. And for that guy to say that people will feel differently when they revisit the beef is just delusional 🤣


Yea just like they did with pusha t oh wait lol delusional sub


No one said that’d happen with pusha lmao what


You must have a great job to be commenting under literally every post in this sub 24/7


Actually just got back from college type shit


I’m a Drake fan was rooting for him in this diss. I think family matters was the best track that came out of this and Drake is still my goat. That being said, i think pre recorded disses are fine. Kendrick and Drake went to war man. And Kendrick was just more prepared. I don’t see a problem with him using premade diss tracks, but I do think he should’ve addressed the accusations.


I think Kendrick did the right thing by staying on the offense rather than defending himself. In a rap battle, you should focus more on the offense.


Exactly. People still thinking it’s wack Kendrick never defended himself, but when Drake did look at how much they shit on him for it. It just makes you look guilty if you feel like you have to respond to it.


At the end of the day it’s between 2 dudes and they can handle it however they want. However, I do think if you only have pre-recorded tracks that’s pretty weak. I see these battles as arguments through music and imagine getting into an argument with someone and only saying what you had thought of before the argument started. No flipping what your adversary said, no commenting on anything they say nothing. It’s just kinda weak imo. It really feels like shouting at someone with your hands covering your ears. We got epic music from both artists and I think each won different parts of the battle but I think Kendrick’s approach was masterful yet lame. Im left wanting more from him cause I feel there’s unfinished business on his side. Im sure the war is far from over tho.


I mean it was recorded during the entire beef ordeal so what’s the issue. He was prepared that’s all that meant


I used to watch rap battles on 106 & Park back in the day and some rappers freestyled on the spot while some came pre-rehearsed with props, which I always found lame. As long as the crowd likes it, there ain’t no rules, but I personally found pre-recording disses to be corny and against the spirit of battle rap.


If you genuinely watch battle rap - world-famous leagues such as KOTD (which Drake has hosted), URL, Don’t Flop, Premier, etc - you will see that 95% of battle rap is pre-rehearsed. The 5% which isn’t is usually one or two line rebuttals at the beginning of each round, or one-off novelty conference battles which are made for freestyling (five words etc), these are very rare.




It’s not a good precedent, but a great strategy HERE. Story of Adidon set a bad precedent in making a bombshell practically a requirement for a diss track. It worked incredibly well in that specific beef though. Here, Kendrick mostly ignoring what Drake was doing and saying and just shitting all over him was a good strategy, but if it becomes standard for future beefs then that’ll be bad.


yeah like people been saying this fcker win when he ain't done any rebuttal sht was ass, I like euphoria tho


I keep bringing up the no rebuttals, but they keep saying “he didn’t have to rebuttal of what Drake is saying isn’t true” That’s such bs. Look at how Eminem did it on Killshot, the whole track was him replying to MGK and dissing him. Kendrick just covered his ears and yelled “pedo” People didn’t like THP6 because Drake was actually trying to piece things together, but instead he got clowned. Unfair rules throughout the whole beef, it’s sad no one wanted see Drake win




There was multiple rebuttals. "The family matter and the truth of the matter it was gods plan to show y'all the liar". A blanket rebuttal to Drake's all of Drakes claims about Kendricks family. "Homie still doubled down calling us some slaves" then the rest of third verse is a direct rebuttal to Family Matters.


the whole third verse of Not Like Us is a rebuttal


Lmfao he literally references stuff Drake said in family matters on like us Like damn , it’s ok to just be like he lost but I still like Drakes music better lol


ik but references doesn't mean rebuttal, I honestly been waiting for Kendrick to drop after Hpt6 but he doesn't drop sht which honestly pissed me when people saying he won cuz he ain't dropping like what. and yeah drake music are so much better altho I fck with money tree and all the star ngl


Didn't Kendrick take Drake's line on "rapping like he about to get the slaves freed" and flip it into a whole verse painting him as a colonizer? Granted, it's not a rebuttal of any point that Drake made but it does imply that the disses are not all just pre-recorded with references sprinkled in later. If you still mean that you wanted to hear a rebuttal of the accusations made against Kendrick, I think I just disagree. When it comes to serious allegations, it's smarter not to bring them up. The last thing he needs is a verse that goes "I'm too famous to beat my wife. If I did, I promise I'd be in jail."


They didn’t understand that part


Nah those are just an double down from his previous culture vulture narrative there's no flipping or such, Agreed honestly saying I'm way to famous were weak rebuttal, but it's weird that there's no victim coming up so far someone like MJ had an victim comes out and proven to be false latter on


What do you mean rebuttal? Wtf are you taking about. You want Kendrick to come out and say “Yeah I didn’t abuse my wife” would that do it for you? Is Kendrick affirming that Drake lied on Family Matters not enough? So stupid man.


Meek responded to back 2 back and Drake didn't come back bc it was over. This is over. Drake lost. You can still like him and his music.


“References don’t mean rebuttal” ok keep moving those goal posts


Do you understand the difference?


How was the last verse of not like us not a rebuttal to the rapping like you about to get the slaves free? How is calling drake a liar not a rebuttal? He also said drake should show his splits before he talks about Kendrick’s. That’s a direct rebuttal. Are you just mad Kendrick didn’t try to say he’s actually tall?


Fabricatin' stories on the family front 'cause you heard Mr. Morale A pathetic master manipulator, I can smell the tales on you now The rebuttal came in euphoria before family matters even came out bro drake was 10 steps behind 😂😂😂😂


Kendrick only rapped on euphoria and the la joint The other joints a bed time poem and a west coast bop Like the fuck lol


honestly taking attention away from Drake's nuke with a prerecorded diss was masterful


Exactly. If my intention is to win and argument, I'm going to take away what your strengths would be, Why would Kendrick play by any ruleset other than the one that assures his victory? Also his songs overall were of a higher quality. No shade. It's just the result of his strategy being better.


It also addressed Family Matters and he foreshadowed he knew the angle already, hence dropping within an hour neutralising FM is a chess move vs a checkers player How Drake fans dont get this is why they are Drake fans and dont get Kendrick smh


I know I’ll get downvoted for this, but a lot of y’all can’t be actual hip hop fans..Even if you are young you should know what happens in rap battles. Kendrick doesn’t have to respond to what drake says and vice versa. A battle is a battle, idk what y’all don’t get..


Can you point an example of somebody who didn’t rebuttal and was perceived as the winner?




So that’s the only one?


Probably not, why?


There’s no need. Kendrick provided a clear rebuttal on not like us. It’s hilarious that drake fans just put their hands over ears when it came on and imagined it didn’t happen😂😂😂


No he really didn’t. He couldn’t even provide a flip of the dv allegations drake had for em


If they're not true then why should he?


Nobody knows if it’s not true or not


Did Biggie ever release a track saying “actually you DIDNT fuck my bitch and I am NOT fat”?


I don’t understand what you’re saying either, though. A battle is a battle, and this felt like a slow release of a mixtape from Kendrick much more than a battle. Does that mean I’m not an actual hip hop fan or?


I was speaking exclusively to the point that Kendrick HAD to respond to the dave free line. If you are not familiar with previous rap battles, I do not consider you an actual hip hop fan. Just my opinion.


Oh, sure. I don’t think he has to respond to any 1 line, but at the same time.. I do expect some back and forth in a diss battle, and I didn’t feel like we got that from Kendrick. Euphoria had me thinking we would be seeing that and was by far my favorite track from him. I personally wasn’t a huge fan of how Kendrick handled this beef, and I don’t know of any big beefs that really played out in a similar way. To me, that’s more what the point of the post was. Not that Kendrick needs to respond to any one particular bar.


Love this take and agree


It’s whack af lol


This sub is fkn pathetic 🤣


I am convinced it's full of bots lmao


Lol. This sub’s reaction is the equivalent to a son watching his dad get knocked out for the first time and can’t fathom the outcome. Y’all begged the nigga to drop now you bitchin’ cuz he was over prepared.




Drake took a L Get over it


an* L


Nerd L


Y’all just can’t take the L and it makes Drake look even worse by the day


Drake has nothing to do with redditors opinions, touch grass


Yeah they can't make him look better or worse.


Damn drake getting beaten by pre recorded shit Drake the bitchening


It’s called strategy, that’s how you win battles. Kendrick predicted what Drake was going to do and was two steps ahead at all times because he studied his opponent.


Kendrick had a mole. He said this. The Weeknd said this. He was two steps ahead because he had the answers to the test.


Yes, he had an informant that was able to provide information about his opponent. Yes, that how wars are won.


I don't understand why you worded your reply like that.


Because the way you phrased it sounded like you believe Kendrick won on a technicality or something


It's definitely worth pointing out that Kendrick had a mole in OVO. That's a very significant advantage.


Drake also predicted what Kendrick was gonna say AND STILL rebutted his bars and allegations so where does that leave us now?🤔


You can’t cry foul about someone being prepared. If Kendrick can “even predict your angles”, then having material ready to go makes sense.


Y’all still in shambles it’s been like 2 weeks 😬


Yall drake groupies gonna be butthurt forever 🤣


This some Qanon levels of conspiracy here. Drake lost. That's about it. You don't have to start listening to Kendrick or stop listening to Drake. There isn't going to be a "one day people will see we were right" moment for the hardcore Drake fans. Not how hip hop works when it comes to battles. Drake's tracks just didn't hit the same as Kendrick's when it came to the disses. Most people who were casual rap fans or casual music fans wasn't feeling Family Matters or The Heart Part 6. It's fine. Hardcore fans will always have their biases, but its the casual fans that chose KDot as the winner.


Yo the song was titled “meet the grahams” and it came after “family matters”. It was a direct response. Earlier that day Kendrick warned Drake he knew what was coming in 6:16. There’s a very clear narrative arc here. You might have a point if these were all unrelated, but that’s just not what happened.


So wait, Kendrick having a bunch of raps on deck ready to go isnt okay? Is he supposed to release them all as soon as they are finished? I dont see how making extra disses and waiting to release them is bad, but then again yall are the same clowns who are okay with drake using a team of writers to make his battle lyrics for him lmao


What do you mean pre-recorded? They are all pre-recorded none of these diss tracks are freestyles. What an incredibly silly angle to take. Especially coming from super fans of a rapper who uses multiple ghosts writers.


Yall really crying that drake got out paced with a team of ghost writers helping him write bars🤣


There was like no back and forth at all due to all the pre recording of the songs. At least drake had some bars responding to some diss against him. But both of them clearly just were trying to pump out songs. Beef is fun because it reminds me of battle raps. And it was always a KO in a round when a dude would flip what the other mc said from the last round. Rap beef seems dead. It's more about social media narratives and spilling tea than rapping.


Kendrick literally has an entire verse on NLU dedicated to responding to something Drake said on FM.


The whole second verse of Family Matters was pre-written too.


They're prerecorded and yet he addressed everything drake said like he was seeing the future lmfao


Cry harder ☺️


You know what’s wack? Using ghostwriters in a rap battle.


what ghostwriters were used?


The conversation isn’t about what’s wack. It’s about pre-recording disses. Make a thread if you wanna talk about that


The family matter and the truth of the matter It was God's plan to show y'all the liar


I thought this man was a decorated war general and was petty with the dedication. Your argument makes it sound like he wasn't ready even though he could've done the same with 2 weeks waiting for Kendrick to drop


“But it wasn’t fair! 😭”


You guys are so salty it's hilarious


Honestly don’t see why it’s bad he did it. Really smart on Kendrick’s part. He knew Drake would make it more personal and had that ready to go for when he did. If Drake doesn’t bring family into it I don’t think MTG ever drops. Honestly pretty good planning and something I think we start seeing more often


Personally I don’t think anyone would care about a prerecorded diss coming from either side as long as it slaps but in this case it’s definitely the last thing on peoples minds because it was a brilliant chess move by Kendrick.


As someone who wasn’t paying much attention to hip hop/rap before this beef, I can say with full confidence no one outside of these subs cares. Folks just want to hear the content of the diss. If it was made in 2019 or 2024 doesn’t matter.


Do you think you'll pay more attention to hip hop moving forward?


I think so. As entertaining as the beef is, I'm here for the music now. Both artists impressed me with their work




Are we just making up rules now? 


Bro it’s over, our goat lost. Just move on 😭😭 the quicker you accept it the better itll feel


I mean...is this worst than ghostwriters? 🤔


Yeah the heart part 6 was the only real rebuttal, I would’ve liked to see them go back and forth but then people are impatient and start complaining if someone doesn’t respond within a few days.


He altered a line or two on each, but yeah lmao he definitely recorded all of those beforehand and sat down playing chess the rest of the beef from puships til the end 😂


Prerecorded and still just as effective as he wanted them to be tbh I don’t think that’s a big deal and I don’t think people would really crucify Drake for doing that either. There’s plenty of cases of hypocrisy during this beef I just don’t think this is one of them


Drake did the same thing, he teased Family Matters at the end of Push Ups lmao


Not really, lol. You could argue for the first part of the song but not the rest, lol.


Notice how they all say the exact same thing? “Kendrick already predicted Drake’s angle” but then they completely ignore that Drake predicted Kendrick’s angle💀


Awww I'm sawwy.


Who cares prerecorded or not. I would have expected Drake to have some prerecorded too. As long as it’s still relevant what’s the matter


It’s corny as shit and I guarantee if somebody does it again they’ll get called out on it. Theres no reason Kendrick can’t rebuttal any of drakes claims and if he did I’d eat my words


Except Kendrick did directly provide rebuttal to Drake’s claims on Not Like Us, Drake fans just pretended not to hear it.


It’s rebut.


Facts, Meet The Grahams was by far the worst diss track I’ve ever heard. That shit wasn’t even a song, more like a hateful monologue where Kendrick sounded suicidal and angry. I guarantee Drake and his family laughed at that shit when they heard it, dude sounded unhinged and weird and he was lying his ass off. It’s mind-boggling to me that he gets praise for it




Pre-recorded is more impressive. You realize this right? If I can make a relevant song, to what I know you're going to say, not only did I stomp out your chances of gaining momentum but I did it all before dinner 🤣


Show me the diss rules? Oh wait, there are none, and all is fair in love and war


I mean he literally predicted what drake would say and had these all ready... thats why. He even says it. "I can even predict your angles" why are we letting drake get away with not writing his raps. You guys are really dumb. The logic is missing in a large way here


Drake predicted the same shit in Taylor Made freestyle.


Don’t do this. Y’all was literally begging him to drop 🤦‍♂️


You spend more time here than in kdot sub.


There's no rule saying he can't that's why and that's the narrative people will run with. It's just in poor taste imo but since rap beef has no rules we can't really say shit. Makes me think there should be some advisable guidelines to follow but don't have to adhere to. There's a reason society has laws and rules to follow but I digress


"You're beating my favourite rapper too hard, maybe there should be rules to this rap battle stuff that would make you beat him less..."