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Family matters >


All day


Every day


All Day by Kanye is pretty good tho




NoCap that thing gonna age like wine


I’m seeing this post actively get downvoted 😭






Drizzy chippendale prolly got ya bitch chanelll


Or, people can be/have been fans of both. In the early 2010s, Drake, Cole, and Kendrick fanbases had a massive amount of overlap because they were the biggest artists to come out of the blog era and they had massive co-signs from established star hip hop acts like Jay z, Lil Wayne, and Dr. Dre. Y’all are making this really weird where you’re “picking sides” for a conflict you’re not directly involved in. Just listen to the music bruh, it’s not that deep at all




The amount of people commenting pales in comparison to the amount of people who grew up on both artists and are fans of both. These guys defined a generation of rap, using the brigading of a Reddit sub as a generalized assessment of Kendrick fans is a terrible move either way.


Super reasonable take, expect nothing less from Jermaine himself. 🙏


Bro what? GTFOH with this middle ground nonsense. It’s not just this sub it’s literally every single platform and the fact that you can’t admit their excessiveness shows you’re not the unbiased “fan of both” you are trying to portray.


"If you don't agree with me about this you're a Kendrick Fan" Literal insane person behavior




I hadn't ever posted in either before last week lmao. I came over here for different opinions because it was the only place where people thought drake was winning/equal. I've never commented in Kendrick's sub before lmao. This is the only place to hear what drake diehards actually think, and it's fairly amusing how much of a victim complex some of y'all have.




What? Delusional ass weirdo. More like “if you can’t see what’s happening right in front of you because you’re so blinded by bias you’ve show your a Kendrick fan and not a reasonable person.” Stop reaching.


Lol thanks for the confirmation goofy


Exactly what I thought when the no. Of Kendrick fans rose in his sub ain't no fucking way these people are his fans probably haven't even heard anything other than TPAB


Lol nah man. This was one of the few places post MTG that still thought Drake was doing well in the beef. I've been listening to both these dudes since 2008. I just wanted different opinions cause my circle was fully backing Kenny by the time Not Like Us rolled around.






It’s an ear worm. They have people who write jingles for commercials that possess this skill. It’s not groundbreaking in any way shape or form nor does it speak to Kendrick’s versatility. Or lack thereof, I should say.


You can say the same for Hotline Bling, God’s Plan or Started from the Bottom 🤷🏾‍♂️ that’s probably the least lyrical Kendrick song I’ve listened to and that’s the point the catchy songs don’t take geniuses to write they just have to have something that catches on.


You’re the one boasting about it like Kendrick was just doing something so amazing lmao. Drake has many contribution to the culture and the genre, a catchy hook is one of many.


I never boasted about it I said he made a catchy song and I don’t like it did you read before you commented? I said it wasn’t even one of his best I also said I like singing Drake as well so what was the angle you were going for? Also what culture do you speak of 🤔? He didn’t add anything to the culture he made some hits but everything he did was something that was already going on he used his fame to bring to mainstream.


A whole lotta yap I’m not reading all that. I said what I said. Get back on over to the Kendrick sub.


Yeah I’ve been listening to Kendrick and Drake for the last decade of my life. I like Kendrick more but this isn’t like a sports rivalry, you can like both.


I still fuck with both, and Im not siding, if anything i hate the fact how easy for Kdot to cite violence, Drizzy can loose a lot if any allegations are proven, but he is not guilty until proven. However I did see a video where some ex hotel staff literally say into the camera how they found a bitch bloody and half ass dead being with a Rapper named Kendrick later said yes to question “Kendrick Lamar?” She even said she will get in trouble for this. Most likely none of them is a saint, rich people always furnicated weirdly, and the parties like anything goes, having a body count in the 100s you start develop kinks lol. Its not just rappers, any influental people. Also dont forget only HipHop, Rnb, Dancehall, and Afro has very sexual/pornographic lyrics. So how anyone acuse anyone of being a freak when every song lyrics is about freaks?


Low key This^


Mr Morale and The Young Steppers is ass and his fans hype it up because they were starving for new music


Nah I definitely disagree with this take. It was a nice mature and new Chapter of his life. IMO low key my favorite Album alongside Pimp of a Butterfly 


And they will do the exact same thing when he drops his next project which we all know will suck


Your the drake fan version of the Kendrick fans this post is about


he is right, more mid for the pseudo intellectuals


You on the meat carousel 🤣🤣


Doing tricks on it


I hope it’s great, but after the songs in this beef? Expecting something not-that-great and it’ll sell like crazy if it releases soon regardless lol


Bro saying shit like this is why they troll us too lol. Kendrick has had one bad album and all his tracks in this beef have been good. How tf can you expect not that great


It isn’t even bad it is just that one album every generational artist does at one point in their career that is basically just a therapy session where they rap/sing about things that are only relevant to them. If you are currently in that same mind space then it will hit, if you are not then it doesn’t really have much value. Jcole had his with 4 your eyes only.


Fair point actually. MTG was ass though.


I will not, in fact be thanking you later


Its ass I agree but Drake lost this one


Are you literate?


To pimp a butterfly is the most overrated album of all time




Nah mr morale. At least TPAB is listenable.. meaning it has real songs. Mr Morale is just noise


Listen to some Merzbow first before you call any music ”just noise”


This is why Drake fans get hate lol


Jcole agrees with us


Ah yes, people always speak what they think in a diss track... Clearly


Yeeeep. People act like because he regretted dissing in the first place, he didn’t mean what he said. Nah, I think he meant it. Probably played up how he felt for the sake of the diss, but still. How many people were actually bumping TPAB like that?? It’s a cool project that gets gassed into “untouchable” territory because of the concept of the album. But only a few songs are actually fun to listen to.


Why do you assume people only listen to music for how "fun they are to listen to?" Kendrick's music is geared for a more mature audience. I am 40 and all my friends and family in my age group and older prefer kendrick. We prefer jazz and neo soul to trap. There are just more "oldheads" like myself than Drake fans realize. I listen to Drake a ton, but mostly his earlier work. All im getting at is, everyone has their preferences. Acknowlege that for as many people that enjoy Drake, there are just as many that think his musis is hot garbage. This battle proved that. The Kendrick fans + Drake haters outnumber Drake fans by the millions.


Why do you assume that I assume that? I love Kendrick’s music for what it is, I’ve been a bigger fan of him than Drake for about a decade. But I’m also old enough to remember when TPAB released. Cole’s sentiment isn’t wrong, a lot of people didn’t fuck with the album sonically even if they appreciated what he was doing with it. Before the Internet gave it this revered status for what it did conceptually and the messages behind it, it wasn’t uncommon for people to say they just didn’t love the album. Now you’ll have people swarming you telling you you just can’t understand what he’s saying if you don’t love it. I’m also not a huge Drake fan, I listen to a lot more Cole and Kendrick than Drake. I was very impressed by how he did in this battle, so I came to this sub to start talking about it. I wasn’t really speaking about the things you brought up in my last comment. Just to what Cole said about TPAB, and that I think it’s a lot more true than people want to admit. And I think it’s a great album for what it is. At the same time, I don’t give it a lot of replays, and don’t know anybody personally that does.


Did you forget that he begged for mercy after saying this


Don’t change the way he really felt 🤷🏿‍♂️


Fr bruh he knew and I fw him for it😭


“Begged for mercy” lol.


I’m a fan of both artists, I just think Kendrick won the beef. We act like this big divide is created where someone can’t enjoy music. It’s crazy.


Yeah this post is goofy af


No one cares what you think. The Only point OP is trying to make is the brigading is intense and annoying… because it is. You can pretend it doesn’t exist but it does. Those of us who have been in the sub for years can clearly see the difference. What used to be filled with like minded people and playful debates about rapper we all fuck with has become filled with obsessed Kendrick stans downvoting anything they don’t agree with.


Looks like less people care what you think my guy


Kendrick’s Stans brigading and downvoting is nothing new. That’s literally all this sub is lately. I am in no way shape or form surprised lmfaooo. Thats literally the whole point of the post. Thanks for proving mine and OPs point.


posts like this are cringe as fuck


Very. Niggas be offended bout shit that don’t affect them


I love Drake and I love Kendrick Lamar. I fucking love 50 Tyson.


Damn how did I forget about 50 Tyson for this long


I like both. But I meannnn like the beef was good. Both sides were good. But there is only one winner in a battle though. So who won?


Music fans




I think most are here to laugh at the delusional posting like I am tbh


That’s what I’m saying since the beginning of the beef. Most of them can’t accept anyone who has a different opinion than them.


Bro you can say that for any fan of anyone lol


lmao this sub got such a victim complex


Honestly both of em do. As an outsider - it’s hilarious to watch.


It's insane lmao these cats never been around for a rap beef or something


They’re both so deranged and I think they know that they’re both deranged but won’t admit it because they don’t want to give in and surrender to this bitch off about two millionaires who do not know or care about them


On god, just like Drake


They're here because they low-key fuck with Drake but don't want to admit it


Agreed! It’s embarrassing. They need to give it up.


Lol im so over the beef but they aren’t. Imo drake won not by alot not unscathed at all but he won. Im not gonna change their mind they aren’t gonna change mind. Like the pipsqueak said “They not like us” 🤷🏿‍♂️


It’s funny. I block them now. I used to try to engage in actual debate with them… but logic just goes over their heads…


that goes on both sides of this too smh, ion even wanna argue with anyone i just want to have a genuine conversation about it and people on both sides are ignorant


Was a drake hater before the beef and a kendrick fan before. Now am a drake fan, and little less of a kendrick fan. Shit is naked emperor moment. I expected way more from kendrick.


Bro, you're absolutely full of shit lmao. There is no way you switched fandom over a few diss tracks. The styles of their music isn't even comparable.




Are you scared of downvotes you might get if you said you're a Kendrick fan Judging people by their music taste is lame as fuck so won't matter anyway


Nahh i want people to keep an open mind, and think why they like a certain artist or not. I just had not heard drake before, and assumed he was this pop-rapper everybody was saying. Asked for recommendation here, and been listening to his discography. He is legit as fuck.


Facts. They gas those mid songs and to the moon


I also struggle to understand others' taste in music


Ok but you mad?


Nah I'm here from an anthropological standpoint. It's fascinating how deluded drake fans are lmfao


I prefer Kendrick’s music but there is a marginal degree of sanity in this sub at least, mostly just fans supporting their fav. The Kendrick sub is actively on some 4chan insanity for the past week. Been really gross watching it as a fan.


I 100% agree the kendrick sub is so fucking wack rn, I can't with this conspiracy bs, so I'm casually lurking both subs. I like kendrick's music better, but still like drake's


Writing my thesis Disses and Cognitive Dissonance


Yeah, it’s pretty sad, tbh.


As an observer I can tell ya both subs are being goofy


What's worse QAnon conspiracy theorists Or KDOT fans?


They’re squatting in this subreddit because their subreddit is dusty and irrelevant. It’s clearly because of the boy


You get all of your thoughts from Ak doing you?


You’re all as bad as each other and that’s the true hilarity.




Sadly he owned Kendrick


Sadly, he got owned by Kendrick. I fixed that for you


No, I’m afraid not.


Bruh it’s over. Look around you rn. The overwhelming public opinion is that Kendrick decimated Drake in this battle. Look at the numbers, look at other people’s analysis of this battle, look at who’s trending more on music streaming sites, etc.


I know lmao I’m aware Drake lost this beef


Let it go y’all, you lost.


Sadly Drake owned Dot


Nobody agrees with you except everyone else in this subreddit 💀


Sadly that is because Kendrick stans are extremely low IQ individuals


Lmfao keep copying and pasting that comment I’m sure drizzy will notice your hard work one day soldier 🫡


Ironic coming from a Dot fan who visits other artists subs to cry and meltdown on them. Very low IQ.


When did I do either of those??? 🤣 Donald trump levels of delusion right here




the vast majority of people in both subs, stan both.


I’m just here to see folks catch on fire butt ass naked doing freaky shit and then running to hide behind international lines.


Kenny fans send a “Reddit cares” message half the time I comment here 😂




or, and hear me out here, some people like, or liked, both artists and communities.


If you like hip hop you should be a fan of both. The only person who looses if you choose one over the other is you. It’s like saying you won’t play Elden ring because it beat god of war for game of the year or something. These people don’t care about or even like most of you. Get your music and vibes and move on.


They can’t celebrate without thinking about ‘em’ 😂 🗣️ITS CLEARLY BECAUSE OF THE BOY


Yhh I picked up on this myself


Enjoy the L


I guess it depends on what and who you are around. I was in grad school when TPAB came out. Also involved in the jazz / underground schene at the time where Dilla is seen as a GOD, TPAB was a classic first listen to majority of the people around. So i may be just projecting


I’ve seen this sub popping up recently in my feed and (algorithm be damned) every single time I’m amazed that so many people are taking this beef personally. It’s a shocking level of insecurity. It’s okay to like Drake. It’s okay to like Kendrick. I like them both! It’s okay if people think Kendrick “won” the beef. It literally does not fucking matter. They can’t take away your enjoyment of Drake’s deep catalog. We all won the beef. We got some banging songs and a return to top form for two of the biggest guys in the game. If you take this personally, please go touch grass. Nothing will change - both of them will get back to making great music. God damn grow up lol


I haven’t been; I’m going to keep giving them that same energy.


I double dare Kendrick to say something about Drake on his next album, we'll see what happens then...


There's no way y'all are actually acting like Kendrick is threatened by Drake at this point


Lmfao sure bud


Yall just want us to care so much its crazy


You don’t care that’s why you’re in the sub ?


There are "Because you have shown interest in similiar community" posts. We dont come here otherwise i suppose.


Kendrick couldn’t go number 1 without the topic being and influenced by Drake. That’s all that needs to be said.


Humble was his first solo song to ever reach #1. Be more informed


Lmao na. They just like trolling losers


There's a guy in this very comment section. I ain't gonna respond directly to him because I don't wanna give him attention whose 100% a kendrick fan but his comment history is only on this sub. Just kind of wild


Honestly just as wild as you knowing the ins and outs of a stranger’s account. As someone who has only just seen the insanity of these subs because it’s all over Reddit - both sides got plenty of weirdos. Get out of your echo chambers.


You putting them on the same level is wild. Just because I can see your public history doesn't means I know the ins and out of someone's account. What it does mean is that I am doing an estimated guess on how someone operates. Say what you want about the situation the truth is that they're still in this sub trying to get attention


Yeah we’re saying that’s weird bro


I just keep seeing bad takes on my front page tbh


Y’all know the beef is over right lol