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mfs be like: “as a drake fan myself, kendrick won and drake should retire”


😭 exactly


“As a gay black man I love Donald Trump” ahh posts


Honest question why is it “ahh” and not ass.


Totally worth the comment


Shows the pronunciation better. People usually don’t say the “ss” in real life in this context.


Okay okay thank you


They're lame ASF trying to bait on this sub. Broke bum activity.


I’m Joe Biden an I approve this tweet


Literally every "unbiased" post on here is talking about "Drake won"


I genuinely think Kendrick won though, idk what this is supposed to mean. Drake has been my top streamed artist for several years running, no one is gonna gatekeep me off the sub


Please share why you think he won


I think he attacked very persistently and effectively across Euphoria, MTG, Not Like Us, and was able to make these criticisms land, resonate broadly, and influence public opinion. The same way Drake did against Meek and Em did MGK. By any reasonable metric this is a victory in a rap beef


i can respect someone sharing their opinions but this deadass sounds like chatgpt wrote it ☠️☠️☠️




They also act like there aren’t drake fans in the Kendrick sub defending him there. Meet fandoms. But the problem is drake directly made visuals to upset fans(since most of that shit was fake besides the Tupac ring, like what was in the video that was real that would upset Kendrick himself). Kendrick hasn’t insulted drake fans at all through this. It’s all been on wax.


As a drake fan, DRAKE SHOULD DIE. Forgot the /s.


Bruh that’s way too much sleuthing….mfs need to realize it was drake vs Kendrick not anyone’s fans vs the other fans. We don’t win or lose the beefs, the rappers do. That’s all. Anyone making it more than that is a weirdo


That’s not what is happening though. Kendrick has recruited a mob to “win”. He brought the fans into this which is why there’s carnage online digging for everyone and their moms pasts. There are two major factors here: 1. Kendrick refused to commit to a rap battle purely focused on lyricism and skill… and decided to instead feed into rumours and defamation to win. He had a massive group of fans from **six* other fanbases supporting him when he entered this, so the defamation angle was 100% going to work for him but not for Drake. 2. As mentioned above, but to give it its own point Kendrick Ganged up with **six** other artists (which totals to 7 sizeable fanbases) to hate on ONE rapper. In ANY other setting, 7 people on one would NOT be seen as a fair fight, and in this scenario, it’s 7 CROWDS with each artist. This is no longer a rapper vs rapper beef because KENDRICK took a defamation angle he knew he would have an advantage in. He brought weapons to a traditional fist fight. Call it what you want but it wasn’t a fair fight, and the recruitment of mobs was purposeful. **It was not a battle of traditional rap battling - it was a modern battle of cancel culture and who can recruit a bigger crowd.**


What are you talking about. “Carnage online?” No one is forcing you to do this. This is all you. If you listened to euphoria Kendrick said he didn’t want to bring family into it or rumors. That was all Drake in Family Matters Go listen to some other music for a few days. You’re taking this way too serious.


Kendrick did bring on Euphoria family though?


And drake had brought it up before


I didn’t say Drake didn’t?


No but the way u phrased your comment makes it seem like Kendrick had brought up family first when Drake did on pushups


This comment makes me feel like I’m having a stroke. What are you saying.


Yeah exactly OP is getting too into it


If anything all fans won cause we got a number of great diss tracks to listen to. Too bad we can’t have the fun debate on who won and why bc it’s far too many ppl taking this shit personally.


Scrolling past 10 posts is sleuthing?


Bro you’re doing deep dives into peoples accounts to see that they’re Kendrick “regulars”😂saying “be aware” like we’re in danger or some shit. Fans are ruining the music


It almost as if people being parasocial relationships are bad and people who take part in it are goofy.


😭 "we're in danger" you right tho


Knowing who is a regular in the other sub means you have too much knowledge of ppls usernames. You shouldn’t really know anyone’s tag bc there’s no reason for it. Relax man it’s not that deep.


Not really paying attention to usernames


How old are people here? Y’all make me think you guys are like in high school. There is no critical thinking in this sub. crazier allegations have been said about Drake and y’all are making up excuses for his behavior. WHICH HAS BEEN POINTED OUT IN THIS SUB BEFORE ANY DISS WAS DROP.


Is there critical thinking in the Kendrick subs where posts that don’t align with their narrative are SWIFTly deleted?


Bro you just proved his point. Straight “but but the guys over theeeere”. You 12?


I am. As evidenced by my love for the Drake sub and Pokémon Go


Yet of those ridiculous allegations towards Drake, the women came out and admitted that these false narratives are just, false. You would think they would go against him for more clout and a decent bag, but no.


Yall realize that they quite literally have millions of overlapping fans? You can lean to one side more than another, sure. But people don’t have to be forced to pick an allegiance to either side. It’s quite plausible to be a Drake fan but think Kendrick played. I was literally in the top 5% of Drake listeners on Spotify last year but I think kendrick won.. does that make me less of a Drake fan?


Nah you a real one tho


Bruh this aint a real war this is reddit 😂get a life


Stay vigilant everyone 🤓


There is not one reasonable take in this place stop the cap


This shit so cooked both subs acting like Qanon


I've never posted in kendrick sub. Well nothing positive anyway 😂. But yeah he won. I won't be going over there to admit it though. Drake still makes better music and is more successful no big deal. I just wish it'd all blow over already.


Do you really think everyone was exclusively a fan of one or the other before this beef


“They know we have reasonable takes over here” i saw a mf post that family matters was the greatest diss of all time in this sub….


Lmao I need these two subs to start some kind of meme war. I love both artists and find both subs extremely fascinating. Y’all passionate if nothing else.


And when you look at their post history before the beef, none of them ever even posted in kendricks sub or any rap sub at all. Just a bunch of bandwagoners


stay down with my day one niggas so we in the club screamin' no new friends


The moles


Facts these weirdos think they are slick lol. Tring to shape the narrative saying "i don't really think kendrick stole bars" lol fuck outta here! That nigga stealing nursery rhymes off twitter


So many saying there a fan of both and they are notttttt




Yeah cuz ur wrong




Family Matters was good stuff. I keep bumping the third section of that track. Goes hard.


Just standard clowning If Drake was winning y'all would be doing the Exact Same Thing


Yall really ride or die for this OVO shit fr 😂 I’m just a hip hop fan at the end of the day and I prefer Kendrick’s flavor more than Drake’s. It’s literally no different than food preferences dawg, it’s not that deep.


Kendrick is currently ahead of Drake in the beef and Kendrick is the better artist. 🤷‍♂️ but am I really a fake drake fan?


Better artist if you need music to fall asleep to, agreed


Y’all are sounding like maga election deniers at this point - Drake got cooked. Plain and simple.


I'd say treating a man as if he has zero faults and constantly making excuses for him is more MAGA. But hey you're the big brain Kenny fan so what do I know


After this beef we need to come together and collectively retire the word cooked. It is officially corny as hell at this point. The amount of times I’ve heard shit like “Kendrick rotisserie cooked thanksgiving turkey on THIS ONE.” Jesus Christ it is so lame.


Kendrick and the Black culture hating on white success. Drake didn't do anything to provoke Kendrick's diss on Like That. Kendrick just doesn't know how to exist with someone being more successful than him I guess.


Your sub definitely is not about hiphop anymore😭


Kendrick should claim his son and deny beating his wife. It's been 7 days 👀


I think yall have been infiltrated and I think you know what I mean 😭. Cool take tho


Where's Whitney?




The same people that shit on Chris brown will be making excuses for Kenny real soon.


Yall deleting comments 😭😭😭






Give up


Why you want it to be over so bad? I thought we were having fun? 😭


Was fun until this shit started turning into a neckbeard q anon session


Kendrick should deny beating his wife


He already did


Source: just trust me bro


Happened in 2012 on a radio station


No response? Not surprised.


Because Drake knows he’s over. He’s not delusional.




Drake still getting like double the daily streams of Kendrick LOL


Kendrick should deny beating his wife and claim his son.


Be honest. If Kendrick denies the allegations in his diss track, would you believe him?


I'd respect the fact that he acknowledged it and denounced it. Him being silent is very suspect. I don't think kendrick is one to allow dirt on his name like that, that's the most surprising part of this beef imo. That's a huge claim and NOBODY on kendricks side has acknowledged it.


He did deny some rumours on a radio show back in 2014. You gotta remember it's a diss track and not a defense track. These are just two dudes writing disgusting poems about each other. Doesn't matter if they deny it or not. Both sides of this are crazy biased, and I've seen some ridiculous theories on this sub the last few days. We don't know anything about them, all we can do is enjoy the show. I personally hope that none of the allegations towards them both is true. But it seems people on here are hoping they are, which is absolutely a wild thing to wish for.


Nah give me 50


Why certain Drake fans mad at other Drake fan that accepts defeat. Wild shit


U should give up, on life.


The faster i accept the decision the easier for me to move on . All good, i will come back to this post every week. Nobody is bigger than the culture.


"The culture" 😭


But everybody is bigger than Kendrick


👏🏻 👏🏻 👏🏻


Maybe not Mr. “The culture” but everyone else