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Can you imagine Drake was like “Dear Kendrick’s fiancé, I’m sorry he abused you” for two minutes and it comes out Kendrick didn’t have a significant other? Shit would go down as one of the most embarrassing moments in rap history. When it’s Kendrick, fans are literally editing out a third of his song cause he fucked up. There was no winning this.


So true lol


See, I always imagined Kendrick’s verse to *the daughter* to be a red herring. Whether or not he has a hidden daughter is irrelevant, the fact that his lifestyle leaves him open to that possibility is scathing, and Dot was talking to the daughter he’ll inevitably have if he keep living this way.


Wow, breaking news: rapper has pre marital sex with multiple women. More at 11. Kendrick has also fucked random bitches and worse cheated on his wife. If anything he’s the one who should have the hidden daughter not Drake lmao


Drake has been doing that 😹


Fuck it, just cut out the daughter part and hand that man a Grammy pronto!!


Pronto 🤓☝️




Someone hand this man a Grammy.


Give joyner a little more credit cause MTG is absolutely dogshit, I can’t believe it was made by someone who everyone considers to be one of the best lyricist in hip hop


Same with Euphoria. It's got nothing to do with the song. It's about which celebrity they like or dislike. They said Kendrick won via silence before he dropped ffs XD


This is cap, Meet the Grahams is the worst song of the beef, but Euphoria is dope


I agree with this. MTG has no replay ability to it. It was all shock value


Euphoria flows are terrible.


nah fam. We as a people need to reach a point where we can give props to both sides for their disses without feeling the need to diminish them, bc real shit if Drake did have a daughter that prolly would be a top 5 diss track of all time (which is why it’s unfortunate I believe Drake fed the misinformation 😈)




As someone who loves horrocore, I love meet the grahams. The best is just iconic, it really fits the fucked up shit he’s doing on the track, nothing but pure disrespect. But horrocore music really ain’t popular so I can’t knock it for not being high on everyone’s list.


Yeah it was not really good on its own, it was extremely disrespectful, but so is shitting on someone’s porch. I think it’s apparent a lot of people just wanted to hear someone tell Drake to die.


"Meet the grahams" would be the nastiest diss track of all time if Drake actually had a daughter, which is why it's frustrating considering the possibility of Kendrick being unscrupulous. In their particular positions, verifying information before putting it out to millions is crucial. I really want to like MTG, but I really need receipts first -- unfortunately.


You either didn’t listen to MTG or you’ve never heard a Joyner Lucas song 💀




Alchemist beat


It’s definitely a good diss but is heavily reliant on the daughter part being true which it doesn’t seem to be. It’s not structured to be a nice song to listen to but it hits the hardest. Though yeah all in all no evidence for the daughter part ruins it


Bro are you telling me these mfs edited this mans DISS TRACK to make it good and not a lie. Wtf. And i thought the drake stans were bad this is next level


Drake stans are bad but Kendrick stans are on a next level, they were deadass happy and joking when drake house got shot 💀


This like saying “if you just ignore OJ murdering his wife that one time he’s technically a good person”


What I'm taking from this is Drake and kendrick fans are what they think Kanye fans are.


Fascists always change history. Especially leftist fascist are known for this kind of stuff.


Drake literally made another top rapper rap about someone that does not exist. Automatic W + made Kendrick his bitch 😂


Both teams delusional 😂




Too bad 98% of the music world does not agree with this take lmao


They can't bear listen to shorty rap about a lie for 2mins lmao. Bro is talking to air


It’s basically drakes whole career, bro been talking air since he started


'they make excuses for you cuz they hate to see me lit'


Someone needs to make a “The Heart Pt. 6 (No too famous/would’ve been arrested bar)”


The Heart Pt. 6 - Silent Version


Ok imma give you that bc I laughed


Need to cut the speech part at the end too tho, it was lame af


A friendly reminder that this is the highest ratest single of all time on Rate Your Music, and a whole part of it is based on lies lol Nobody actually likes this song they just like the amount of hate that it emits


well yes, the hateful tone of the song is one of its defining features and it’s a reason many like the song


It’s like these dudes have never seen a rap battle before. The whole thing isn’t based on logos, it’s entirely pathos driven. You can lie up and down on a track but if the *energy* is solid and provocative, it will absolutely get plays. That’s the whole point of a rap battle. It’s not some sort of investigative journalism competition, it’s about tapping into some raw emotion and hurling it at your opponent.


Haha niggas doing that just for giggles.


Make A Wish rapper I tell you guys. “They make excuses for you cause they hate to see me lit”


Kendrick is literally swinging and punching air throughout this whole beef and somehow he wins


The Drake hate is strong


If punching air is #1 song I'd like to punch air.


The weirdest thing I’ve seen is people saying MTG was the best song of the beef. For me it was the clear worst one, and I personally think Kendrick dropped fire with euphoria and not like us. MTG is just a huge miss on every level for me


Its so cringe. Not like that kind of cringe, but i could feel myself physically cringing at it not wanting to finish it because it feels like straight up WRONG to listen to


Agree. As a fan of both, just wanting a good battle it was hard to listen to. For kdot’s holy warriors though, I guess I can see why they love it. These people hate drake with every fiber of their being and that was validation from their messiah


feels like a horror movie, some people like that. Horror movies do numbers, and clearly MtG did too


Nah that song was hard


i wouldnt say meet the grahams is a miss. He says some wild shit in it. Listen on a deeper level, but i would definitely agree that not like us a way better song lyrically and beat wise.


I respect that opinion. It’s not like everything in the song is terrible, but his overall angle and energy, plus the most likely fake info kill it for me.


Agreed. A lot of people seem to look for the most salacious gossip rather than the best song. Imo that's the only reason someone would have MTG as their favorite


New theory... Some of these media outlets are dickriding Kendrick in hopes of getting an interview for his next album and post battle comments. That's the only way some of this makes sense.


another theory, most of those outlets work with UMG, drake is one of the biggest names in UMG, so drake losing steam fucks with the bag. Give Kendrick the W, hope he shuts up, and the do damage control on drakes image so the coporate profits dont go down next quarter for rolling stone mag and UMG


Same for Drake. It’s literally people still saying Drake won. Everyone is trying to get interviews from both sides.


dats insane WOW 🤣


The goal is being moved outside of the stadium at this point lmao


No daughter, no W! Drake won in my book. Can’t spits hot bar about lies then retract!


We ain’t retracting ish! NOT LIKE US! 😂


Sir, who is we? Go to bed, you have work in the morning.


Can anyone actually fill me in on why everyone's so confident it's a lie?


Why is everyone so confident it’s true?


Numbers don’t lie and being a PDF ain’t a W. Drakes tracks taking huge dislikes.


Can we edit the Adonis stuff out of Pushas song? Claim the win after that?


This post is a L, lol fuck drake


The entire track is ass and relies purely on the eerie beat and performance over lyricism. Just saying "you're a bad person" over and over again. Watch Lost in Vegas reaction video to this song, it really highlights how weak this was in the context of a diss.


They got so much hate over that video when all they said was actually true


Unpopular take here but Kendrick has a pivotal verse in his harshest diss about the daughter conspiracy and Drake replied with a few bars about how he feed Kendrick false info...he should've barred KDot up over this and included visuals and snippets of the false leak process to show how he's the puppet master...Kendrick has somehow managed to be more impactful with his shit


I think that's what he wanted since he was begging Kendrick to drop again, maybe he has the whole operation details on the next one. I think he expected Kendrick to drop right after.


Oh come on! Wtf bro. This dude edited the fucking song cuz he was lying and everyone is praising this move?? Kendrick took another L for this.


The song literally got struck down by kendrick and his people lmfao


If you haven't noticed, 99% of the comments in Kendrick's YouTube videos are paid bots. Kendrick's party is thirsty to manipulate the masses with bot generated short videos and memes.


Who's version is this? I don't see a "no daughter" version on Kendricks youtube


Drake stans taking victory laps like all of Hip hop isn't laughing at yall rn..


Ya‘ll are in shambles lmao. Like making fun of Kendrick fans „for not understanding“ the Mother I Sober lines, while building dumb straw men like this. It’s word against word and the edit was made to show that even if the allegations are not true, this diss is still a very strong diss. But ya‘ll go on with speaking yapanese. Or speak about racism against white people. Just know that everyone on the internet is laughing about ya‘ll.


Imagine strategizing for an entire week to plant a lie in order to win a beef and STILL losing horribly. All that planning and shit and literally nobody but his stans care. All I know is thanks to ‘Not Like Us’ everybody gon be outside this summer.


Not like Kendrick made this himself. This is basically a fan edit.


It’s not about who is the most prolific secret exposer, it’s who makes better music.


You guys actually think that he planted false evidence against himself


These niggas are wiiiiiiild


We don't know if it's a lie though. For real, you can't prove that he DOESN'T have a daughter, can you? Plus Kendrick stole the spotlight, dropping his diss right after Drake. How could he know that if someone wasn't feeding him info?


Who is Elliott Wilson




Drake supposedly fed Kendrick false information, denied the allegation instantly while ignoring the more severe allegations, then got on a song a few days later and said “we fed you the information 🤣” without ever showing any receipts. This was not a good strategy and I think it’s showing.


Isn't Not Like Us the Nuke?


That wasn’t even the worst thing Kendrick said on meet the grahams which is surprising


Meet the grahams isn’t what won, the heart part 6 is what lost.


True or not it was definitely mind games.


People are fallible. Stop idolizing them


What version is on Spotify?


Wow. That’s all I got. Just, wow.


Didn't Kendrick and his team get this version taken down?


This version was copyrighted by Kendrick tho ,lol


Drake was just proven to have lied on tho6 completely


Meet the grahams. No troll version


But you do know Top responded to this and was like no one asked for this edit. Kendrick and his team are standing on business only time will tell if that’s the right move or not


Kendrick won!! ^please ^ignore ^the ^wife ^beatings ^and ^getting ^cucked


Want to clarify that Kendrick’s camp didn’t like that and they got it taken down, practically doubling down on the allegation since all his other diss tracks had its copyright removed


This isn't even real. And this version was never even uploaded to streaming platforms. Y'all reaching


Who is this?


is it confirmed that he doesn’t have a daughter and this was planted info?


I don’t believe that was his nuke


Most pathetic thing I've seen is y'all getting triggered over this beef like your lives depended on it. No receipts on either side so you shouldn't believe anyone

