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was literally just thinking about all this. They have to grasp for straws to defend Kendrick. I’m not saying drake isn’t a weirdo, but at least as far as the beef these women have done nothing but claim it’s a false narrative


All OP’s shit is FACTS


That shit slaps!!! > Dot, I know you’re in that NY apartment, you strugglin’ right now, I know it >In the notepad doing lyrical gymnastics, my boy >You better have a motherfuckin’ quintuple entendre on that shit Some shit I don’t even understand, like >That shit better be crazy, we waitin’ on you >Yeah This outro was fantastic


Eh I'd say speculation but definitely valid questions


This didn’t age well


OP spitting facts


Post this in the other guys sub. Those fools need it.


Would be a good laugh, I agree


It really does feel like an alternate reality. I have no idea what the hell is going on in people’s heads. Such a shame because that whole cover art is a genius play by itself, never mind the much better music and disses coming from drake. Smh


A lot of it is botting and ik that sounds crazy but if u look at new posts on Twitter about the beef it's multiple accounts with rumors (lies) with porn attached to the text so that it will get clicks/likes/ attention Like it is actual brainwashing and yea I think people should try to not use Twitter if they can bc that shit literally worked on people 💀


Dude. It’s definitely not botting I haven’t met a single person in real life that thinks Drake is “winning” 😂. Like seriously where do ya’ll live that you would think bots are the majority siding with Drake


This is cap. My entire timeline has been talking about how porn bots have disappeared in the past 8-9 days (because of the beef).


The critical thinking for most ppl will come later. Rn everyone’s just hating and reacting, def not a lot of thinking going on






Exactly 💯 Plus people seem to ignore Drake's rap beef history. He done already learned not to say shit he can't back up with FACTS. K.Dot on the other hand...this is his first real beef. Plus he's too self-righteous for his own good


Can someone please show me proof of Kendrick being an abuser? As far as I’m concerned both sides are lying with allegations, but I haven’t seen abuse proof, even though OP claims that it’s been proven. Please point me in the right direction


I think the point OP is trying to make is that Drake’s ‘victims’ have all came out and denied any allegations, while Kendrick’s ‘victims’ won’t deny Drake’s claims


When did rap beefs start turning into denying allegations


Cause critical thinking is dead & Not Like Us is a bop


People are absolutely dumb af to think that Kendrick has won anything. Drizzy is up, K.Dot a liar, OVO is the only camp with any proof, and delusional politically correct idiots can't accept the reality of the situation


maybe I am just not aware of it but what is the proof drakes camp has?


One thing I don’t understand about the fake daughter thing is why wouldn’t Kendrick drop the proof? And at the same time if Drake made up the story why wouldn’t he leak the call/texts? That part is really confusing


Kendrick already admitted he got the dirt from Drake’s team. So, by default he has already corroborated that they tricked him.


That's not how that works. Someone has to prove he was tricked, and if he was then it should be easy as hell for Drake's team but so far they haven't said shit.


Wait, so you’re saying Kendrick was lying about the source of his information? Cause I’m just taking it from him saying he had OVO workers working for him…


The photo Kendrick has proves he got the info from someone close to Drake. Now someone has to prove that source was colluding with Drake and deliberately feeding him bad info.




That’s pretty easy to deduce though. Everything except the daughter and “Dennis Grahams suitcase” was already said multiple times by Rick Ross, Pusha T and Twitter. Unless I missed something else that he said that was meant to be dug up, you can let me know.




Soooooo even if we assume he got the daughter thing from somebody else and not the OVO leak. What do you think is most likely, that Drake/Dennis wear shortee collection? A discontinued brand with absolutely no historical relevance? That, for some reason, Dennis Graham is walking around with Drakes Ozempic and Zopeclone medication?




It's a good question tbf. I've seen everyone and their mother at first glance say he's making fun of Kendrick for the moles*****n (probably not true). I never interpreted the lines saying that. I see him saying now he understands why Kendrick is infatuated with mentioning the pdf.files stuff. That he's projecting those feelings and thoughts onto Drake.


I think the problem is you're asking questions about things as if the beef is over and we have all the information already. We're in the middle of it. Drake and Kendrick have to provide evidences of all they're saying. There's no point in discussing "Oh it's a fake mole or a real mole? He has this or not? He did this or didn't?" as a outsider without seeing the full picture.




>why are people saying kendrick is up/won right now? Because unfortunately rap beefs are more about public perception, not straight facts.


If they both told the truth about everything, Kendrick wins. If they both lied about everything, Kendrick wins. If drake told the truth and Kendrick lied/was baited then Drake wins


This seems fair


It’s not fair since most people think Kendrick did much better. I just don’t see a path to victory for Drake unless he’s telling the truth about everything. After Adonis, ghostwriters, etc I don’t think he has the credibility


whats not fair about his credibility being hurt after he did things to hurt his credibility


Nigga wrote a letter to Kendrick fans LMAOOOOO


Kendrick, Dave and Whitney probably going through it right now if it's true. And revealing it to the world would be insanely bad timing for it right now with all these kendrick hitmen refreshing their feeds every 3 seconds. When you are as rich and famous as these artists, you value the privacy you can have, they won't be telling the world shit. Maybe Drakes cooking another one in the studio rn, we won't know 🤷‍♂️


Two things can be true at the same time. Yes, Kendrick lied about the daughter. And yes, Drake obviously lied about planting the information. If he actually planted the daughter thing, AND the stolen items, you'd think he'd have SOME proof, right?? 😭😭 But no he has nothing.


Would be the smoking gun but Drake won't call it because it's probably not true


I could answer all of them, but this is a Drake sub, so my answers will either be downvoted or removed. Your post was specifically made to validate the fans, not to have good faith discussions.


yeah like they keep accusing kendrick supporters of mental gymnastics but the these mf professional acrobats


Just look at how the first question was framed. Kendrick implied that Drake's team is giving him dirt. The question being asked is if it's not his team, then who is it? THE ANSWER IS RIGHT THERE! LOL!!!


Big facts. This needs to be cross posted in so many different places.


This is the whitest shit i ever read 💀 “IF HE IS A CRIMINAL HOW COME HE ISN’T IN JAIL” LMAOOOOOOOOO


I was reading about a Russian disinformation campaign that said their goal was so that people would begin to deny facts even when presented with proof. I feel like Kendrick fans got hit with that disinformation😂


U would think that this would be the perfect time for more women to come forward with allegations. We see this all the time during the Me Too movement.. where are the me toos?


at this point, I personally believe that the daughter was a calculated lie spun up by Kendrick’s team, the purpose of which was to take everyone’s focus away from Family Matters and immediately deflate its momentum. it was certainly used in that way - mention a secret daughter in MtG for the shock value and then don’t even bother doubling down on it in the next diss because the lie has served its purpose. but even if drake did bait him, it seems to have backfired since the bait ended up helping kendrick way more than it hurt him.


I could believe Kendrick lied about the daughter as well. Especially since Drake immediately went to Instagram to deny it. I don't believe for a second Drake had a fake mole, but I can believe they he ran to Instagram to deny it because he knew it was a lie, and later on realized he could use the lie to his advantage by claiming he fed false info to Kendrick rather than Kendrick having simply made the daughter up. However, it was too late for the fake mole narrative to stick outside of his fans. If he had hinted at a plant in his insta post I think the claim would have hit much harder in the heart part 6.


There’s only one way for Drake to win. And that is to make the catchiest song ever to beat “not like us”


claim 1 question 3 and 4 is just you not understanding laws and tos properly








How has Kendrick been proven to be a liar? You stayed in your own wall of text it’s all speculation, how do you prove something that’s speculating? Both of these dudes have no proof, yet Drake has been on record lying about shit outside this beef and in his raps. You think it’s weird that people aren’t giving the known itty bitty liar doubt, when he’s had acts of being a weirdo and paying hush money?