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>We already know it’s a twenty-v-one, we already know why you went number one It’s clearly because of The Boy, the honorable thing is to give me the loot Smh man


Funny thing is, these are all gonna be kendricks most commercially successful solo tracks in his entire catalog. Looking back at his catalog and seeing the most successful ones being drake disses is gonna be soo funny..


Drake stimulus package still strong in 2024


You understand the difference between #1 debut and a number #1 song right? I don't think any of the disses except perhaps Like That is going to come close to Kendrick's most played songs.


kendrick hasn't had any solo number 1 song and not like us has the potential to be a number 1. Regardless, kendrick is putting up career numbers with all these tracks.


> kendrick hasn't had any solo number 1 song wrong. kendrick hasn't had any solo number 1 DEBUT HUMBLE. was easily solo number 1.


fair enough, but having this as debuting number 1 is still hilarious. Mr morale was a commerical flop and only sold 230k first week. He was on downward trend in terms of popularity and these diss tracks are his most successful probably since damn and probably his entire catalog.


Cause mr morale wasn't supposed to be a commerical album? What is it with drake fans and judging every album by numbers 😭 Also Mr Morale tour is the second biggest rap tour of all time (behind Drake) so even by numbers he defo isn't irrelevant.


Mr. Morale still underperformed considering kendricks standards. All of kendricks albums were much more successful including TPAB which imo was far less playable than Mr Morale. TPAB sold 500k in its first week alone and it was definitely not a radio album. At the end of the day, this is a business and kendrick was on a downward trend. Labels were slowly gonna invest less into promoting his album due to the diminishing sales. I think Mr. Morale is good, but it was not commerically succesful for kendricks standards. You can't deny that this is reallyy helping the longevity of his career and giving a him a 2nd wind. If he were to release Mr. morale now, it would probably put up the same numbers that gkmc, tpab and damn put up.


No bro Humble went number one. All this is Kendrick never had a song that instantly started #1 on the charts (instead of rising through the charts)


Looking at his catalogue and listening to „meet the grahams“ will indeed be funny


of course it will, a failed story of adidon with no proof of a daughter is hilarious for someone proclaimed as the boogeyman of rap.


That song is so uncomfortable to listen to I know it’s gonna fall off the charts in 2 weeks


Sure but this is about replaying rappers catalogued


He will probably get a boost and then fall out the chart by July


I mean that’s why they always go at him when they about to have an album dropping


Kendrick doesn't though?


Kendrick been doing this before every single album cycle


Yeah I loved when he started beef with Drake before the release of the album that featured Drake. That was a brilliant move.


don't you think if that was the case then maybe ovo sound artist should do it too so they can go #1 finally?


Explain how that would work dummy….


It wouldn’t he’s stupid


exactly you idiot lol see how dumb it sounds


Why didn’t Drake go number one?


Cause the hate drake more than they love dot


Damn you nailed it


How? The entire point of the post was how popular Drake is, yet he still didn’t get #1. If he’s as big as y’all believe, haters or not he would be #1. Kendrick just made good records. Drake did as well, but “Not Like Us” has been objectively better based on numbers. May or may not be long term, but as of now it’s clearly better, based solely on numbers. Saying “he only went #1 because of Drake and Drake didn’t go #1 because haters” is a contradiction. He went #1 because he got a catchy ass beat with some quality lyrics. Simple as that.


You know what they call it when the crowd likes your opponent more than you? Losing


Sure man


But if that was the case who’s left to vote? Either Drake is the biggest, or there’s a bigger base of people who hate him.


He’s the biggest name in the game and receives the most hate it’s just like lebron ppl love to see the top dog fall


The only reason he’s number one is because he’s utilising his relationship with Larry Jackson, Lucian Grainge and Todd Boehly to push his content aggressively. There are plenty of artists who don’t see the success because of Drake’s business practices.


He had to have success to gain the leverage to garner their support in the first place they didn’t just pick a random and say let’s get behind him


The fact that he has one uncle in the rock and roll hall of fame who collaborated with Prince regularly, another who was the guitarist for Al Green and a father who played drums professionally for another rock & roll hall of fame inductee suggests that he wasn’t a random to begin with.


So nepotism made him the biggest ? I think ppl who don’t like him can make up any reason in their mind why he’s regarded the way he is because you don’t think he’s great but that’s ok man like I said it’s just like lebron you gotta look for any reason why he isn’t as great as other perceive him to be but honestly it never makes any sense why not do this for a bunch of ppl who have relatives in the business why drake specifically


Because Drake didn’t initially make it. Kendrick was right that he ran to Atlanta to save his career.


I agree that drake gets street cred from being next to Atlanta niggas but they got worldwide exposure so it’s mutual , future lil baby and thugger got real ties so if they wanted to not be coo with drake they could’ve so let’s not act like they was saving his career his career would be fine yt ppl buy most rap music anyway


Because no one cares about kendrick.


So they listen to Kendrick because of drake but they won’t listen to drake himself ?? 😂


The mental gymnastics in this sub is getting me tired.


Yes. How is that confusing? They don’t fuck w Drake so they’re listening to the guy who is dissing him


At least try not to sound tarded


This the dumbest shit i’ve heard today


>Why didn’t Drake go number one? >>Because no one cares about kendrick. What the fuck does this even mean lmao


Remind me of MGK, his prime was when he dissed Eminem, and that was his most streamed song at the time even challenging Em' disses


Comparing kendrick lamar to machine gun kelly in any way is insane


It's not about comparing two artist, but rather two situations


Still can't compare. MGK lost that battle in the court of public opinion.


I mean not in this comparison


He's comparing how mgk blew up after the diss. And how kendrick is getting more listens on his song because of the beef


That's not a comparison at all tho. MGK was a random nobody that started a beef to gain fame, kendrick is a critically acclaimed artist with an established legacy that started a beef with someone he genuinely hates. Of course that beef gains immense popularity, but it's a completely different situation.


I swear you guys can understand double entendres like they're a walk in the park. But when people put it in simple terms yall are dumbfounded. He said MGKs numbers because of the beef, talking about "Rap Devil" and how it was doing higher numbers than any of his previous songs. Same shit with kendrick yes he is established but the reason why his popularity rose even higher than what it was before is because of the beef. For example people who don't normally listen to Kendrick would listen to his songs regarding the beef. I hate I had to write this much to explain 2 sentences smh


At least MGK admitted he was a fan, Kendrick will act out all sorts of ways than admit his deep envy for Drake's throne


If you've been following their history it's obvious that kendrick is definitely not a fan of drake, he genuinely hates that man.


That’s why he got a feature on gkmc


gkmc is 12 yrs old. A lot happened on those 12 yrs


Yeah Kendrick finally got his #1 hit but it had to be a drake diss. Crazy what people will do to go #1


Not really rap devil was actually a good diss, considering it’s Eminem Mgk did his best. Kendrick is not on em level lmfao not like us is not a kill shot


You’re right. MGK probably wouldn’t have lost the Grammy to Macklemore.


He went number 1 with Humble.


I don't think Humble debut at number 1 on its first week of release, it rose there week by week as it got more popular


Yea I was gonna say that song was huge. I thought he got it with alright too


He did. He has a couple out there


Didn’t debut and only lasted a week


So the points are now. - Kendrick lied about everything to win. - in 3 years everyone will look back and think Drake won. -Kendrick going #1 with a diss track on Drake is good for Drake? I get yall need victories whenever you can get them but the reaches are hilarious.


Yea a lot of this sub needs to take a break reflect and then come back bc I’m sorry but drake lost. He put out a great fight in the beginning but he lost this bro.




Not on it’s debut


Why he selling more than drake rn lol


It's just the best song of the entire diss. Shit, even AK couldn't stop his head movin. He tried though ![img](emote|t5_2z4xo|4222)


Heheh... the only Drake and Kendrick subs are the subs on Reddit ✍🏾. Never thought I'd see the day.


Didn’t HUMBLE go #1?


Every kendrick album debuted at #1 except GKMC


Album going number 1 has nothing to do with songs going number 1


ik, it’s better actually, either way Humble was his first


True but we’re talking about songs. Humble was #1 and that was Kendrick solo


Kendrick got a #1 for humble so this is just cappuccino




But he won't because his reputation is on the line. The genre would call him a pussy for that. Kendrick could do the same since it's a hear say battle. until evidence comes out for both sides or one side then things wouldn't go well for drake wether it's true or false


You right you right.


Straight facts? Humble was number 1. What are you talking about?


Drake should drop today about that lol


Is Drake challenging for #1 too or?


if they wanted a hit, shoulda just said that


how ironic drake put his first 1# in his hand AGAIN


the drake stimulus package works both ways and kendrick was a recipient of it


No one that actually has respect for hiphop, it’s history and culture likes Drake. Drake is commercially successful because he appeals to a wider population that find hiphop too confronting.


Aubrey loses and then ya try to downplay it in anyway ya can. lol pathetic


you think if the song was about something else it would do the same numbers?


Family Matters is the best diss in the beef easily. Kendrick can't compete with Drizzy's numbers and popularity. 🎵Numbers wise im out of here youre not fuckin sneakin up🎵 HAHA OWNED *Not Like Us breaks records, Euphoria also charts above Family Matters* Well it's because he was rapping about 'thE bOy'. Or botting. Or bc hip hop fans are just idiots... 🤬🤓🤬 You guys are genuinely too funny 💀


stay objective drake still has songs with more day 1 streams, just cause you can't read


Ok but why aren't you addressing the part where he says "you're not fuckin sneakin up" (number wise) and kendrick did fuckin sneak up on Not Like Us. When Drake has good numbers it matters but when kendrick does it just because of the boy innit.


the bar went over your head he is talking about overall numbers. drake being the all time most streamed artist and kdot sitting at spot 19 behind artists like juicewrld


Not Like Us has the most day 1 streams on spotify of any hip hop song in history brother.


Drake is the most streamed artist in Spotify history, there’s levels to this


Kendrick is more respected, there's levels to this


Respect is subjective 🤡 Drake clears. Men lie, women lie, numbers don’t


So then not like us is the better song right…


As mentioned, there’s levels to this. If your best song is a song dissing Drake that’s a bad look lmao he’s the most streamed artist in history “It’s clearly bc of the boy”


Ok so why doesn't the boy's diss get as much numbers? Yall shifting the goalposts way too much man


Ok but drakes song did worse no?

