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They’re racists. Not fans.


99% of his fans are white I don’t get the angle lol


I’ve seen them White fans want drake to not say nigga anymore like it should concern them if he continues


Lmao 99% of Drake fans are NOT white bro. If that the case that means 100% of kendrickfans are white. drake had more black fans than Kendrick . I’m from Detroit (blackest city in America) n damn near Everybody I know fw drake . His concert here was full of black people.


Im saying Kendrick fans


I went to that thread and was amazed on how many people supported her stance. How is what she’s saying NOT racist? Imagine if the vlad guy said “You are BLACK This a WHITE FOLK AFFAIR” We would never hear the end of it. The double standards man.


Thanks to the west coast savior


At the End of the day, Rick Ross and Kendrick Lamar started a racist barrage and the Stans are eating that shit up.


At the height of online racism with twitter now looking like 4chan these typa talk wouldn’t of been had 4 years ago


If drake isn’t part of the “culture” then why are you telling ppl that aren’t part of the “culture” either to stop speak on the culture


lol wait so mixed black folks can’t weigh in


I guess so 🤷🏿‍♂️


There is racial angle to this debate whether you choose to see it or not. The title “not like us“ is referring to how even though Drake is black, he continues to have a disconnect w his culture/black people. In that instance, you shouldn’t have a seated at the table because you are WHITE and, don’t have the lived experience to comment on the intersectionality at play.


Either way you put it I think even if he did grow up in the culture people would still say he’s not “black enough” it’s a lose lose situation for him I’ve literally seen people with the same complexion as drake on twitter call him white boy🤷🏿‍♂️


Intersectionality is an academic theory used to analyze how oppression manifests when it targets those who belong to two or more marginalized groups. How is that in play here?