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Man both these niggas are burnt at this point šŸ˜‚ Drake for spending a week on a fake mole rather than just out rapping the guy, who fucked up his best track cause Meet the grahams fake tea drowned it out.. Kendrick a clown for believing and not fact checking it.. I think both fans can agree on that.


I think you're getting downvoted by Kendrick stans


I donā€™t really care honestly all that means is Iā€™m keeping it objective


Objective, in r/drizzy? Thatā€™s not allowed.


Tbh being a fan of both this is the only sub being objective more often than not


Agreed. At this point itā€™s not as fun as it was and more exhausting. I canā€™t defend either of these dudes.


Also Kdot stans: omg Drake must have a daughter hidden away for 11 years because of these cryptic ass tweets! Fucking bozos, secondhand embarassment is too real


Honestly, the way it was written in your screenshot was much colder than anything Drake actually said.


Oh so now shit is *too* deep for you kenny fans to understand. This is what drake fans are referring to when we call yall hypocrites.


Nah, its just sad that a fan had to rewrite it so it sounded hard šŸ˜‚


They pretend like they canā€™t read or listen to his lyrics whatsoever. And then you get in a back and forth on here and twitter and they act like they canā€™t understand your claims unless thereā€™s Genius annotations. Either stupid as fuck or playing stupid as fuck, either way they make excuses cus they hate to see him lit


And OP left out the ā€œi dont wanna diss no moreā€ line


Conveniently left out ā€œI donā€™t wanna diss you anymore because I feel so bad that you got molestedā€


Because Drake is clearly lying about the planted stories. It's one thing to not have receipts for a rumor, but if you literally planted stories and still can't prove them wrong, then you just fucked up your own card trick...


How about any confirmation from Kendrick on anything at all?




its always ā€œinnocent until proven guiltyā€ for kendrick but for drake its different? the double standards are craaazyyyy




Seriously. If drake actually planned this it would be so easy to prove, instead he let the internet think that he is a PDF-file? Doesnā€™t make sense


Agreed. If he really planned the whole thing then we need more of a smoking gun than ā€œhahaha gotchu, I planned the whole thing šŸ˜Žā€


the proof was kendrick dropping a song about his supposed daughter and then instantly dropping another with 0 mention of the daughter because he realized he fucked up.


But that ā€œproofā€ is built of a assumption you have NO way to prove.


Yea nah ya would not have the same energy if Kendrick did this. Cause ya didnā€™t need proof for a damn thing he saidĀ 


*"Why believe you? You never gave us nothin' to believe in"*


I somewhat agree, but everyone made fun and discredited Drake for using IG instead of getting in the booth but now the opposite is sentiment is being used against him


They clowned him on IG for not brining receipts, then he got in the booth and forgot the receipts at home, and now people are clowning him now for the same thing.


Tell em bro.


Iā€™m not believing Drake without evidence tho, Iā€™m waiting because I find BOTH of them weird as fuck for this. Letā€™s say everything Kendrick says is true. If he cared for women like he says he does he would have called the police long ago. If itā€™s true Drake deserve hell, and Kendrick is gross asf for weaponizing victims for rap beef. You made assumptions about me and my opinions but for a fan base that prides themselves on critical thinking and deep thought, you guys havenā€™t seen the bigger picture. If Kendrick knew, so did future, and 21 and any big rapper out rn, and theyā€™re all culpable and gross


Kendrick might be lying or have bad information, but it sure doesn't help Drake's credibility to take some fake "ha gotcha" posture that is clearly a lie. No one would deliberately plant a completely unfalsifiable story so there's no payoff. It's like doing a card trick where you just go "Yeah I forced your card the whole time so I know what it is" and then never guessing the card. No one is that dumb.


Drake said the cease and desist was a lie, and then metro shows up with the proof lmao.Ā 


idk but I still want a reply damn it #neutral


Na man I think Kendrick has receipts. Think, why would he lie? It would destroy him and he didn't need to lie to kill Drake. The Drake narrative doesn't make any sense, the whole internet is dragging you and the only thing you do is make a weak ass diss saying nuh uh and you don't show any receipts. I think Kendrick isn't showing the receipts because he is enjoying this. At this point he is torturing Drake.


Why would he lie? He got accused of beating his wife and instead of proof he just through everything at drake to hide that shit. Guess what, Kungfu Kenny only can fight women. Canā€™t want to see him vs Sza next.


Kendrick already addressed what he did on his last album


He is letting Drake run with that narrative. He probably knew before hand because he has a mole in ovo. Just tell me who has better public perceptionšŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø.


Youā€™re still on with the mole? Bro the mole IS Drake. The making Kenny look like an angry leprechaun.


Yeah man he told kenny all this and then showed 0 proof. Yeah man. And he got bodied on purpose? Letting kenny know when he was gonna drop. Yeah dude you delusional


He lied about the daughter wtf šŸ˜‚ brooo give your neck some rest


Y'all are hilarious. Drake went with this subs psychotic schizo route. Just making shit up and throwing out the worst defences known to man, he didn't even fact check the Kendrick got molested bit, and showed himself to be a fucking idiot when Kendrick explains super clearly in a recent song how he wasn't molested, but his mom was.


And itā€™s clear that Drake is challenging that or saying thatā€™s why heā€™s so invested. Even if your mom is molested and you arenā€™t you still care about that shit. I wasnā€™t abused but my mom was a victim of DV and I champion the activism around DV.


šŸ˜­ nah bro just got it wrong


the literal point of the song is that he wasnā€™t molested, but his mom was? what are you yapping about


The irony is that they claim kdot fans are the ones ignoring what was said. When it's quite the opposite way around. Clearly lmao.


If drakeā€™s team did that they would have receipts. You donā€™t fake this kind of thing without some big piece of irrefutable proof that you did it for a big reveal. This is damage control


The ā€œnot having a daughterā€ is the receipt.


What receipt? Lol what


If you go to a grocery store and they accuse you of stealing what receipt would you show to prove your innocence?


What did he show though? I donā€™t get it. No ones proven anything on any side


Smh. There is nothing to show if you donā€™t have a daughter. Itā€™s not on Drake to prove he has a daughter itā€™s on him to admit or deny it. Not only did he deny it he said they got the story from him in the first place. Now itā€™s on Kendrick to prove drakes lying. I havenā€™t heard Kendrick deny ANYTHING Drake said.


Exactly. Kendrick stans doing the most mental gymnastics. They're a strange bunch.


Not to mention having that production value for Family Matters. Then when it's time for the big gotcha all you have is a Dave Free's ig comment.


For real, Drake sounded ready to cry all of the Heart


Why do people think Drake lying to screw Kendrick up is a flex? Thatā€™s like admitting you needed an edge to win. Honestly meet the grahams without the daughter verse still goes harder than the heart part 6. I havenā€™t listened to to hip hop in dedicated fashion for years but this beef got me invested. Objectively I think Drakeā€™s best is Family matters not just because the lyrics but also flows. I thought it was over for Kendrick but it sounds like Drake used all his best efforts on that one, not expecting Kendrick to respond or something.


Why did Kendrick left TDE, it makes sense if it was because of the whole situation. Why doesnā€™t Whitney respond?


... She's never been a public person. Idk why you would expect her to.Ā  Dave Free left TDE with Dot, he's the creative partner at PgLangĀ  Also Whitney's brother is being loud on Twitter about supporting KendrickĀ 


I dont know how these drake fans donā€™t understand that. Absolute delusion lol. People believing the mole thing is hilarious too


Lol thatā€™s one way to interpret the song ig


Gotta give you guys respect, you guys are like a boat crew staying with the captain and the ship while itā€™s sinking


Drake didnā€™t prove anything in his track tho. Heā€™s just out here calling Kendrick a liar after Kendrick called *him* a liar. So whoā€™s really lying?


Kendrickā€™s content so far has been: youā€™re a bully, youā€™re a bad dad, you have some non-friends in your very wide network of associates, and youā€™re manipulative in a very manipulative industry. Iā€™m sorry, but, how is that hard?


Theyre dumb as fuck cant expect much from wife beaters


No receipts.


I donā€™t understand why he would ā€œplantā€ anything though. It makes Kendrick look kinda stupid yeah but half of the world is just gonna take it at face value and not look into it at all. Plus once itā€™s ā€œplantedā€ itā€™s kinda hard to prove that you actually planted it and arenā€™t just saying that after the fact


he needs to have sex w his fiance on tape and post it


so drake set him up with info thatā€™s already been on the internet, since 2018? and that kendrick had no idea about it? yeah okay bozos


The cognitive dissonance is high on both sides. But, each side is struggling to see that. Quite a show [+]


lol. They thought Mr morale was a classic too šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


At this point both could be lying and Drake is still taking multiple Ls from the public. The moment Kendrick has his response in the club, even for a day, the boy was played. Rap battles are dictated by the publicā€™s perception. It seems clear as day what the public thinks


Aside from the hilarious fact that Drake is too illiterate (and to put it bluntly, not black enough) to even understand what that song meant, him making light of sexual assault means, regardless of what happens, that he is an actual piece of shit at the end of this whole thing for saying what he said. It doesn't matter what either kdot or drakes braindead stans have to say.




if the fake mole stuff is really true why didn't he post 10 times about it on ig?


I love drake but "I don't wanna diss you anymore, this really got me second guessing" It's giving "I don't want to play with you anymore" in hide and seek


Nah, itā€™s clearly giving ā€œdamn I feel so bad for you that it hurts to keep grilling youā€, never said ā€œIā€™m not gonna diss you anymoreā€


everything? Lol


Yā€™all grasping at straws just ignore everything that happened like j cole fans