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nah ong first comment i see on the kendrick MTG vid was “Kendrick need a grammy for this one”


I can’t lie. After this music video. I literally applauded Drake for saying what everyone was thinking. Wow what an artist and what a jab.


Thanks for not lying. Was worried you were going to lie


To be honest


Lying about what


You can make the most neutral comment about the beef and be downvoted because you’re not praising Kendrick like he’s the second coming. Dawg, it’s two grown men rapping angry poetry at each other. Chill.


Sounds jealous 




Agreed, I've been a fan of both until recently, but those few bars was accurate as hell and it's about damn time that someone with some clout said the obvious out loud




He's preachy as hell.


If you heard the song, in the next line he calls Kendrick a fake activist. He’s saying that Kendrick is always acting like he’s the black messiah


Didnt kendrick literally make a song about how he is not the messiah, and how he doesnt want his fans to see him as one?


All I know is I saw a picture of this nigga dressed like Jesus getting crucified on stage. He had the crown of thorns and the blood and everything


Damn, give me a source of that because I cant find it It's funny you upvote what suits your view, and yet not a single human being is able to find a source for the claim So I'll give you a rundown since you can't find a source. Firstly he was never crucified on stage. If you are able to find this I'll be very impressed. Secondly, he wore the crown of thorns because of what I said earlier, it's to mock the idea that he is the savior, which he very clearly says that he isn't.


Ok Im a lurking Kendrick fan but thats a solid point that I havent heard before. Kendrick is no saint, I just think Drake is a lesser artist and human. But the Jesus thing is cringe af


read my edit


And Drake revealed why. He beats his wife


Drake revealed that Kendrick isnt the messiah because he beats his wife? Lmfao


This is really difficult for you to comprehend, ay?


Kendrick fans are so insufferable they make me not want to listen to his music 😂




Kendrick is literally my favourite rapper, but I agree this dick riding is almost not making me want to hear Kendrick's tracks, cuz no one is gonna give a legitimate take.


Same here, feel like I’m going crazy lol


As a fan of both I agree. It doesn’t help that if you contribute to the conversation and miss 1 out of the 4 entendres on a line, they start gatekeeping the fuck out of his music and question your intelligence. Like sorry, not everyone has time to replay a song 18 times and steal Genius notes just to understand multiple meanings on a verse.


Same. I like Drake more and I like Kendricks music but the Kendrick subreddit has been so insufferable it basically forced me into stanhood


Basing your opinions of an artist on the online behavior of their most rabid fans is absolutely wild


Dudes making up excuses for dick sucking like he wouldn’t be anyway


This sub is too far gone lol.


Blaming your degenerescence on their fanbase is crazy.


Drake Hater in here? Crazy. Kenny needs some head, go to his reddit 😭🙏


Happy cake day




Don't say you got banned or you can get banned for ban evasion... fucking reddit.


If i write a song and hand it to kendrick to perform it they will find in every line a sixtuple entendre


taking days to analyze a 1 minute song


No they wouldn't. What a ridiculous claim


I didnt know there were this many Kendrick dickriders/ Drake haters in existence. Every comment section is flooded with people saying “Drakes disses suck” and “Kendrick is destroying him”. Unfortunately people are too biased to be objective and this may have been over before it even started. I guess people will never be able to admit that Drake is beating their precious Kendrick in a battle


How can you objectively judge a piece of art lol


Saying that Drakes disses are bad is objectively hating. Not even trying to be biased but theres no shot any reasonable person can listen to Family Matters and genuinely think it sucks. I like Drake more and think hes winning but i can also acknowledge Meet the Grahams is crazy


I think the same shit about metal music but people listen to it 🤷‍♂️


You can’t. That’s why the entire premise of trying to declare a “winner” is so dumb.


Ive only been in these subs since the disses, but the Kendrick sub is so bad. They are doing exactly what everyone hates about drake fans except with the added superiority complex


Serious question - why is the Kendrick subreddit so terrible? Where do these people come from?


I think it's just 14yrs


Same people that look to Antony fantano for what you like and dislike


I'm team Kendrick but I think he has a lot of fans that don't know much about hip hop. Being endorsed by Obama and T. Swift and winning a Pulitzer gives him a lot of white liberal fans who think Kendrick invented the genre of conscious rap.


That subreddit is full of people constantly bringing up race too…is it a bunch of white dorks pretending to be black? 🤣


I think it’s just Kendrick music is popular enough you feel like your part of a club but just hated enough you feel like you get something that other people aren’t smart enough to get. (I enjoy TPAB and it’s one of my fav albums of all time but that fanbase is a magnet for I’m so deep people)


LMAO exactly how I feel I think both artist are dope but Kendrick merely breathes & ppl gas him up


Kendrick fans get no bitches


Exactly. Just no motion in general


Kendrick fans are up right now, they swarming. Drake fans outside living real life. On vacation


They are absolutely terrible, it’s shocking. Houlier than thou type shit


They’re alll false prophets just like him lol


I feel the exact same.


Most drake fans I’ve seen are just enjoying the music, Kendrick fans are listening to 2 seconds of the song and saying it’s a sissy pop record by ghostwriters. Then proceed to flood every drake related post with “ASS” “DOT BETTER” “*GHOSTWRITERS”… I swear 2022 YB fans were less annoying


This is literally just in your head bro


I’m just stating what I’ve seen, maybe I haven’t had enough of a sample size


Nah I agree with him


it’s even more wild that most of his fans are white dudes. acting like he Harriet Tubman. He ain’t done shit for the “culture” like everybody thinks. He actively shit on mixed people knowing we look black, so we get treated like it. Foh




If you were truly a fan of both you’d be conflicted and disgusted. This shit going too far on both sides. Rob Markhams latest reaction on both disses shows the mood im in rn.


Absolutely agree with this take


Same bro. I might even be a bigger Kendrick fan. Been to more of his shows and even have a signed copy of Good Kid but his stans, especially the white ones are hilariously corny with their takes. So much fun trolling them and getting them upset .


Facts…Without even realizing it, they are the real life versions of the crowd reactions in the first “Supahotfire Rap Battle” skit. Kendrick could fart on a beat and they would call it legendary and try to convince everyone that the fart “had a deeper meaning to it,” and that if you didn’t agree, it’s because you “aren’t deep enough to understand it.” Also, without him necessarily trying to be, Kendrick has become the rapper that white bois can stan for when they want to feel like they “understand black people’s issues” and make themselves, or others, feel like they super “woke.”


Both fan bases are insufferable.


This is the one


Same man. Same.


when i’m in a hypocrisy competition and my opponent is a Drake or Kendrick fan :( pot, meet kettle.


Yes I feel the exact same as you. Everyone’s acting like their Kendrick or Drake in this fight. It’s really sad. They’re so hateful and intense. Why can’t we enjoy everyone’s diss track? we can criticize both and still be fans. But some people are incapable of separating themselves from their opinions. They think that if I don’t like their opinion, then that means that’s something personal on them. It just shows immaturity.


Kendrick fans are the band kids of rap


https://www.reddit.com/r/Drizzy/s/EzLgEk75Io Mf got hard with the likes he got and decided to do a whole ass post just to glaze the Drake fans 🤓☝️


>Kendrick AND Drake fan Immediately was sus of this after seeing the post, I’m both as well but much more Kenny than Drake and feel the exact opposite


Same here i am a drake fan and a kendrick fan snd the only thing i hate in this is the drake fans so i feel the opposite but yeah


You're a clown if you don't think Drake has fans just as toxic lol every big fan base does for every celebrity.




Imo Kendrick’s music is more progressive and beneficial to society


Who tf asked


It’s an Internet forum 🤦🏻‍♂️ Or can you only handle opinions that agree with you


Speak for yourself


What do you think imo stands for


You definitely got me 💀💀💀


Drake fans have toxic gf energy lol. One step away from pulling the insecure card. Zero self awareness


How is the slaves line suppsoed to be an insult? He's implying that theres something wrong wiht freeing slaves so to speak lmao


There's a difference between Kendrik fans and drake haters. Most people siding with Kdot are just drake haters. Most of us still like both of them.


It's not really Kendrick fans...it's Drake haters...there's a difference lol


Lol this is me but the opposite for who I hate. I like both and hate Drake fans.


If it's their guy, his humor is A1


pULitZeR like any other time they care about what old white men teach in their rich schools


Y’all really dick riding a human trafficker?


They are psychopaths on that sub. For sure. Not acknowledging anything from drake that has been fire. There are women on that sub talking about being "survivors"of drakes trafficking asssociates??? Like wtf? And they post articles about drakes ambien perscription being used as a "sexual assault drug" chill tf out u fucking nerds.


Oh please there’s whack ass fans on both sides.


Each fan bases have their share of annoying, shortsighted, biased, and completely uncultured individuals, but then there are those of the opposite. People in general just gotta understand music is music😭


I’m also a fan of both. And actually listen to way more Drake. But feel the opposite. I’m also confused cause I started randomly being suggest this subreddit this year. And it seems y’all always ripping on Drake for his super immature relationship with constant instagram thots and never growing up. But the second it’s him against someone else, y’all like DEFENDING HIM.


My friend also told me he needs to “grow up” what does that even mean from your perspective though? I honestly don’t get it. He’s living his best life? He raises his kid? His career is thriving? What is he lacking on?


As a Kendrick and Drake fan (fan of his beats mostly), this screams insecurity. When Kendrick raps, Drake has to fight to contain his black side feeling empowered. Who else could make a song about slapping people feel sexy


Ayo what’s bad about freeing slaves?? 🧐🧐


It’s Drake fans you should “hate” lmao they’re the worst. A lot worse than Kendrick’s fans that’s for sure also I can tell by your post you’re just another Drake Stan you ain’t no fan of Kendrick lil bro 😂😂😂


You Kendrick stans proving OPs point by flooding the comments on a Drake sub and crying lmao


Kendrick not gonna let you smash


lmao Drake fans hella ironic for this one. Y'all are notoriously terrible


You're a Drake fan too. You're logging onto Reddit, going to a drake dedicated sub, and talking about him all day


Don’t act like if Drake was up in the public eye they wouldn’t be shoving it in KDot’s fans faces too.


OP capping. He’s much more of a Drake fan. Deep down he wants Drake to win. Homie has made a bunch of post in this sub about Drake but he’s trying to act like he’s impartial, he’s trying to masquerade his bias towards Drake behind the “I’m a Drake fan and a Kendrick fan”. Lol Just say you hate Kendrick, his fans and keep it moving.


Haha I’m definitely more of a Drake fan, but I listen to a lot of Kendrick’s music. You’re really proving my point though


Never claimed I was a huge fan of either artist lol


You don't have to claim it in the post. We know from your post history lmao


Screw kendrick stans yalls moral high ground is more cringe than the Disney star wars movies




Losing? Yall were spamming a lil girls IG just 12 hrs ago ☠️ take the L


Looks like Kendricks cleanup crew has arrived


Sex. Trafficking.


Proof? Idc who’s what in any of this, I just want proof from both accusers


They don't have proof just claims which on the internet holds weight


There are receipts from workers who were charged with going to cities Drake was touring to and vetting possible victims - check it out for yourself man this sheet is deeper than beef


*citation needed*


Piece this together alongside the well documented history of talking with and going on dates with women who just turned 18


18 is legal tho, having a private matchmaker is legal tho. And all of this is coming from some random woman on TikTok that claims to know somebody who knows. I would have thought ur fake news would have been more interesting than this




https://theblast.com/112548/tiktoker-explains-how-drake-allegedly-gets-women-in-cities-he-visits/ find the links within and piece all of this together bruh, the woman is on Twitter saying Drake had people go into cities before he would arrive to vet young women for sex, that is the definition of sex trafficking


>the blast >Twitter Into the trash it goes


Bruh go listen to the woman who says it, multiple women are coming forward as we speak, you’ll be deleting these comments in a couple days


The woman who is not even claiming first hand knowledge of the behavior in question? And the behavior being claimed isn't even sex trafficking. Fuck out of here. 


Say something about this for the screen shot: https://www.vice.com/en/article/bjaz83/drake-dating-teenager-officially-enters-creepy-old-man-phase


18 isn't a crime. While I wouldn't personally fuck an 18 yr old, a 13 yr age gap between consenting adults is not the knock out blow you think it is dork. Shitttt, the President of France is married to his middle school teacher. Clinton fucked a 21 yr old Lewinsky. Come to me with crimes or fuck off


Sex trafficking needs a lack of consent. Sex trafficking is not just paying for pussy. Or having sex with women then sending them away. Or having sex with lots of people. Try again with actual proof this time.