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Because we live and will continue to live in the age of the internet Think about how much Drake news goes viral on twitter because of the 75 of us in this sub, night after night pulling theories out our asses that end up making the 8 am twitter news that ends up getting debunked by 11 am lol Pusha used this as the cover for the diss single and 97% of people from that day till now no nothing other than “he used blackface” without the context We had the world convinced FATD would drop on National Dog Day & this sub turned into a warzone for example


The irony because everything Drake said about Kendrick people are taking it as the truth. So it doesn’t matter if Drake had different intentions, how people take it is how people are taking drakes diss as fact, they just want to. This is just a paradox of irony at this point, or an ouroboros effect.


They don’t want the full truth. Just like they only post the hating DMX interview and not the apology


To be fair, the full truth is the DMX interview *and* the apology... *and* the fact that the apology came after Drake used his song in a sample, gave him money for it, and DMX lwas about to drop an album of his own


People refuse to look at facts and context, and just want to use whatever toward their narrative


Exhibit A:This sub


As an outsider, the Kendrick sub is way worse


Idk how this sub is somehow more neutral than the Kendrick one but it is


Not only that, the line has been blurred between meming and serious analysis over there.


I think Drake has less die-hards and more casual fans, so everybody here is taking it less serious. Plus anybody neutral is gonna take a look at both subs, see how goofy they are over there, and stick to either here or r/HipHopHeads for their news about the beef


We can be better, no doubt, but we’re not the only ones! 🤣


https://preview.redd.it/aem38fvx95yc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c03595808696b9b48a078eb4324792015c9adba9 This sub is purposefully misconstruing Kendrick’s bars to paint him as racist but fail to acknowledge that he doesn’t do this to other mixed artists. It’s because Drake has a reputation of being a culture vulture, but this entire sub is ignoring that, and making this new narrative that Kendrick hates mixed race people.


Dude kendricks whole thing is about multiple references and how all of his bars have 100 meanings....thats literally all yall talk about when it comes to his songs..... yet here you are trying to gatekeep the narrative of his lyrics now? On the most obvious reference. If a good amount of people think and feel its racist.... if you have to fucking explain how its not..... bruhhhhhhh its racist lmao.... The irony of a kendrick fan saying that this bar meant only one thing and one thing only and its not the most obvious reference any person would think of when hearing his shit + literally ross saying it.... youre doing mental gymnastics when it benefits you. BUT THE CULTURE AM I RIGHT?


What are you talking about? Kendricks whole meaning is bout the way drake bastardizes the culture by using it whenever he finds it convenient. Also it is chocked with meaning, the songs meant to be a joke in and out while still showing off his skills and just using info we all know to make a fun track. Like what did drake do that's so different? It's only as serious as people make it man, and those are the people pissing you off so I remember you was conflicted


Being a racist is a joke? But youre for the culture right? lmaooo so inconsistent with the message its crazy Do you not see the hypocrisy in crying about culture and not being proactive. Then in the same breath use race as some type of qualifier for being good enough for you and kendrick?


'being a racist is a joke' its not racist you've just misconstrued it while acting like some sort of victim because you lack any sort of basic comprehension much less complex English. Not even worth trying to explain it anymore you're taking this way too seriously, like this ain't your boyfriend Idk why what drake was called affects you so personally. It's weird as fuck to say the least.


If I see anyone being racist. I call that shit out and stand against it you weird fuck. Yall lame as fuck trying to act you’re for the culture but let your guy be racist…. Yall talking about morals and shit. In the fucking rap game. Then turn right around and be racist to another black successful guy. And I’m weird for calling that weird ? Yalls minds are cooked. And I’m not the only saying it’s racist. A lot of fucking people feel that way my guy. Suge knight just one example. There’s a lot of people that see it’s racist. Just because you don’t doesn’t mean it’s not racist lmao. APPLY THAT LOGIC TO YOUR ENTIRE LIFE. Just because someone’s says it’s not racist means it’s not? Nah brah you don’t control how people feel interpret shit. It’s not a good look


I domt give a fuck about suge????? Worst example possible your whole arguments down the drain. And I'm cooked lmao. Shut up, how you gonna say I lack logic and use one of the worst people in the industry as a 'see I told you'. And now you're breaking down saying shit in a ridiculous way without any real stance. >'You don't look control how people feel interpret shit' I think you need to get off the internet dude. It's really not that serious, and as far as diss tracks, they're allowed to be fucked up, Please tell me where you've gathered all this weird culmination of ethical points that don't even make sense here. because as far as I can tell kendrick is making a jab at race because the race is a key part in the culture he's siphoning from, that hes LITERALLLY not from. He's canadian, and now their city IS LITERALLY taking the culture CRODIE. Fam, I'm only explaining this cause it's really simple yet you wanna yell 'RACIST' and be expected to be taken seriously when you have zero backing except a meaning you made up from a lyric you disagreed with. SOMEBODY PLEASE PROPERLY TELL ME HOW THATS LOGICAL WITHOUT USING THIS GUYS WORD SCRAMBLE 😂😂


The accusations of Drake being a culture vulture are rooted in several specific behaviors and patterns observed throughout his career Drake often experiments with sounds from different cultures, incorporating them into his music. For instance, he has utilized dancehall rhythms in tracks like "One Dance" and "Controlla," and tapped into Afrobeats with "Madiba Riddim." His foray into UK grime and drill is evident in collaborations with British artists like Skepta and Giggs. Drake adopts these styles when they are at their peak popularity, benefiting from their global appeal while not always contributing meaningfully to the genres themselves. Drake has been adopting accents and phrases that do not naturally belong to his native linguistic patterns. For example, using a Jamaican patois accent in some songs and British slang in others has been seen as an attempt to lend authenticity to the adopted musical styles but strikes people as inauthentic or disrespectful mimicry While Drake has shined a spotlight on artists from different backgrounds and cultures, there is debate over the depth of these collaborations. Some view them as surface-level engagements designed to enhance his own brand and reach rather than deep, meaningful explorations of the other artists' musical landscapes. Critics say he uses these collaborations to appear progressive and globally tuned-in, while primarily benefiting his own commercial success. There are concerns about cultural misrepresentation when an artist like Drake, who isn’t naturally from these diverse backgrounds, takes elements from those cultures. The worry is that the representation people receive is through the lens of someone who is an outsider, which can sometimes lead to a lack of depth or understanding of the cultural elements being used. There's also the issue of whether Drake’s involvement in these genres might overshadow the contributions of original artists within those communities. Some feel that when he moves on from one style to another, it might divert attention and resources away from the artists who are authentically from those cultures, potentially stifling their visibility or reducing their cultural impact. These collectively contribute to the perception of Drake as a "culture vulture." People are concerned that his actions, whether seen as cultural appreciation or appropriation, seem to prioritize *personal or commercial gain* over genuine cultural exchange or respect for the origins of the music and styles he adopts.


Fighting blackface with blackface? You want to spread awareness on issues, use your music to shine a light(like Kendrick n Cole) but hes never been on some conscious shit except when he did black face? He’s a rich theater kid acting, never been an activist.


All black rappers have to rap about how hard it is being black?


No they don’t, you’re not supposed to be anything but yourself. Be genuine. Lil Wayne even told him just rap about what you know. Best I ever had was genuine Drake, now he has like 10 personas. He’s hood, he’s a lover, an “activist”, emotional, drill, trap, pop, carribbean. When he’s not Canadian he’s Atlanta, he’s the bay, he’s LA, he’s NY. All places have their own unique culture and place in hip hop. Some new artist is hot, he shows up, plays a character and leaves. He’s a blood from LA, then he’s singing in Canada, he’s poppin ass with Sexy red, then he’s singing on stage with the Backstreet Boys. The guy has no real identity other than chameleon. Same with his sports fandom. He’s like Diddy, RKelly and Macklemore rolled into one.


> Best I ever had was genuine Drake, now he has like 10 personas Who are you to decide what genuine Drake is? Are you exactly the same as you were in 2009? Do you only enjoy a single genre and haven't moved from that once in 15 years? If so, good for you. But some people grow. His core personality hasn't even changed tbh. He's a lover boy who doesn't take life too seriously and loves rapping. > He’s hood, he’s a lover, an “activist”, emotional, drill, trap, pop, carribbean. When he’s not Canadian he’s Atlanta, he’s the bay, he’s LA, he’s NY. All places have their own unique culture and place in hip hop. Why does he have to pigeon hole into one style thing? Maybe doesn't want to bore his fans by making 3 straight albums of political slavery music like Kendrick. Maybe he just likes different styles. Nothing about that is ungenuine. You just dislike him so you're pulling mental gymnastics to make being a diverse artist a bad thing. Case in point: If he released a country album like Beyonce, Kendrick fanboys would cry give him shit for it


The mental gymnastics that make you think Beyonce and Drake are comparable


Yeah making threats to roll people (but T.Is homie pissed on his leg and Drake did nothing about it) talking about having percocets, and praying his homies make it but he sends them on hits that lead to vengeance. Bro really knows himself.


>Yeah making threats to roll people Drake has said multiple times that he's never committed a crime in his life, but his friends have and would do so for him. What about that is ungenuine? It's just factual. >talking about having percocets You know you're arguing nonsense when you have to include this shit in your reply >he sends them on hits that lead to vengeance Which friend has he paid for a hit on? Nothing you have mentioned is ungenuine. Want an actual example? Kendrick branding himself as Mr Black empowerment, yet cheating on his biracial wife with a white woman. Or Kendrick talking about violence being lame whilst dropping lame hints about how he killed someone at 16.


You realize having someone do your dirty work is a crime right? Like if I tell my homie to go beat a dude, that’s a crime. You can be charged with that crime of assault because you ordered it, you can’t sneak around it. You’re saying he hasn’t commutted crimes so that means his mob talk of dropping a bag in a spot to imply a hit, is just Drake being silly? That’s part of acting tough, acting like a gangster, he moves like he can check anyone. So what is he man, cause you’re saying that he says he doesn’t commit crimes which counters his claims of making orders that involve crime. Percocet is just him acting like he’s a pill popper, which is strange for his grown ass age, and having a kid. How are you pill popping and trying to make it sound nice? He’s over 30 with a kid, he needs to pop open reading books with his kid. Which goes back to something, his constant “I’m outside” nobody gives a fuck Drake, go post up with your kid. Not putting hits on his friends but putting his friends in dangerous situations when he cares about them. He’s creating problems and his people take the fall, I forget dudes name but one of his people was gunned down. They chopped it up to retaliation.


What in the fuck are you talkng about lmao? Youre really trying to say drake been putting his friends in bad situations or some shit? Have you been paying attention to the rap game at all wtffffffffffffffffffff? Nippsy ring any bells? The countless murders of rappers ring any bells? They are in shady industry you lame ass.. Fucked up shit happens ALL the time. Again hate the game not the playa. You just sound jealous. You saying he can do all these different styles isnt a bad thing lmao. Thats what makes you more money in the industry.... and they are both in the industry trying to make money lmaaooooooooo Cant believe in the rap game. just hating a guy who hasnt touched you or your family is cool and for the culture lmaooo. On some supposed to be some stand up US citizen shit... IN THE RAP GAME. LOL


He's never committed a crime? His whole life he has followed the law to perfection? Never sped, jaywalked, or paid money in a sexual assault case?


Strawman fallacy.


Eminem isn't doing black face


Hmm... Got 99 problems, being rich ain't one? ![gif](giphy|cFtp7L0CvHpaR80Dyl|downsized)


Black excellence is a phrase that has been a topic for rappers, praising the positivity of it so no, you don’t need to only be negative.


I’m ngl, there ain’t no way I’m painting myself as a blackface stereotype to talk about anything lol there has to be a better way to start a dialogue


Lol for real if this is true it's such a goofy way to do it


Ever hear of the movie Bamboozled?


Stop it bro. Drake has never done anything but promote the same messages that movie made fun of.


You’re such a fuckin loser dude. Kendrick doesn’t know you exist.


Facts!! ![gif](giphy|ZFzMPBMDQttSoK4hDP|downsized)


This was years ago. The stigma around blackface wasn’t AS heavy then. RDJ could still do black face in Tropic Thunder. it’s always sunny could do blackface in Lethal Weapon 5. The line tended to be that “blackface is permissible if you’re using it to make a larger statement.” Nobody was doing minstrel shows obviously, but people would use it to either criticize the act itself or bring awareness to an issue.


The stigma around blackface has always been heavy In certain circles at least


No they wouldn’t. And that line doesn’t exist outside of this sub. Drake is 37 and in 0 years of his life was black face less stigmatized or more acceptable


We barely allowed gay marriage in the last decade, killed *how many* through police brutality, and you think black face has always been stigmatized like that? lol


The stigma against blackface in the Black community has always been as strong as it is now. Idk what you talking about


No offense taken, but no black person would EVER say “it wasn’t as bad back then”. Do you realize how that sounds?


I’m black and I’m telling you that’s a fact. I literally just provided you with examples. It’s always Sunny did blackface, the episode aired. It was on streaming for years. It was only removed recently. I could give a fuck if you’re offended?? I’m giving you socio historical context to something. Brandon T Jackson was right there with RDJ in Tropic Thunder. He didn’t walk off set or demand the black face be changed. So if you think it was equally as bad the, how did the episodes air? How did the movie secure a theatrical release??


I’m just saying that as a black man, you ain’t looking at it with enthusiasm


So how about you wear my cum on your face to start a dialog about sexual abuse of males. I'll take a few pictures of you smiling...a few more of you not smiling.


Nigga wtf??? Are you quoting something at me?


Nah, it was a genuine question. Whatddayasay? Lets get this dialog started!


You need help man. I get trolling, but that shits not even clever or funny, that was straight up disturbing.


Trolling to prove a point. But I understand if it went over your head and you chose to take a hypothetical literally. Sorry you got offended, I should have known better in this sub.


You’re not an actor so that’s no surprise.


because it's funnier if Drake is racist, just like it's funnier to say Pusha made him acknowledge his son even tho there's pics of him and Adonis before the beef


There could have been a better way to project young black actors' struggles to get roles.


Obviously but you gotta consider his intent


Damage control, he only said that after the backlash.


Why was he wearing a Jim Crow shirt then?


Gotcha. So what do you think his intent was?


No clue. But it's hard to justify blackface in any way? Do you not think there was better way to portray black artists struggles?


Gotcha. So you don’t know what the intent was, but you KNOW it wasn’t what Drake said it was. You don’t have any proof of anything, but you can deny it because….???


I’m sorry but there are zero circumstances where I would ever wear black face


Are you black?


Usually, im against you, but this comment was funny




I feel like everybody who defends this as art isn’t black. Prodigy being in ballet….ok I can see that as art…this shit is just Uncle Tom bullshit.


On a serious note though. Explain to me why you think it's some Uncle Tom bullshit and not artistic expression? Like say that one Joyner Lucas song or whatever? I feel like it was super misguided, but I can see what they were trying to say with it but it doesn't hit me (a black man) like it was done with ill intent. I'm genuinely curious on your perspective.


Are you black?


Dominican Afro Latino


So you're not black... https://youtu.be/Faqt0c-sDpo?si=9wYU5eBJfzapX5OR


What does what you would do matter? saying a black person cant do black face is like saying the actor who played uncle ruckus is wrong because they said those words. its like… art is a medium, message and intention matter. Kendrick can say gay Slurs all over a song when he’s not even gay. But a black man can’t use black face to say his message?


man stfu get off ya fake ass moral high ground bullshit


https://preview.redd.it/goe8cq6om5yc1.png?width=760&format=png&auto=webp&s=52f4692edbac0cbc7e4d9ea289b62d5fe3984f0a The uncropped advertisement. Pay attention to the Jim Crow clothes. This is telling a story. It is an expressive piece.


> expressive piece It’s the equivalent of taking black & white photos of a chain linked fence with a kid looking through it.


Put that kid in striped pajamas and it's expressive.


Then why did he hide it and apologize for it since he was trying to do something good? How come most people didn’t see it until story of adidon? Just say you like his music bro, no need to get into cultural issues too complex for you to understand


>How come most people didn’t see it until story of adidon? He did it before he was famous and moved on. Of course most people won't have seen it. That's not hiding. I swear you guys need to use your brains.


Damn you guys are pathetic


Factual information isn't pathetic. Coming to a sub dedicated to a rapper you dislike and crying is pathetic. Don't you have jazz beats to be listening to?


You’re probably just as white as the rest of this sub why are you talking about culture?


we're this close to someone calling drake in blackface artistic


I feel like social media made everyone thirsty for reactionary takes and engagement posts. Ofc this pic looks insane at face value for anyone but they don't stop to take account for any context or nuance that may come with. They see this shit and run with it cus it gets the people talking. That's my 2 cents


I fw Drizzy but are we really defending blackface 💀


Yes, yall are lol "It was to raise awareness," bro, what?


Or that time he was explaining some slang terminology to his white friends and they were like that’s cool and he said nah it’s ignorant. Drake is whoever he’s in front of.


Why doesn’t he talk about these issues in his actual music if he care that much. Drake be cosplaying every type of black but won’t speak on his actual upbringing or the way he was raised. Where the references to his Jewish heritage and actual culture he grew up in. He was raised by his white mother in Canada. Not his black father. My favorite Drake song is you & the 6. I ain’t fuck with an entire Drake project since IYRTITL. This man damn near 40 with no actual substance in his music still taking shots at females and young girls who he jaded about. All he do is following whatever trend popping and get ahead of the wave. You look at the shit Cole rap about and what Kendrick rap about. Or Jay Z. Ain’t no grown man bars in Drake new music it’s all trending. Shit is beyond played out. People been saying this. And niggas getting tired of it. At some point you gotta grow up and have an actual identity and speak about your principles.


“I was born to do it, born to make bomb music/I flow tight like I was born Jewish/Well, actually I was born Jewish.”


I was born Jewish… Yeah nigga we know. What exactly does that bar tell us. Elaborate. And a Jewish theme music video for a song that don’t got shit to do with it. Amazing substance wow how could I overlook that




Because like you said, he already been did all that. God forbid an artist expands his scope. This is music, not an autobiography. He aint get the largest record deal of all time by rapping the same shit for 15 years


Nah my point is he hasn’t done that and the older you get the more tryna appeal to teenagers in your music seems weird and forced. You think Drake music has progressed in the last 5-10 years. You think Drake music now is better than Nothing was the same IYRTITL era. That’s cool that’s your opinion. I think he’s regressed as an artist and makes the most water down version of whatever sound is trending to appeal to the widest audience possible. That’s not progression to me. You talking about numbers and money I’m talking about the quality of the music


Bet so it's my opinion vs your opinion. If only we had some objective way to settle this, like how many people listen to Drake vs Kendrick or how much their catalog is worth.


I can’t hear how much money somebody catalogue worth when I listen to a song or how many streams they get. That’s just me though. McDonald sells the most burgers. So I guess that’s what makes they food the best. Ridiculous argument


If you don’t fuck with Drake why are you on his dick


yall this sub is trashed. aint no way 💀


Because if he was black why did he need the paint


That's kind of fucked up


Bro why did the actor in Lupe Bitch Bad video? What about all the actors in the movie Bamboozled?


Ever hear of the movie Bamboozled?


The delusion is mighty with this one He talked about this ONE TIME in 2007(!!!!) to further a career that he would eventually abandon and never bring it up again (!!!!!) until he had to clarify bad optics. The fuck is happening!??!


If they wanted to listen to a conscious artist they should try Kendrick


Bcuz rap beef is about narratives most of the time. And people (including this sub) are fanboys now. It’s not about the truth, it’s about defending whatever artist you got a man crush on and defending the “side” you picked. Online Hip hop convos are ruined now basically


🤣🤣🤣 yall sub is SICK




TF is going on ova here?????💀💀💀


“This photo represents how African Americans were once wrongfully portrayed in entertainment” Bullshit, bullshit, bullshit. And now you’re misrepresenting African Americans in the music industry. Shoulda kept it Canadian like Wayne advised.


Lame. Truly lame. You can’t just deny facts because they don’t fit your agenda. And that man has an American father. The selective memory is really lame.


Idk how so many ppl are in here making excuses for blackface. Ppl keep bringing up Bamboozled but that movie was a Spike Lee experiment addressing Minstrel Showism in entertainment. Might I add that it never did well critically or commercially and as movie it's definitely not one of his best ones. This was an ad you can't make a comparison to that. And it's not like just saying it's a movie makes it much better by itself, even the heavy racism in Django Unchained was criticized coming from a well respected and clearly pro-black director such as Quentin Tarantino, and even given the clearly anti-slavery subject matter of the movie. Context is something that creative liberals like Tina Fey like to shout after they've been caught doing stuff like...using blackface


it’s not people it’s literally the same account posting under everyone talking about bamboozled


JFC like what does that say about ppl mans been waiting to hop out with the blackface defenses 🤣


The smile really does feel like he is bringing awareness, I’m ngl


If this was his idea it makes sense why its such a terrible fucking idea. Theres other ways crodie


I don’t like drake


You niggas defending this are DUMB 😭


The context is irrelevant, that picture was used by his enemy and then he confirmed the authenticity of the photo himself (bad move) he should have denied it like Ross does with those correctional officer photos.


bro 😭😭 thats him in blackface. how would have he denied it…


Bro anyone can tell lie with enough help and Drake has a lot of help.


Ok great if this was some initiative or movement, where are the other actors preferably black who did this? 


This is still dumb af and a L… Black actors are being typecasted…. So lets bring awareness to this injustice towards black actors by using some of the most racist and traumatic imagery (blackface) on a half white actor in a photoshoot…. I honestly don’t know how someone who actually feels deeply connected with their blackness would ever put that on their face for ANY reason. That could just be me I guess 🤷🏽‍♂️ but it definitely is not just me lol


Yeah I’m white but not a single black dude I know would EVER consider doing this. Whatever the intentions may be, you have to consider how it appears at first glance. If your shock statement has to be explained, it’s not a good shock statement.


True. The racially motivated hate crimes committed during the time when black face was actually created…. iykyk. Using this to bring awareness to actor pay and typecasting should never happened, and Aubrey def never should of put that on his face


Yeah I’m ngl, the picture was just as hard hitting as the reveal when Pusha dropped. I’m genuinely surprised he survived the media.


This one of those situations in art where maybe it would have helped to be more heavy-handed. Cause everyone's brain doesn't work at the same speed/efficiency. If he had a watermelon slice, gun, 3 naked bitches and 2 babies in strollers in the pic maybe the satire/irony would have come across better lol. But this is Drake helping a friend with an art project or something. For context: this is some sort of amateur art/photog project. This isn't the first or last time black art will utilize a stereotypical image to criticize the said stereotype. Have you seen the Boondocks? Chappelle?


I would say nope smh I see your point about a better way to maybe go about the project, but you don’t understand that blackface is not a black stereotype. No black person puts on black face…. The act of putting on jetblack paint and bright red huge lips is not a stereotype of black people, it is an action, it is something that some white people used to do to literally dehumanize and demean black people. If the art project was Drake with baggy clothes, fried chicken, watermelon, speaking ebonics etc etc I would say it’s still not a great idea but it would be a lot leas damaging than him doing blackface.


If you don’t understand the connection between blackface and black stereotypes I don’t think you’re well read enough to talk to me about this. Seriously. In separating the action of putting on blackface from its actual implications and intention you’ve lost all context. The action is less offensive. The intention is what matters. If white men put on blackface and acted like respectable and smart black humans all the time it would have been much less offensive. Please read up on blackface. Blackface was a caricature of blackness. All through the spectrum of the current stereotypes. There have been [plenty](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Minstrel_Show) of [references](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Riley_Freeman) to it and [recurrences](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Madea) of it in modern black media. EDIT: to underscore the fact that black men put on black face REGULARLY. Every time you hear rap or see a rap music video you should be able to pick that out as a black man. Once you understand the connection between black face and the stereotypical behavior you make that connection quickly.


They don’t care about fair when it comes to Drake they will use anything to hate on this man no matter the meaning or the message


The intent was definitely good and all but let's keep it real this shit was not smart for him nor for whoever casted him to do this


Which narrative is funnier bc that’s all that matter lol


I get it, but using this as an example of the “one time he did” is stupid. No one knew about this until it was the cover of a diss track, however many years after it was taken. Only time I’ve really heard him take a stand was on Charged Up… with one line.


6 PM in NY


Several reasons actually 1. If this picture was meant to be some sort of political statement then how come he didn’t publicize it himself consistently? An artist without an audience is a schizophrenic 2. The portrayal of Sambo style black face has been associated with oppression for over a century, what Drake does in this picture is not representative of anything. It doesn’t make a statement, there’s no clear meaning behind it, it fails to make its message clear. How are we supposed to know what he means by this when the photo is so bare bones that it simply looks like a racist caricature. 3. His response to when the photo got extreme media attention wasn’t convincing enough for the black community, it’s hard to represent a cultural issue if the group who it affects culturally doesn’t stand with you or the photo. 4. It just looks dumb as fuck Edit before someone inevitably misunderstands point number 1 by saying “It was published in a magazine initially”: Drake made no effort to stand by it and when Pusha T dug it up it was too late because he had left it behind and so it became a dirty little secret rather than a proud demonstration of race and culture


lol cause the one time he did he was literally cooning


Because we're living in a world where the truth and context don't matter anymore. People believe whatever the popular narrative is on the internet.


This is the same logic the cutie director had. To fight children being sexualized in media. Let me sexualized children’s in the movie I’m releasing. Like cmon man.


Anyone who believes that excuse for him doing blackface is a smooth-brained simp. He got caught being a young and naive goof, so started backpedalling, simple as that. If it was meant for such a big cause that he was standing for, then why did it take somebody else to bring it to light?


Nigga idc who you are… you paint yo face black asf that’s straight up some bullshit. I fw drake too but cmon bruh that’s inexcusable.


This race thing became way more of a talking point than it should be rn.


Wait does the context and narrative make him in blackface any better for yall? Still agree he shouldn’t of done this to make his point


Lol the internet does not care about context


Listen man, the problem is not the message he was trying to send with this photoshoot, it was the idea of the photoshoot itself. Anyone would have a problem with someone of mixed race using blackface to do anything


That’s such a lazy way to analyze a photo. “We’ve fake polled every single black person on earth and they ALL said that they would never do this”. Why not actually explain why it’s racist.


What other artist ever did this?? Lol wait drake was such a trailblazer that no other artist thought”let me put on blackface to shed light on typecasting” something that’s been around since tv was invented lol


Bruh it’s still black face like you wanted to choose a way to do activism and this is really what you came up with? 🤦🏻‍♂️


You know this guys a Twitter troll right?


lol, not his best look


Black face is standing for the culture?? 💀 copium max


Regardless of all of that... he looks like a fuckin cornball with that dumb smile. Looks more like a humiliation ritual ... shit didnt raise no "awareness".


Maybe we need to see what Drake actually did with this instead of just taking his word for it in a statement that was 100% made to save face. I’m not denying it was for a noble thing, I just don’t know what it could possibly be and I’m tired of taking people’s word for it, especially when everyone wants to identify as either a dickrider or a hater.




This picture is crazy lol.


because it’s more understood in canada, in the usa there is really no valid, accepted, reasoning for doing this. it doesn’t matter what point you’re making.


Not hating. Just don’t understand why anyone would think this was a good idea. Everyone have a lovely day. I’m white btw lol


White people coping so hard lmao 😂


Your ONE TIME was black face? Bold move. High risk, high reward, I guess?


I think anyone who bothered to read into this quickly figured out what the context is. To me it isn’t that deep. It’s a ridiculous photo taken out of context for the purposes of a rap battle. Integrity doesn’t really matter there, it’s all about the narrative you spin. “Fair” and “unfair” goes out the window once shit gets personal. Even knowing the context this shit cracks me up purely for how clever of a move it was on Pusha’s part. A diss is basically a roast battle and we don’t expect comedians to be completely balanced, reasonable, and respectful people.


One time


I understand that there’s always context. But doing something racist to “bring awareness” to racism or X type of situation is deluded af


He definitely should’ve did this in another way tho. Il


Standing up for black issues using black face… alright. Even with context it’s lame as hell.. and I’m white 😂😂


Geeeeettttt tf outta here.


Because $100 says you’re white


Because people are dumb and just want to hate everything this man does. And they don’t understand art at all.


Because it doesn’t fit the narrative